
検索結果 113 件

Munenori Kitahara, Chris Czerkawski [編]Kyushu University Pressc2012<DA1-B388>
  • 内容細目Chapter 1 The Collaboration of Law and Information Te...... collaboration of law and information te......stralian broadband policy Koshiro......ing the impact of mining foreign......t Kyophilavong and Toshihisa Toyo......mpirical study of the impact of the Thai econo......astal shipping of finished cars ......ar carriers in Japan Min Zhang A st......or global-flow-of-funds analysis......ducing kernels of the space of harmonic polyn...... Setsuko Sakai and Tetsuyuki Takahama
  • 関連情報Series of monographs of contemporary social systems solutions
  • 掲載誌Series of monographs of contemporary social systems solutions
Kiichiro YagiRoutledge, Taylor & Francis Group2023<DA6-D3>
  • 要約等"Since the mid-19th century, Japan has made remar......nning with the economic vision of Miura Baien in...... 18th century, and employing a de......elves into the economic thought of the scholars w......ivotal role in Japan's modernizatio......kichi's theory of 'civilization' as the standard measure of Japan's modernization and compares it wi...... rural poverty and social problems, such...... Masana, early socialists, Yanagita Kunio and Kawakami Hajim......Fukuda Tokuzo) and Marxism (Yamad......) in the 1920s and 1930s. After d......cratic reforms and their early de......g for students and researchers of Japan's intellectual history....
  • 内容細目...eeting western economic thought Miura ......orary European economic thought Civilization and political econ......i: Grounds for laws of political economy Economic liberalism and industrial pro......Taguchi Ukichi and Maeda Masana Early socialism and social policy from th......: Turn, split, and rivalry Yanagi......he nationality of Japan Egoism and altruism in the sentiment of an economist: ......hibashi Tanzan and J.M. Keynes Introducing the social into economics: Power and communal eleme......Yasuma Marxian economics and Japanese capitalism:...... Collaboration and reform under w......Ryū Shinatrō and Shibata Kei Epilogue: Revolvi...
  • 件名Economics--Japan--History Economics. Japan.
Yuji Aruka, Alan Kirman, editors.Springer Nature[2017]<DA1-B498>
  • 要約等...information is and how sensitive ......ve utilization of information in......ts. The advent of super intellig...... the evolution of the socio-economic system. Our tr......c purification and the elimination of all considerations of massive inform......ho have shared and exchanged thei......last 20 years, offer thorough examinations of the theoretica......ological basis of complex economic interaction, econophysics, and agent-based mo...... new approach, and then moves on ...... in sentiments and other movement......rkets"--Page 4 of cover.
  • 内容細目...s in evolution of the social complex system......ruka ; 3. Socioeconomic inequality and prospects of institutional ......e, Asim Ghosh, and Bikas K Chakra...... The evolution of behavioral ins......Barkley Rosser and Marina V. Ross......t-based models and their developm......rough the lens of networks / Shu-Heng Chen and Ragupathy Venk......cations to the Japanese economy / J......icos Georgiou, and Enrico Scalas ......omplex Network and Sentiments: 8.......ument analysis of survey on empl......ment trends in Japan / Masao Kubo, ......iro Yamaguchi, and Yuji Aruka ; 9. Extraction of bi-graph struc......ota Tsubouchi, and Tatsuo Yamashita ; 10. Transf...
  • 件名Evolutionary economics. Econophysics. Financial eng...
Bernadette Gonzalez, editor.Nova Science Publishers, Inc.[2016]<DE4-B154>
  • 内容細目...obert E. White and Karyn Cooper, ......cotia, Canada, and others Dialectics of globalization and the future of capitalism / D......oljub Stojanov and Pavle Jakovac, Full Professor, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia, and others The swirl of globalization ......my / Cal Clark and Evelyn A. Clar......burn, AL, USA, and others Emerging countries and trade multilat......Alpes, Faculty of Economics, France Suppl...... / Safaa Sindi and Michael Roe, Graduate School of Management, Pl......ional politics and youth unemployment in Uganda / Johnmary Ka......turer, History and Political Science Department,...
  • 件名Globalization. Economic policy. Intern......er crimes--Law and legislation.
Makoto Yano, Fumihiko Matsuda, Anavaj Sakuntabhai, Shigeru Hirota, editorsSpringer[2022]<EG244-D134>
  • 要約等...ience, a field of science invest...... way that both social and life-scientifi......re both living and social creatures, a h......logical traits of a person and the social scientific env......n, the editors of this book have......oting a deeper and more integrated understanding of human behavior and human health. ......show what can, and could be, achi......to University, and the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry. Cove...... anthropology, economics, sociology, d......hy, geography, and policy, resear......se institutes, and many others, p...... the COVID-19 pandemic. Although ......the importance of behavioral change and governm...
