
検索結果 524 件

edited by Jens Richard Giersdorf and Yutian Wong.Routledge2019.<KD361-D1>
  • 要約等"The Routledge Danc......pdated, giving readers access to thir......s that address the social, politi...... choreography. These interdiscipl...... dance from Southeast Asia, the People's Republic of China, i...
  • 内容細目... Ethnography / Theresa Jill Buckl......e ; At Home in the World? The Bharatanatyam ...... Historicizing the re- in Dance R......am ; Reworking the Ballet: Stilln...... ; Getting off the Orient Express......, hip(g)nosis: The Mulata Perform......vised Dance in the Reconstruction of THEM / Danielle Go...... In Pursuit of the Sylph: Ballet in the Romantic Perio......o Dance, and Katherine Dunham / S......Manning ; Have They a Right?: Nin......odian History, the Sacred, and the Earth / Toni S......oud Gate Dance Theatre and Taiwan......t IV. Dance on the Market and in the Media Beyoncé......c Property / Anthea Kraut ; "Selling Out" Post-M...
edited by Stephen M. WheelerRoutledge, Taylor & Francis Group2023<DD77-D51>
  • 要約等...th edition of 'The Sustainable Ur......ntroduction to the topic that is ......ate audiences. The 'Reader' begins by tracing the roots of the sustainable de......ent concept in the nineteenth and......c readings. It then explores dime......es from around the world. 'The Sustainable Ur......cing it within the context of thi......ve overview of the field using or......ce for general readers as well as stu......ental studies, the social sciences, and related ...
  • 内容細目... credits About the Editor Acknowl......ntroduction to the Fourth Edition...... 1. Origins of the Sustainability......ion to Part 1 "The Three Magnets" and "The Town-Country M......enezer Howard "The Land Ethic" fr......x Planning and The North End" from 'The Death and Life....../ Jane Jacobs "The Development of...... Models" from 'The Limits to Grow....... Behrens III "The Steady-State E...... Nature" from 'The Granite Garden......d Development (The Brundtland Commission) "The End of Nature" from 'The End of Nature'......Robert Bullard The Sustainable De......als + SDG 11 + The New Urban Agen......t 2 Addressing the Climate Crisis. "Game Changer...
edited by Lukas ErneThe Arden Shakespeare2021<KS139-D123>
  • 要約等"The Arden Research......hapters on all the major areas of......earch, notably the Shakespeare manuscripts; the printed text a......are's place in the early modern b......speare's early readers, users, and collectors; the constitution a......d evolution of the Shakespeare canon from the sixteenth to the twenty-first c......s editors from the eighteenth to the twenty-first century; and the modern editori......f Shakespeare. The Handbook also ......in research in the field, specifically in the areas of digit....... In addition, the Companion cont...... resources for study of the field, and a s...... bibliography. The Arden Research Handbook of Sh...
  • 内容細目...e M. L. Bourne The Shakespeare Ma...... Paul Werstine The early printed ......Shakespeare in the early modern b......speare's early readers and users : an....../ Laura Estill The Shakespeare canon from the sixteenth to the twenty-first c......s editors from the eighteenth to the twenty-first c...... Andrew Murphy The modern editing...... Shakespeare : the text / Margaret Jane Kidnie The modern editing...... Shakespeare : the apparatus / Suzanne Gossett S...
  • 関連情報The Arden Shakespeare The Arden Shakespeare handbooks
edited by Paul Bowman.Rowman & Littlefield International Ltd[2018]<FS37-B296>
  • 内容細目... / Peter Lorge The battlefield and the bedroom: Chine......rts and art of the bedchamber / D......artial arts by the book: Historic...... Daniel Jaquet The Phone Book Project: Tracing the diffusion of A......merica through the Yellow Pages /......) religion / Esther Berg-Chan Lim......y, history and the search for meaning in the modern martial......: Naturalizing the hyperreal in m......ts Studies and the sociology of gender: Theory, research a......ursive, and aesthetic practice / ......ch Carnival of the Drunken Master: The politics of the Kung Fu comedic body / Luke W...
  • 件名Martial arts--Study and teaching.
Matt BrimDuke University Press[2020]<EF91-D28>
  • 内容細目Introduction: queer dinners The College of Sta......r Studies case study "You can write...... of anywhere": the upward mobilit...... Queer Studies The queer career: ......ueer Studies mothers Counternarratives: a black ...
  • 件名...d States Queer theory--United States Educational...
