検索結果 32,967 件
- 並列タイトル等(連結)The community The Community
- 並列タイトル等The community The Community
- 要約等"Community colleges are a......tion and serve the unique needs of the communities in which they reside. In 2019, community colleges accou......te students in the United States. Community college librar......ices that meet the needs of their diverse popu......dent learning. The Community College Librar...... meant to lift the voices of community college librar...... and highlight their creativity, ......t to students. The Community College Librar......sment explores the research, comp......ing created by community college librarians around the U.S. Chapters ......k demonstrates the innovative and......eplicable ways community college librarians are measur...
- 内容細目...ment plan from the ground up / Br...... plan at Tulsa Community College / Robe......olzmann and Gwetheldene Holzmann ...... assessment at the Community College of Phi......raries: seeing the full picture t...... data-informed community college / Robe......t Holzmann, Gwetheldene Holzmann,......a study of two community colleges / Ang...... students in a community college librar......apter 11. Mind the gap: using reflective practic...
- 件名Community college librar......aluation Bibliothèques de collè......s--Évaluation Community college libraries.
- 要約等"Community colleges are a......tion and serve the unique needs of the communities in which they reside. In 2019, community colleges accou......te students in the United States. Community college librar......ices that meet the needs of their diverse popu......dent learning. The Community College Librar...... meant to lift the voices of community college librar...... and highlight their creativity, ......t to students. The Community College Librar......implemented by community college librarians around the U.S. Chapters ......d practices in the reference inte......gy to navigate the early stages o......k demonstrates the innovative and replicable way...
- 内容細目"We need to be at the table": community college librarians discuss the ACRL Framework......ianship within community colleges / Cri......practices into the reference inte......ce: harnessing the power of empat......assumptions at the reference desk......pproaches (at) the reference desk: the case for incor......rry McCollough The best of times, the worst of times: the benefits and c...... at a suburban community college librar......at Bunker Hill Community College Librar......rtual games in the information li...... Kristen Cinar The perfect host: ......instruction in the community college FYS cu......eline Ruggiero The cultural artifact collaborati...
- 件名Community college librar......rence services Community college librar......ducation Bibliothèques de collè......férence Bibliothèques--Services......s utilisateurs Community college librar......ence services. Community college libraries--User educa...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)The bulltelin of U......sity of Kochi. The Community Center for the Advancement of......d Research and the Integrated Inf......combined issue The bulletin of Un......sity of Kochi. The Community Center for the Advancement of......d Research and the Integrated Information Center...
- 並列タイトル等The bulltelin of University of Kochi The bulletin of University of Koc...
- 並列タイトル部編名The Community Center for the Advancement of......d Research and the Integrated Information Center...
- 内容細目The criminal justi......Sentencing and community corrections Pr......es to behavior Community residential co......populations in community corrections Women and community corrections Pr......rts Evaluating community corrections The future of corrections in the community Glossary/index.
- 内容細目Community and public hea......hat help shape community and public hea......Epidemiology : the study of disea......, and death in the community Communicable a......lth conditions Community organizing/bui......on programming The school health ......a component of community and public hea......opulations and community and public health Community mental health ...... tobacco, and other drugs : a community concern Health......re delivery in the United States Community and public health and the environment Injuries as a community and public hea...... and health in the workplace
- 件名Community health service......s Medical care Community Health Service......e--États-Unis Community health services. Environmenta...
- 一般注記...ntroduction to community & public health / James F. Mc...
- 内容細目...eople Ordering the court The process of pun......to a contested community Courting the community
- 件名...-United States Community-based corrections--Law and le...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Breakthrough in the community medicine
- 並列タイトル等Breakthrough in the community medicine
- 要約等The second and exp...... book provides the most up-to-dat...... for improving the quality of lif......unities around the world. It focuses on community improvements in relation to the interdisciplin......cal sociology. The first part of the book includes ...... and tools for community intervention. It discusses the importance of ......ally involving community members in all phases of community development ac......f countries -- the United States,......frica, Canada, the Philippines an......n communities; the healthy cities......tives based on the recommendations of the Committee on the Elimination an...... climate risk. The appendices include profiles o...
- 内容細目Introduction to the Volume The Basics of Community Practice Essentials of Community Intervention Research for the Community The Researcher's M......ft Behind When Their Work is Done......d Applications Community Development an......gy Perspective The Healthy Cities......ties Movement: The Global Diffusi...... Immigrants in the Community Coeducation in the Popular/Neighb......n Communities: The Québec Case C......ting Change on the Local Level Wo......en and Prison: The Symbolic Recog......Assessment for Community Resilience A C......terventions in the Community: Social Vulner......g Residents in the Design of Urban Renewal Proje...
- 件名Community development Community organization Community development. Community organization.
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Collaborative learning spun in the community
- 並列タイトル等Collaborative learning spun in the community
- 並列タイトル等(連結)YGRP-changemakers in the community
- 並列タイトル等YGRP-changemakers in the community
- その他のタイトル(略タイトル)Changemakers community
- 要約等...ent to explore the intersections ......education, and community settings. Inte......ce and policy. The impetus for th......esses a gap in the international ......ctions between the settings is cr...... to supporting these collaboratio......th literacy is the ability to fin......th. Developing the personal asset...... productivity. The authors investigate the health literac......f children and their communities ......, exploring whether health litera......, education or community issue. They describe wher......ion ministers, community service ministers, youth orga...