  • 内容細目... Past, present and future COVID-19 pandemic and behavioral change: The cases of Florida and Ohio Integrating social sciences to mi......the infodemic: Social media and offline action in the COVID-19 pandemic Mapping COVID-19 in Japan and greater Tokyo ...... socio-spatial and political analysis of the epidemic Application of SARS-CoV-2 serology testing: ...
  • 関連情報Economics, law, and institutions in Asia Pacific
Mark Fenwick, Steven Van Uytsel, Bi Ying, editorsSpringer[2020]<A411-D32>
  • 要約等...nts in broader economic, regulatory and technological ......ned as the use of new informatio......l institutions and intermediaries......s out in local economic, political and regulatory contexts, and this dynamic i...... global trends and local circumst......ated a complex and fast-changing landscape. Diverse ......tech start-ups and regulators) al......t a background of profound uncertaint......ture direction and possible effects of multiple emerg....... Policymakers often struggle to......tory responses and increasingly turn to policy e...
  • 内容細目...en Van Uytsel, and Bi Ying Rethin......he regulatory sandbox for financi...... an assessment of the UK and Singapore / Ch......h automation : economic benefits and social risks / David ......ld Fintech law and practice : a K......he regulatory sandbox? : a preliminary analysis of its desirabili......ech in Vietnam and its regulatory......ependence Day' of payments law? ...... regulation in Japan / Akira Tokuts......ypto-assets in Japan : revisions to......oming friction and new models of financial regu....../ Mark Fenwick and Erik P.M. Vermeulen
  • 件名...novations--Law and legislation--A......a Finance--Law and legislation--A......a Finance--Law and legislation Asia
Toshio Yamada.Springer[2018]<DC55-B346>
  • 要約等...talism both in Japan and in the world e......ical framework of the French ré......ulation theory and by revisiting the theory of civil society in postwar Japan. The Japanese theory of civil society ......about "freedom and equality" and "human rights"......oncepts for an economic analysis of that capitalism of the period. On the other hand, the régulati......its definition of postwar capita......he elaboration of a new conceptu......rectly explain Japan's experience b......entral concept of Fordism. Inspi...... consideration of Japanese civil society and also by the re......ism" to understand Japanese capitalism including...
  • 内容細目...art I: Postwar Japan and the Theory of Civil Society;......cal Economy in Japan After World Wa.......1 An Overview of Japan's Postwar Poli......1.2 Directions of Economic Reconstruction......2.1 The Theory of State Monopoly......eory; 1.3 High Economic Growth and Its Significance; 1.3.1 The Socialization Theory of SMC; 1.3.2 The......Universalities and Particularities of Japanese-Style Capit......ssion1.4.2 The Japanese-Style Economic System; 1.5 De......haracteristics and Problematic Aspects of Marxian Theories of Contemporary C......ism in Postwar Japan; 1.5.1 State M......oly Capitalism and Uno's Three-Level Theory; 1.5...
  • 件名Capitalism--Japan--History--20th......y. Capitalism--Japan--History--21st......Civil society--Japan--History. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS--Economics--General. Japan.
Akira Negishi, Masako Wakui, Naoko Mariyama, editorsSpringer[2022]<AZ-417-D4>
  • 要約等...ompetition law and policy in the Japanese pharmaceuti......r. It consists of chapters written and edited by acad......ves, including economics, competition ......l regulations, and intellectual p......from academics and policymakers w......ulated by drug laws that vary from......try to country and are affected b......ring practices and industrial str......ug regulations and trade practice......re peculiar to Japan and its healthcare......n presents the Japanese Antimonopoly Act and cases involving it, and discussions of current compet...... issues in the Japanese pharmaceuti......ses innovation and intellectual property and eco...
  • 内容細目Preface PART I HEALTHCARE AND PHARMACEUTICALS: INNOVATION AND REGULATION IN JAPAN Regulation and Competition in......al Industry in Japan Competition and Cooperation: B...... Regulation in Japan Collaboration ...... Patent System and Pharmaceutical...... Innovation in Japan Corruption and Conflicts of Interest in th......et: Regulation of Pharmaceutical......es PART II THE JAPANESE ANTIMONOPOLY ACT AND ITS RELATION T......timonopoly Act and Its Applicatio......al Industry in Japan Horizontal Cooperation and Alliances amon......ical Companies and the Japanese Antimonopol......lations in the Japanese Pharmaceutical Industry Pa...
