
検索結果 567 件

Chris J. MagocRoutledge2022<GH118-D44>
  • 要約等"A Progressive History of American Democracy Since 1945: American Dreams, Hard Realities offers a social, ......, and cultural history of the United States ......cking a period of profound transforma......precedented in the national exper......ext takes a synthetic approach to the history of the 1940s to the present day. It examines how Americans descended fro......century apogee of boundless expectations to the unsettling pre......t with a sense of crisis and national failure. The book's narrative explores the question of decline and mo......portantly, how the history of this transform......tion can point the way toward a recovery of shar...
  • 内容細目A "people's war" and the dawn an "American century" Conta......sm, advancing "the American system" Afflue......ce and angst : the politics and culture of Cold War America Through the looking glass ......d rebellion in the fifties Let us begin : the promise of the early 1960s Mi......pi to Saigon : the tragedy of Lyndon Johnson and the turning of the sixties "People of this generation" : the new left and the counter culture 1968 : the rupture Richard Nixon and the resilience of American democracy Conf...... turning right The Reagan revolution The end of nothing : history lurches on America under atta...
  • 件名Social change--United States--History Democracy--United States--History United States-......United States--History--1945- United States--Social ...
edited by Christopher Dingle.Cambridge University Press2019.<KD251-B3>
  • 要約等...roughout music history, with numerous......s and critics. The Cambridge History of Music Criticism goes beyond these better-known......mes, expanding the geographical r...... and criticism of recordings, as well as the story of criticism in j......ing on a blend of established an......olars, this is the first substant......torical survey of music criticis......expanding area of musicological ......pensable point of reference, The Cambridge History of Music Criticis......rical overview of the field while also addressing s...
  • 内容細目Part I: The Early History of Music Criticism. Speaking of plainsong in the Middle Ages / ......c criticism in the Late-Medieval ...... France before the Revolution / C...... Rose Part II: The Rise of the Press. French ......c criticism in the nineteenth cen......e criticism in the nineteenth cen......es. Critiquing the canon: the role of criticism in c......stopher Dingle The gender paradox: criticism of women and wome......t IV: Entering the Twentieth Cent......c criticism in the United States ......d Canada up to the Second World W......c criticism in the twentieth cent...... writing music history in real time / Eva Moreda Rod...
  • ジャンル・形式用語History.
Adebowale Akande, editorSpringer[2023]<A31-D83>
  • 要約等... remembered as the first American president to b......dicted. He fed the grotesque myth that the election was s...... bid to thwart the certification of Joe Biden's U.......vidly recounts the dramatic narrative of the January 6 Coup......lobal overview of democracy, an ......stute analysis of the forces that drive the dominance of the (neo)liberal paradigm of the last decades s......uld look no further than this volume. Yet the volume takes the issue further by vigorously documenting the decline of the U.S. treaty pr...... diplomacy and the doctrine of unpredictability). There is an urgent......ssive infusion of strategic support for democra...
  • 内容細目Part 1: Introduction - the American Democracy Chap...... Populism, and the Struggle to Sa......acy Chapter 2. American Presidency, In......t 2: Unmasking the Presidency Chapter 3. The Tenets of Trumpism and the Assault on American and Global Dem......4. Trump, and Other Nationalist a......ery Chapter 5. The Agitator Supplies What the Base Demands: ......ump Chapter 6. The Post-election ......rt to Overturn the 2020 Election ......a Failed Coup: the Capitol Attack......ning Curve and the American Evangelicals C......ental Maps and the Unraveling of the Liberal World ......r 9. Trump and the Performance of "the Other", and Stigmatizati...
  • 件名Democracy--United States--History--21st century Democracy Polit...
Carl J. Bon Tempo, Hasia R. DinerYale University Press[2022]<DC821-D55>
  • 内容細目...migration : An American History Founding Immig......merica Opening the Door to Europe's People From Two Conti......sts, 1820-1882 Americans React, Regula......gin, 1820-1882 The Masses Arrive as the Door Starts to......1882-1921 What Americans Said about the Immigrants, 18......2-1921 Closing the Gates : National Origins and the Great Depressi......II Prosperity, the Braceros, and ......ees, 1945-1965 The Age of Reform : Brace......Immigration in the Twentieth Cent......ism, 1970-2001 The Era of Border Security : Immigration...
