
検索結果 6 件

edited by Ofer Feldman and Sonja Zmerli.Routledge2019.<A16-D34>
  • 要約等"In this timely st......nja Zmerli and their team of expe...... shed light on the multiple ways ......cation affects political behavior and a......cholars alike, The Psychology of Political Communicators ...... examples from the U.S., Europe, Asia and the Middle East to examine the nature, charac......s, content and the reception of communication in three major ar......f discourse: - The style and natu......nguage used by political actors in the national and international arenas - The discourse used in nationalist po......vements and during negative campaigns - The rhetoric of the media as it tr......rame politics, political events and political actors C...
  • 内容細目The new American e...... politics: how invited behavior ......eality tv explain Donald Trump's......l Alan Krasner Political communicators and control in political interviews in Japanese telev......tive study and the effect of cult......ldman and Ken Kinoshita Comparing Japanese and ......communication: the construction of meaning in addresses to the United Nations General Assembly / Sarah Tanke They caused our crisis! the contents and e...... evidence from the Netherlands / Michae......leers Populism in self-directed ......communication: the case of the five star movement in the 2013 Italian e......ampaign / Cristina Cremonesi Fighting with fire...
  • 件名Communication in politics. Mass media--Political aspects. Political psychology.
Robert E. RiggsGreenwood Press1984
  • 一般注記Reprint. Originally published:......iversity of Illinois Press, 1958, in series: Illinois studies in the social science......hy: p. 189-194 Includes index
Robert Owen KeohaneCarnegie Endowment for International Peace[1966]
  • 件名United Nations. General Assembly
  • 件名(識別子)United Nations. General Assembly
  • 関連情報International conciliation
University of Illinois Press1958.<L-R569p>
  • 一般注記A revision of thesis, University of Illinois, issued in microfilm form in 1956 under title: The policy of the United States ......ith respect to political questions in the General Assembly of the United Nations. Includes index.
Robert E. RiggsUniversity of Illinois Press1958
  • 関連情報Illinois studies in the social sciences
  • 掲載誌Illinois studies in the social sciences
1937.04-1948.10<IPS-18 R168: 0692-0786 ; R169: 0001-0368>
  • 内容細目...tion issued by the SEIYUKAI Party Mass Meeting (20th of Jan.......cation of War Minister TERAUCHI'......1144D: Talk by General Umezu, Vice-War Minister (P.M. 27t......44E: Notice to the Ex-Soldiers Or......ons from Vice-Minister (Umezu) 検察側文書第1144E号: 陸軍...
  • 国立国会図書館永続的識別子info:ndljp/pid/12920933
  • 一般注記...資料 コレクションタイトル: General Headquarters/Supreme Commande...