  • 件名Antitrust law--Japan Pharmaceutical industry--Japan Drugs--Law and legislation--Japan Industrie phar......law Drugs--Law and legislation Ph......tical industry Japan
Yoshinori Shiozawa, Tosihiro Oka, Taichi Tabuchi, editors.Springer[2017]<DE212-B55>
  • 要約等...th M countries and N commodities ...... illustrations of the new theory......cient patterns of specialization......period method, and potentiality f......e perspectives of the new theory......ow the concept of comparative ad...... has developed and diverged from ......e purification of Marshall's val......l values among Japanese economists;...... value theory; and lastly giving ......al explanation of the definitions and theorems of the new theory.
  • 内容細目...: A New Theory of International ......ical Topics in and about the New ......The New Theory of International ......in the Context of Ricardo-Sraffian Theory of Value and Distribution (...... between Value and Demand in the New The......er 4: Analysis of Production Eff......cient Patterns of Specialization......s: The Meaning of Shiozawa's Mod......th a Viewpoint of Modern Economics (Ogawa, Takes......n Trade Theory and New Theory of International ......6: Application of Normal Prices ......lf-sufficiency and Factors of Competition (H......ng the History of International ......r 7: An Origin of the Neoclassical Revolution: ...
  • 件名.... Evolutionary economics. Economics. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS--Economics--General. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS--Reference.
edited by Avihay Dorfman, Alon HarelCambridge University Press2021<A311-D18>
  • 要約等... privatization of the provision of a good or a se......ty or quantity of its provision.......pproach is the economic theory which t......ers the merits of privatization ......, transparent, and answerable to ...... beneficiaries and other constitu...... the reasoning of the institutio......t the identity of the agent itse......ry possibility of engaging in ce......the imposition of criminal punis......n the identity of the agent"--
  • 内容細目Chiara Cordelli, The wrong of privatization ......n, efficiency, and the distribution of economic power Jonny Thakkar, Public and private ownership in Plato and Aristotle Malc......? Assaf Sharon and Shai Agmon, Justice and the market Ash...... public agency and action in migration Alexander Volokh, The ......ral neutrality of privatization ......w, Privatizing social service Jon D....... conservatism, and the fate of the American a...... Privatization and the intimate s...... privatization of legal institut...... examples from Japan Hans-Bernd Sch...... Privatization of the police Lis......ns, corruption and privatization : who gains fro...
  • 件名Privatization--Law and legislation Privatization--Law and legislation.
Gregory Clark [and 11 others].Princeton University Press[2014]<EC161-B66>
  • 内容細目Preface Introduction: of ruling classes and underclasses : the laws of social mobility Social mobility by time and place Sweden :......ited States : land of opportunity Medieval England : mobility in ......age Modern England : the deep roots of the present A law of social mobility Natur......re Testing the laws of mobility India......ste, endogamy, and mobility China and Taiwan : mobility after Mao Japan and Korea : social homogeneity and mobility Chile......garchs The law of social mobility and family dynamic......sies, Muslims, and copts : except......ons to the law of mobility? Mobi......aping downward social mobility Appendix 1: Measurin...
  • 件名Social mobility--History.
edited by Masato Kimura and Tosh Minohara.University of Toronto Press[2013]<A99-Z-B106>
  • 要約等...n affected the economic and social circumstances of the world's ma......nish Civil War and the Second Wor......exclusively on Japan, which witnessed a flurry of progressive ac...... both domestic and international ......erdisciplinary and international group of scholars, Tumu......ecade examines Japanese domestic and foreign affairs between 1931 and 1941. It looks at Japan in the context of changing appro......ance, the rise of the League of Nations, and attempts to understand the Japanese worldview a......ial period for Japan and the wider worl......s at the time, Japan experienced a ......ng this period and that this crisis is what ulti...
  • 内容細目Pt. 1. Economics, culture, society and identity. The ......i's perception of and orientation to......ternationalism and Japan's wartime empire : the turns of the Kokusai Bu......ssamyn R. Abel Japanese pan-Asianis......ugh the mirror of pan-Islamism /......mperor, family and modernity : the passage of the 1940 natio...... 2. The empire and imperial conce...... Strengthening and expanding Japan through social work in coloni...... collaboration and conflict : state and society in war......c diplomacy by Japan's immigrants i......High diplomacy and the statesmen.......ai, Manchuria, and post-withdrawa....../ Rustin Gates Japan's diplomatic gamble for auton...
  • 件名Japan--Foreign relat......ns--1912-1945. Japan--Politics and government--1926-1945. Japan--Social conditions--1912-1945. Japan--Economic conditions--19......aracteristics, Japanese.