  • ジャンル・形式用語History.
  • 件名Immigrants--United States--History Emigration and......d immigration--History United States-......rnment policy--History United States.
Brian P. WalshNaval Institute Press[2024]<GB566-D5>
  • 要約等"Most Americans regard the postwar Occupation of Japan as a prime example of American magnanimity. They are blithely unaware of the prevailing Jap......ged in an orgy of looting, sexua......nd that during the first ten days of the Occupation there were 1,336 reported cases of rape in Kanaga......fecture alone. The myth goes further with claims t...... U.S. military officers demanded the Japanese gover......ment set up brothels for use by American troops and tha......en embarrassed officials in Wash......ced Occupation officials to close the brothels, the servicemembers...... (according to official records)......reported rapes of Japanese women skyrocketing f...
  • 内容細目GI behavior during the occupation of Japan and in c......war, rape, and the human psyche "The absurdity of history" : the American occupation as a denial of traditional Ja......ropaganda, and the foundations of a legend A new generation of mythmakers Conclusion: "The genius of an enraged people"
  • 件名...crimes--Japan--History--20th century ......Public opinion HISTORY / Wars & Confl......r II / Pacific Theater HISTORY / Military / U...... States Japan--History--Allied occupation, 1945-1952...
edited by Pia Maria Jolliffe and Thomas Richard Bruce.Routledge2019.<FB56-B50>
  • 要約等...c change in Southeast Asia of the last two hundr......revious age as the impact of the Industrial Rev...... intruded into the region and, pa......ticularly over the last fifty yea......gible measures of the region's produ...... book analyses the Southeast Asian experience of educational de......ough a variety of micro-historical studies on the subject of education, pol......nd practice in the region from the emergence of modern education to the end of the twentieth century, the book examines if there is an identi......ly distinct Southeast Asian approach to the provision of education. Con......s, schools and the actions of Western teachers i...
  • 内容細目...a Identity and the Shifting Value of the Classical Past: A Case Study of King Kyansittha in Burmese History Textbooks, 182...... Rosalie Metro The legend of the "lost book" and the Value of Education Among the Karen People in Myanmar and......Maria Jolliffe The Modernisation of Female Education and the Emergence of Class-conflict......iterate Groups of Women in Siam ......40-1944 / Wasitthee Chaiyakan Con......: Schooling in the Kuomintang Chi......Diaspora in Northern Thailand, 19......Shoemaking and the Emergenceof a National Eco...... Presentations of Race in Singapore's History Textbooks, 1965-2000 / Theophilus Kwek State and Islamic...
  • ジャンル・形式用語History.
Susan Ware, editorThe Library of America[2020]<AU-251-D27>
  • 要約等"For the first time, here is the full, definitive story of the movement for v......ing rights for American women, of every race, told through the voices of the women and men ......d it. Here are the most recognizable figures in the campaign for w......hony, but also the black, Chinese, and American Indian women a......y essential to the movement but e......Here, too, are the anti-suffragis......ed about where the country would head if the right to vote ......te so that together these 100 selectio......0 writers tell the full history of the movement-from ......igail Adams to the 1848 Declaration of Sentiments to the ratificatio...
  • 内容細目...on) Lecture at the Franklin Hall ......rom Letters on the equality of the sexes / Sarah ......ké Address to the Massachusetts ...... Grimké from "The great lawsuit"......er Petition to the Constitutional Convention of the State of New York / Ele......op Declaration of sentiments and......ruth Speech to the Second Nationa......estine L. Rose The Woman's Rights Convention, the last act of the drama (New Yor......unt Address to the Legislature of New-York / Eli......ell Address to the Seventh Nation......ague) Speech a the Eleventh Natio......per Address to the First Annual Meeting of the American Equal Rights Association / So...
  • ジャンル・形式用語History Sources
edited by Peter Fibiger Bang, C.A. Bayly, Walter ScheidelOxford University Press[2021]<GA32-D2>
  • 要約等This is the first world history of empire, reaching from the third millennium BCE to the present. By combining synthetic surveys, thematic comparati......leled coverage of imperialism throughout history and across con......from Africa to the Americas. Only...... to be a thing of the past; now it i......nd remains one of the most enduring forms of political orga......not understand the dynamics and resilience of empire without......isively beyond the study of individual cas......riods, such as the relatively short age of European colonialism. The history of empire, as these volumes ampl......to be drawn on the much broader canvas of global...
