
検索結果 51 件

edited by Christopher Kleinhenz and Kristina OlsonModern Language Association of America2020<KR299-D5>
  • 要約等... translations, the work's relatio......nder and LGBTQ themes, visual art......pular culture, theology, video games, the papacy, and influence. Gives ...
  • 内容細目Dante's Comedy in the classroom / Ch......olini Teaching the Divine comedy ......terpretation : the Bible between Dante and the church / Ronal......ching Dante in the light of antiq......s shadows over the legacy of the classical past......ourtly love in the Divine comedy ......saki Dante and the spectrum of me...... and gender in the Comedy / Krist......rell Dante and the papacy / George Dameron The quest for ethi......Roush Teaching the theological dimens......hing Dante and the visual arts / ......th Giotto / Heather Webb Rewritin......y On selecting the "best" transl...... understanding the Inferno through creative writ...
edited by Bobby SmileyAtla Open Press2019<UL441-D1>
  • 内容細目...miley Exposing the null curriculu......ng everyone on the same page : cr...... international student populations / ......iteracy within the disciplines of theological educat......cy course in a divinity school curricu......encies : using the ACRL Framework...... undergraduate students / Jérémie L......on literacy as theological habits : embedding the Framework into theological curriculum / Brandon ...
  • 件名Information literacy Theological libraries Theology--Research Theology--Study and teaching
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)Information literacy and theological librarianship : theory and praxis
edited by Aaron P. Edwards and David J. Gouwens.T&T Clark2020.<HD173-D1>
  • 内容細目Prologue: The concept of Kie......t Reference to Theology) / Aaron ...... on doctrine : the grammar of Chr......Kierkegaard on the church : betwe......edemption / Matthew D. Kirkpatric...... Kierkegaard's Theological Biogra......y. Kierkegaard the theology student / George Patti......on Kierkegaard the reader of scri......en Kierkegaard the preacher / Aar...... Kierkegaard's theological legacy...... Key doctrinal themes. Trinity : ......iquitous yet unthematized / Paul Martens The divine attribu......s broodings on the Godhead / Joel......ew B. Torrance Theological anthro......gy : spirit as the self 'before' and 'resting in...
  • 件名...øren 1813-1855 Theology. Theology, Doctrina......n--Philosophy. Theologie
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)Companion to the theology of Kierkegaard
Sayeh Meisami.Oneworld2013.<X>
  • 内容細目[Part] 1. The man and his wo......ulla Sadra and the school of Isfa......ophy [Part] 2. The reality and gr......g and quiddity The ground of real......sity [Part] 3. The unity of the knower and the known. Knowledge and being The hierarchy of k......tion [Part] 4. The beginning and the end. Substantial motion The ground of moti......n and eternity The soul The resurrection [......is attributes. Theology in transc......tal philosophy The existence of God The oneness of God The attributes Div......liya [Part] 6. The philosopher's ......ly influence : students and critics Mulla Sadra in the Qajar and Pahl...... periods After the Islamic revolution Outside Ir...
  • 資料の内容に関する注記... in uncovering the life and thoug......who represents the climax of inte......ucial point in the history of Islamic civilisati...
  • 関連情報Makers of the Muslim world
edited by Steven T. Katz.Oxford University Press[2013]<HK13-B27>
  • 内容細目...eh Merkavah In the world to above...... and power and the divine reality : the Book of Bahir The Sefirot : the divine emanati......explanation of the ten Sefirot Revelation and the giving of Tora...... of Israel saw the letters" in the Zohar Language......ohar, 2:99 a-b The many meanings of the Torah : "the old man and the beautiful maiden" in the Zohar The mystical Sabbath : "the secret of Sabbath" in the Zohar The end of exile and the future redempt......"Shekhinah" in the Zohar Divine emination and the names of God /......seph Gikatilla The essential qual......seph Gikatilla The mystery of sexuality : the holy letter, attributed to Na...
edited by Karen Radner and Eleanor Robson.Oxford University Press2011.<GA44-B6>
  • 要約等"The cuneiform script, the writing system......ness to one of the world's oldest......lennia, it was the vehicle of com......xtent) Iran to the Mediterranean,......olia to Egypt. The Oxford Handboo......lture examines the Ancient Middle East through the lens of cuneiform writing. The contributors, ......rs from across the disciplines, e......nt look beyond the boundaries of the written word, ......ormation about their creators, readers, users an...
