
検索結果 26 件

Farhan Saif, Shinichi WatanabeIOP Publishing[2023]<MC91-D12>
  • 要約等...ting, focusing and trapping the m......ntum coherence and quantum interf......ed us to store atoms and cool them to t......o kelvin scale and beyond, leadin......ensation (BEC) and of Fermi degen...... in ultra-cold atoms. With a focus ......duate students and young research...... of ultra-cold atoms with optical potentials
  • 内容細目1. Introduction and overview 1.1. ...... Scattering of atoms by light waves.......4. Cooling of atoms 5. Band formation in o......m 5.3. Energy bands 5.4. Bloch st...... Formation of bands 5.6..1 Kronig......ey model 5.7. Band formation for ......6. Interacting atoms in optical lat......r-Stark states and the Wannier-St......imation : the Landau-Zener transi...... of ultra-cold atoms in an optical ......l 7. Forces on atoms in exponential......ors, cavities, and interferometer......rampoline 7.3. Space-time evolution : qu......er cavities 8. Atoms in multi-dimen......antum scars 9. Time-periodic force on atoms 9.1. Floquet analysis 9.2. Fl...
  • 件名Quantum optics Atoms Optique quantique Atomes Atom...
Alison Fields.University of Oklahoma Press[2020]<GB554-D11>
  • 要約等...s of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as w......ons production and testing."--
  • 内容細目...ic Bomb across Space and Time Part 1. Disrup......es of Progress and Peace: Atomic ......seums in Japan and New Mexico Par......onies Language and Survival: Writ......egacies Memory and Diné Cultural......stapocalyptic Landscapes Conclusi......: Paper Cranes and Uncontained Memories.
  • 件名...weapons--Moral and ethical aspects. Hiroshima-sh...
Kiyoshi Ueda, editorSpringer[2024]<ND451-D23>
  • 要約等...ging electrons and atoms in action in v......f matter, from atoms and diatoms to protein molecules and condensed matt......ectron lasers, and pulsed electro......e to visualize atoms in action, to ......ble for understanding such ultrafast imaging and spectroscopy d......a on electrons and atoms in action, are......on dynamics in atoms, molecules, liquids, and solids. The se......tural dynamics and coupling of st......uctural change and electron motion in molecules and solids The las......ical processes and chemical reactions of protein...
  • 内容細目...hotoionization Time Delays with RA......mental Methods and Results 1.4.1 ......nic Generation and the Emergence ......ry 2.5 Summary and Future Perspec......mental Methods and Results 3.2.2 Concepts and Theoretical Me......3.3.2 Concepts and Theoretical Me.......4 Conclusions and Outlook 4 Stro......ectric Current and Harmonic Gener......on Effects 4.4 Time-Dependent Dens......h Effect 4.5.1 Time-Resolved Spect......Function 4.5.3 Time-Dependent Dens......y 5 Attosecond Space-Time Imaging with E......ron Microscopy and Diffraction 5.......5.4 Generation and Detection of Attosecond Elect...
edited by N.A.J. Taylor and Robert Jacobs.Routledge2018.<GB531-B296>
  • 内容細目...ylor Contested spaces of ethnicity:...... Ropers Memory and survival in ev......ph controversy and Hiroshima's ci......ar game (1965) and "The museum of......he atomic gaze and Ankoku Butoh i......Australian POW and occupation for......s in Hiroshima and Nagasaki: a di...... Stuart Bender and Mick Broderick......izing violence and normalizing ex......moto Hiroshima and the paradoxes ......for the second time / Imafuku Ryut......Marcela Quiroz and Ryuta Imafuku / Shinpei Taked...
  • 関連情報War, politics and experience
  • 掲載誌War, politics and experience
edited by Yasuhiko Arakawa, Dieter BimbergElsevier[2024]<MC91-D13>
  • 内容細目...ality of light and classical quan......eterostructure and quantum wells ......ntum photonics and cavity quantum...... microcavities and waveguides: Basics and applications t......ate artificial atoms 2.3. Spontaneo......ission in free space 2.3.1. Emitter model and qualitative di......s: Mode volume and quality factor......ty 2.5.3. Weak and strong couplin......Purcell effect and realistic soli......Purcell effect and pure dephasing...... 2.5.8. Toward time-dependent CQED 2.6. Waveguide...
  • タイトル標目Photonic Materials and Applications Series
edited by Hiroshi InabaHumana Press[2022]<RA111-D61>
  • 要約等...e microtubules and construct micr......s, observation and control of mic...... microtubules, and functionalizat......sary materials and reagents, step......ory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known...... Authoritative and cutting-edge, ......bules: Methods and Protocols aims......ased materials and help to create......n of materials and applications through detailed...
