
検索結果 45 件

edited by Laura McAtackney and Máirtín Ó CatháinRoutledge, Taylor & Francis Group2024<GG273-D3>
  • 要約等"The Routledge Handbook of the Northern Ireland Conf......t and Peace is the first multi-au......ically address the many facets of the thirty-year Northern Ireland conf......ally known as 'the Troubles' and ...... two community theses. The temporal span ...... reach back to the formation of the state of Northern Ireland with......ny starting in the late 1960s to ......at least up to the Good Friday / ......t Agreement in the 1998. This vol......nue through to the present day. W......ngagement with the North of Irela...... perspectives, theoretical framew......lso allows for the intermingling ......that highlight the role of personal papers, memo...
  • 内容細目'Rigorous impartiality'? The UK Government,......nesties and Northern Ireland conf...... Thomas Leahy 'The cutting edge of the IRA' : the armed struggle......h and south of the border / Brian......thought during the troubles / Con...... : researching the conflictual past in Northern Ireland / St......Sophie Long Northern Ireland : st...... Aaron Edwards The writing on the wall' : the myths of Free ......was concrete : the everyday impac......ore and during the troubles / Adrian Grant The troubles, emig......rry Hazley How economists have interpreted the troubles / Gra......ownlow Writing the intersections ......experiences of the conflict in Northern Ireland ...
  • 件名Peace-building--Northern Ireland Northern Ireland--History Northern Ireland--Politics and gover...
Susumu Egashira, Masanori Taishido, D. Wade Hands, Uskali Mäki, editorsSpringer[2021]<DA1-D33>
  • 要約等This is the first book to describe the entire develop......tal history of the human aspects of economics. The issue of "sel......nomics. Though the notion of self...... economics and economists since Smith f......t placed it at the heart of the field, this is the first book to ......ally, economic theory has presupposed that the core of human ......interest. Nevertheless, some economists, e.g. recent behavioral economists, have cast do......xplanation. Further, though many economists have agreed on the central role o......behavior, each economists positioning o......st in economic theory differs to ......s to elucidate the position of self-interest in ...
  • 内容細目...f-interest and the assumption of economic theories 4. Leon W......man nature and theory of property......Otto Neurath's theory of felicito......socialization: the meaning of phy......sciences 7. On the innate selfish......k on interest- the finding of rul...... Altruism: how economists have dealt wi......s: Economics, other disciplines, and social real...
  • 件名...omics Economic Theory/Quantitative Economics/Mathematical Methods Social Choice/...
Cambridge University Press2009.<DA1-B310>
  • 内容細目1. Preface to The Romantic Economist Pt. I. The prelude : the romantic economist and the history of ideas 2. The great divide 3...... Economics and the nation state 7......omanticus and other homines 10. I...... economics 11. The romantic economist : conclusion.
  • 件名...en. Wirtschaftstheorie. Wirtschaftsphilosophie. ...
edited by Ourania Filippakou and Gareth Williams.Peter Lang[2015]<FD1-B70>
  • 内容細目...ntability, and the public role of......her education, the public good and the public interes...... education and the public good : ......nging ideas of economists about the public-private......Pedro Teixeira The paradoxical university and the public good / ......an analysis of the english debate...... Yang Assuring the public good in......Inequality and the erosion of the public good / Jon Nixon Epilo...
edited by Charles Camic, Neil Gross, and Michèle Lamont.The University of Chicago Press2011.<EC37-B14>
  • 内容細目Knowledge production in the disciplines Li......scholarship in the twentieth cent......Grafton Filing the total human: a......onferences and the making of phil......rystal Fleming Practical foundations of theorizing in sociology: the case of Pierre......mi Meetings by the minute(s): how...... / Marilyn Strathern Social knowledge beyond the academy Subjec......s science; or, the public relations of the polls / Sarah E. Igo The practices of o......claims to know the future are use...... to understand the present: techn......prospection in the field of natio......igners do when they design markets? economists as consultants to the redesi...
Cambridge University Press2010.<EG25-B126>
  • 要約等...e economics in the context of the emergence of the welfare state. There are fresh views of the well-known Cam......foundations in the idealist philo......ouse considers the work of its le......zawa discusses the spread of this......tain. Finally, the book covers we......e economics in the policy arena: ......Toye points to the possible influ......duction frames the discussion, an......script relates these ideas to the work of Robbins and subsequen...
  • 内容細目...erpretation of the history of wel...... Economics and the Welfare State ...... economics and the welfare state ......ket failure in theory and practic......s on Cambridge economists from Marshall......ord Ethics and the Problem of Welfare 5. The Oxford approach to the philosophical foundations of the welfare state ......n as a welfare economist / Roger E. Backhouse 7. The ethico-histori......roach abroad : the case of Fukuda......e Economics in the Policy Arena 8. 'The great educator......H.G. Wells and the origins of the welfare state / Richard Toye ...
edited by Olivier Blanchard [and three others].The MIT Press[2012]<DF121-B68>
  • 内容細目...tary policy in the wake of the crisis / Olivi......ard How should the crisis affect ......ry policy, and the crisis / Josep......al policy from the crisis? / Davi....../ Rakesh Mohan The case for regul...... / Dani Rodrik The dynamics of ru...... Paul Romer Is the Chinese growth......heng Growth in the post-crisis wo......Michael Spence The international ......s / Gumundsson The international ......tem reform : a practical agenda / Charles Collyns The international monetary system...
edited by Clifford S. Russell and Duane D. Baumann.Edward Elgarc2009.<DC961-B105>
  • 内容細目... 2. history of the United States ......e Districts 3. theory and practic....... Loucks 5. On the collaboration ......ecologists and economists / Clifford S.......ater 7. Making the transition: mo......nagement in to the twenty-first century / Gerald...
