
検索結果 15 件

Sajid S. M., Rajendra Baikady, Cheng Sheng-Li, Haruhiko Sakaguchi, editorsPalgrave Macmillan[2021]<EG21-D7>
  • 要約等...-centric focus to engage with a ......s with respect to curriculum, te......a contribution to the process of......h is essential to global social ......ion. It brings together professi......ocal, and aims to be an essentia......cial work educators, researchers, and students
  • 内容細目...used Education to Professional S......ted Approaches to the Education ......es24. Movement Towards Indianiza......: From Lateral to Indispensable ......ginal Position to the Profession......ng Social Educators in the Repub......f Trinidad and Tobago, West Indi......g Implications to Social Work Ed......d Marginalized Students in Higher Edu......s, Social Work Students, and Practiti......Reflexivity in Students Regarding Awareness of Racia...
  • 関連情報Palgrave handbooks
Karen Trimmer, Roselyn Dixon, Yvonne S. Findlay, editors.Palgrave Macmillan[2019]<A611-B150>
  • 要約等...antly changing to meet these dem......tive that educators adapt and ac......kills relating to child protecti......ing challenged to critically exa......ers, including students, parents, educators and administrators. However, if......strategies due to potential litigation risks. C...
  • 内容細目... and Neil Cranston Educational n......ities for harm to pupils / Sally......ction for educators and principa......tion administrators in wonderlan......king and regulatory compliance w......slating theory to practice for p......nda A. Webster Towards inclusive......n Education of students with disabili......nd Joy Cumming Student voice and educ......d exclusion of students with disabili......ettings back into school : leade......en all enabled to reach their fu......ining teachers to prevent violen......nd education : student teachers' induction into UK prevent dut......n, and Sally Elton-Chalcraft Compulsory schooli...
David Cairns, editorPalgrave Macmillan[2022]<FD43-D20>
  • 要約等... moving abroad to individuals an......being called into question. The ......s, and takes into account socio-economic and re...
  • 内容細目...stern European Students' Paths To Denmark 6. Unp......ration" 7. Why Student Mobility Does Not Automatically Lead To Better Underst......on From Greece To The UK In Time......fugees' Access To Higher Educati......ics 15. ‘I Had To Move Somewhere......eaving Finland To Study In Swede......e Super-Mobile Student: Global Educational Trajectories In Erasmus......3. South-South Student Mobility: International Students From Portugue......e And Immobile Students' Characterist...... International Students In Higher Edu......IV 26. Working Towards Mobility ......mic Work Trajectories In Italy 3......fied Migration To The United Kingdom Part V 34....
  • 件名College student mobility Forei...... youth College student mobility. Foreign study. Immi...
Rebecca Lave, Christine Biermann, Stuart N. Lane, editors.Palgrave Macmillan[2018]<ME611-B7>
  • 要約等...on of the need to better integra......ical attention to relations of s......eful attention to biophysical la......reasingly come to shape them, and to the politics o......l justice. The Palgrave Handbook of Cr......st of its kind to cover this eme......icant interest to students and academics across the fie...
  • 内容細目...art N. Lane 2. Towards a genealo......ical processes to (mis)uses / Si......ond "the mosquito people": the c......al area / Salvatore Engel-Di Mau......raphy approach to stream mitigat....... Transforming Toronto's rivers: a so......hool: sites of student agency / Lisa C. Kelley, ... ...
David Cairns, editorsPalgrave Macmillan[2021]<FD43-D14>
  • 要約等... moving abroad to individuals an......being called into question. The ......s, and takes into account socio-economic and re...
  • 内容細目...tes on Contributors List of Figu......rasmus Working Towards Mobility ...... Pieces Moving towards Reflexive......stern European Students' Paths to Denmark Resear......rative as an Ontological Part of......h Young People Today Data and Me......Chapter 7: Why Student Mobility Does Not Automatically Lead to Better Underst......ional Approach to Intercultural ...... Migrants Move To? Youth Educati......People Migrate To?
  • 件名College student mobility Forei...... youth College student mobility. Foreign study. Immi...
Aaron D. Knochel, Osamu Sahara, editorsPalgrave Macmillan[2023]<K34-D2>
  • 要約等...scale bringing together practice......s and art educators from around ......ular attention to digital techno......s and art educators share new re...... volume begins to map why and ho......Research Incubator (ADRI) at The......or Innovation, Tokushima University, Japan
  • 内容細目... Speaking Back to Power 2. Media......ements 3. Back to the People: Tr...... Uprising of October 2019 4. Pat......If I Dont Want To? 9. Digital Me......Oriented Media toward LGBTQ+: Pr...... Communication Tools for Students with Visual I......ts Education: Stories from Taiwan 19. The Meani...
  • タイトル標目Palgrave studies in educational future...
Claudia Mora, Nicola Piper, editorsPalgrave Macmillan[2021]<DC811-D14>
  • 要約等...ional approach to gender and mig......large range of topics exploring ......ceania delve into institutional,......ative, and day-to-day practices ......great interest to students and scholars across a range ...
  • 内容細目...lobal Approach to the Study of G......onality as Key Tools for Gender-......lentina Mazzucato German Migrant......es between Sex Tourism, Marriage...... International Student Migration / Pa......ational Worlds to Transnational Quests / Sònia...
  • 関連情報Palgrave handbooks
Joanne Miyang Cho, editorPalgrave Macmillan[2021]<KD211-D5>
  • 内容細目The idea of entanglement, historiography, and ......sic transfer / Toru Takenaka Mus......Japanese music students in Germany an...... Austria, 1880 to 1945 / Alison Tokita The "Oriental" utopia: postwar Or......r Wu and Ernst Toch's Der Fäche......uted Jewish cantors in Shanghai exile, 1938-194...
