検索結果 219 件
- 要約等...pdated edition of Who Rules Amer...... precisely how the top .05% of the population, who own 43% of all financial ......nd receive 20% of the nation's yearl......cision-making. They have created ......twork, made up of foundations th......ps, to develop the polices that b......p group called the power elite, the corporate rich......donations and other gifts and favors to elected officials, serve ......overnment, all of which make it possible for the corporate rich and the power elite to rule the country, despi......hallenges from the inclusionary a......iance and from the Democratic Party. The book explains the role of bot...
- 内容細目Introduction: Setting the Stage for What Follows Concepts, Definitions,......wer Indicators The Corporate Community The Corporate Community and the Upper Class The Corporate Rich, The Policy-Planning Network, and the Power Elite The Role of Public Opinion...... Elections How the Power Elite Do......ment Examining the American Power Structure in a...
- 件名...-United States Corporations--Political ac......e--États-Unis Corporations--Political activity. Elite (...
- 内容細目...or a political theory of the corporation The economic theory of corporate effi......cy and justice The classical theories of the corporation Ronald Coase and the difference bet......kets and firms The managerial cha...... to liberalism The Chicago School's theory of the corporation From market to......o market again The concept of "norm-governed...... corporate law The architecture of corporate gove......nd efficiency: the market failure...... and equality: the concept of "justice failure" Conclusion.
- 件名Corporations. Corporate governance.
- 内容細目The concept of the corporate regi...... brief history of the corporation A brief history of the anti-corporate movement Corpo...
- 件名Corporations. Anti-globalization movement. Corporate profits. Corporate power. Corporat...
- 一般注記Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
- 要約等...ccess and form the significant as......or many firms. The authors of this book argu...... a combination of both economic ......tions, because the lack of understanding of the mechanisms for the protection and preservation of IP can serve t...... undermine any of the potential economic benefits. The book outlines the opportunities ......e derived from the use of IP in business......lso identifies the rules necessary for their implementation. It offers a comprehe......temic research of intellectual p......perty based on the most up-to-dat......tion and cases of IP use in Russ......lly understand the peculiarities of IP as a spec...
- 内容細目The concept and types of intellectual p......haracteristics of intellectual p......perty rights : the economic and l......gal regulation of intellectual property in the Russian Federa......thorities and other organizations operating in the field of management and protection of IP General provisions on the creation and registration of intellectual p......rate relations The main ways of IP use in business Transfer of rights to inte......omy Protection of intellectual property rights
- 件名...a (Federation) Corporation law--Russia (Federation)
- 要約等...al research on the purpose and functions of universities from the perspective of corporate soci......It addresses professional ethics...... two sections, the book starts ou......an examination of the concept of universities. It explores the differences be...... universities, the history and nature of university governance, the role of higher education, and the problem of domination and......ement context. The second section looks at the faculty, the students, and the role of spirituality in the university and...... examines such themes as the nature of faculty and professors, faculty......y, citizenship of students, and ethical respons...
- 内容細目Section 1: Introduction to the Concept of Universities The Historic and the Contemporary U......by Deborah C. Poff Universities ......y Greg Shailer The Idea of a University: ......periences from the Field by Susan......hout Breaking: The Role of Higher Educati......fer L Kisamore The History and Nature of University Gov......by Deborah C. Poff The Problem of Domination and......Subjugation in the Context of Doing Manageme......by Deborah C. Poff.Service Leadership as the Backbone of University Soc......nted Values as the Bedrock of University Soc......ene Section 2: The Faculty, the Students, the Role of Spirituality in the U...
- 件名...responsibility of business Unive......responsibility of business. Universities and co...
- 内容細目The legalization of business respo......uman rights in the evolving field of CSR and busine......d human rights The UN guiding pri......ric governance The evolution of the corporate resp......ghts : from a soft into a hard o......nce as a legal concept : its characte......tory potential The EU's contribution to the implementation of CSR and the corporate resp......reflections on the European commi......trategy on CSR The role of mandatory disc......ue diligence : the case of the EU directive on non-financial...