  • 内容細目Volume 1. The imperial exper......ence volume 2. The history of empires Volume......mpire, a world history: anatomy and concept, theory and synthesis / Peter Fibiger Bang The scale of empire: territ......alter Scheidel The evolution of geopolitics an......n / Ian Morris The political economy of empire: "imper......l capital" and the formation of central and re......ony, and forms of pageantry: the inter-imperial......reaucracy, and the practice of government and......ed Empires and the politics of difference: pathways of incorporation ......rebellion, and the subaltern / Ki......e as a process of ecologically unequal exchange...
  • ジャンル・形式用語Cross-cultural studies. History.
edited by Michael Nelson and Barbara A. PerryUniversity of Virginia Press2021<AU-211-D45>
  • 要約等...oints at which the constitutional could have inv...
  • 内容細目...Michael Nelson The living preside......ash Crossroads of the (c)onstitution......ndmarks shaped the office / Michael ......presidential : the Trumpian momen......chard J. Ellis The people, the President, and the Congress at a ......ss and Sean M. Theriault The crossroads of impeachment : the threat of removal and the separation of powers / Andrew Rudalevige American regicide : pos......presidents and the bitter politics of returning to n......ssell L. Riley The personal presi......e-presidential history / Joel K. Gold......foundings, and the "Living Constitution" / Sidne...
  • タイトル標目Miller Center studies on the presidency
Dallas HanburyLexington Books[2020]<UL181-D4>
  • 要約等Using the Atlanta, Birmi...... case studies, The Development of Southern Public Libraries and the African American Quest for Libr......ral role in Southern cities' econ......efforts during the New South and ......ras. First, Southern public libra......egation during the early twentiet...... serve African Americans, or only to a......d degree. Yet, the Progressive Er...... influenced Southern public libraries to the extent that no......even caused Southern public libra......remain open to the idea of slowly expandi......ice to African Americans. Later, libra......gregation made them prime targets...... breaking down the barriers of segregation in th...
  • 内容細目...nd Rebirth: Southern Public Libra......lopment During The New South Era ...... New South: Southern Public Libra......rs Are Seekers Of Knowledge": De......loping African American Library Servic...... Is Simply Out Of The Question To Eliminate The Colorline": The Development Of Black Library ......In Atlanta And The Integration Of The Atlanta Public......ry Chapter V: "The Library Cannot......ately To White People And Negroes": Nashville And The Quest For Inte......lack Activism, The National Civil...... Movement, And The Integration Of The Birmingham Public Library
  • ジャンル・形式用語History.
Kevin Young, editorThe Library of America[2020]<KS184-D22>
  • 要約等Across a turbulent history, Black poets c......reckoning with American realities and ......ve response to them. One of the great American art forms, African American poetry encompa......ses many kinds of verse: formal,......, and protest. The anthology open...... testaments to the power of poetry as a means of self-assertion, as enslaved people voice their passionate r......olume captures the power and beauty of this diverse t......s challenge to American poetry and culture. The volume also fe......es biographies of each poet and notes that illu...
  • 内容細目...ice: 1900-1918 The dark tower: 19......9-1936 Ballads of remembrance: 1936-1959 Ideas of ancestry: 1959......aise songs for the day: 1990-2008 After the hurricane: 200......ollection ; On the Death of the Rev. Mr. Georg......Lucy Terry A Mathematical Problem......ker To Eliza ; The Slave's Compla......t ; On hearing of the intention of a gentleman to purchase the Poet's freedom ; Division of an estate ; The Art of a Poet ; Georg......eal to Woman ; The Grave of the Slave / Sarah ...... / David Drake The Natives of America ; Refl......rse Written in the Album of Mademoiselle _......orge B. Vashon The Emigrant / Benjamin Clark Son...
  • 件名American poetry / African American authors Social problems / Poe...
