検索結果 1,069 件
- 内容細目On Guelfs and Ghibellines On the government of a city On the tyrant Appendix I: The preface to Bar......ative autonomy and the universality of the Roman Empire Appendix III: The 'city, emperor unto itself.'
- タイトル標目Works. Selections. English Cambridge texts in the history of political thought
- 要約等"In Waiting for the Cool Moon, Wen......critical Black theory, including theories of anti-B......ess, to understand the way that the Japanese empir......ple into Human and less-than-human categories. The book brings into relief the forms of struggle and worlds of free...... excluded from the category of the Japanese-Human...... works to make the invisible visi......to four parts, the book charts the experiences and archival trace......orean workers, and imperial subjects in Okinawa and elsewhere, thinking through their lives amidst colonial viole...
- 内容細目Empire and Oikonomia Enclosure and the Community of the Commons Buraku......isibilization, and the Myth of the New Small Farm......Empire through the Prism of Phosp...... in a Colonial City Waiting, Witnessing, Withhold...
- 関連情報Studies of the East Asian Institute
- 要約等"In cities around the world, digital......ized to manage city services and infrastructure...... urban issues, and to drive local and regional econo....... While "smart city" advocates are......een to promote the benefits of sm......veness, safety and security - critics point to the negative effects, such as the production of ......ic governance, the corporatisatio......privacy harms, and vulnerability ......ial, political and practical inte......more equitable and just smart cities, reaping the benefits of smart city initiatives wh......mizing some of their perils. Incl......udies from Ireland, the United States of America...
- 内容細目...Leighton Evans and Liam Heaphy A ......gital deal for the smart city : participatio......ticising smart city standards / James Me......mated policing and "smart" survei......n into a model city for the global South /......Building smart city partnerships in the "Silicon Docks...... / Liam Heaphy and Réka Pétercsák......rds a study of city experiments / Brice Laurent and David Pontille University campuses as te......n innovation / Andrew Karvonen, Chris Martin and James Evans Who are the end-use(r)s of......t cities? A synthesis of conversa......ez del Pulgar "Cityzens become net......itizenships in the making of India's 100 smart c...
- 件名Smart cities. Municipal engineering. City planning.
- 要約等...an overview of the ways sustainab......es as a whole, and the SDGs in partic...... are perceived and practiced in a......f countries in the Latin America and Caribbean regi......also discusses the extent to whic......resses towards the pursuit of a s......inable future, and documents succ......es from across the region. This book is part of the "100 papers to accelerate the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Go...
- 内容細目...er Security in the Brazilian Semi...... Governance of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs in Brazil......ial Inclusion, and Sustainable To......Sustainability and Resilience Ama......ty Approach at the Chilean Consti......ining Industry and the Sustainable De......razil: SDGs 11 and 12 for 2030 Impact of Land Use Cover Chan......o Implementing the SDGs Through C......ico: COVID-19 Pandemic Environmental Impact and Food Security:...... Latin America and the Caribbean SDGs and Latin American University: Impact of Sci......ments COVID-19 and Its Influence ...... Latin America and Caribbean Regi......ment: Barriers and Telehealth Opportunities Duri...
- 要約等"This thoroughly revised and updated fourth edition of 'The Sustainable Ur......mbines classic and contemporary r......ntroduction to the topic that is ......ble to general and undergraduate audiences. The 'Reader' begins by tracing the roots of the sustainable de......ent concept in the nineteenth and twentieth cent......c readings. It then explores dime......ty, including land use and urban design, ......gical planning and restoration, energy and materials use,......opment, social and environmental justice, and green architecture and building. Addi......ble community, and case studies from around the world. 'The Sustainable Urban...
- 内容細目...List of Tables and Boxes Copyrigh...... credits About the Editor Acknowl......ntroduction to the Fourth Edition...... 1. Origins of the Sustainability......ion to Part 1 "The Three Magnets" and "The Town-Country M......enezer Howard "The Land Ethic" from 'A Sand County Almanac......hodox Planning and The North End" from 'The Death and Life of Great ....../ Jane Jacobs "The Development of......om 'Capitalism and Underdevelopme......rica' (1967) / Andre Gunder Frank "Plight and Prospect" from......ves, Problems, and Models" from 'The Limits to Grow......dows, Jörgen Randers, and William W. Behrens III "The Steady-State Economy" from 'T...