Margaret Connolly.Cambridge University Press2019.<UG11-D2>
  • 要約等"This innovative study investigates the reception of m......1585, spanning the reigns of Edwa...... I. Members of the Tudor gentry f......mily who owned these manuscripts ......ons in London. These men marked the leaves of their books with s...... use, allowing their engagement with the texts contained there to be recons......nnolly reveals the various uses of these old books: a......e to preserve other texts of a fa......nformation for the household; and......nal manual for the practising lawyer."--
  • 内容細目Family matters: the Roberts family......nal reading in the reigns of Henr......ry VIII Out of the cloister, out of the family Books and their uses Devotional reading in the reigns of Mary......Newly reformed readers? Postscript after the family: The manuscripts' later histories.
edited by Murray Forman, Mark Anthony Neal and Regina N. BradleyRoutledge2024<KD286-D108>
  • 要約等...ion brings together the most important......y concepts and themes: the history of hip-hop, authenticity debates, gender, the globalization ......nd hip-hop and the media. This ne......ical activism. The pedagogical fe......ctions to help readers place each pie......derstanding of the profound impac......tellectual, aesthetic, and cultural movement"--
  • 内容細目... Tate Part I. "They reminisce ove......Murray Forman. The politics of gr...... hip-hop meets the rockers downto......p's founding fathers speak the truth / Nelson......cal graffiti : the history of hip......pular music at the crossroads / M......op culture and the authenticity debates...... ; Lookin' for the real nigga : s......ists construct the ghetto / Robin......sian : race, authenticity and the Asian American...... recalibrating the real in hip-ho...... ; What does authenticity mean in......I. "Baby, look the other way" : hip-ho......na N. Bradley. The stage hip-hop ......hood films and the performance of contemporary B...
Carol A. GrissomSmithsonian Scholarly Press2024<KB451-D9>
  • 要約等...en by women to the opera, theater, and balls during the nineteenth cen......ng with one at the theater shortly af......r accession to the throne at age ......). In England, the earliest holde......bably owned by the wealthy, but in the latter half of the nineteenth century the low cost of si......cious gems for the nobility, but thereafter most va......nd, catered to the wealthy in New......conservator at the Smithsonian's ......239 holders in the catalog have b......s to those in other international......h and detailed study of manufacture......ased technical study and reference ......ificant gap in the available literature and serv...
  • 内容細目...eface Notes to the reader Lists o......references to other holders Overview of bouquet ...
  • 一般注記In scope of the U.S. Government Publishing Of...
edited by Claudia Nelson, Elisabeth Wesseling, and Andrea Mei-Ying WuRoutledge2024<YZ-D691>
  • 要約等...e scholarship, The Routledge Comp......ve overview of the print, digital......ture; Describe the major media fo......dren; Consider the production, di...... identities on the part of their readers, sometimes addressing readers who share some part of the author's ident......ing to educate the reader about a presumed 'other,' and in rece......voice; Explore the historical evo......connections in the long process of the formation of g......egotiations in the production of children's lite...
  • 内容細目Part I. Concepts and tools Theory / Karín Le......iddha Malilang The Monster at the End of This Bo......Materialism in the Scholarship of......rch with Young Readers: Participatory......ren's Fiction: The Possibilities ......Michael Joseph Theatre and Drama:......Possibilities: The Rights of the Reader in a Di......ulation A Case Study in Poland / We......en's Poetry in the Early Twentiet......Publishing and the British Sphere......f Influence in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Ce...
edited by James Shea and Grant CaldwellRoutledge2024<KE171-D10>
  • 要約等"The Routledge Glob......f haiku across the world in numer...... demonstrating the form's complex......estations from the twentieth century to the present. The sixteen chapte......s that reflect the salient areas ......f practice and study: Haiku in Tran......perimentation, The Future of Glob......pan and frames the collection his......iku and laying the groundwork for......ways of seeing the form. Haiku's ......is book traces the many ways in w......m has evolved. The Routledge Glob......ers haiku into the twenty-first c...... generation of readers and writers and will appeal t...
  • 内容細目...ransit. Beyond the haiku moment: ......consciousness. The secondary art ......rk Jewel) From the 2.26 Incident to the atomic bombs: haiku during the Asia-Pacific W...... rising haiku: the evolution of m......nese haiku and the haiku persecut...... migrations of the poetic diary: ......n Jackson Ford The disjunctive dragonfly: a study of disjunctive......ichard Gilbert The future of glob......es Trumbull In the shade of the cherry blossoms: the reception of h...... From haiku to the short poem: bridging the divide / Philip Rowland Futur...
by John TholenBrill[2021]<UE31-D26>
  • 要約等"Printers in the early modern L......estigates what these editions can tell us about the early modern application of the popular ancien......entators guide readers to Ovid's pote......ism of reading the Metamorphoses. The book combines ......ompelling case study of how investigation into the material contexts of ancient ...