Constantine Nomikos VaporisRoutledge2021<GB391-D2>
  • 要約等"In this newly revised and updated 2nd edition of Voices of Early Modern Japan, Constantine Nomikos Vaporis offers an accessible collection of annotated hist......ical documents of an extraordinary period in Japanese history, ra......he unification of warring states...... the overthrow of the shogunate ......er the opening of Japan by the West in......se examination of primary source......ating textbook offers fresh insi......rchy, artistic and material cultu......eligious life, and more, demonstr......from the words of ordinary peopl......include: An expanded section on r......gion, morality and ethics A new selection of map...
  • 内容細目...istance (1850) and Letters of Divorce (1857,......e Consequences of Adultery: "The......r Women, 1716) and Tadano Makuzu'...... 1818) Fashion and Sumptuary Legi...... Saikaku's The Japanese Family Stor......a, 1688); List of Clothing Prohi...... Samurai Dress and Grooming Standards: Prohibitions of 1615 and 1645 Lunisolar......r Seventh Year of Kaei (1854): S......murai in Armor Japanese Foodways and Diet: The Accounts of Joao Rodrigues...... Kikue (1943), and Terakada Seike......n: General The Japanese Home: Carl ......n Europe, Asia and Africa Made Du......reigner's View of the Battle of Osaka: Richard......ocks's Account of the Fall of Osaka Castle (161...
  • 件名Japan--History--Toku......-1868--Sources Japan--Social life and customs--1600-......kugawa period, Japan, 1600-1868 Manners and customs Japan
edited by Hiroyuki Shibusawa, Katsuhiro Sakurai, Takeshi Mizunoya, Susumu Uchida.Springer Singapore2017.<EC111-B11>
  • 要約等This book is a volume of essays celebrating the life and work of Yoshiro Higano, professor of Environmental ......raduate School of Life and Environmental ......es, University of Tsukuba, Japan. Prof. Higano's rese......ive evaluation of resources and research conte......cision science and engineering, i......the evaluation of environmental ......in management, and synthesized en......past president of the Regional S......ational (RSAI) and the current president of the Japan Section of the RSAI (JSRS......s a wide range of regional scien......g, simulation, and practice. It i......policy makers, and students in the field of regi...
  • 内容細目...Sustainability of Demographic Pr......es in Gibrat's and Zipf's Laws: A Comparative...... the Evolution of Urban Systems ...... 5 Consumption and Environmental ......: Demographics of the European E......ltural Capital and Local Developm......n Space? Study of Willingness to......pital Taxation and Economic Growth and Welfare in a C...... 10 Evaluation of Ecosystem Serv......ia: Case Study of the Sea of Japan Part II: Asia-......patial Impacts of Endogenously D......g the Benefits of Cleaner Air in...... Area 15 Study of Fair Trade Pro......velopment-Case of Bali Indonesia Bali 16 Social Public Spendin...... Comprises The Andean Community of Nations (CAN)...
  • 件名Social policy. Environmental economics. Regional economics. Space in economics. Economics. Regional/Spatial Science. Social Policy. Environmental Economics. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Industries / General.
Narufumi Kadomatsu, James J. Kelly Jr., Romain Melot, Arne PilniokSpringer[2020]<A455-D1>
  • 要約等...nal comparison of legal responses to the issue of vacant housing in Japan, the USA, France and Germany. While......es, the origin and context of the problem, a......l as the focus of legal response......g the outcomes of an internation......vacant housing and who are intere......etical aspects of property law, building law and administrative......e implications of the "tragedy of the commons/an...... contemporary land use issues in Japan such as landscape protectio......rea management and unclaimed land
  • 内容細目Introduction Chap.1 Emergence of Unoccupied House Problem in Japan and Legal Measures...... Expropriation of Vacant Propert......ance: the Case of Substandard Housing Cha...... The Tragedies of the Commons and Anticommons in an Era of Underuse
  • 件名Abandoned houses--Law and legislation City planning and redevelopment law Zoning law
Cambridge University Press2011.<A125-B25>
  • 要約等...egal sociology and legal history ......national group of distinguished scholars. All of them have been......by the eminent and prolific legal......l sociologist, and scholar of comparative la...... a Festschrift of essays by colleagues and disciples, thi......ed examination and application of Friedman's ideas and methods. Some of the writers directly assess and comment on Fri......an's vast body of work, while ot......apply concepts and insights deriv......k to the study of similar proble......ferent periods and societies. And others use Fri......man's concepts and insights as a ......o studying law and society from theoretical pers...