- 件名City planning Community developmen...
- 内容細目...nts; Contents; The Historic Urban Landscape Approach ......tion: Charting the 28 Case Studies; About the Editors; Acron......n; 1.1 Culture and the New Urban Cons...... Paradigm; 1.2 The Historic Urban Landscape: A Bottom......servation; 1.3 The Reasons for a ......istoric Urban Landscape: From Mat......n Conservation and Sustainable Development; 1.6 The Historic Urban Landscape Approach and the New Urban Agenda. 1.7 The Historic Urban Landscape Approach and the International ......es; Chapter 2: The Historic Urban Landscape Approach ......rom Reality to Theory; 2.2 From Theory to Supranat......m Practices to Theory; 2.4.1 The Six-Step HUL Ap...
- 件名Museums--Philosophy. Urban landscape architect......terest. Urban landscape architecture. BUSINESS &...
- 資料の内容に関する注記This volume focuses on the implementation of the 2011 UNESCO Re......ommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL appr......gned to foster the integration of......nt in regional and urban planning and management, and strengthen the role of herita......r publications and research looked at the underlying theory of why the HUL approach was needed and how this theory was developed and elaborated by ......e of actors in the twenty-first-c......ry urban scene and with disciplin......itage managers and practitioners to implement the HUL approach. ......ng, analyzing, and comparing 28 c......s to implement the HUL approach. From those case...
- 要約等... reflection on the SARS-COV-2 pandemic and its consequenc......e. It embodies the University of Palermos values and mission by bringing together academics of ...... of individual and community exis......olume captures the voices of academics during the pandemic, allowing to crystallize the discourses tha...... events unfold and knowledge is r......idly evolving. They share the belief that to......quate light on the complex and multifaceted phenomenon of the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequenc......arily requires the adoption of an......nary approach, the consideration of a multiplicity of perspectives, and of a variety of levels of ana...
- 内容細目Part 1. Health and Medical Aspect......Health care at the time of COVID-......g transmission and measures to pr......ing to monitor and to predict the epidemic evolu......19: How Should Their Results be I......rt 2. Economic and Social Aspects......er 5. Covid-19 and economic crisi......: what we know and what we may ex......omic Scenarios and Policy Interve......er 8. Covid-19 and Social Structu...... Part 3. Urban and Environmental ......er 9. Dwelling and Covid-19 Chapt......r 10. Covid-19 and Ecosystems Chapter 11. Postpandemic Urban Habitat in the Neoanthropocen......r 12. Covid 19 and Smart Cities P......egal Issues in the COVID-19 Pandemic Chapter 14....
- 件名COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- Pandémie de COVID-19, 2020-
- 要約等...ides a concise and up-to-date biography of the city, from its medi......ent through to the present day, and makes Siena's ......story, culture and traditions acc......ng or visiting the city. Well-informed......hival research and recent scholar......medieval Siena and the Italian city-states, this b......oth temporally and geographically. In the process, this ......ic, political, and economic devel...... in particular the role of pilgrimage, banking, and class conflict. The second half of the book provides ......nt analysis of the historical dev......ons (contrade) and the race of the Palio, as well......gh overview of the rise and fall of Siena's trou...
- 内容細目...li, Kent State University Florence, Italy Part 1. From the origins of Siena to the fall of the Sienese Republic The origins of Sie......an development and the formation of the Sienese state ......ge: Montaperti and good governmen......aissance Siena and the fall of the Republic (1355......) Part 2. From the Age of the Medici to the present day The Age of the Medici (1557-1737) From the enlightenment to the world wars (17......a from WWII to the present day.
- 件名Siena (Italy)--History. Siena (Italy)--Politics and government.
- 要約等"The contributions ......vate Libraries and their Documentatio......revolve around the users and contents of ea......k collections, and around the sources used to document and study these collections. They take the reader from la......ual libraries, and from analyses ......ral typologies and overviews by period and by region. As ......ative approach and active engagem......ions regarding the nature, selection and accessibility of sources, the volume serves ......ide to sources and resources in d......as to state-of the-art methods and interpretational approaches"-...
