検索結果 10 件
- 要約等...ate governance and the employment......ge is gradual, and a new type of ...... incrementally and cumulatively t......ild management and restore corporate performance. Chapter 2 foc......k organization and discusses how performance-related pay wa......introduced in tandem with corpora......ged depression and mounting press......sed on whether performance-related pay is introduced and whether long-t......erm employment and performance-related pay. C......vestigates how performance-related pay ac......be attained by performance pay: succeedin...... in individual performance, contributing ......l organization performance, and meeting the challenge of...
- 内容細目Chapter 1: Change and continuity in ......apanese firm : managerial autonomy ; Banking and managerial crisis ; Incre......e in dividends and introduction o......organization : performance-related pay and employment sys......ntroduction of performance-related pay ; ......odification of performance-related pay ; ......erm employment and Its employment......oyees react to performance-related pay? :...... The scheme of performance-related pay ; ......of the work of performance-related pay ; ......s ; Employees' attitudes to corporate g...... of employees' attitudes ; Employees' v...... ; The work of performance-related pay within hybrid org...
- 関連情報Evolutionary economics and social complexity science
- 要約等...the challenges and benefits of im......n enterprises, and circular economy"--
- 内容細目...ental concepts and theories. Chap......responsibility and sustainable de......nt perceptions and intentions in ......2. Development and design methodo......onsumer values and green products......ter 13. Understanding attitude to......of a strategic and sustainable or......ip among 3 c's and innovative gre......ices using ISM and its validation......ation enablers and typology in gr......een creativity and eco-innovation......ction 3. Tools and technologies. ......pter 24. Green attitudes and thinking in th......ng initiatives and sustainable is......ing fuzzy TISM and fuzzy dematel ......4. Utilization and applications. Chapter 36. Gre...
- 要約等...cal frameworks and empirical rese......ical training, and others"--Provided by publishe...
- 内容細目Students' attitudes towards library facilities and information re......(Maharshi Dayanand College of Art...... of the Visual and Performing Art......of e-resources and Web technology......ndia) Internet and online medical......nds in library and information sc......a : challenges and way forward / ......Minna) Library and information sc......urnal : access and delivery model...... University, Chandigarh, India), ......dia) Access to and usage of e-res......ert Nyinondi & Andrew Msungu (Sok......ies in Nigeria and the challenges......of information and communication ......ents of dental and medicine facul......ium by faculty and research scholars in Gandhi G...
- 件名Management -- Thailand -- Bangkok
- 件名(識別子)Management -- Thailand -- Bangkok
- 著者標目Cammann, Cortlandt
- 件名Management Performance -- Case studies Organizationa...
- 件名(識別子)Management Performance -- Case studies Organizationa...