Malini Johar Schueller.Temple University Press[2019]<GE87-D1>
  • 要約等...s a technology of U.S. power in the Philippines an...... by writers in the Philippines, Japan, and the diaspora"--
  • 内容細目"Among a tropical people" : little brown brothers, individual ......elf-government Americanism and Filipin......ish readers in the Philippines, 1...... Articulations of decolonial thi......inmark Mapping the Japanese tutelary subject in the classroom and ......n tutelage and the pragmatics of individual memory Epilogue: The war on terror and education f...
  • 件名Educational change--Japan--History--20th century.......--Philippines--History--20th century.......--Philippines--American influences--History--20th century.......cation--Japan--American influences--History--20th century. Philippines--History--1898-1946. Japan--History--Allied occupation, 1945-1952...
edited by David K. Yoo and Eiichiro Azuma.Oxford University Press[2016]<EC136-B188>
  • 内容細目...Islanders, and the American empire / Keith......ispheric Asian American history / Jason Oliver......rs in Hawai'i: people, place, cultur......ohn P. Rosa Southeast Asian Americans / Chia Youyee......Asian Canadian history / Henry Yu Par......d World War II history / Eiichiro Azu......n exclusion in the United States ......ornel S. Chang The Cold War / Madeline Y. Hsu The Asian American movement / Dar...... Variations on themes A history of Asian internat......al adoption in the United States / Catherine Ceniza Choy Confronting the racial state of violence: how Asian American history can reorient the study of race / Moon-Ho Jung ...
  • 件名Asian Americans--History.
edited by Frank N. Pieke and Koichi IwabuchiUniversity of California Press[2021]<GE115-D5>
  • 要約等"Drawing on work in a range of disciplines-including history, anthropology,...... sociology and the arts-this work......w perspectives.The book looks at ......on many facets of Chinese culture, artistic pro...
  • 内容細目Introduction : the many faces of global East As......ant Keystone : the nexus of war memory and...... Shanghai from the 1920s to the 2010s / Andrew......ybridity and authenticity in glob......-Pacific flows of Korean pop cul...... Ai Weiwei and the global art of politics / Wil...... East Asia and the rise of global competi...... / Huang Futao The educational ex......eboom-Faulkner The global spread of Chinese medici......ers / Mei Zhan Of married daught......ged chickens : history and significations of being "Chinese" in Southeast Asia / Kwee Hui Kian The Koreans in Nor......ica / John Lie The Japanese diaspora in the Amer...
Jonathan H. X. Lee, editor.ABC-CLIO[2016]<DC851-B29>
  • 要約等"While the number of Chinese Americans has grown very rapidly in the last decade, t......ong thrived in the United States in spite of racism, discri...... a global view of the Chinese experience in the Americas. While the focus is on Chinese Americans in the United States,...... also explores the experiences of Chinese immigr...... considers why the Chinese chose to leave their home country, where they settled, and how the distinctive Chinese American identity was f......nd literature, the arts, and popu......essays capture the essence of everyday life ......grant group as they assimilated, ......teracted with other ethnic groups. Alphabeticall...
  • 内容細目Part I. Context of Chinese American emigration: co......involvement in American politics Part ......eligious life: people, institutions,......V. Literature, the arts, popular ......e, and sports: people, movements, and expressions of identity.
  • ジャンル・形式用語Biography. History.
edited by Linda H. Chance, Paul B. Reagan, and Tetsuko TodaLexington Books, an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc[2024]<HP112-D34>
  • 要約等...nd Japan since the Late Nineteent......tury discloses the history of relations among members of the Religious Society of Friends, or Quakers, of Philadelphia a......nese and North American experts demons......derappreciated history. Throughout the modern era, these ties, often between wom......s in Japan and the United States. With a focus o...
  • 内容細目...: Beginnings: "The simple fact of our being frie......oda Chapter 3: The Japan Peace Society and the British and American Quakers who su......ps: "More than the courage to des......r". Chapter 4: The faith life of Nitobe Inazō: A legacy of Philadelphia Q......man Chapter 5: The Nitobes: A Qua......p with Japan": The American Friends Servic......l diplomacy in the 1920s / Allan ...... 8: Edith Forsythe Sharpless in w......a Chapter 9: Esther Biddle Rhoads......ne Chapter 10: The Encounter with......hia Quaker and the education of the Japanese Imper......an Chapter 12: The public speeches of Elizabeth Gray Vining in Japa...