  • 一般注記Published in association with the Institute for Water Resources...
Harvard University Press2010.<DA1-B368>
  • 要約等From the Publisher: Bet......onditions over the past half cent......icy decisions. Economists were obviousl......al in revising the consumer price......e providers in the 1990s. But per...... surprisingly, economists built the foundation for eliminating the military draft......3, for passing the Earned Income ......, for adopting the welfare-to-wor......reforms during the Clinton admini......r implementing the Pension Reform......n a 401 (k) . Other important pol......resulting from economists' research inc......until 2008!) , the reduction of t......better exploit their natural adva......ied couples in the same city, and the adoption o...
  • 内容細目Overview : highlights of the benefits of ba......arles R. Plott The evolution of e...... Economics and the earned income ......nne O. Krueger The role of economics in the welfare-to-work reforms of the 1990s / Rebecc......John B. Taylor The greatest aucti......hms : history, theory, practice /......oth Economics, economists, and antitrus...... Economics and the all-volunteer ......r retirement : the autosave features of the Pension Protection Act of 200...
Palgrave Macmillan2010.<DA29-B6>
  • 要約等"This book analyzes both the consistent and......ng elements in the Austrian Schoo...... foundation in the late 19th Century up to the recent offspri......t investigates the dynamic metamorphosis of the school, mainly with reference...
  • 内容細目...a new image of the founder : Carl......871: quest for the reality of "Ec......ral aspects of the historical sch...... Max Weber and the "New Economics....../ Keith Tribe; The German histori......yama: economic theory and economi......er to Polanyi: the institutional ......ssemination of the Austrian Schoo...... of Economics: The Austrian school in the interwar perio......business cycle theory: static too......sséi; Hayek on practical business cycle......ustrian émigre economists in American /...... Transition of the Austrian schoo......, Hayek and on the concept of "Ve......rket-images in the 1930-40s / Makoto Nishibe; Ca...
Harvard University Press2006.<DA1-B224>
  • 要約等...as been one of the four or five m...... scientists of the past fifty yea......ion shows why. These essays conve......s motivated by the thought of influencing other people's expe......ions; it views the mind as being ......--smoking and other addictions, g......ccepts many of the basic assumpti......n to modifying them when appropri......e, and open to the findings and insights of other social science disciplines.-...
  • 内容細目...house sense? ; The economic diplo......licy, and in a theory of rational......ictive drugs : the cigarette expe......e, liberty, or the pursuit of hap......olicy. What do economists know? ; Why d......n Decisions of the highest order. The legacy of Hiroshima.
Island Pressc2007.<EG281-B426>
  • 内容細目... statistics or the key to sustain......indicators: an economist's view Chapter 7. The institutional ...... indicators at the EEA Chapter 9.......evelopment and the use of health-......es Chapter 18. The development of......ping tools for the assessment of ......development in the province of Brabant, the Netherlands Chapter ......Chapter 22. Further work is neede......rs Chapter 23. The Yale and Columbia Universitie...
  • 一般注記"A project of SCOPE, the Scientific Com......on Problems of the Environment, of the International Council for Sci...
  • 著者標目...on Problems of the Environment.
Guilford Pressc2007.<DC821-B120>
  • 内容細目...s : looking to the future of Amer......ppu Tyyskä How economists have studied the immigrant fami......perspective on the development of......acios Managing the differences wi......y education in the United States ......raine McKelvey The role of presch......s in improving the school achieve......Asian Muslim mothers / Fariyal Ro......alization, and the Chinese Americ......t families and the educational development of their children / A......ly linkages in the lives of famil......s ... [et al.] The role of the law in relationships within i...
Jessica Kingsley Publishers2007.<EL187-B84>
  • 内容細目... Anne Wihstutz Theoretical approa......hes A feminist economist's approach to ......g children and the cultural perce......k? : issues in the study of psych......artin Woodhead The reintegration ...... children into the adult world of...... Vinod Chandra The significance o......ing at home' : the concept of chi......and work among the Nahuas of Tlax......ta in Lima and the Algarve / Anto......ployment in Northern Ireland : my......: towards a synthesis? / Christop......our in Italy : the point of view of the children / Mar...... organisations The stakes of chil......on in Africa : the African moveme......t for change : the influence of organisations of...
Robert Torrens ; introduced by Giancarlo de VivoThoemmes Press2000
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)The principles of Sir Robert Peel...
  • 並列タイトル等The principles of Sir Robert Peel...
Hyperion Press1979, c1935.<DC21-149>
  • 内容細目An economist's Apologia Economy and waste The balance of tra...... laisser-faire The economics of restrictions.
  • 一般注記Reprint of the 1936 ed. publi......s delivered at the London School ......mber 1934, together with two others previously given in Cambrid...
edited by Peter A.G. van Bergeijk ... [et al.]Edward Elgarc1997
  • 件名Economic policy Economics Economists Government economists
  • 件名(識別子)Economic policy Economics Economists Government economists