  • 内容細目...bert W. Gordon and Morton J. Horw......rence Friedman and the canons of law and society / Laur...... Edelman "Then and now" : Lawrenc...... as an analyst of social and legal change /......rence Friedman and the bane of functionalism ......fluence, shape and globalize : po...... legal culture and law / Jo Carri......a The travails of total justice ......Total justice" and political cons......Kagan Failures of war tribunals ......ig, Nuremberg, and Tokyo to Milošević and Saddam Hussein...... Legal culture and the state in modern Japan : continuity and change / Malcolm M. Feeley and Setsuo Miyazawa The death of contract : dodos and unicorns...
  • 一般注記Related URL: Table of contents only http: //catdir....
edited by Victor V. RamrajOxford University Press[2021]<A561-D15>
  • 要約等...time, about a pandemic for which ......ted collection of original essay......n Asia's legal and policy respons...... the COVID-19 pandemic, which, in a matter of months swept a......t every corner of the planet-fro...... empty streets of once-bustling ......c Games venues of Tokyo. In a matter of weeks, the uni......ary: lockdowns of cities and entire countri......cal distancing and quarantines, t......l restrictions and border control......g technology, mandatory closures of all but essential services, economic devastation and mass unemployment, and government ass......scales. Yet a pandemic on this sc......ary conditions of globalization, has left gover...
  • 内容細目Introduction and background A short history and thematic overv...... surveillance, and authoritarian ......cy, technology and civil society ......shalling state and non-state acto......nh Phan Spread of information versus spread of virus : China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong / Gu......ang Wu Borders and entry controls...... Central banks and their limits in a pandemic / Christian Hofmann Governing ...... Jin Gary Lee Pandemics and emergency powe...... Thiruvengadam Japan : keeping the ......ri Matsui Thailand : emergency re......ponses or more social turbulence? / ......the vulnerable and marginalized /......lth regulation and compliance / Susan Carolyn Br...
  • 件名Public health laws--Asia COVID-19......(Disease)--Law and legislation--A......-19 (Disease)--Social aspects--Asia ......(Disease)--Law and legislation. C......-19 (Disease)--Social aspects. Medic...... Public health laws. Asia.
  • 内容細目...haritkul ; The social science of international ......s evolution in Japan / Yoshiro Mats...... International Economic Law. Financial......liberalization and regulation in ......nancial crises and the Chinese experience of controlled lib...... in FDI policy and the investment....... Human rights and sexual abuse : the impact of international ...... rights law on Japan / Keisuke Iida......enant on civil and political righ......ng the control of Environmental ......outh China Sea and its legal cons......the resolution of the dispute ov......the Spratly Islands / Zou Keyuan ; Indonesia and the South Chin......alal ; Vietnam and the code of conduct for the S...
  • タイトル標目Library of essays on law in East Asia.
edited by Florian Coulmas, Ralph Lützeler.Brill2011.<DC712-B43>
  • 内容細目...lorian Coulmas and Ralph Lutzeler......aphic trilemma of low fertility, ageing, and depopulation /......ible families, and the socialization of reproduction /......lfgang Streeck Economic globalization and changes in fam......n as the cause of very low fertility in Japan / Shigesato Ta......geing society, Japan : focusing on ...... the structure of households wit......ent challenges and models for the......trud M. Backes Japanese family poli......ital? Germany, Japan, and family policy ......Seeleib-Kaiser and Tuukka Toivonen Child care and work-life bala...... low fertility Japan / Barbara G. Holthus Actors of social policy making in Japan...
  • 件名Demographic transition--Japan. Demographic t......ulation aging--Japan. Population ag......y. Population--Japan. Population--G......raphy--trends--Japan. Aged--Germany. Aged--Japan. Family Relati......ily Relations--Japan. Public Policy......Public Policy--Japan. Socioeconomic Factors--Germany. Socioeconomic Factors--Japan.
  • タイトル標目International comparative social studies ; v. 25.
edited by Takao Suami, Anne Peters, Dmitri Vanoverbeke, Mattias Kumm.Cambridge University Press2018.<A211-B149>
  • 内容細目... from European and East Asian per......ri Vanoverbeke and Mattias Kumm P......obile : before and after global c......Mogami China's socialist rule of law and global constit......stitutionalism and East Asian per......in the context of political econ......stitutionalism and European legal......ed to the rest of the world? / T......On the history and theory of global constit......orical context of global constit......a as seen from japan's experiences ......es on the rule of law : prospects and challenges for......tice: the case of South Korea / ......ionalism : the social dimension / An...... the discourse of global constitutionalism / Hy...
  • 件名Constitutional law--Europe. Constitutional law--East Asia. Comparative law. Law and globalization.