  • 件名...th century--History and criticism Music--East A...
  • タイトル標目Palgrave series in Asian German studie...
Christopher S. Collins, Prompilai Buasuwan, editors.Palgrave Macmillan[2017]<FD11-B58>
  • 要約等...ape the degree to which higher e......ments continue to grow in many h......otests related to fees and other......ssues continue to grow. This volume will includ...
  • 内容細目Editors and Contributors; List of Fig......and Questions; Toward a Human Ri......ion; The Right to Higher Educati......ucation. Right to Education as a......tion; Brief History of the DPRK;...... Education; History; Current Sys...... Examinations; Student Access and Selection; Student Welfare, Labor......ng; Challenges to North Korean H......; Chapter 6 History, Motives, an......hinese College Student Financial Aid ......volution: A Historical Review; 1......cholarship and Student Loan; 1994-Now: Multiple Fina...
  • 関連情報Palgrave pivot
Vani Kant Borooah.Palgrave Macmillan2017.<FB56-B42>
  • 要約等... analyses data to demonstrate In......e education sector. India, as on......that, compared to most other cou......tion. In order to exploit this a......at India needs to make this young population ec...
  • 内容細目1. Introduction 2. Barriers to Accessing High......Instruction 4. Students' Expenditure on Education 5....
  • タイトル標目Palgrave pivot.
Arjan H. Schakel, editor.Palgrave Macmillan[2017]<A251-B162>
  • 要約等...y explore territoriality of the ......ntests and aim to increase our u......ynamics of electoral competition...... countries due to the establishm...... volume brings together leading ......d national electoral outcomes in......ffects. The editors applied a si......estern Europe (Palgrave, 2013) which f......ng the authors to compare regional electoral dynamics be......pe and observe to what extent ex......tions for territorial heterogene......est also apply to the East. This......cular interest to advanced students and scholars in the fields o...
  • 内容細目...y explore territoriality of the ......ntests and aim to increase our u......ynamics of electoral competition...... countries due to the establishm...... volume brings together leading ......d national electoral outcomes in......ffects. The editors applied a si......estern Europe (Palgrave, 2013) which f......ng the authors to compare regional electoral dynamics be......pe and observe to what extent ex......tions for territorial heterogene......est also apply to the East. This......cular interest to advanced students and scholars in the fields o...
  • 関連情報Comparative territorial politics series
Steven Ratuva, editorPalgrave Macmillan[2020]<EC131-D7>
  • 要約等...w it is linked to a range of con...... is a tendency to frame issues l......cause they are too complex to deal with. In ......lving deeper into people's world......identification to help us uncove...... as they adapt to the fast-changing world To better inform ......d relationship to contemporary g......and economics, to name a few. It......s of the world to enrich our und......rawing from historical reflectio......ea is not only to illuminate the......tity, but also to provide innovative ideas to help understan......e in our world today"--Publisher's description
  • 内容細目...ara N. Amin Historical Memory an......ka: An Ethnohistorical Narrative...... and the Drive to Return / Amand......nic Coalitions to Institutionali......n Trinidad and Tobago: Toward Designing ......ransnational Actors: Globalizati...... New Zealand / Todd Nachowitz Et......Aboriginal and Torres Strait Isl......nder Secondary Students' Experiences ......ddle-School History Textbooks / ......Wayuu and Miskito People / Chris......ghel, Stefania Toma, and Laszlo Foszto Refugee Protec......athleen Harrington-Watt Global C......okraiowa and Antoine Pecoud The Rhetoric of Hungarian Premier Victor Orban: Inside......uth Africa: History, Meaning, and Change / Gair...
Satinder Dhiman, editor-in-chief, Gary E. Roberts, Joanna Elizabeth Crossman, editors.Palgrave Macmillan[2018]<DH311-B120>
  • 内容細目...ern approaches to organizational......well-being : ontological levels ......e / Thomas Kohntopp and Jack McC......follower / Rushton S. Ricketson ......rituality's restorative mission ......heet or a path to sagehood and f......ace / J. Lyle Story From success to significance :......ing your job into a calling / Em......ugh darkness into light as a con......d Bruce E. Winston Ubuntic inclu....... Goosby Smith Towards a discern......atian approach to workplace spir......ossman Getting to the heart of t......ctive approach to workplace spir......s / Orneita Burton, Sunny Jeong,......ion techniques to develop mindfulness in MBA su...
edited by James Arvanitakis, David J. Hornsby.Palgrave Macmillan2016.<FD1-B74>
  • 内容細目...essionals / Milton Nomikoudis & ......r Giving voice to the Citizen Sc......acqueline De Matos Ala Universit......nal University Students / Maureen Ree......tance of Facts to Critical Think...... and future doctors? / Joanne M ...... as a teaching tool to reach multiple......ing the Cultivators : Peer Mentorship as means of developing C...
edited by Robert David Johnson.Palgrave Macmillan2015.<A99-U-B369>
  • 要約等...k of global history, incorporati......holars on such topics as globali......man rights, historical memory, a...... brings the history of trans-Pac......c relations up to date, both chr......ic is destined to play an increa......nvaluable help to readers seeking to understand suc......in a global historical framework"--
  • 内容細目...ORMATIONS : HISTORICAL AND CONTE......lhoun 4. Trajectories of Nationa......Four Future Histories / Hugh DeS......ANS-PACIFIC HISTORY AND MEMORY 1......ter East Asia" to a Trans-Pacifi......ury U.S.-China Student Movement / Yel......cific and Back to Vietnam : Tran......eningrad Comes to America : The 1942 American P...
  • 件名...cific Area. HISTORY--Asia--General. HISTORY--North America. HISTORY--United Stat......th Century. HISTORY--Modern--20th Century. POLI...