- 件名Social responsibility of business--Law ......responsibility of business--Law ......Tort liability of corporations--European Union countries. L...
- 要約等This book studies the long-term development of the 250 largest fa......In particular, the continuities a......iscontinuities of the companies' own......sed to advance the understanding of the attributed lon......rm orientation of family firms i......ness research. The collected data of the 250 largest enterprises of 1958 provide the most comprehen......rical overview of the industrial landscape of this period. The long-term anal......more than half of the companies fail...... quarter keeps their ownership structure in the observation period of 60 years. In t......anies although the latter experie......tes. A listing of a family firm leads to the di...
- 内容細目...re, Underlying Concepts and Research ......stions History of the German Industr......tive Analysis: The 250 Largest Enterprises of 1958 and 2018 ......rm Analysis I: The 250 Largest Enterprises of 1958 Long-term Analysis II: The 250 Largest Enterprises of 2018 Propositions for the Future Development of Enterprises
- 要約等"This book presents a review of historical and......s that concern the interpretation of the international crime of genocide. The Polish legal e......kin formulated the concept of genocide during the Nazi occupation of Europe which was then incorporated into the 1948 Convention against the Crime of Genocide. This......olume looks at the issues that ar......raised both by the existing inter......law definition of genocide and by the possible devel...... criminal law. The authors consider how the concept of genocide might......xts and see whether the definition in the 1948 Conventio......ision, also in the light of the original ideas t...
- 内容細目...Rafał Lemkin's Concept of Genocide vs. the Genocide Conve......-Missala Crime of genocide in Uk......siuta Kingpins of Contention : L......level Dynamics of Mobilization in the Rwandan Genoci...... Hanna Schieve The crime of genocide in it......riety / Tamas Hoffmann Responsibility of members of the government and other public officials pursuan...... to Article IV of the 1948 UN Convention on the Protection and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide / Kam...... Transnational Corporations' Liability fo......rowski Probing the Boundaries of the Genocide Conve......hadimova "Kill Them All and Let God Sort Them Out" or Why Religiously Moti...
- 件名Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948 December 9) Ge...
- 要約等This book investigates the preferences of young job seek......ferent aspects of corporate soci......comparison to other non-CSR relat......s into account the potential influence of cultural and s......its first part the book gives an overview about the impact of CSR on employe......s and explains the factors that p......SR preferences of young job seekers all over the world. In a second part the research desig......ed preferences of 4783 graduates......untries across the globe are discussed. In the third part, re......ural clusters. The most important......mployer choice of respondents ar......lected against the socio-economic background and...
- 内容細目Introduction Part A: Theoretical Concepts Theoretical insights into the relation betwe......c embeddedness of CSR preference......SR preferences of students around the world Part C: ......Europe Germany The Netherlands Part D: ......eneral context of Latin American......eneral context of Ghana and Nige......ponsibility in the Confucian culture China Japan...
- 件名Social responsibility of business Europe
- 要約等"[This book] analyses the great variety of normative proc......encompassed by the term 'corporat......) and subjects them to a systemat......superseded by soft law and infor......isations – are the 'smart mix' fr......y is emerging. The author relates these processes to......siderations on the conception of enterprise, the justification and scope of enterprise res......e reveals that the informalization of norm-creation ......ts transfer to the executive and ......ntal questions of national sover......ation and rule of law. A new conception of 'law' is also required."--
- 内容細目...on Foundations of the corporate soci......discussion CSR conceptions of the United Nations The OECD CSR conception The ISO CSR conception CSR strategy of the European Union......r-specific CSR conceptions Evaluation of the CSR disclosure and further questions Enterprise Respons...
- 件名Social responsibility of business--Law and legislation...
- 要約等"Ulrike Schaede explores the "New Japan" in......ed corporate profitability and s......our core areas of reinvention, l......frameworks and their impact on economic output"-...
- 内容細目Introduction : the reinvention The setting : corp......siness culture The background : J......ime employment The core concept : aggregate niche strategy The impact : Japan......d M&A Managing the reinvention : ......d innovation : the reinvention of the kaisha Japan g......einventing for the digital economy.