- 内容細目...braries in Use The Leufstabruk Ca......or's Rationale and Network of Cha......ial History of the Book: Otto Tho......n Copenhagen / Anders Toftgaard A......n Rijnsburg at the Beginning of the Eighteenth Century: The Books of Jan M......ury Languedoc: The Library of Jea......vate Libraries and the Second-Hand Book Trade in ......dern Academia: The Case of Leuven University 1425-1797 / Pi......ok Auctions at the Reformed Colle...... on Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Ce......s a Source for the Reconstruction......aries in Italy and the Vatican City / Giliola Barb...... Meave I Leave the Three Folios of My Dear and Venerable Father Louis of Gra...
- ジャンル・形式用語Conference papers and proceedings.
- 内容細目...darker side of the Vietnamese migration to the Czech Republic......av Nožina, PhD and Filip Kraus, P......zech Republic, and others) The making of a mo...... talking about their cross-border migration to and marriage in Ch......m: voices from university teachers and students / (Ho......uages, Can Tho University, Can Tho City, Vietnam) Anth...... Le Thu Trang, and Nguyen Thi Hon......tment of Human and Animal Physiol......Hanoi National University of Education, ......tnam) Managing the power of knowl......uyen, Tra Vinh University, Tra Vinh City, Vietnam, and Don-Lin Yang, PhD, Feng Chia University, Taichung City, Taiwan).
- 件名...am--Emigration and immigration.
- 要約等...nsformed ideas and practices of p......e, philosophy, and politics. The book explores the habituation of......rms of reading and writing from the last years of the nineteenth century through the first decades of the twentieth, as the publishing ind......produced books and magazines an i......everyday life. The book argues th......nsciousness of the typographic te......aterial medium and economic artifice with the power to critique and remake the modern world. ......ranto primers, and declassified s......rship reports, The Typographic Im......ure, language, and culture in the age of modern mass media"--
- 内容細目Introduction: The world made type Part I: The making of a mo......ology Pictures and voices from a ......Iwanami Shoten and the enterprise of eternity The topography of ......: bibliophiles and used books in the print city Part II: Prose, language, and politics in Ja......komitsu Riichi and the contours of li...... romanization, and esperantism The medium is the masses: print capitalism and the prewar leftist...... ends, echoes, and inversions.
- 件名Book industries and trade--Japan--......ook industries and trade--Japan--......century. Books and reading--Japan......century. Books and reading--Japan--History--20th...
- 要約等"[This] book shows how, in the post-World War......oved away from their founding ideals and instead portrayed themselves as inst......ic development and solving social problems"--
- 内容細目Introduction : the instrumental university and American modernity The progressive roots of the instrumental university : public administration, city planning, and industrial rel......g proponent of the instrumental university The urban university as community s......ennsylvania in the era of Gaylord......broad A use of the University of Michigan : ...... P. Hayes, Jr. and economic devel......pment Founding the University of California ......social science and technocratic p......e : critics of the instrumental university.
- 件名Education, Higher--Aims and objectives--Un....... Universities and colleges--United States--Hist...
- 要約等"Now, for the first time in history, the majority of the world's popula......in some places and slowing down in others. The sprawling megacities of Asia and Africa as well as many other smaller and medium-sized c......ies throughout the "Global South"......ue growing. At the same time, old......c decline. Nonetheless, mainstrea......es to treat a handful of supersta......ties in Europe and North America as the exemplars of w...... global growth and development re......aking guide to the multiplicity, heterogeneity, and complexity of ...... He identifies and traces four di......g hypergrowth; and "instant cities," or master-p...
- 内容細目Rethinking global urbanism at the start of the 21st century P......entional urban theory at a crossroads The narrow preoccu...... urban studies The universalizing......generic cities and the convergence thesis Part two. T......al urbanism at the start of the 21st century: ......s aspirations: the emergence of the post-industria......-entertainment city Struggling pos...... hyper-growth: the unplanned urbanism of the 21st century B...... cities on a grand scale: the 'instant urbanism' of the 21st century Part three. The future of urbanism Urban futu...