  • 内容細目... Porcine Brain and its Fluorescen......in with Biotin and DNA Electro-Mo......lin Properties and Function In Vi......ubule Dynamics and Severing Image...... of Mechanical and Electrical Pro......y Microtubules and Quantum Dots I...... in Biosensors and Bionanodevices......on in a Narrow Space under a Temper......ules, Kinesins and DNA Origami Na...... Visualization and Quantification......ic Medium Real-Time Imaging of Sin...... of Tubulin-Ligand Complexes Cryo......urified Nuclei and Microtubule Ne......ing Cell Shape and Microtubule Organization by E...
Colonel Gerhard P. Gross, Bundeswehr, edited by Major General David T. Zabecki, USA (Ret.), foreword by Robert M. Citino.University Press of Kentucky[2016]<GG412-B20>
  • 内容細目...rategy Factors and constants: space, time, and forces The beg......ing, mobility, and a system of ex......the Reichswehr and the Wehrmacht ......etween reality and utopia Lost victories, or the...
edited by Felix Finster ... [et al.].Birkhäuserc2012.<MC55-B39>
  • 内容細目...cal covariance and background ind......nergy Discrete and continuum thir......alues, domains and topoi Causal boundary of spacetimes: revision and applications t......ems: a quantum space-time emerging from ......tion on curved spacetimes On the notion......physics in all spacetimes' Local covari......ion ambiguity, and local thermal ......tum mechanics, and atom-interferometric tests.
Cambridge University Press2007.<HD135-B20>
  • 内容細目Gassendi's life and times Gassendi's ph......m, perception, and the truth of t......on, knowledge, and the theory of signs Space and time Atoms and causes Bodies and motion Generation, life, and the corporeal ......Faith, reason, and the immaterial soul.
Ole Keller.Springerc2011.<MC131-B20>
  • 内容細目...trodynamics in space-time 3. Electromagn......reen functions and fields 5. Mult...... 9. Transverse and longitudinal e......lism: Hamilton and current densit......14. Transverse and covariant elec......incipal volume and self-field dya...... wave function and four-potential......on from micro- and mesocopic sour......sverse photons and massive partic......tion operators and spatial locali......2. Near fields and QED 23. The ro......ld Commutators and integral repre...... emission from atoms: elements of the nonrelativis...
  • 関連情報Inhaltsverzeichnis Inhaltstext Nano-optics and nanophotonics
  • 掲載誌Nano-optics and nanophotonics
edited by Shaofan Li and Xin-Lin Gao.Pan Stanford Publishing[2013]<NB21-B13>
  • 内容細目...el J. Frazier, and Mohammad H. Ab......u, Gengkai Hu, and Guoliang Huang......field approach and micromechanics......ystals / Yu Su and George J. Weng....../ Arash Yavari and Arzhang Angosh......in, Lizhi Sun, and Hua Zhang 6. D......asuhide Shindo and Fumio Narita 7...... Zhuping Huang and Jianxiang Wang......que Le Corvec, and Shaofan Li 10.......ects in micro- and nanostructured......ess elasticity and dipolar gradie...... A. Gourgiotis and Haralambos G. ......iples, bounds, and percolation th......ry, Shan Tang, and Wing K. Liu 16......e Z. Voyiadjis and Danial Faghihi...... James D. Lee, and Azim Eskandarian 18. Coarse-g...
Stephen G. Brush with Ariel Segal.Oxford University Press[2015]<M31-B36>
  • 要約等...he prediction, and giving up the ......ific progress, and was used throu......ntury as the standard route to discovery and experimentatio......hilosophically and historically s......ific approach, and Brush blends t......odern physical and biological sci......mosome theory, and natural select......ul predictions and better explana......ntific method, and how scientific theories come ...
  • 内容細目...s 1.2. Maxwell and Popper 1.3. Wh......1.4. Hierarchy and Demarcation 1.......mists: Benzene and Molecular Orbi......ethod of Dirac and Einstein: Can ......6. Conclusions and Generalization......ns 4. The Rise and Fall of Social......fining Science and Technology Stu......5.1. Mendeleev and the Periodic L......act of Gallium and Scandium. 5.8. The L......inciple, Spin, and the Electronic Structure of Atoms. 8.5. Bose-Ein......c's Prediction and Anderson's Discove......ry of the Muon and Reception of Y......ns 10. Benzene and Molecular Orbi......e, Mesomerism, and the Mule 1931-...... Antiresonance and the Rhinoceros 10.5. The Shif...
edited by Thomas J. DolanWoodhead Publishing, an imprint of Elsevier[2017]<NG41-D23>
  • 要約等...(MSR) research and thorium fuel u......energy sources and to avoid pollu......ex, expensive, and vulnerable to ......am explosions, and hydrogen explo......heric pressure and high temperatu......en production, and other industri...... for engineers and scientists, and it can be used......duate students and advanced under......he use of MSRs and thorium fuel, ......ial engineers, and policy makers.......actor designs, and discusses issu......proliferation, and licensingInclu......s case studies and examples from experts across ...
