
JPS conference proceedings

The Physical Society of Japan





JPS conference proceedings 7
目次CST-MISC: preface CST-MISC: committees, editors, acknowledgment CST-MISC: program CST-MISC: list of articles A dream of Yukawa : non-local fields out of non-commutative spacetime Applications of Two Body Dirac equations to hadron and positronium spectroscopy Complex group gauge theory Recent results from the LHC experiments Visible and dark fermions in multi-spinor field theory Physics with curved momentum space Covariant approach to the no-ghost theorem in massive gravity Propertime quantum mechanics for confined multi-quark system and covariant hadron-classification scheme[1] Can family gauge bosons be visible by terrestrial experiments? Algebraic gauge theory of quarks and leptons Naturalness of 126 GeV Higgs and meV dark energy Discrimination of models including doubly charged scalar bosons by using tau lepton decay distributions [1] S-matrix theory and entanglement
JPS conference proceedings 6
目次ARIS2014: preface ARIS2014: organization ARIS2014: conference program ARIS2014: public lectures ARIS2014: best poster award ARIS2014: list of articles The 2012 Atomic Mass Evaluation and future Cluster phenomena in stable and unstable nuclei Low-energy weak interaction physics in the LHC era Transmutation of long-lived nuclear wastes Structure of nuclei from lattice simulations Invariant-mass spectroscopy of extremely neutron-rich nuclei with SAMURAI at RIBF Recent advances in shell evolution with shell-model calculations The CARIBU facility Nuclear moments and structure of unstable nuclei The sensitivity of γ-process nucleosynthesis to individual β-delayed neutron emission probabilities Studies on nuclear astrophysics and exotic structure at the low-energy RI beam facility CRIB Reaction dynamics of light nuclei around the Coulomb barrier Dynamical studies of the formation and decay of particle-unbound states Physics program at the RIBF with MINOS The AGATA physics campaign at the Legnaro National Laboratories Isomer studies with RI-beam induced fusion reactions and in-flight fission reactions Studies of the shapes of heavy nuclei at ISOLDE Advances in radioactive-isotope science from mass measurements Precision mass measurements of short-lived nuclides at the heavy-ion storage ring in Lanzhou The Rare RI Ring facility at the RIKEN RI Beam Factory Frontier of nuclear shell-model calculations and high performance computing Toward a fundamental understanding of nuclear reactions and exotic nuclei Reaction dynamics for light dripline nuclei At the end of the nuclear map Overview on recent fission studies and related topics Superheavy element studies with TASCA at GSI : spectroscopy of element 115 decay chains Next-generation facilities for the research with exotic nuclei and super-heavy elements Concluding remarks Two-nucleon correlations in the decay of unbound nuclei beyond the drip lines Structure beyond the dripline in the Boron isotopes : 16,18,20,21B Spectroscopy of single-particle states in oxygen isotopes via (p, 2p) reaction Investigating single-particle structure in 26Na using the new SHARC array Quenched spectroscopic factors for low-lying positive parity states in 31Mg Properties of intruder states in 34Al and 34Si Proton inelastic scattering on island-of-inversion nuclei The nature of a shell closure at N = 82 explored with seniority and spin-GAP isomers in neutron-rich palladium and silver isotopes Quadrupole collectivity in neutron-rich Cd isotopes Lifetime measurements in neutron-rich Xe isotopes : evolution of quadrupole collectivity beyond 132Sn Shapes and collectivity in neutron deficient even-mass 188-198Pb isotopes Advances in the microscopic study of the interacting boson model First γ-decay studies with CARIBU low-energy exotic beams Rapid evolution of collectivity at N = Z : recent results from level lifetime measurements with GRETINA Beta-decay studies in N ~ Z nuclei using no-core configuration-interaction model Measurement of the isoscalar monopole response in the neutron-rich nucleus 68Ni using the active target MAYA Low-lying Gamow-Teller excitations and beta-decay properties of neutron-rich even-N Zr isotopes Nuclear energy density optimization : UNEDF2 In-beam γ-ray spectroscopy of very neutron-rich N = 32 and 34 nuclei Shell structure and spectroscopy of neutron-rich calcium isotopes studied with chiral three-nucleon forces Β-decay measurements in the vicinity of 78Ni with the EURICA setup Beyond the isobaric multiplet mass equation An investigation of the accuracy of the PI-ICR technique at SHIPTRAP by a measurement of the mass difference between 132Xe and 131Xe Ground-state properties of Mg isotopes in and beyond the island of inversion through reaction