- 内容細目Acknowledgements Preface List of abbreviations ......legal systems, the state theories and concepts Meso-institut......ns : varieties of capitalism and......e governance : theories and concepts How did Brita...... how good were they? Continental variety of capitalism, Fr...... Germany : how the continent did ...... United States of America : are ......tutions really the norm for "good...... development : theories and concepts Tanzania's variety of capitalism and limited access...
- タイトル標目Routledge studies in the modern world economy.
- 内容細目1. Introduction 2. Paradoxes of crisis and growth: the landscape 3. The twin concepts of capital: histo......legitimisation of interest on mo......ey 5. Critique of neoclassical e......cs and revival of the idea of circuit analysis 6. The circuit constr......ry formulation of the circuit 8. Mat...... accumulation: the creditisation phase 9. The financial circ......it: leveraging the growth 10. Concluding note: the present as the future.
- 資料の内容に関する注記...omy evolved as the predominant ec......d accumulation of financial capi......ms. It reviews the mechanics of accumulation of wealth by tracing the historical roots of financial capi......al. Traversing the evolutions of capitalist systems since the 1850s till rec......al explanation of the phenomenon. It......onomic circuit of stocks and flows following the early ideas of the French economists of the 18th century and the contemporary C...... keeping aside the orthodox neocl......sical analysis of equilibrium ma......t exchange. Further, it highlights the global financial circuit, the state of the current digitalised econo...
- 内容細目...errick Dodd Jr The end of history for co...... schizophrenic conception of the business corporation / William T. A......n Legal models of management structure in the modern corporation : officers, directo......eam production theory of corporate law ......ctor primacy : the means and ends of corporate gove......s as proxies : the contours of shareholder de......st response to the new mercantili......nce in China : then and now / Cindy A. Schipani ...
- タイトル標目Library of corporate responsibilities.
- 要約等This Handbook offers students a......tic reference; the relation betwe......sion is about. The volume'sforty-......ritten by many of today's leading philosophers of language, are ......ly Descriptive TheoriesII Causal Theories of ReferenceIII Causal Theories and Cogni......ceIV Alternate TheoriesV Two-Dime......nd RigidityVII The Empty CaseVIII......X Epistemology of Reference Cont......der what kinds of expressions ac......gy, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of science
- 内容細目...ly descriptive theories Causal theories of reference Causal theories and cogni......ance Alternate theories Two-dimen......s and rigidity The empty case Sin......s Epistemology of reference Refe......ly descriptive theories. The concept of linguistic ref...... descriptivism The referential-at......art II: Causal theories of reference. The case(s) agains......ptivism Fruits of the causal theory of reference The problem of reference chan......rt III: Causal theories and cogni...... IV: Alternate theories. Causal d......nsionalism and the foundation of linguistic ana......dity. Rigidity of general terms The psychology of natural kind te...
- 要約等...nsive overview of international ......op scholars in the field highligh......te governance, theories of regulation, an......an examination of core concepts and definitio......overs both key theories and curre...... challenges in the field. Theories of regulation for......ublic interest theory, capture theory, rent-seeking theory, institutional theory, and regula......ry competition theory. The Encyclopedia further looks at issu......zation such as the benefits and costs of adopting inter......ing standards, the major factors ......practices, and the challenges of managing multinational corporations. Key Features: Entries divid...
- 内容細目...ements Part I. Concepts and definitio......al convergence of financial repo......counting / Nam The Nguyen 4. Inte...... multinational corporations / Rakesh Pand......irana Part II. Theories and resea......anwal Javed 2. Conceptual framework /......anwal Javed 3. Theories of accounting reg......asad 4. Trends of qualitative re......edie 5. Trends of quantitative r......fits and costs of international ......nal federation of accountants In......l organization of securities com......l system Level of economic devel......ligion Sources of finance Status of the accounting profession Taxation......c tices across the globe 1. The international fi...
