検索結果 474 件
- 要約等This book deals with adoption laws and practices......ng an overview of relevant laws and practices......the book. Each of the following ......ers deals with adoption law and practice i......, with systems of adoption and its closest customary law equivalent ope......ed in a number of problems. Addi...... international law adds another layer of complexity. Si......ssion have a profound impact on local practices...
- 内容細目Anuleshni N Neelta, Adoption in Fiji Unaisi Narawa, Adoption in Nauru Eric ......than Onom, The Law of Adoption in Papua New G......Procedures for Adoption and 'Vae Tama'......nnifer Corrin, Adoption in Solomon Isl......nd Sue Farran, Adoption in Tonga Jenni......ue Farran, The Law on Adoption in Vanuatu.
- 件名Adoption--Islands of the Pacific. Adoption--Law and legislation--Islands of the Pacific. Adoption. Adoption--Law and legislatio......Ocean--Islands of the Pacific.
- 内容細目Adopting competition law in Asia : an i...... proliferation of competition law in Asia : from forced adoption to an integrat......se competition law in its own way......torical review of the AMA and it...... The evolution of fair and free competition law in the Republic of Korea / Yo Sop......ental contours of competition law : the experience of Taiwan / Andy ......an competition law : up for renew......as Competition law in Thailand : ......an operational law / Sakda Thanit......'s competition law adoption : from passive......uu Competition law in Singapore :......ng competition law and legal tran...... and prospects of China's anti-monopoly law / X...
- 件名Antitrust law--Asia. Competition, Unfair--Asia. Restraint of trade--Asia.
- 内容細目...cial construct Of adoption The domestic l......& intercountry adoption The adoption process, human......ny Japan China Adoption & human rights : national ten...
- 件名European Court of Human Rights. Adoption--Law and legislatio....... Intercountry adoption--Law and legislation. Human rights...
- 内容細目...The protection of the rights of persons with d......l human rights law before the adoption of the United Nat...... on the Rights of Persons with D...... on the Rights of Persons with D......ues Disability law and policy in ......European Union law Accessibility ......European Union law Disability law and policy in the Council of Europe Disability law and policy in ......tem Disability law and policy in the African hum...
- 件名Convention on the Rights of Persons with D......-Legal status, laws, etc. Capacit......-Legal status, laws, etc.--European Union countr...
- 要約等...es in the area of gender, sexuality and the law but also points the way for f...
- 内容細目... Sexuality and Law / Chris Ashfor......nd the pursuit of marriage equal......al recognition of adult relation......: the politics of gender, sexuality and the law in South Afric...... at the corner of poverty and se......and Article 12 of the European C......EU and Council of Europe movemen......rights and tax law : a comparativ......d consequences of informed conse...... 'That's a bit of a minefield' :......sa A. Baboolal Law, society and d......imhood and sex offences / Sharon......elation to the law / Ummni Khan M......ion / Thomas Crofts Regulating d...... : fragmenting law's 'family man'......lthcare rights of people living with HIV and AI...
- 件名Sex and law. Sexual minori......-Legal status, laws, etc. Homosexuality--Law and legislatio......nder identity--Law and legislatio......-sex marriage--Law and legislation. Homophobia.
- 要約等"The Laws of Hammurabi is one of the earliest law codes, dating ......he culmination of a tradition in......n a repertoire of traditional ca......ir. The scribe of the Laws of Hammurabi adva...... the structure of a royal inscri......ing to use the law code to demons......This tradition of scribal improv......ation on a set of traditional ca......tinued outside of Mesopotamia. I......enced biblical law and the law of the Hittite em......reek and Roman law. The Laws of Hammurabi is a......s to the start of another stream of intellectual t......nd the subject of formal commentaries, marking ...
- 内容細目The Stela of the Laws of Hammurapi and ......Representation of Political Powe...... Establishment of Justice The Laws of Hammurabi as a......ibal Education Adoption in the Laws of Hammurabi The ......egal Authority of the Laws of Hammurabi The Afterlife of the Laws of Hammurabi : The Continuation of Scribal Improv......sation Outside of Mesopotamia and the Creation of Commentaries in Mesopotamia C...
- 件名Code of Hammurabi--Influence. Law, Assyro-Babylonian--Sources. ...
- 要約等...Moreover, many of these developm......onitor sources of epidemic disea......and navigation of this new space......n appreciation of the complexity of these issues and multidiscipl...
