
検索結果 12 件

edited by Penelope W. St J. Watson, Christine M. Rubie-Davies, and Bernhard ErtlRoutledge2024<FA51-D34>
  • 要約等"The Routledge International Handbook of Gender Beli......Stereotype Threat, and Teacher Expectations presents, for the first time...... the work of leading researchers explorin...... the synergies and interrelationships betwe...... these fields, and provides a catalytic platform for advancing theory, practice, policy and research from an integrated perspective. An understanding of how ge......stereotype threat and teacher expectations interrelate is vital to creating safe, equitable and encouraging learning spaces. The collection summarises how gende......stereotype threat and teacher expectations act in association to in...
  • 内容細目...r stereotypes, and gender ident......evelopment / Meagan M. Patterson and Morgan R. Vannoy Transgender inclusion and gender diver......ity in the education system : addressing gender expansiveness and gender justice for all children and youth / Wayne Martino, Shailja Jain, and Deepika Papneja Gender differences in motivational beliefs and career aspirations from childhood to adolescence : an expectancy-value perspective / Rebecca Lazarides, Elisa Oppermann, and, Hanna Gaspard Gender identity and academic engagement : how th......udents' gender and school work explains gendered pathways in education / Ursula Kessels Gender a...
  • NDLCFA51
edited by Mohammad T. Alhawary.New York, NY2018.<KM23-P34>
  • 内容細目Introduction Arabic L2 phonolog......the perception and production of Arabic lexical stress by L1 English and L1 Chinese learners of Arabic: a usage-based account / Cheng-Wei Lin and Mohammad T. Alhawary Production of modern standard Arabic lexical stress cues by native speakers of American English / Mashael Al-Aloula Native English speakers' perception and production of Arabic consonants / Asmaa Shehata The perception and production of Arabic consonants: a cross linguistic study / Sara Al Tubuly Arabic L2 phonology acquisition: a ultrasound study of emphatics and gutturals / Amanda Eads, Jodi Khater, and Jeff Mielke The L2 ac...
  • 件名Arabic language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers. Second language acquisition.
  • 著者標目Alhawary, Mohammad T.
edited by James M. Kauffman, Daniel P. Hallahan, and Paige Cullen Pullen.Routledge2017.<FG1-B71>
  • 内容細目Machine generated contents no......: Section I Historical and Contemporary Issues in Educating Exceptional Learners / James M. Kauffman 1. A History of Special Education / Michael M. Gerber 2. Contemporary Issues / Devery Mock Ward 3. Statistics, Data, and Special Educational Decisions: Basic Links to Realities / John W...... Lloyd 4. Special Education Teacher Preparation / Clara Hauth Section II Legal Aspects of Special Education / Mitchell......5. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: The Evolution of Special Education Law / M. Renee Bradley 6. Free Appropriate Public Education / Michael Rozalski 7. Individual Educ...
  • ジャンル・形式用語Handbooks and manuals.
  • 件名Special education--United States--Handbooks, manuals, etc. Special education. United States.
  • 内容細目The political contexts of reading disabilities / Patrick Shannon and Jacqueline Edmondson Second language reading disability : international themes / Lee ......underson, Reginald D'Silva, and Louis Chen Reader profiles and reading disabilities / Sheila W. Valencia Language development and reading disabilities / Ludo......ven Sociocultural perspectives ...... children with reading difficultie......yre Instructional texts and the fluency of learning disabled readers / Shailaja Menon and Elfrieda H. Hiebert Teacher education and reading disabilities / Susan M. Benner, Sherry Mee Bell, and Amy D. Broemmel Neuroscience and dyslexia / Steven L. Straus...
  • 件名Reading disability -- Research -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
  • 著者標目McGill-Franzen, Anne. Allington, Richard L.
edited by Blanche Woolls & David V. Loertscher.ALA Editions2013.<UL391-B16>
  • 内容細目Flip this library / David V. Loertscher A tribute to a giant, Cora Paul Bowman / Blanche Woolls Con......e 101 / Jeri Kladder From bossy girls to bug eaters / Sharon Korbeck Ver......en The inner teacher-leader : the staff developer / Pat Franklin and Claire Gatrell Stephens Have MLS, will travel / Helen R. Adams Opening the door to leadership-the key / Sharon Coatney Ways to succeed @ your library / Blanche Woolls Professional development through learning circles / Pegg......Mourer Working together internationally / Terry Freedman Children's magazines and collection d......velopment / Susan Patron Collaborating with teache...
  • 件名School libraries--United States--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
  • 著者標目Woolls, Blanche. Loertscher, David V., 1940-
Oxford University Press2009.<KD115-B7>
  • 内容細目pt. 1. The origins and functions of......c / edited by Ian Cross. The nature of music and its evolution / Ian Cross Universals in music processing / Catherine Stevens and Tim Byron Music and meaning / Ian Cross and Elizabeth Tolbert The social and personal functions of ......in cross-cultural perspective / Martin Clayton. pt. 2. Music......n / edited by Ian Cross. The pe......of pitch / Thomas Stainsby and Ian Cross Tonal cognition / Emmanuel Bigand and Bénédicte Poulin-Charronnat The perception of musical timbre / Stephen McAdams and Bruno L. Giordano Musical time / Mari Riess Jones ...... processing / Mark A. Schmuckler Memory for mu...