  • 件名...-Philadelphia--History Quakers--Penns......-Philadelphia--History Society of Friends--Japan--History Society of Friends--United States--History Society of Friends--Penns......-Philadelphia--History Women--Japan--History Women's rights......United States--History Women's rights--Japan--History Femmes--Japon-......ations--Japan--History Japan--Relatio......United States--History
Matteo Grilli, Frank Gerits, editorsPalgrave Macmillan[2020]<GF51-D14>
  • 要約等This collection of essays analyze......ent iterations of African unity, exploring the political and ......n. It explores the cultural, econ......-state aspects of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) as the principal inst......n dedicated to the cooperation of African states......formation into the African Union ......l as how ideas of African unity shaped the Cold War and A....... Bringing together contributors ...... diverse range of disciplinary b......ca, Europe and the US, this book investigates the ideological or......historiography of Pan-African an......s engaged with these ideas.--
  • 内容細目...Different Kind of Union : An Ass......peting Visions of African Unity ......me Nkrumah and the All-African Tr......n : Labour and the Emancipation of Africa 5. African Unity and the Process of Integration from the Grassroots : The Case of Mali and Senegal Part II The Impact of African Libera......ity 6. Visions of Unity : Southern Africa and L......1960s-1980s 8. The Trajectory of Liberation : I......olonialism and Their Contribution......War politics : The OAU Consultati......ttee and Anglo-American Diplomacy in the Nigerian Civil......0 10. 'Between their hands a fabu......phy is born' : The Maghreb Generation and the Fi...
  • 要約等...l and cultural history of Honduras, covering the era of the Mayan and Lenc......uding Mayan prehistory, Spanish conqu......as is also one of the poorest nations in the world, with roughly half of its population living below the poverty line. ......throughout its history. In 1969, Hond......preliminary to the World Cup led to the four-day-long ......aused billions of dollars of damage to Hond......rs later, half of the country's road......s were ruined, often beyond repa......e frowned upon the Honduran government's shift of power from the president to the head of Congress. The History of Honduras provi...... comprehensive history of the small Latin American c...
  • 内容細目Timeline of historical eve......s and liberals The world comes to Honduras The banana republic or an American colony, 1900-1933 The era of Tiburcio Carías, 1932--1954 The Cold War comes......nduras today : the more things change, the more they stay the same Notable people in the history of Honduras.
  • 件名Honduras -- History. Honduras -- Politics and gov...
Daron R. Shaw and John R. Petrocik.Oxford University Press[2020]<AU-251-D13>
  • 要約等This book refutes the widely held co......er fifty years of presidential, ......n data to show there is no consis...... with turnout. The overall relationship between the partisan vote ......nd turnout for these offices is uncorr......t significant, there is no observ......nout when each office or seat is......states, across the decades, guber......o turnout; in others an increase ......s Republicans. The pattern repeat......ections during the 1970s, 1980s, ......s, and through the 2010s. The analysis demon......s that, within the range that turnout varies in American elections, it is the participation and abstention of easily influenced, less engag...
  • 内容細目If only our people had turned out! American voter turnout : a history and portrait A theoretical exploration of turnout and vo......results : a further look Why is the conventional w......nd thoughts on the link between turnout and vote...
Ichiro Takayoshi.Cambridge University Press2015.<KS184-B143>
  • 要約等...II transformed American literary culture. From the mid-1930s to the American entry into Wor......r responded to the turn of the public's interest from the economic depre......ion at home to the menace of totalitarian s......icism in which they prophesied the coming of a second world......repare for it. The variety of competing answers offered a rich legacy of idioms, symbol......ca's promotion of its values and......terests around the world for the rest of the twentieth cent......enormous range of writers, think......, this book is the first to establish the outlines of American culture during this pivotal p...
  • 内容細目...-Night Face 3. Americans in Spain 4. M......on Broadway 5. The War of Words 6. The People's Culture 7. Across the Pacific 8. The Axis Conquest of Europe I 9. The Axis Conquest of Europe II Epilogue: The American Lebensraum.
  • 件名...Literature and the war. Authors, American--20th century-...... social views. American literature--20th century--History and criticism.......RY CRITICISM / American / General.