
検索結果 19 件

edited by Dominic Wyse, Neil Selwyn, Emma Smith and Larry E. Suter.Sage Reference[2017]<FA11-B33>
  • 要約等The British Educat......related areas. The book is publis......r 1,000 pages. The contributions are listed thematically in si......hly eminent in their fields. This......ontribution to the research endea......or studying in the field of education. [Publisher website...
  • 内容細目...Lou Rasmussen. The role of theory in research......nah Farrimond. The Ethics of Research Sean ......red principles of causal inferen......ph A. Maxwell. The Validity and Reliability of Research: A Re......tion Research: their neglect, rol......ntroduction to the importance of research desig......ientation: hypothesis testing and the 'scientific method' David ......pretivism as a Theory of Knowledge R. B......hods Research: The Philosophies of Peirce, James,......berg. Grounded Theory Malcolm Tig...... Spark, Seeing the Light: Educati......Approaches and their Application ......rri D. Pigott. The Role of Theory in Quantitativ...
Jacqueline L. Longe, editorGale[2022]
  • 要約等This resource covers the entire spectrum of psychology, in......otable people, theories and terms......; applications of psychology in advertising, me...
  • 内容細目...erican Academy of Child and Adol...... Archetype Art therapy Artificial......al Attribution theory Authoritari...... Bayley scales of infant and tod......ation Behavior therapy Behavioris......r depth cues Biofeedback Bipolar......es Catharsis Cathexis Cattell, Ja......, Kenneth Bancroft Clark, Mamie ......lient-centered therapy Clinical p......ive behavioral therapy Cognitive ......logy Cognitive therapy Cognitivis......sts Criminal profiling Crisis in......chanisms Delay of gratification ......mental stages, theories of Dewey, John Di......istical Manual of Mental Disorde......tical behavior therapy Differential psychology D...
Ikumatsu Fujimoto and Kunitoshi Nishimura, editors.Nova Publishers[2014]<PA111-B10>
  • 内容細目Reliability in calibration of geometric error of coordinate mea......logy Institute of Japan (NMIJ), ......onal Institute of Advanced Indus......bration method of the straightness m......i, Japan, and others On-site calibration method of a large scale ......thm applied to the calibration of a rainfall-runoff model / Hamou......alibration and validation of a model using ......onal Institute of Water and Atmo......ation transfer of pls models usi......in, Department of Chemistry, Old...... VA, USA, and others Calibration ......emistry: state of the art and applic......onal Institute of Metrology, Qua......), Directorate of Industrial and Scientific Met...
Yukio Ohsawa, editorSpringer[2023]<M121-D60>
  • 内容細目Intro Foreword Preface: The Reason Why We ......s 1.3 Examples of Feature Concep......Innovation for the Real-World Thr......ion 2.2.1 Ways of Knowing in Inn...... in Situations of Uncertainty an......mbiguity 2.2.3 The Observer Probl.......2 Capability: Theory-in-Action 2......'' and ``Out'' of Data: The Eco-Cognitive ......'' and ``Out'' of Data 3.3 Askin......m Data Provide Scientific Knowledge of Physical and B......n Science? 3.7 The Triumph of Shallow Massiv......Fixed Scenario of Data Counteract the Maximization of Eco-Cognitive ......n 4.2 Overview of European ``Liv......opment History of Living Labs 4.2.3 Types of Li...
by Shunichi Tsuge, edited by Takeo NakagawaColumbus University Press2006<MC75-B9>
  • 内容細目A theory of fluctuation based on the hierarchy equation On the divergent growth of molecular fluc...... shear flow On the breakdown of the molecular chaos in the presence of translational nonequilibrium The Boltzmann-and the Klimontovich f......-point kinetic theory Approach to the origin of turbulence on the basis of two-point kinetic theory A new hierarchy system on the basis of a "master" Bol......ensity Kinetic theory of turbulent comp......with classical theory A dispersio......ulence Methods of separation of variables in turbulence theory Separation of variables in the two-point BBGK......ion Separation of variables and fluid-moment ex...
  • 関連情報Philosophy of flow
  • 掲載誌Philosophy of flow
Ernest Becker Foundation in association with the University of Washington Pressc2005.<SB35-B13>
  • 内容細目Part I: A psychosocial view of mental health ......ation, command of performance, a......gical notes on the concept of aggression (1962) Psychotherapeutic observation on the Zen discipline...... comprehensive theory of depression (1962) Toward a theory of schizophrenia (1962) The enduring value......s primal horde theory (1961) The significance of freudian psychology (1963) The validity of 'Oedipus compl......as an abstract scientific construct (196......development in the modern world (......social science of behavior (1964......71) Alienation The great historic......convergence on the problem of alienation (1964) A theory of...
  • 件名...Psychoanalytic Theory -- Collected Works. Anthro...
  • 一般注記Related URL: Table of contents http: //www.loc.gov/...
editor, Robert C. Evans.Salem Press, a division of EBSCO Information Services, Inc.[2017]<EF91-B207>
  • 要約等...ts from around the world that hav......ly established the rights of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, qu...