  • 件名Music -- Psychological aspects. Music therapy. Muziekpsychologie.
  • 著者標目Hallam, Susan Cross, Ian. Thaut, Michael, 1952-
American Library Association2010.<UL181-B14>
  • 要約等From Library Journal: Thirty-seven......ublic, school, and academic librarians here share "how we did outreach good" and produce a joyful collection. These examples will inspire and fire up staff involved with event planning, programming, and extending their library's presence and effectivenes......munity. Beyond a bounty of ideas are practical suggestions and examples that can be used for the library to approach organizations, groups, and governmental entities for grant applications. While the creative is foremost, the financial and efficient are also addressed with the essential details of who did what, how it was funded, and the ...
  • 内容細目Bake a book and they will come / by Iona R. Malanchuk Establishing a library docent program / by Mary H. Nino Frie......nds of the library in community outreach programs / by Vera Gubnitskaia Lifesaving library outreach / by Felicia A. Smith Planning a library anniversary celebration / by Mary H. Nino Reading matters in mentor : library services at the pools and beaches on Ohio's north coast / by Lynn Hawkins Small grants can have big rewards / by Chelsea Dinsmore Using a digitization project to produce a book for community outreach / by John R.......pilot projects for outreach / by Chelsea Dinsmore Beyond the campus : information literacy in...
  • 件名Library outreach programs -- United States -- Case studies. Libraries and community -- United States -- Case studies. Libraries -- Public relations -- United States -- Case studies.
SAGE Publications2007.<F2-B43>
  • 内容細目Reimagining special education / Lani Florian Confronting difference : an excursion through the history of special education / Margret A. Winzer A sociology of special education / Sheila Riddell Forms of provision and models of se......y / Jennifer Evans Categories of special educational needs / Brahm Norwich The disproportionate placement of ethni......rities in special education / Beth Harry Changing perspectives of special education in the evo......context of education reform / Martyn Rouse and Margaret J. McLaughlin Disability rights in education / Marcia Rioux Inclusion as a strategy for achieving education for all / S...
  • 件名Special education -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. Éducation spéciale. Speciaal onderwijs.
  • 一般注記Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/fy0713/2006922307.html.
edited by Karen Radner and Eleanor Robson.Oxford University Press2011.<GA44-B6>
  • 要約等"The cuneiform script, the w......ting system of ancient Mesopotamia, was witness to one of the wor......'s oldest literate cultures. For over three millennia, it was the vehicle of communication from (at its greatest extent) Iran to the Mediterranean, Anatolia to Egypt. The Oxford Handbook of Cuneiform Culture examines the Ancient Middle East through the lens of cuneiform writing. The contributors, a mix of scholars from across the disci......plore, define, and to some extent lo......eyond the boundaries of the wri......, using Mesopotamia's clay tablets and stone inscriptions not just as 'texts' but also as material artefacts that...
  • 内容細目Machine generated contents note I. Materiality and literacies 1. Tablets as artefacts, scribes as artisans, Jonathan Taylor 2. Accounting in proto-cuneiform, Robert K. Englund 3. Numeracy and metrology, Gregory Chambon 4. Levels of literacy, Niek Veldhuis 5. Literacy and gender, Brig......on II. Individuals and communities ......rson in Mesopotamian thought, Benjamin R. Foster 7...... of the Flood Story and his circle, Frans van Koppen 8. Feasts for the living, the dead, and the gods, Hagan Brunke 9. Cuneiform writing in Neo-Babylonian temple communities, Michael Jursa 10. Freedom in ancient Near Eastern societies, Eva von D...
  • NDLCGA44
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates2006.<FA31-B8>
  • 内容細目Educational psychology: searching for essence throughout a century of influence / David C. Berliner Educational psychology in......tury / Robert Calfee Conceptual confusion and educational psychology / Eric Bredo Academic pathways from prescho......through elementary school / Scott G. Paris, Fred J. Morrison, and Kevin F. Mil......opment during early and middle adolescence / Allan Wigfield, James P. Byrnes, and Jacquelynne S. Eccles Adult development, schooling, and the transition to work / M Cecil Smith, Thomas G. Reio, Jr Individual differences i......n / Phillip L. Ackerman, David F. Lohman Models of personality and affect for education:...
  • NDLCFA31
  • 件名Educational psychology -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. Psychopédagogie -- Guides, manuels, etc.
Homer L.J. Carter, Dorothy J. McGinnisMcGraw-Hill1953
  • NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA29264518
  • 関連情報McGraw-Hill series in education
  • 掲載誌McGraw-Hill series in education
by E. R. BoyceMacmillan1940
  • NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA28544541