  • 内容細目...communities 6. The person in Meso......n R. Foster 7. The scribe of the Flood Story an...... 8. Feasts for the living, the dead, and the gods, Hagan Br......es 11. Teacher-student relationships:......im and Asqudum the diviner, Domin......ret 14. Music, the work of profes......le Ziegler 15. The education of N....... Manipulating the gods: lamentin......ervational and theoretical calend......n of learning: the king as schola......alace: reading the built environm...... Babylonia, Heather D. Baker VI. ...... knowledge 26. The production and...... a portrait of the Old Babylonian......and describing the world through divination and ...
  • 内容細目... FLOWS Evading the divine wind through the side door: the transformation......iev Chinese in the labour market of the Russian Far Ea......and through Southeast Asia's gold......Bertil Lintner The Dongbei: the new Chinese im...... Paul PART II. THE GLOBAL CHINESE: CONSTRUCTING THE DISCOURSE Chin......non-returning: the mainland Chinese students in Japan and Europe since the 1970s / Cheng ......ition: Chinese students and scholars in the Netherlands / Li Min......d migration in the borderlands of......d discourse in the people's Repub......yíri Gold from the lands afar: new Fujianese emi...
  • 一般注記Based on the workshop "The Past Decade of......Migration from the People's Republic of China" h...
Greenwood Press2007.<X>
  • 内容細目...teration About the editor Introdu......inciples" from the Progressive Mu......Wakeup.com 4. "The assembly of Mu......tatement" from The Assembly of Mu......in America 5. "The assembly of Mu...... fatwa against the Danish media a......overnment over the cartoon crisis......h Al-Sawy from the Assembly of Mu......a 6. "Clash of the uncivilized : insights on the cartoon contro......d Shakir, from The Zaytuna Instit......e 7. "Fiqh and the Fiqh Council o......eLorenzo, from The Fiqh Council o......Alalwani, from The Fiqh Council o......ms who live in the West" from Isl......d Answers 11. "They allow mixing in the mosque because they want peop...
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)Islam in the United States
  • 並列タイトル等Islam in the United States
Heinrich Vogel ; translated by John Penney SmithOliver & Boyd1962
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)Grundfragen des Studiums der Theologie
  • 並列タイトル等Grundfragen des Studiums der Theologie
by Edward Bickersteth ; with a preface by B. F. WestcottSampson Low, Marston & Co.1898
[by Charles Taze Russell]International Bible Students Association1886
  • 関連情報Studies in the Scriptures
  • 掲載誌Studies in the Scriptures
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)The divine plan of the ages : a helping hand for Bible students
[by Charles Taze Russell]Watch Tower : Bible & Tract Societyc1886
  • 関連情報Studies in the Scriptures
  • 掲載誌Studies in the Scriptures
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)The divine plan of the ages : a helping hand for Bible students
by Emanuel Swedenborg ; translation by William frederic wunschSwedenborg Foundation1851
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)The divine providence
  • 並列タイトル等The divine providence
Printed for J. Fletcher ... Mess. Rivington ... Mr. Cadell ... Mr. Payne ... London, and Mr. Merrill, Cambridge1792
  • 件名Theology -- Great Britain -- Earl...
  • 件名(識別子)Theology -- Great Britain -- Earl...
  • 一般注記The preface signed......ont pastedown: The Right Honourab......own: Lichfield theological College Library 稀覯書につ...