- 内容細目...ven disruption of healthcare and......moting the use of PHR by citizen......ata Protection Law / Thomas Höre......nd Maurice Niehoff 7. AI technol...... The principle of transparency i......ata protection law : AI revolutio......t Borders? The law applicable to ......diness for the adoption of artificial int......the 'benefits' of eHealth : info......ies in the age of AI / Marc Stau......n implications of forensic genea......ook at the use of forensic genealogy in solving...
- 件名Medical informatics--Law and legislatio...... intelligence--Law and legislatio...... intelligence--Law and legislatio......l informatics--Law and legislation.
- 要約等...ional taxation of income sources......depth analysis of both sports law and international tax law, it is notably...... in the fields of international taxation of eSports, sport......l as illegal/unlawful income sour...... methodologies of income tax and......s the taxation of the services t......r the purposes of mega sporting ......ng the absence of an acceptable level of certainty in the field of taxation of international ...... to the future of international ......event taxation law. With internat......tax and sports law scholars"--
- 内容細目...nd main actors of international ......vents Main tax law concepts and m......nisms Taxation of commercial inc......vents Taxation of government fun......porting events Adoption of an 'International Sports Even...
- 件名Sports--Taxation--Law and legislatio......ses--Taxation--Law and legislatio......ses--Taxation--Law and legislatio......rts--Taxation--Law and legislation.
- 内容細目... and outline - Adoption of standard contract terms Adoption of a modification of standard contr......d construction of consumer contr......n Affirmations of fact and promi...... that are part of the consumer c......e rule Effects of derogation from mandatory pro...
- ジャンル・形式用語Restatements of the law Restatements of the law.
- 件名...dardized terms of contract--United States Law reform--United......umer contracts Law reform Standardized terms of contract United States
- 内容細目...esources Table of statutes Table of cases
- ジャンル・形式用語Restatements of the law.
- 件名Indians of North America--Legal status, laws, etc Indians of North America--Legal status, laws, etc.
- 内容細目Introduction to laws and policies ......energy Finance of renewable ener......ting voluntary adoption of renewable energy Other legal ...
- 件名Renewable energy sources--Law and legislatio......nergy sources--Law and legislatio......nergy sources--Law and legislatio......nergy sources--Law and legislation.
- 要約等"The Oxford Handbook of Children and the Law presents schol...... a broad range of topics coverin......he life course of humans from be......ng scholars in law, medicine, soc......actitioners in law and medicine. ......nal collection of authors presen......d analyzes the law and science pe......birth parents, adoption, the status of gamete donors,......on, regulation of private school......y; minimum-age laws; and child ad......n in depth the law and/or science......s, and finally offer arguments a......ndations as to law and policy in ......in vital areas of contemporary child welfare law and policy"--
- 内容細目Children and the Law : An Introduct......The Regulation of Reproduction a......ynn D. Wardle "Of Sound Mind and......e Neurobiology of Childhood Psyc......tion in Search of "Good-Enough" ......for Continuity of Care / Marinus...... Baker The ART of Parentage / Naomi Cahn Adoption Versus Alternative Forms of Care / Brian S......n Race and the Adoption of Children / Ral......ena Protection of the Health of Newborns : Wha......shment and the Law in Global Pers......et How Federal Laws Pertaining to......ildren Because of Their Relation......ging Landscape of Funding Public...... / Morgan Polikoff and Shira Kor......tential Impact of Decisions Interpreting U.S. F...
- 件名Children--Legal status, laws, etc.--United......-Legal status, laws, etc. Children's rights. Uni...
- 内容細目The development of nuclear weapons The use of nuclear weapon......he negotiation of the 2017 treat...... international law The title of the treaty The......al elimination of nuclear weapon......le 8 : Meeting of state parties ......date and place of adoption of the treaty.
- ジャンル・形式用語Law commentaries.
- 件名...he Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (2017 July 7)...
- 要約等...nes the rights of the child usin......obal framework of the United Nat...... on the Rights of the Child 1989...... understanding of the on-going development of child law, children's ri......the protection of the child. Indepth analysis of the following ...... Inter-country Adoption, Child Sexual ......on the concept of childhood and ......ood in the age of unprecedented ......s in the field of international child law, and inclusion of broader schola...... international law and child law. The aim of this book is t......olarly account of the international law framework rela......ing on a range of legal and other disciplines, ...
- 内容細目... international law sources and in...... on the Rights of the Child Chil...... Inter-country adoption Sexual exploitation Children ...
- 件名Children (International law) Children--Legal status, laws, etc.
- 内容細目...the challenges of democratic acc....... The politics of efficient compromise in the adoption of EU legal acts ......ue as a source of EU legal acts ......si-instruments of EU law / Bruno De Wit......implementation of international agreements / Al...