  • 内容細目... Metamorphoses The Title Page: Cr......al Credibility The Front Matter: ......ticism of Ovid The Commentary: Ne......Dangerous Side The Index: A Filte......ses Printed in the Low Countries (1479-1700) App...
  • 件名...ppreciation--Netherlands--History......d) Printing--Netherlands--16th ce......ry Printing--Netherlands--17th ce......ry Paratext--Netherlands--16th ce......ry Paratext--Netherlands--17th ce......t. Printing. Netherlands.
Jean Boase-Beier, Lina Fisher, Hiroko Furukawa, editors.Palgrave Macmillan[2018]<KE26-B42>
  • 内容細目...ranslation and the Case Study; Methods and M......e; Translating the Poetry of Nell......n; References; The Poetry of Gerr......bility Outside the Dutch Literary SystemThe Challenge of T......tic Choices in the Japanese Trans...... Introduction; The Choice of Subject Matter; The Use of the Third-Person P......ta" Endings in the Six Versions o......sumi to Batsu; The Use of Third-P......on Pronouns in the Six Versions o......sumi to Batsu; The Use of "-ta" Endings in the Six Versions o......gonia Express; The Genre in Translation; The Genre Disambiguation in the English Translation; The Genre Disambiguation in the Italian Translation; Position...
  • 資料の内容に関する注記...rs from across the globe discuss ......ssibilities in the translation of......ls, memoir and theatre. 0Divided ......hree sections, these analyses als...... address broad themes including t......slation style, the author-transla......y translation. The case studies a......h and Turkish. The editors provid......hich highlight the value of case study research, and ......lore in detail the importance of the theory-practice link.
edited by Gideon R. Kotzé, Christian S. Locatell, John A. Messarra.Brill[2019]<KM13-D2>
  • 内容細目1 Ancient texts and modern readers: An introducti......Alternative to the Coordination-S......ion Dichotomy: The Case of Causal......and Fuzziness--The QWM Gram (Seri......enius's Rules: The Relationship b......xicography and the Semantic Structure of the Target Language: The Case of ['k] R...... 9. "Now" and "Then": Telling Tim......1. Translating the Hebrew Scriptu......Heever 12. "Do the Dead Praise Go......Wendland 13. Fathers and Sons, Ja....... van Rooy 15. Theology and Ideology in the Metatexts of B......ntexts: A Case Study / Jacobus A. Naudé, Cynthia ...
  • 資料の内容に関する注記The chapters of th......tain to modern readers' understanding......erpretation of these ancient writings and their language. In this regard, they cover subjects related to the fields of anci......e translation. The chapters apply......c insights and theories to elucid......xts for modern readers, investigate h......ts help modern readers to interpret features in other ancient texts......tions can make the language and c......ible to modern readers. In so doing, they present the results of ori......ions to modern readers' understanding of ancient tex...
Bill Green, Philip Roberts, Marie Brennan, editorsPalgrave Macmillan[2021]<FC41-D4>
  • 要約等This book brings together voices and pe......es from across the world and draw......h insight into the contemporary f......every continentthe book outlines ......nd exemplifies the challenges and......: Decolonising the Curriculum; Kn......Challenges for the Future
  • 内容細目...d Introduction The Melbourne Conf......nce-Continuing the IAACS Project ......culum Inquiry? The Book, the Reader and a F......I Decolonising the Curriculum 2 D......lonisation and the Curriculum: Ne......s Knowledge in the School Curricu......s Knowledge in the School Curriculum 'Working the Ruins' of Curriculum Theory: Responding......i Knowledge in the School Curricu......m Conclusion 4 The Mestizo Latino......erspectives on the Internationali......iculum Studies The Critique of Modernity and the Mestizo Latinoamericano The Critique of Mo......nous Education The Coherence of I......can Curriculum Theory and Chinese Education 'Bri...
edited by Željka Flegar and Jennifer M. MiskecRoutledge2024<YZ-D692>
  • 要約等...ace: Surveying the Landscapes of ......siderations of the places and spa......es a survey of the changing lands......ren's culture, the expected and u......ren's culture. The places and spa......book builds on the impressive bod......e to bring together and provide a......view of how to study place in child......iterature, and the place of child...... literature in the context of international scho...