- 内容細目...lth Addressing the health literac......nd Working together to improve ch......literacy in Northern Ireland A pe......th literacy in the Australian con......th literacy in the school setting...... Irish schools The Norwegian pers......cket science": The general, nutri......nts Increasing the size of the Scottish healt......th Literacy in the Community An introductio......th literacy in the community Childrens heal......anistan making the silent issues ......m an early age the Danish perspective A community-based perspect......th literacy in the United States of America A community-based perspect......nalysis and synthesis: Intersections and opportu...
- 要約等"In Waiting for the Cool Moon, Wen......critical Black theory, including theories of anti-B...... to understand the way that the Japanese empir......an categories. The book brings into relief the forms of strug...... excluded from the category of the Japanese-Human...... works to make the invisible visi......to four parts, the book charts the experiences an......inking through their lives amidst colonial viole...
- 内容細目... Enclosure and the Community of the Commons Buraku......ilization, and the Myth of the New Small Farm......Empire through the Prism of Phosphate Water Stru...
- 関連情報Studies of the East Asian Institute
- 内容細目...roecology, and the resilience of local communiti...
- その他のタイトルAgricultural landscapes, agroecology, and the resilience of local communiti...
- 要約等This book discusses the building of comprehensive community support system......orms in Japan. The book comprises......in Japan, (II) Community-Based Integrat...... A Prospect of Community-Based Inclusiv......iety in Japan. The chapters in th......re composed on the basis of research into community-based integrat......re systems and community-based inclusiv...... by members of the Association of......ues Related to the Birthrate Decl......aracteristics, the authors conduc......rch to uncover the characteristic...... comprehensive community support system...... challenges in the respective loc......derstanding of the characteristics of social sec...
- 内容細目... Personnel and the Geographical D......l Variation in the Community-based Integrat......stems in Japan Community-based Integrat...... Comprehensive Community Support Center Community-based Integrat...... Comprehensive Community Support Centers Community-based Integrat...... Comprehensive Community Support Center......ing Estates by the Community-based Integrat......ished to Strengthen Community Disaster Resil......e Establishing Community-based Integrat......ce Recipients: The Case of a Project for the Provision of "......vestigation of the "Community-based Inclusiv...... Comprehensive Community Welfare Bases in Urban Areas ...
- 件名Public welfare--Japan Community health services--Japan Community health services. Public welfa...
- 要約等Informed by the social-ecologi......ook focuses on the development of Home and Community Based Services......g culture, and the trajectory of ...... book explores the emergence of one of the most developed......velopment over the past decade, i...... caregiving in community settings, and ......actitioners in the fields of long-term care, ger...
- 内容細目Introduction Community as a Care Ecology The Development of Community Eldercare in S......c Proximity in the Community Eldercare Fostering Community Caregiving Rel......nteractions in the Community Conclusion
- 件名...me care--China Community-based social services--China Community-based social services Older p...
- 内容細目...munities under the EUs clean ener......Joshua Roberts Community energy in the Eastern Baltic......ansition in Southeast Europe : the paradigm of Gr...... mediator to a community energy hub / N......aos Ziozas and Theocharis Tsoutsos The community energy sector ......nluca Ruggieri Community energy in Germ......interventions, theory and results......periences from the Netherlands / Lidewij Tummers Concl...
- 要約等...Arabic poetry, the Qur'an, and the so-called Cons......s to deal with the later Arabic h......graphical and other literary texts. The issue of socia......identities and their processes are central to the study. For ins......s intersect on the eve of Islam? The book suggests that the changes in social groups were...
- 内容細目...4. Gentiles 5. The Rise of the Gentile Prophet in Mecca 6. The Founding and C......nsolidating of the Community in Medina 7. N......rabic Views on the Prophet and His Community 8. Concluding toward Early Is...
- 要約等"Envisioning the Empress illumi...... only women in their own time, bu...... and elevating the status of wome......anese history. The central focus ...... exploring how the empress' biogr......lture, and how their images worke......al policies in the late-nineteent......eth centuries. The book begins wi......n to orientate the reader. In eac......r constructing the narrative of f......is argued that the ultimate purpose of all of these images was to elevate the empress, and p......in popularity. The images of the modern empress......distributed by the Imperial House......elebrity and mother of the nation. The modern empress im...
- 内容細目Introduction : the visual monarchy The modern imperia......ss Shōken and the power of print......n establishing the public empress persona The optics of mode...... and gender in the imperial likeness Towards the sacred and the standard : for......and decorum in the modern Japanes...... identity, and the community of royals : gl......ulture between the Meiji and Tais......g and memory : the visual politics of imperial f...
- 要約等"This book examines the recent politic......ee movement in the EU within the context of res......stories across the continent"--
- 内容細目The context : the history of fre......ommon duties . Community dimension : reproducing the community of the European Union...... solidarity as the ultimate aim Setting the scene : migrat......y histories of the analysed countries Free movem...
- 関連情報Europe's legacy in the modern world