検索結果 607 件
- 要約等...f UGA Press's 'History in the Headlines' ser......ed scholars on the historical backdrop and context for co......"issues" (from the headlines). In addition to the historical context, these "conversatio......emonstrate how historians speak to one another about contentious topics and can contribute......ingful ways to the public's understanding. This volume focuses on the historical context of the January 6th invasion of the U.S. Capitol. In the free-flowing conversation, the participants a......discussed if - and if so, how - historians should engage in public deba...
- 内容細目What Should We Call the Sixth of Janua......mp Shares with the "Lost Cause" of the Confederacy / ......x Dangers from the Enemy Within /...... Emphatically, Historian Writes, before...... on January 6. They're Still Dang......erican / by Heather Cox Richardso......erican / by Heather Cox Richardso......ry 6 Hearings: The Truth May Not ......rnment / by Heather Cox Richardson
- 件名...ington (D.C.)--History--21st century ......ington (D.C.)--History--21st century ......ington (D.C.)--History--21st century ......United States--History--21st century ......United States--History--21st century ......United States--History--21st century ......ates--Politics and government--2017-2021
- 要約等...emory politics and re-Stalinizati...... approaches to the study of the right-wing pop......mory in Russia and beyond. Two decades before the war against Uk......unched against the Russians' hist......sively reshape the nation's understanding of its history and identity. The Kremlin's propaganda of World War II for the militarization......ocumented, but the role of politi......omedievalism - the glorification ......dieval society and its warlords -......o be explored. The celebration of Ivan the Terrible, the sixteenth-century tsar, and the originator of ......ome fused with the rehabilitation......f Stalinism in the quest to reconstruct an empir...
- 内容細目Political neomedievalism, the memory of the perpetrators, and mobmemory Puti......al politics of history Post-Soviet historians and religious activists on the medieval oprichnina The Post-Soviet fa......n establishing the new oprichnina The oprichnina and serfdom in popular culture and public debates......orking through the past Russian-S......Sharov's prose The politics of reversed time : a...
- 件名... (Federation)--History--21st century ......ion)--Politics and government--1991-
- 要約等"In post-Soviet Russia, there is a persist......o-opt national history. By reshaping ......rpretations of the past, The Future of the Soviet Past re......ite its Soviet history plays an essen......utors consider the many ways in w......a, television, and music to museu......, legislature, and education--as ......m reflected in these forms of cul...... acceptance of the valorization of Stalin and his role in World War II. The Future of the Soviet Past pr......ides effective and nuanced exampl......ned its Soviet history as well as how that past stil...
- 内容細目Revisiting the Future of the Soviet Past and the Memory of Stal...... / Nanci Adler and Anton Weiss-Wendt Part I: The Present Memory of the Past Presentis......iticization of History, and the New Role of the Historian in Russia / Iv......Kurilla Secondhand History: Outsourcing R......on Weiss-Wendt The Soviet Past and the 1945 Victory C...... Anti-Semitism and Holocaust Denial: The Second World W......, Pop Culture, and Other Memory Battle......rounds Keeping the Past in the Past: The Attack on the Perm 36 Gulag Museum and Russian Histor....... Barnes Known and Unknown Soldie......ia's Fallen in the Great Patriotic War / Johanna...
- 件名... (Federation)--History--Congresses Propaganda--Russia (Federation)--History--Congresses Collective memory...
- 要約等...ient Africa on the stage of world history. This book brings together archaeological and linguistic evi......weeping global history of ancient Afr......a, tracing how the continent play......ortant role in the technological, agricultural, and economic trans......s readers from the close of the last Ice Age some ten thousand years ago, whe......te allowed for the transition from hunting and gathering to the cultivation of crops and raising of livestock, to the rise of kingdoms and empires in the first centuries of the common era. Ehret takes up the problem of how......cuss Africa in the context of global history, combining results of multipl...
- 内容細目Introducing the issues and themes African firsts in the history of technology ......ology in world and African history ; Women as inventors and innovators ; M......in early world and African history ; Issues and propositions Ancient Africa and the export of agri......l innovation : The era of early a...... West Africa ; The age of agricul......exchange Towns and long-distance ......cient Africa : The West African c......l revolution : the Congo Basin ; ......evolutions" in the global frame The Africanity of ......ncient Egypt : The deep backgroun......cient Egyptian history, 20,000-6000 BCE ; The not-so-deep-time story of Egy...