  • 内容細目...nadu Hidden in the Heart of Bootl......Foreignness in The Unforgotten Co......ndmark Cows on the Cover: Dairy Q......Section II. Aesthetics of Place C......rt Trilogy and the Rejection of N......andscapes / Heather K. Cyr Room t......ding World / Catherine Olver A Sl......Detectives and Their Offices / Ch......Girl. Wherever the F*ck You Want: The Contingent Mob......ul is Fair and The Nowhere Girls ......dren's Culture Study Abroad Program......t Making Home: The Queer Ecologic......ster Maralinga The Anangu Story: ......hildren Within the Anthropocene: ......ice Bay Beyond the Eco-Warrior Ch......arly Departed: The Arrival's Spectral Refugee / ...
Michael JohnstonOxford University Press[2023]<UM21-D22>
  • 要約等"The Middle English......uestions about the copying and ci...... make sense of the variety of man......d disseminated these diverse manu......ipts? Who read the literary texts that they transmit? And what was the relationship b...... it? To answer these questions, t......nuscripts from the period 1350 to......0. First, this study suggests that ......, depending on the proximity and ......'s scribes and readers. But beyond proposing these new categori...... also looks at the history of wri......d demonstrates the ubiquity of bu....... As a result, The Middle English......k place within these numerous, mo......roduced within the cultural and economic milieu ...
  • 内容細目Introduction Nomenclature The elaborate book The streamlined book The evolving book The DIY book The proliferation ......f scribes, I : the manuscript evidence The proliferation ...... scribes, II : the historical evidence Conclusio...
edited by Rebecca Tipton and Louisa Desilla.Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group2019.<KE26-B53>
  • 内容細目...translation in the News / Jan Cho......ina Valdés 10.'The relations of s......': Translating Readers and Characters......Pragmatics and Theatre Translatio......ounselling and the Translation Brief: The Role of the Translation Dialogue in the Translation Di...... its Impact on the Development of...... Competence in the Translation an......Desjardins 21. The Role of Non-ve......nterpreting: A Study of a Cross-bor......ts 22. Stating the Obvious? Implicature, Explica...
  • 件名Translating and interpreting--Study and teaching. ......c. Pragmatics--Study and teaching.
Carly WatsonPalgrave Macmillan[2021]<KE158-D3>
  • 要約等"This book is a critical study of the ancestors of c......y anthologies: the poetic miscellanies of the late seventeen......ction and that their popularity in the period 1680-18......ublishers, and readers of poetry. This study expands the definition of ......ies as well as the multiple-autho......itionally been the focus of schol......y and explores the neglected role......iscellanies in the self-fashionin......h periodicals, their contribution to the formation of the literary canon, and their reception an......nsformation in the hands of readers. The book draws on ......d, and read in the long eighteenth century"--Pag...
  • 内容細目1. Introduction: redefining the miscellany 2. ......rdson Pack and the Dryden-Tonson miscellanies: the making of a mi......dred forms and the circulation of......scellanies and the Canon: forming readers' taste and aut......scellanies and the book: buying a......scellanies and the conversation of culture
  • タイトル標目Palgrave studies in the Enlightenment, romanticism an...
Sharon M. Rowley, editorPalgrave Macmillan[2021]<KS74-D84>
  • 内容細目...rks, texts and readers: Reading dreams, casting the future and other learned mirths: the Harley scribe ...... his books and the value of educa......l negotiation, the flitch of bacon custom, and the woe of marriage in the Wife of Bath's......e and tale and the Book of Marger......Neill Part II. The Lollards, their saints and their texts: The making of a mo......ental edition: the Holy Bible the earliest Engli......ions made from the Latin Vulgate ......l evidence for the Middle English reader: the additional Pau...... Hildegard: another kind of Lolla......ty, speech and the dog-headed Sai......o amantis / Matthew W. Irwin The failed masculin...
  • 関連情報The new Middle Ages
  • 掲載誌The new Middle Ages
edited by Nduka Otiono and Chiji AkọmaRoutledge, Taylor & Francis Group2021<YZ-D550>
  • 要約等...performance. Gathering insights f......ed scholars in the field, the book provides ......erspectives in the study of oral litera......ative writing. The book also addr......hodologies and the thematic and theoretical trajec......ooking back to the trailblazing l...... as to general readers interested in the dynamics of cultural producti...
  • 内容細目...Hein Willemse "The crocodile's wi......t R. Wendland "The aged, the infirm and the effeminate" : ...... strategies in The Arabian nights......erformances to the written word /......o's Chaka, and the postcolonial "...... in Tanzania : the transformation......a Reuster-Jahn The manipulation o......ic in post-apartheid spoken word ...... : Okpewho and the other alternative d......e writing, and the assertion of the African sensibility / J.O.J. ...