検索結果 566 件
- 内容細目Fundamentals of thermal energy and sol......egration Solar thermal energy convers......nger for solar thermal energy Solar thermal collector Solar photovoltaic thermal systems Solar thermal power plant Solar thermal energy storage......sment of solar thermal energy technol......sment of solar thermal energy
- 件名Solar thermal energy Héliothermie Solar thermal energy.
- 要約等Power Plant Instrume...... monitoring of power plant operatio......h conventional thermal power plant and combined/cogen plants, supercritical plants and once-throu...... from advanced plants in operation o......c reference to thermal power generation and......-supercritical plants with advanced firing systems ...
- 内容細目...ATT System; 6. Thermal Stress Evaluat......-Supercritical Thermal Power Plant and Asso......Super Critical Power Plants; VI. Integrated Gasifier and ...
- 件名Power-plants--Handbooks, manuals, etc. TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Mechanical. Power-plants.
- 要約等...rs, coal-based thermal power plants, boiler corros......uate students, power plant engineers, and engineer...
- 内容細目...n. 4. Boiler, Thermal Power Plant and Heat Exchangers of ...
- 別の記録形式...eport on Lagos thermal power plant expansion project in fe...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)...eport on Lagos thermal power plant expansion project in Fe...
- 並列タイトル等...eport on Lagos thermal power plant expansion project in Fe...
- 要約等Sustainable Power Generation: Cu......gy systems and power generating sys......topics such as thermal power, nuclear energ......ioenergy, hydropower, challenges an......support global power trends. Sustainable Power Generation explores the futur...
- 内容細目...gy development Power system and the......t Concept of a thermal power plant Efficien...... boiler island Power island and bal......Modern nuclear power plant Developm......inable nuclear power plant project ......aditional hydropower plant technology Hydropower project lifecy......e Bioenergy Geothermal energy Ocean e...... a sustainable power generation sys...... a sustainable power generation system of the futu...
- 件名Renewable energy sources. Electric power production--Environmental asp...
- 一般注記共同刊行: Kyusyu Electric Powerほか
- 一般注記共同刊行: Kyusyu Electric Powerほか
- 要約等Power plant synthesi......imensioning of power plants for electricity and thermal energy product...... of energy and power, energy conversion, and power plant design a......amined. Hybrid power plants and cogeneration systems are ...
- 内容細目...s Conventional power plants for electricit......odction hybrid power plants Hybrid plants for thermal energy product......n Cogeneration power plants Smart grids Energy as a consu...
- 件名Electric power-plants Power-plants Power Plants Centrales éle......énergétiques power plants
- 一般注記Prepared by: Tokyo Electric Power Services タイトルは内部情報 (表紙) による
- 並列タイトル等(連結)...ncy coal fired thermal power plant construction project in...
- 並列タイトル等...ncy coal fired thermal power plant construction project in...
- 要約等...d natural gas. Thermal Power Plants use fuels for power generation. Wa......posal from the plants. The treated e......harge from the Power Plants. This book is a serious effor...
- 件名Geothermal power plants--Environmental...... Mechanical Geothermal power plants--Environmental aspects.
- 要約等...nting the main thermal and electrical......ysis and solar thermal methods, to photo-catalytic a...
- 内容細目...racia 6. Solar thermal collectors / G......lombo 7. Solar thermal power plants / Sotirios Kar......gen from solar thermal energy / Heidi......e of renewable power sources: 15. Power-to-X and power-to-power routes / Giulio Buffo, Paolo ...
- 要約等... methods using thermal and non-thermal microwave or plasma energies....
- 内容細目Part I Tutorial 1 Microwave thermal and non-thermal processes 2 Plasma thermal and non-thermal technologies 3......age and pulsed power technologies 4......tive growth of plants' environmental...... expression of plants induced by active oxygen spec...
- 内容細目3.1.2 Solar Thermal Technology3.2 Solar Power Scenario of In......ate-Wise Solar Power Installed Capa......arget of Solar Power in India by 2022; 3.4 Solar Power Institution an......ntrating Solar Power (CSP); 4.1 God......CSP Plant; 4.2 Thermal Energy Storage......tegrated Solar Thermal Power Plant at DADRI......the Dryer; 4.2 Thermal Performance Pa...... by Air; 3.3.5 Thermal Efficiency.
- 件名...nd Management. Power Electronics, Electrical Machi...
- 内容細目... performance ; Thermal hydraulics and......management for power systems ; Student competition...
- 件名Power (Mechanics)--Congresses. Power-plants--Congresses. T......s--Congresses. Power (Mechanics) Power-plants. Thermodynamics.
- 一般注記... the ASME 2018 Power & Energy Confe......Forum, and the Power Conference."--Page iii.
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Cooling Efficiency of Thermal Power Plant and Thermal Pollution on Global Rivers in...
- 並列タイトル等Cooling Efficiency of Thermal Power Plant and Thermal Pollution on Global Rivers in...
- 要約等...e new trend of power grids; Wind en......ergy: wave and thermal energy; Biomas......fuel cells and power-to-gas; Electr......, magnetic and thermal energy storage......tric vehicles; Power conditioning s......atch of hybrid thermal and wind plants; Generation scheduling for power grids with ren......w analysis for power systems with r......enewables into power grids; Microgr......munications in power systems and Cybersecurity in power systems
- 内容細目Towards the new trend of power grids Wind ene......rgy : wave and thermal energy Biomass......fuel cells and power-to-gas Electro......, magnetic and thermal energy storage......ctric vehicles Power conditioning s......atch of hybrid thermal and wind plants Generation scheduling for power grids with ren......w analysis for power systems with r......enewables into power grids Microgri......munications in power systems Cybersecurity in power systems Appendix A : Probabil...
- 件名...on of electric power Economics Electric power distribution Electric power production Electric power systems Electric power systems--Control Electric power systems--Load ...... systems Tidal power-plants Wind power distributed power generation ele......energy storage power distribution economics power generation control power generation economics power generation scheduling power system securit...... of data solar power thermal energy storage tidal power stations wind power power systems Cybers......eduling hybrid thermal and wind plants economic dispa......es Integration power conditioning s......torage systems power-to-gas chemical energy storag...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)...the impacts of thermal power plant construc......al animals and plants using existing information
- 並列タイトル等...the impacts of thermal power plant construc......al animals and plants using existing information
- 内容細目...Used in Firing Thermal Power Plants for Air Emissions Control Nec...
- 内容細目...tosynthesis in Plants and Cyanobacte......ic Pathways in Plants / Diego Gustav......assimilates in Plants / Matías Dani...... Exchange Is a Powerful Tool for Ph......emotely Sensed Thermal Indices to Phe......s Apparatus in Plants / Fatemeh Sohr......tosynthesis in Plants under Stressfu......tosynthesis in Plants under High-Tem......tosynthesis in Plants under Cold Stress / Amin Fath...
- タイトル標目Books in soils, plants, and the environment