  • 内容細目....2. MSR origin and research curta......l fundamentals and applications o......eat exchangers and materials embr...... 3.10. Summary and conclusions Ac......y distribution and Maxwell bolzma......4.7. Transport and diffusion of n......ics, dynamics, and neutron noise ......equations 5.4. Space time-dependent tran...... approximation and the point kine......ed MSRs / Alessandro Pini 6.1. In...... Heat transfer and pressure losse......onment, waste, and resources / Ma......nproliferation and safeguards asp......nproliferation and nuclear safegu......ion advantages and disadvantages ...... 10.7. Summary and conclusion 11. Liquid fuel, t...
  • 件名Molten salt reactors--Design and construction Molten salt reac...
Delacorte Pressc2008.<Y11-B793>
  • 要約等...ines the "how" and the the "who" ......e mysteries of time and space, and how, against all odds, life c...
  • 内容細目...n The Big Bang and what came next......smic radiation and you How far to...... EARTH. Newton and gravity Measuring the earth and finding its ci......earth: gravity and Shiehallion Ca...... Society Lyell and tectonic plate......lizards" Bones and earth's age Dalton weighs atoms Chemistry: add......er Marie Curie and deadly radiati...... of relativity Spacetime: time has a shape The Hubble space telescope Lead and CFCs Measuring......bites: Pangaea and the fossil rec......quakes Meteors and the KT extinct......otects us Wild and windy: earth's...... organisms You and your cells Ada......ss: trilobites and other fossils Time to get sta...
  • 内容細目... HEAD PARK)(12)TIME TO GO CRAZY(Kz......mix)(PAC)(Fear and Loathing in La......C3〈Red Disc〉(1)SPACE GATE(オフィシャルテーマ)(2)DRAGON STOR...
David Padua (ed.)Springer[2011]
  • 内容細目...fix Sums Allen and Kennedy Algori......s Applications and Parallelism Ar...... Backpressure Bandwidth-Latency M...... Channel Buses and Crossbars Butt......ELL Cell Broadband Engine Process......CE) Community Land Model (CLM) Co......y XT3 Cray XT3 and Cray XT Series......y XT4 Cray XT4 and Seastar 3-D To......den Eigenvalue and Singular-Value......stems FPS-120B and Derivatives Fl......Race, Deadlock and Other Errors Fortran 90 and Its Successors......ralized Meshes and Tori Genome As......ube Hypercubes and Meshes Hypergr......e Index InfiniBand Instant Replay...... Least Squares and Orthogonal Fac......y of Reference and Parallel Processing Lock-Free...
佐々木 正洋2022
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)Real-time and real-space visualization of super-atom m...
  • 並列タイトル等Real-time and real-space visualization of super-atom m...
  • 内容細目DISC1(1)SPACE GATE(2015 vers......テーマ)(影山ヒロノブ)(8)TIME TO GO CRAZY(20......マ)(Sammy(BILLY AND THE SLUTS))(9)1993(U-Tテーマ)(美勇...
  • 内容細目...er scaled CMOS and some aspects o......rowth by PECVD and applications M......ube nucleation and growth O.A.Lou......y of bottom-up and top-down for DNA and bio-electronic......ubes,nanohorns and metal-inchoded......yama ほか著 Inner-space control of car......rbon nanotubes and nanoflakes usi......puttered metal atoms in inductively......purity release and suppression in...... of nano-micro-and poly-crystalli......ormed by pulse-time-modulated plas......n plasma beams and organic polyme......nce of SiO2,Si and SiN etch yield......iron-core mask and low energy Cl ...... maicrogravity and one G conditions M.Shiratani ...
Pergamon Press1977.<M21-94>
  • 内容細目.../ J.A. Wheeler and C.M. Patton Th......f earth, moon, and planets / W.H.......axies, quasars and the universe /......D.Gough Curved space / P.C.W. Davies Is space curved? / I.W.......tti Relativity and time / T. Gold The "arrow of time" and quantum mechan......ett The hinterland between large and small / C.J.S.......ose Complexity and transcomputabi......ey, A.L. Weber and K.M. Pruitt Fa......egory Learning and memory and the nervous sy....../ H.A. Buchtel and G. Berlucchi D......Leaf structure and function / P.J......Grubb Symmetry and asymmetry prob...... Human thought and action as an i...... we not understand pain? / P.D. Wall Drug addict...
  • 著者標目Duncan, Ronald, 1914-1982 Weston-Smith, Miranda