
検索結果 8 件

Cambridge University Pressc2007.<HD15-B4>
  • 内容細目Introduction : "a man of versatile mind" 1. Upbringing and education (1632-1658......ound myself in a storm" (Somers......) 1646-1652 : "a very severe sc......56 : "no very hard student" (Oxford B.A. studies) 1656-1658 : "a most learned and ingenious young man" (Oxford M.A. studies) 2. College offices and medical studies (1659-1667) January-December 1659 : "melancholy and discontented" (away from friends) January-December 1659 : "study in earnest" (medicine toleration) January-October 1660 : "I shall not willingly be drawn from hence" (medicine anxieties about political situation) October-D......ber 1660 : "whether the civil magistrate may law...
  • 件名Locke, John, 1632-1704. Filosofen. Physicians -- England -- Biography. Philosophy -- England -- Biography.
  • 一般注記Related URL: Publis......//www.loc.gov/catdir/enhancements/fy0665......992-d.html. Related URL: Table of contents only ......//www.loc.gov/catdir/enhancements/fy0665......992-t.html. Related URL: Contributor biographical information http: //www.loc.gov/catdir/enhancements/fy0729/2006027992-b.h...
Scientia Verlag1963.<192.2-At>
  • 内容細目v. 1-3. Essay on human understanding v. 4. A letter to the Right Rev. Edward Lord Bishop of Worcester, concerning some passages relating to Mr. Locke's Essay of human understanding, in a late discourse of his Lordship's in vindication of the Trinity Mr. Locke's reply to the Bishop of Worcester's answer to his letter An answer to remarks upon the Essay concerning human understanding Mr. Locke's reply to the Bishop of Worcester's answer to his second letter v. 5. Some considerations of the consequences of lowering the interest and raising the value of money. In a letter sent to a member of Parliament in the year 1691 Short ob...
  • 一般注記Reprint. Originally published: London : Printed for Thomas Tegg, 1823. Includes indexes...
  • 典拠情報(タイトル標目/「を見よ」参照)Two treatises of government 市民政府論 市民政府二論 政治論 統治論 政治二論 民主政...
B. Blackwell1948.<320.1-L814s>
  • 件名Political science. Liberty. Toleration. Authority.
  • 一般注記"Some books for further reading": p. xxxvii.
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)Treatise of civil government. A letter concerning toleration.
by John Locke ; edited with an introduction by J.W. GoughBasil Blackwell1948
  • NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA11606087
  • 件名Political science -- Early works to 1800 Authority Liberty
  • 件名(識別子)Political science -- Early works to 1800 Authority Liberty
by John Locke ; edited with a revised introduction by J.W. GougBasil Blackwell1966
  • NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA17120088
  • 件名Political science -- Early works to 1800 Liberty Toleration
  • 件名(識別子)Political science -- Early works to 1800 Liberty Toleration
by John Locke ; edited with an introduction by J.W. GoughBasil Blackwell1946
  • NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA90388323 BA49117301
  • 件名Political science -- Early works to 1800 Authority Liberty
  • 件名(識別子)Political science -- Early works to 1800 Authority Liberty
by John Locke ; edited with and introduction by J.W. GoughBlackwell1956
  • NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA24577833
  • 著者標目Locke, John Gough, John Wildhofft
  • 著者標目(識別子)DA00668409 https://ci.nii.ac.jp/author/DA00668409#entity https://viaf.org/viaf/sourceID/NII%7CDA00668409 DA01259460 https://ci.nii.ac.jp/author/DA01259460#entity https://viaf.org/viaf/sourceID/NII%7CDA01259460