  • 内容細目...blishes Leaves of Grass Mary Edw......ker Is Awarded the Medal of Honor Karl Hei......Kertbeny Coins the Terms "Homosex......l Found Guilty of Murdering Her ......e Is Convicted of Gross Indecenc......schfeld Founds the Scientific-Humanitarian C......ects Third-Sex Theory Friedlaender Breaks with the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee The Eulenburg Affa......nter Publishes The Intermediate S......bles Fights in the Mexican Revolu...... Contribute to the Harlem Renaissance The God of Vengeance Open......Gide Publishes the Signed Edition of Corydon Gerber Founds the Society for Hu......Censors Risque Theater Hall Publishes The Well o...
  • 一般注記First edition published under the title: Gay, lesbian, bisexual...
  • 内容細目v.1: Cellular automata in the social science......ner Hegselmann The computer as a ......tory: toward a theory of complex, adapt......generating hypotheses using compu......Why agents? On the varied motivat......t computing in the social science......Dynamic models of segregation / ......en Hägerstrand The checkerboard model of social Interac......mulation model of community refe......ts in economic theory / John H. H......ynamic systems of interacting ag......: an ACE model of price dispersi......Richiardi v.2: The emergence of computational ......ing sociality: the view from Euro......nist modeling: the coevolution of symbols and in...
  • 件名Social sciences -- Computer simulation. Social sciences -- Mathematical models.
[by] Salleh IsmailNihon University1987
  • 内容細目...easoning about the social world Q......ance to change The social science......ption: what is the magnitude of youth violence......nd limitations of social researc......hies Validity: the goal of social researc......s exercises 2. The process and problems of criminological......ial importance Scientific relevance The role of criminological theory Social rese......rch strategies The research circl......ve exploration of the response to do......c violence and the research circl......criminologists Scientific guidelines Eth......y and openness The uses of science Resear......ons Evaluation of measures Measu......alidity Levels of measurement Nominal level of ...
[by] Tongroj Onchan [and] Saroj AungsumalinNihon University1987
  • 内容細目...easoning about the social world Q......ance to change The social science......ption: what is the magnitude of youth violence......nd limitations of social researc......hies Validity: the goal of social researc......s exercises 2. The process and problems of criminological......ial importance Scientific relevance The role of criminological theory Social rese......rch strategies The research circl......ve exploration of the response to do......c violence and the research circl......criminologists Scientific guidelines Eth......y and openness The uses of science Resear......ons Evaluation of measures Measu......alidity Levels of measurement Nominal level of ...
[by] Philip M. HauserNihon University1987
  • 内容細目...easoning about the social world Q......ance to change The social science......ption: what is the magnitude of youth violence......nd limitations of social researc......hies Validity: the goal of social researc......s exercises 2. The process and problems of criminological......ial importance Scientific relevance The role of criminological theory Social rese......rch strategies The research circl......ve exploration of the response to do......c violence and the research circl......criminologists Scientific guidelines Eth......y and openness The uses of science Resear......ons Evaluation of measures Measu......alidity Levels of measurement Nominal level of ...
[by] Tongroj Onchan [and] Saroj AungsumalinNihon University1986
  • 内容細目...easoning about the social world Q......ance to change The social science......ption: what is the magnitude of youth violence......nd limitations of social researc......hies Validity: the goal of social researc......s exercises 2. The process and problems of criminological......ial importance Scientific relevance The role of criminological theory Social rese......rch strategies The research circl......ve exploration of the response to do......c violence and the research circl......criminologists Scientific guidelines Eth......y and openness The uses of science Resear......ons Evaluation of measures Measu......alidity Levels of measurement Nominal level of ...
[by] Shohei KawakatsuNihon University1986
  • 内容細目...easoning about the social world Q......ance to change The social science......ption: what is the magnitude of youth violence......nd limitations of social researc......hies Validity: the goal of social researc......s exercises 2. The process and problems of criminological......ial importance Scientific relevance The role of criminological theory Social rese......rch strategies The research circl......ve exploration of the response to do......c violence and the research circl......criminologists Scientific guidelines Eth......y and openness The uses of science Resear......ons Evaluation of measures Measu......alidity Levels of measurement Nominal level of ...
[by] Shohei KawakatsuNihon University1985
  • 内容細目...easoning about the social world Q......ance to change The social science......ption: what is the magnitude of youth violence......nd limitations of social researc......hies Validity: the goal of social researc......s exercises 2. The process and problems of criminological......ial importance Scientific relevance The role of criminological theory Social rese......rch strategies The research circl......ve exploration of the response to do......c violence and the research circl......criminologists Scientific guidelines Eth......y and openness The uses of science Resear......ons Evaluation of measures Measu......alidity Levels of measurement Nominal level of ...
[by] ShoNihon University1985
  • 内容細目...easoning about the social world Q......ance to change The social science......ption: what is the magnitude of youth violence......nd limitations of social researc......hies Validity: the goal of social researc......s exercises 2. The process and problems of criminological......ial importance Scientific relevance The role of criminological theory Social rese......rch strategies The research circl......ve exploration of the response to do......c violence and the research circl......criminologists Scientific guidelines Eth......y and openness The uses of science Resear......ons Evaluation of measures Measu......alidity Levels of measurement Nominal level of ...
edited, with an introduction, by Philipp G. FrankCollier Books1961, c1956
edited, with an introduction, by Philipp G. FrankBeacon Pressc1956
edited, with an introduction, by Philipp G. FrankBeacon Press1954