- 件名Cities and towns--Study and teaching Urbanization Megacit...
- 内容細目...ategic view of the future : from ......e to Singapore and rising Asia, v......o Univercities and cities : the future of univ......keley : campus and community / Ri......ily Marthinsen and John Parman Ca......ridge : beyond the univer-city / Peter Caroli......, Kuala Lumpur and tiger Malaysia......san Shahabudin University of Newcastle : recasting the city of Newcastle as a univer-city : the journey from "......e-upon-Tyne to the new Silk Road ...... Katrina Quinn and Caroline McMil...... top to Surrey and Vancouver Cent......l Simon Fraser University : the engaged university : transforming the univer-city relationship / An...
- 件名University towns--Congresses. Community and college--Congresses.
- 一般注記...y presented at the inaugural Univ...... Technological University, Singapore.
- 要約等This book is a study on the Japanese city gas industry, ...... it focuses on the background, re......sons, methods, and effects of the privatization ......publicly owned city gas utilities ......n Japan, after the Great East Japan Earthquake, the liberalization of the electric power and gas business h......essed rapidly. There are a number of studies on the reform of Japan's electricity market, but there are few studies on city gas business. ......book describes the state of Japan's public city gas utilities and the necessity of their privatization. And it explains the role of conces......privatization. Then it verifies that the effects...
- 内容細目...ntents Editors and Contributors L......tion of Public City Gas Utilities ......s, Objectives, and Methods Abstra......Liberalization and Privatization of City Gas 1.2.1 Mark......t Structure of the City Gas Industry in Japan 1.2.2 City Gas Liberaliza......Publicly Owned City Gas Industry 1......ation of Fukui City Gas 1.4 Privat......zation of Otsu City Gas 1.5 Privat......ion Status of Other Publicly Owne......s, Objectives, and Methods of Pri......ility Firms in the Japanese City Gas Industry 2...... Estimation of the Cox Proportion......cession Rights and Concession Pro......nt's Report on the Reform of PFI 3.2.2 Developme...
- タイトル標目Kobe University monograph series in social sc...
- 要約等"The Cambridge Companion to the Hebrew Bible and Ethics offers an engaging and informative re......etween ancient and contemporary e......ical problems, the essays address......e reform, ethnicity and inclusion, family systems, and military violence. The volume emphasizes the contextual nat......ion, stressing the importance of ......ical knowledge and understanding in illuminating the concerns, the logic, and the intentions of the biblical texts......olume, address the texts' historical and literary contexts and identify key s......al, political, and cultural factors affecting their ethical ideas. They also explore how these texts...
- 内容細目...Crouch (Fuller Theological Semina......egal Ethics 1. The Decalogue: An ...... Institute) 2. The Talionic Principle and Its Calibrations / Sandra Jacobs (King......nt College) 4. The Construction o......ender Roles in the Book of the Book of the Covenant and in Deuteronomy......essler (United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities) 5. Economics and the Law / Albino B......n Genesis / Matthew Schlimm (University of Dubuque Theological Semina......rant Ethics in the Jacob Narrativ...... C. A. Strine (University of Sheffield) 8. Settler Mandates and the Book of Joshua......s Ethic of Togetherness and Its Victims / Richard Smith (...
- 件名Bible. Old Testament--Criticism, interpretation, etc Ethics in the Bible
- 要約等"Handbook of Religion and the Asian City highlights the creative and innovative rol......urban politics and governance are......ous boundaries and processions--i......n is politics. The essays show ho......ainst projects and ambitions of a......ion that takes the city as its public ......or employment, and for salvation....... its potential and actual mobility, the sacred creates......space in which they all can meet. Handbook of Religion and the Asian City makes the comparative ca......e cannot study the historical pat......g attention to the role of religion in urban asp...