- 件名Law--European Union countries.
- 資料の内容に関する注記In this collection of essays, origin......at the Academy of European Law in Florence, t......ging landscape of the EU's legal......do not create 'law' in the tradit......econfiguration of the categories of legal acts and......nd) the margin of classic EU leg......including acts of Member States ......ts; so-called soft law; and decision-......e adaptability of the EU legal o......nce the Treaty of Rome came into...... legal quality of EU acts pose f...... and the roles of the different ......es to the rule of law.--
- 要約等...rys low number of asylum seekers......ng the support of and subtle forms of resistance to ......he legislative adoption of international ......rch shows that adoption is shaped larg......icians pursuit of recognition an......conditionality of international ......nd the Council of Europe. Non-st......al approaches, often relying on ......s, the effects of the transfer attempts on stat...
- 内容細目... Contents List of Figures List of Tables 1 Intro......ean Production of Asylum Norms a......olicy Transfer of Norms and Poli......the Complexity of Transfer Writt......ives Structure of the Book Refer......he Legislative Adoption of Asylum Norms i......ming Treatment of "Non-Tradition...... Soviet Legacy of Xenophobia in ......Prioritisation of Asylum: From W...... Transfer into Law: Delaying, Sel......ry Prohibition of Refoulement: S...... and Selective Adoption of a Strong Inter......ch Immigration Laws to Seek Asylum: No Adoption of a Weak Interna......llow, and Slow Adoption of Norms Entailin......llow, and Slow Adoption The Right to Work: Early Adop...
- 件名Asylum, Right of--Ukraine Refug......-Legal status, laws, etc.--Ukrain...... Asylum, Right of Emigration and......-Legal status, laws, etc. Ukraine--Emigration an...
- 要約等...nsive analysis of the regulatory......ion, transport law and beyond, th......y implications of the MaaS conce...... the potential of MaaS in enhanc......nd convenience of the EU passeng......arms that rise of MaaS might cau...... with the goal of establishing a......ory challenges of MaaS in the EU...... insights, and offer guidance fo......ing the future of mobility
- 内容細目...nd the concept of MaaS Chapter 2......ance Chapter 5 Adoption of a MaaS data go......untary sharing of mobility data ...... a competition law perspective Ch......r 8 Assessment of the lawfulness of the MaaS data ......ticle 102 TFEU law and beyond Par...... Multimodality of MaaS Chapter 1......e EU transport law and beyond V. Research Findin...
- 件名Transportation--Law and legislation--European Uni...
- 内容細目...he development of the freedom of movement for c......ns in the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European U...... free movement of persons and me......eged treatment of Turkish nation......at the expense of rights? / Rysz......n EU migration law : is the Europ......and ugly? (the adoption of Directive 2008......razo Detention of foreigners / G......sse The impact of the Treaty of Lisbon over EU...... the ownership of the Stockholm ......xternalisation of European migra...... and the reach of international refugee law / T. Gammeltoft-Hansen The lo......: a fulfilment of the Tampere objective of near-equality? / Louise Halle...
- 件名Emigration and immigration law--European Unio...... Asylum, Right of--European Union countries.
- 関連情報Immigration and asylum law and policy in Europe
- 内容細目...The legitimacy of tilling the la......Bouarfa Rights of access or righ......to compensate? Law, property and ...... the practices of transfer of the "parent's" name and goods...
- 件名Land tenure--Law and legislatio......perty (Islamic law)--Algeria.
- 一般注記...th the support of the French Nat...... as an outcome of the research p......thin the frame of the German-Fre......s-Berque (CJB) of Rabat and the Erlanger Zentru...
- 内容細目Part I: Asian Law Center: The fi......ley Navigating law's "Asian Centu......ylor The Asian Law Center: An evo......t II: The role of comparative law in legal innov......ons Comparison of law, transfer of legal concepts, and creation of a legal design: The case of Japan / Harald......Part III: Role of courts in Japa...... Asia Judicial lawmaking and the creation of legal norms in...... Supreme Court of Japan and onli......o Lo. The role of courts in "making" Islamic law : South and So......he termination of fixed-term emp......on in Japanese law / Ryuichi Yamakawa Goddess of justice withou...... the influence of Japanese law in Asia The infl...
- 件名University of Washington. Asian Law Center. Law--East Asia. Law--Asia. Law--East Asia--History. Law--Asia--History. Judge-made law--East Asia. Judge-made law--Asia. Comparative law.
- 関連情報Studies in comparative law and legal culture