- ジャンル・形式用語History Informational works. Document...
- 要約等"Oral history gives history back to the people in their own words. And in giving a pa...... it also helps them towards a future of their own making. Oral history and life stories h......uer picture of the past and the changing prese......t, documenting the lives and feelings of al...... people, many otherwise hidden from history. It explores personal and family relationships and uncovers the secret culture......onnects public and private experience, and it highlights the experiences of......n cultures. At the same time it c......ing courage to the old, meaning to communities, and contact betwee......ed communities and those with traumatic memories...
- 内容細目Preface to the Fourth Edition History and the community Historians and oral history Reaching out: other cultures Parallel strands Transforming oral history through theory The achievement of oral history Evidence Memory and the self Projects The interview After the interview Interpretation Appe...
- 件名Oral history. History--Methodology. HISTORY--Modern--General. Oral history
- 内容細目Introduction: Identity and (mis)represent......Worger Tracing the roots of commo...... Christianity, and personhood / N......cola Ginsburgh and Will Jackson W......men, authority and power in southeast Africa duri......ove, courtship and marriage in Africa / Nwando Achebe Slavery and women in Afric......hip in African history / James Giblin......thnicity in southern Africa / Mic......oney Ethnicity and race in Africa......lam in African history / Sean Hanretta and Shobana Shanka......ees in African history / Brett Shadle...... in Africa : a history of ingenuity and invention in A......Schmidt Africa and environmental history / Greg ...
- 件名Africa--History. Africa--Civilization. Africa...
- 著者標目Worger, William H. Ambler, Charles H. Achebe, Nwando, 1970-
- 内容細目George of Pisidia: Life and early poems ; War poetry and religious poetry ; Official history of the Persian war and other late works ; ......Relations with the Emperor Two un......le : universal history ; Chronicon Pa...... : documentary history of the recent past ; ......schale : scope and authorship ; Chronicle of the year 724 : content and sources ; Chronicle of the year 724 : ear......rn sources I : the History of Khosrov: the History of Khosrov and its authorship ; Scope and character ; So......n sources II : the History to the year 682 and the Khuzistan Chronicle: History of Atropatene ......erbaijan) from the beginning of time ; A histori...
- 件名Islam--History--To 1500. Islam--History--To 1500--Hist......slamic Empire--History--622-661. Islamic Empire--History--661-750. Middle East--History--To 622. Islamic Empire--History--622-661--Hist......slamic Empire--History--661-750--Hist....... Middle East--History--To 622--Historiography.
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Historians and histories of the Middle East in the seventh century
- 内容細目...ories? popular history and its audiences Tales for the telling Ethnography for the Greeks: the polis as a new......aphy Fostering the community: acc......s, foundations and ethnicity: Greeks and non-Greeks Saving the city: political history or paradoxa? Miletus and Lesbos Polis i......x: dislocation and disenfranchisement in Samos Athenian polis histories The Aristotelian politeiai and local histories Polis and island histories and the late classical and hellenistic wo......x 2. Polis, island and ethnos historians dated to the fourth century......r of polis, island and ethnos histories: Jacoby's lo...
- ジャンル・形式用語History.
- 件名Cities and towns, Ancient......graphy. Cities and towns, Ancient--Greece--History. City-states--......tates--Greece--History. Cities and towns, Ancient. City-states. ...
- 内容細目...tents note: 1. History on film 2. To see the past 3. Mainst...... 7. Film-maker/historian 8. Engaging the discourse 9. Film on history.
- 件名Motion pictures and history. Historical films--History and criticism. Historical films. ...
- タイトル標目History: concepts, theories and practice.
- 内容細目Cover The Globe on Paper......g Histories of the World in Renaissancem Europe and the Americas Copyr......n: Renaissance Historians and the World Old Worlds and the Globe Recoveri......e Histories of the World 1 Geneal......ntiquarians in the New World The First Inhabita......s of New Spain The Indian Descendants of Noah The Renaissance Archforger and His Giants Berosus Across the Atlantic Inven......nealogies from the New World to C......inking Back to the Moluccas in a ......ital News from the East The Chinese Lesson......Moluccan Tales The Renaissance of......els A World on the Move Northern Obsessions with the Americas 3 Indigenous Compari...