- 内容細目In place of ritual : global city, sacred space, and the Guanyin Temple...... Daniel PS Goh The city and the pagoda : Buddh......ritorial cults and the urbanization of the Chinese world ......ossaert Global and religious : ur......an aspirations and the governance of ......rrano Cornelio The Muharram proce......lonial decline and revival as her......n megachurches and contentious re......s, good words, and good (trust) d...... Parsis, risk, and real estate in......an development and heritage conte......k Dealing with the dragon : urban......tics, capital, and ethnicity / Chang Yau Ho......an Buddhism in the Thai post-metropolis / James ...
- 件名Cities and towns--Religio......spects. Cities and towns--Asia. City planning--Religious aspects. City planning--Asia. Religion and politics--Asia. City dwellers--Reli......Religious life and customs. Asia--Religion.
- 要約等"Urban planners across the world are face......ment issues in their work, especially when they are tasked wi......re sustainable and smart growth i......troduces green city planning and practices from the three dimensio......ty development and smart city strategies, and argues that ef......ation of green city planning are a......trum bring together the different standards of green b......ilding methods and urban design techniques and clearly sketch the roles of both ......tial designers and urban researchers in the implementation of green city planning at re......nal, community and single-building level in orde...
- 内容細目1. Overview: Green City Planning and Practices in A......een Concept, Standard, and Assesment 2. Green City: Vision, Strategy, and Planning 3. Ho......l Preservation and Restoration Pl......ng by Greening THE City 6. Ecological and Intensive Desi......om in Planning and Design of Anci......Chinese Cities and Its Contempora......ty Areas under the Coexistence Tr......ental Planning and Existing Stock......Planning 9. On the Impact of Roof......Environment of the Green Building...... Green Culture and Values in the HANUL Madang R......Seoul National University 12. Winter Win......logies: Beyond the Transit City 16. Green-Energy...
- 件名...Public Policy--City Planning & Urban Development....
- 要約等...an change over the past three dec......, Homes Apart, and revisits concl......on that marked the final phases of urban apartheid. It highligh......omic structure and their differential...... South Africa. The evidence prese......n South Africa and one that canno......r statement so the conclusions of the various invest....... As urban apartheid represented ......, its post-apartheid urban legaci......s greatly from city to city. As such this ......ce to students and academics focu......n cities since the demise of apartheid, and scholars of ur......n South Africa and Southern urbanists generally
- 内容細目1. The apartheid city / Anthony Lemo......et, somehow further apart / Gusta...... decades after the end of the Group Areas Act: repetitions and disruptions of......istian Hamann, Thembani Mkhize 4.......ban: Betraying the struggle for a democratic city? / Brij Mahara...... Past, Present and Future / Andre Horn From Ea......don to Buffalo City Metropole / Ce......ost integrated city? / Ronnie Dona......amstown to Makhanda: Urban frontiers and challenges in a post-apartheid city / Phillipa Irv......uffer, to homeland capital, to re...... Mahikeng: one city but worlds apa......13. Kimberley: The diamond city has lost its sparkle / Manfre...
- 件名Cities and towns--South A......frica Post-apartheid era--South Africa Cities and towns. Population. Post-apartheid era. Social conditions. Soc...
- 要約等...s presented at the KES Covid-19 C......tional summit. The book focusses ......cal, economic, and social develop......ents to combat the effects of global and local disasters as well as the ways in which the recovery from ......more resilient and sustainable co......ies, industry, and improve the environment. I......also discusses the global challen......limate change. There are chapters...... making cities and communities mo......ilient housing and buildings, human health and intelligent sy......or forecasting and prediction
- 内容細目...lity skills in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic Relating w......ed learning to the employability ...... discussion in the post-COVID-19 ......s Bizia Lab of the University of the Basque Country......ds for control and estimation of capacity in COVID19 pandemic from point cloud and imagery data Forecasting the COVID-19 sprea......in Iran, Italy and Mexico using n......neural network and ARIMA-based hy......for successful and sustainable e-......k Anticipating and Preparing for Future Change and Uncertainty: B......al Behavior In The Era Of Climate Changes The Development of......ch may Prevent and Treat Covid-19 Infections, fo...
- 件名City planning--Envi......al innovations City planning City planning--Tech......e development. City planning. City planning--Envi......ental aspects. City planning--Technological innov...