- 要約等"In 2018, the total global e......llion. Despite the size of this economy a...... little tax in the countries in which they did business.......h faster than other firms. In 200......counted for 7% of the top 20 market capitalisation of EU companies, ...... far away from their consumers, where some of the actual economi...... concerning is the fact that, on ......ctive tax rate of only 9.5% comp...... Consequently, there is widesprea......overnments and the public about the low level of income tax pai......s operating in the digital economy"--
- 内容細目... Contents List of Figures Prefac......Book Structure of the Book Acknowled.......2 Fundamental Concepts of International ......Taxation 1.2.3 The International ......a Arising from the Competing Demands of Residence and ......e Taxation 1.3 The History of International ......uble Taxation: The ''1920s Compro......servation One: The Recommendation......ent Categories of Income between......servation Two: The Recommendation Recognises the Competing Claims of Source and Res......Countries Have the First Opportun...... to Tax, While the 1923 Report Suggested a Theoretical Prefer......Reflections on the 1920s Compromise 1.4 Justifyi...
- 件名Corporations--Taxation--Eu......nion countries Corporations--Taxation--La......nion countries Corporations--Taxation--Data processing. Corporations--Taxation--Law and legislati...
- 要約等... reflection on the SARS-COV-2 pan......e. It embodies the University of Palermos value......y bringing together academics of very diverse d......ng all aspects of individual and......olume captures the voices of academics during the pandemic, allo......to crystallize the discourses tha......a wide variety of scientific fie......idly evolving. They share the belief that to......quate light on the complex and mu......ted phenomenon of the COVID-19 pande......arily requires the adoption of an interdiscip......nary approach, the consideration of a multiplicity of perspectives, and of a variety of levels of analysis. The organ...
- 内容細目...Health care at the time of COVID-19 Chapt......and to predict the epidemic evolu......19: How Should Their Results be I......ban Habitat in the Neoanthropocen......egal Issues in the COVID-19 Pande......ty Chapter 15. The Right to Healt......hat and Why in the Covid-19 Pande......ts Chapter 16. The Pandemic: A Challenge of the Humanities Cha......ns Chapter 19. The displacement of social bond Pa......ts Chapter 20. The impact of the Covid -19 pandemic on the agri-food supp......in Chapter 21. The impact of COVID19 on the Italian wine a......its effects on the fishery value ......s and failures of the retail system after Covid...
- 内容細目...rce-based view of the firm / Stuart ......itive : ending the stalemate / Mi......e Toward a new conception of the environment-co...... / Peter Christoff Towards the sustainable corporation : win-win-win ......evention meets the bottom line / ......et failure and the environmental policies of firms : econom......t Reinhardt Is there a market for virtue? The business case ....... Vogel Beyond the business case ...... and society : the link between c......aul R. Portney The four faces of corporate citi......l When it hits the fan / Edmund M......ty : a trigger of green organiza......mpirical study of firm environmental and financ...
- 件名Social responsibility of business. Environmental respo...
- タイトル標目Library of corporate responsibilities.
- 要約等...ies, and modes of governance across a variety of public and pri......ed a rich body of empirical and ......nce, thus far, there has been no ...... understanding of what complianc......s and sectors. The academic knowledge of compliance has......ndbook bridges these divides to provide the first one-stop overview of what complianc...... study it, and the core mechanism......e it. Chapters offer perspective......"--Provided by the publisher
- 内容細目Introduction : compliance as the interaction be...... I. Compliance concepts and approache......itya S. Khanna The professionalization of compliance / E......regulation and the existential challenge of corporate comp......n Constructing the content and meaning of law and compli......ng markets and the role of international ...... Giuseppa Ottimofiore Part II. D......ion Deterrence theory : key findi......tional effects of noncompliance ......nnhauser, and Sofia Johan Deterr......evidence about the effect of liability in p......ng-out effects of laws, policies......o Spagnolo and Theo Nyreröd Desi......goal framing : the sustainability of rule compli...
- 件名Corporation law--Criminal ......Tort liability of corporations Business ethi......umer behavior. Corporation law--Criminal ......Tort liability of corporations.