- ジャンル・形式用語History
- 件名...raphy--Europe--History--To 1500 Historians--Europe--History--To 1500 Renai......ica--Discovery and exploration--H......istoriographie Historians Historiograph......istoriography--History--16th century
- 要約等"Anyone who has studied the history of the Reformation, the book and communication ...... influenced by Andrew Pettegree's......ntributions to these fields. The forty-four ess......is Festschrift and its companion ......ioned to cover the broad scope of......as of interest and expertise, and to reflect and build upon them. The pieces, writte......round nine key themes, ranging from the intersections of religion and print to the history of book collecting, the periodical press and pioneering boo......en essays. Together with the second volume, 'The Book World of ......s in Honour of Andrew Pettegree, ......ging survey of the state of current scholarship ...
- 内容細目Andrew Pettegree, a historian of the Reformation and the Book / Malcolm Walsby Andrew Pettegree and Brill : a publishing history / Arjan van Di......es of memory : the mediaeval Bible in the early modern world / Bruce Go...
- 件名Christianity and culture--Europe Reformation Book industries and trade--Europe--History
- 要約等...urported to be the verbatim words of the Nazi leader - two of the most important of these documents we......r's Table Talk and The Testament of A...... book provides the first in-depth analysis and critical study......ed table talks and their history, provenance, t......on, reception, and usage. Based o......arch in public and private archiv......our countries, the book shows whe......where, how, by and for whom the table talks we......, how reliable the texts are, and how historians should approach and use them. It reveals the crucial role of the mysterious Swi......several famous historians in giving these dubious sour...
- 内容細目The Table Talks: How Were They Made and How have Historians Used Them? A Scholarly Scandal: The Publication of......ançois Genoud and His Table Talk Manuscript The Heim Proof Pag......nary Discovery and Its Implicatio......Went Unnoticed The Publication of......r’s Table Talk and the Role of Hugh Trevor-Roper The Testament of Adolf Hitler: The Last Table Tal......erner Jochmann and the Monologe im Fu......rtier Edition: The Publication of Genoud’s “Orig...
- タイトル標目Routledge studies in fascism and the far right
- 要約等"Explores the role history and historians played in imp......Japan's nation and empire building from the 1890s to the 1930s. As ideo......ocess, leading historians wrote and rewrote narrat......that justified the expanding realm. Yosh......at scholarship and politics were inseparable as ...
- 内容細目...ng scholarship and public history Remembering a historian 1. Becoming a historian, 1874-96. A son of Ōmura The fifth higher school The mid-Meiji state of the field Student life at the Imperial Unive...... Resuscitating the historical fie......aduate life Expanding the historian's crafts Writing Japanese history 3. Entrenching the historical fie......Touring Europe and America The Southern-Northern Court incide......iting Japanese history Historic site ......reservation 4. History in action, 191......Molding Korean history The historians and the earthquake Contesting over the past and the present 5. Historians' manifest destiny, 1927-36. ...
- ジャンル・形式用語History.
- 内容細目State-sponsored history after 1945: an......rber Bevernage and Nico Wouters P......I. Memory laws and legislated history Laws governing the historian's free express...... Baets Writing history through crimin......ed memory in Rwanda / Pietro Sull......ch memory laws and the ambivalence about the meaning of col......a Löytömäki History watch by the European Court......ivier de Broux and Dorothea Staes Legislated history in post-Commun......Tomas Balkelis and Violeta Davoli......t II. Archives and libraries Archives, agency and the state / Trudy ......hives to close the past: Bulgaria...... disclosure on the road to European Union access...
- ジャンル・形式用語History.
- 件名History, Modern--20th ......memory. State, The--History--20th century. History, Modern. State, The. Geschichtspol....... Staat. 15.60 history of continents and countries.
- 内容細目Legal history Statistics, trends and techniques Evolution and psychoanalysis The British Marxist historians The city and its' criminals...... Women, gender and crime Colonial and international.
- ジャンル・形式用語History.
- 件名Crime--History. Crime--Histor......--Methodology. History--Methodology. Crime. Kriminal...
- 内容細目...hael Rembis, Catherine Kudlick, and Kim E. Nielsen......rt I. Concepts and questions. The perils and promises of di......sen Disability history and Greco-Roman an...... / C.F. Goodey and M. Lynn Rose I...... disability in the European Middl...... Disability in the premodern Arab......ghe Disability and the history of eugenics / ...... Rembis Social history of medicine and disability history / Catherine Kudlick Ma......e, technology, and the body in disability history / Katherine Ott Designing objects and spaces : a modern disability history / Bess William......ments, ethics, and the disability historian / Penny L. Richards and Susan...
