検索結果 5 件
- 内容細目The European Union and Asia : wha......r the European Union in Asia? : an analysis of the EU's Asia ......g significance of EU-China relat......ring processes of regional integ...... Human rights, democracy, and federalism : part of the problem or part of the solution? ......n the European Union and the People's Republic of China / Andrea...... the emergence of regionalism / ...... since the end of the Cold War /...... Wolff China's trade with the Unite......parative study of agricultural commodity's trade China-Niger / ......ational income of Cambodia, 1988-2004 / Nyda Ch...
- 件名Trade Unionism
- 内容細目India under the impact of western politi......ism and Indian democracy / V.K. Sinha T...... fifteen years of the Indian Con......ose The levels of Indian politics : a problem of authoritarian ......Parliament and democracy in India / Rog......ment in Indian democracy / Pran Chopra ...... parliamentary democracy / A.R. Desai Organic democracy / Jayaprakash Narayan Goals of change / Dougl......: study in the problems of leadership & m......r Language and democracy / D.D. Karve L...... challenges to democracy / Prabhu Datta......ndia : a study of four corporati......nion in Indian democracy / A.B. Shah Fo......licy in Indian democracy / A.G. Noorani Organized busi...
- 内容細目.... 140: Foreign Trade and Exchange N....... 141: Labor's Problems No. 142: Democ......Japan No. 152: Trades in Agricultur...... Japan's Labor Unions No. 156: Econ......lfare No. 162: Democracy's Growing Pain...... 168: Economic Problems of Rural Communit...... Their Methods of Teaching No. 1....... 183: Popular Democracy and the Constitution
- 件名Labor unions -- Great Britain Labor union democracy -- Great Britain
- 件名(識別子)Labor unions -- Great Britain Labor union democracy -- Great Britain