- ジャンル・形式用語Handbooks and manuals. History.
- 件名Disabilities--History--Handbooks, manuals, etc. Disabilit...
- 要約等"Researching the Far Right brings together researchers from across the humanities and social science......scussion about the methodological......nal, practical and professional issues and challenges tha......right parties, their electoral support, and far right prot......inly on Europe and North America over the last thirty ye......ores in detail the opportunities and challenges ass......, quantitative and online researc......thods to study the far right. These reflections ...... discussion of the evolution of f......wpoints within the humanities or the social sciences, tracing the key developments and debates that shape the field ...
- 内容細目... approaches to the far right / Nonna Mayer Historians and the contemporary f...... not to bring) the past into the present? / Nig......ical survey of the far right / Kathleen Blee and Mehr Letif Rig...... Barbara Perry And Ryan Scrivens ......etting inside 'the head' of the far right : ps......l responses to the socio-politica......ereza Capellos and Caterina Kinnv......eo-nationalism and far right stud......vik Estimating the far right vote...... Lamprini Rori and Costas Roumani......ce / Jacob Aasland Ravndal and Anders Ravik Jupskås Challenges and opportunities ...... using Twitter and Facebook to in......is, Ofra Klein and Guido Dijkstra Big data and t...
- タイトル標目Routledge studies in fascism and the far right
- 要約等"The Historian of Islam at Wo......nt scholars in the field of pre-m......dies, covering the many areas of ......und four major themes - Caliphate and power, economy and society, Abbasids, and frontiers and the others - the contributions deal with the history, archaeology, architecture and literature of the Middle East, North Africa and beyond, from the time of the Prophet until the fifteenth century"--
- 内容細目Part 1. Caliphate and power Part 2. Economy and Society Part 3......t 4. Frontiers and the others.
- ジャンル・形式用語History
- 要約等...ends, Schools, and History, Russian archa......Klejn looks at the peculiar pheno......et archaeology and its differences and similarities t......rn archaeology and the archaeology of......n this updated and expanded volume, he considers whether Soviet archae......red as Marxist and, if so, was Ma......archaeology at the time. Were the writings of So......ts sheer propaganda with their own politica...... agenda or can they be considered......sent it, but rather it was divide......peting schools and trends and, even under the veil of Marxis......ely related to the movements occu......owever, inside the system, even the slightest de...
- 内容細目Part I: History and the Present. The 'Great Unknown' ; The Stages of a Lo...... ; Generations and Aspirations ; ......um of Trends ; The Arena of Debat......science. Under the Sign of History ; The archaeology of......a Great Power: the complications ......haeology under the red flag ; Childe and Soviet archaeo......rsonalities in the system. Unbridled intellect and revolution: N. Ya. Marr ; The red demon of archaeology: the saga of V. I. Ravdonikas ; A Historian Armed with a S....... A. Rybakov ; The masters and their roles ; Conc...... Retrospective and Perspective.
- 件名Archaeology--Soviet Union--History. Archaeology--Study and teaching--Soviet Union.
- 要約等...duces students and researchers to the multi- and interdisciplin......eld of mission history. It apprises them with current ......ions, insights and theories. The four parts of ...... book acquaint the readers with m......considerations and recurring themes in the academic study of the history of mission. Pa......le parts three and four consist of thematic clusters,......uch as mission and language, medi......ssion, mission and education, women and mission, mission and politics, and mission and art. The text-selection......lines, authors and backgrounds. The texts were chosen because they address the complexities involved in stud...
- 内容細目... Dorottya Nagy and Martha Frederi......cent trends in the historiography......stianity in southern Africa / Norman Etherington Writing......ach to mission history / Andrea Schultze "Trained to tell the truth" : missi......ies, converts, and narration / Gareth Grifftihs The quest for mute......lack voices in history: some pertinen......s / Adam Jones The midwest China oral history collection / J......nd alpine snow and homes of the east : a journ...... periodicals : the missionary per......commentators : the Indian case / ......ogically about the history of mission / S......ic activity in the overseas missions, 1540-1773 ...
- ジャンル・形式用語History.