cross sections Erosion of N = 28 shell gap and triple shape coexistence in the vicinity of 44S Reaction cross sections for 8He and 14B on proton target for the separation of proton and neutron density distributions Proton radius of 14Be from measurement of charge-changing cross sections Constraining the astrophysical S factor of the 3He(α,γ)7Be reaction Electron-capture rates for exotic nuclei at stellar environments R-process in neutron star merger with a new fission model 129Xe EDM search experiment using active nuclear spin maser High-precision half-life measurements for the superallowed Fermi β+ emitters 14O and 18Ne The β decay of 38Ca : sensitive test of isospin symmetry-breaking corrections from mirror superallowed 0+ → 0+ transitions Effect of fluctuations of quadrupole deformation and neutron-proton correlations on double-beta decay nuclear matrix element Unique spectrometer experiments with the Super-FRS at FAIR Scattering of halo nuclei at energies below and around the Coulomb barrier Extending the eikonal approximation to low energy Heavy-ion double-charge exchange study via a 12C(18O,18Ne)12Be reaction Excitation of nucleon resonances in heavy-ion charge-exchange reactions Low-background in-trap decay spectroscopy with TITAN at TRIUMF The Alto tandem and isol facility at IPN Orsay Status of the Rare Isotope Science Project (RISP) Nuclear science and applications with the next generation of high-power lasers and brilliant low-energy gamma beams at ELI-NP Distance- and momentum-dependence of modern nucleon-nucleon interactions Existence of exotic torus isomer states and their precession motions Role of three-nucleon forces in neutron-rich nuclei beyond 132Sn Three-nucleon forces in neutron rich isotopes Competition between β-delayed proton and β-delayed γ decay of the exotic Tz = -2 nucleus 56Zn and fragmentation of the IAS First nuclear reaction experiment with stored radioactive 56Ni beam and internal hydrogen and helium targets Total absorption spectroscopy of the N=Z nucleus 72Kr Mean-field calculation based on proton-neutron mixed energy density functionals Exploring the symmetry energy with isospin effects in heavy-ion collisions Charge-exchange excitation of the isobaric analog state and implication for the nuclear symmetry energy and neutron skin Superheavy nuclei : structure, high-K ground states, limits of stability Connecting the "Hot Fusion Island" to the nuclear mainland : search for 283,284,285Fl decay chains Repulsive aspects of pairing correlation in nuclear fusion reaction Fusion-fission of extremely light mass compound systems 20,21,22Ne Hindered proton collectivity in the proton-rich nucleus 28S : possible magic number Z = 16 at proton-rich side Single-neutron knockout reaction from 30Ne Spin-Aligned RI beams and g-factor measurements Superdeformation in 35S Fast timing study of the β- decay of 63Mn to 63Fe Novel approach to β-delayed neutron spectroscopy Persistence of N = 50 shell closure in the vicinity of 78Ni studied by in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy Fast-timing study in the 78Ni region : β-decay of 81Zn Collectivity in the neutron-rich Pd isotopes towards N = 82 Triaxial deformations and the proton intruder orbital π1/2+[431] in very neutron-rich odd-odd Nb isotopes Half-life measurements of 21+ states in the vicinity of 108Zr and their implications for ground-state deformations Shape evolution in neutron-rich Ru nuclei Detailed conversion electron study of 110Cd Nuclear structure of 124Xe studied with β+/EC-decay Quasi-particle excited bands in 129Xe Stretched weak coupling states of an octupole phonon in spherical semi-magic nuclei Multiple γ emission of the 137Xe 2849-2850 keV levels studied with the Modular Total Absorption Spectrometer (MTAS) New isomers in neutron-rich Cs isotopes Isomer and beta decay spectroscopy in the 132Sn region with EURICA Isomers of Pm isotopes on the neutron-rich frontier of the deformed Z ~ 60 region Pairing correlations in hot nuclei The SPEDE spectrometer : combined in-beam γ-ray and conversion electron spectroscopy with radioactive ion beams Experimental plan for elastic scattering of polarized protons from neutron-rich 6He isotopes at 200 MeV/nucleon Many-body resonances and continuum states beyond the drip-line using the complex scaling method Missing mass spectroscopy of 8He and 10He by (d,3He) reaction Dineutron correlation in p-shell neutron-rich nuclei Cluster structure of Be isotopes based on Monte Carlo shell model Hole states in 16C observed via one-neutron knockout of 17C Linear chain of alpha clusters in 16C Invariant mass spectroscopy of 17C via one-neutron knockout reaction of 18C Study of 19C by one-neutron knockout from 20C Study of 18O by the microscopic (α+14C) + (5He+13C) coupled-channel calculation α cluster structure in unbound states of 19Ne Method of the scattering radius in the multi coupled-channel problem Application of the extended completeness relation to the absorbing boundary condition Many-body calculations for medium-mass nuclei by the unitary transformation method Structure of light neutron-rich nuclei around N=14 using quasi-free scattering Investigating neutron-proton pairing in sd-shell nuclei via (p,3He) and (3He,p) transfer reactions Structure change of 28Si core of the 28Si+α cluster in 32S 16O + 16O + valence neutrons in molecular orbitals structures of positive- and negative-parity superdeformed bands in 34S Magic numbers predicted with semi-realistic NN interaction Low-energy super Gamow-Teller state Quasi-particle resonance near threshold in neutron drip-line nuclei Covariant density functional calculations in the 3-dimensional coordinate-space representation Shell-model calculation of high-spin states in neutron-rich Cr and Fe isotopes Collectivity and instability of the N = Z = 28 shell gap in 56Ni Systematic study of β-decay properties in the vicinity of 78Ni Investigation of 112Cd via the (d,p) reaction and a reassessment of the quadrupole-octupole coupled excitation Generator coordinate method analysis of Xe and Ba isotopes Rotational effect on octupole vibrations in superdeformed nuclei studied by cranked RPA calculation with Skyrme density functional A new neutron time-of-flight array for β-decay studies Study of beta-delayed neutron with proton-neutron QRPA plus statistical model Extended Krenciglowa-Kuo method and perturbation expansion of Q-box Microscopic theory of α-particle resonance spectra Nuclear level density, quantum chaos and thermalization Ingredients of nuclear matrix element for two-neutrino double-beta decay of 48Ca Studying short-range correlations and momentum distributions with unitarily transformed operators Exploring the physics of unstable nuclei Breakup and finite-range effects on the 8B(d,n)9C reaction Nuclear equation of state and asymmetric neutrino emission from proto-neutron stars β decay half-lives of A ~ 110 nuclei on the γ-process path Beta-decay rates for exotic nuclei and r-process nucleosynthesis β-decay of neutron-rich nuclei around 158Nd and the origin of rare-earth elements Search for a scalar component in the weak interaction Super-allowed β decay of 23Mg studied with a high-precision germanium detector Double-cell geometry for 129Xe/3He Co-magnetometry Towards the measurement of the electric-dipole moment of radioactive francium using laser-cooling and trapping techniques Shell model estimate of electric dipole moments for Xe isotopes Development of magnetometer based on the nonlinear magneto-optical rotation effect toward the measurement of the electron electric dipole moment Status update on the β-ν correlation measurement in the β decay of 8B Neutrinoless double beta nuclear matrix elements around mass 80 in the nuclear shell model Laser spectroscopic study on the highly excited states of antiprotonic helium Symmetry energy and surface clustering in nuclei : probing the asymmetric nuclear matter Missing-mass spectroscopy of the 4-neutron system by exothermic double-charge exchange reaction 4He(8He,8Be)4n Effect of tensor interactions in 16O studied via (p,d) reaction Proton single-particle energy of 23F by quasi-free (p ,2p) scattering and operation of polarized proton target Coulomb breakup of deformed halo nuclei Systematic analysis of total reaction cross sections of unstable nuclei with Glauber theory Probing neutron-skin thickness of unstable nuclei with total reaction cross sections Study of complete and incomplete fusion reaction dynamics in 16O+55Mn interactions near the Coulomb barrier energies Decay competition in IMF production in the collisions 78Kr+40Ca and 86Kr+48Ca at 10 A.MeV Investigation of fusion reactions 194Pt(α,n)197mgHg and 195Pt(3He,n)197mgHg at near-barrier energies Strong orientation dependence of multinucleon transfer processes in 238U+124Sn reaction α-decay chain and associated cluster emission from neutron deficient 237Cf nucleus Microscopic study of α + N bremsstrahlung from effective and realistic inter-nucleon interactions Complete set of deuteron analyzing powers for dp elastic scattering at intermediate energies and three nucleon forces Systematic analysis for distribution of extra neutrons and core in halo nucleus Spin-isospin response of the neutron-rich nucleus 8He via the (p,n) reaction in inverse kinematics Mechanism of Coulomb breakup reactions of 6He and 11Li Excitation of low lying dipole states (Pygmy) via nuclear field in exotic nuclei Extracting the electric dipole breakup cross section of one-neutron halo nuclei from inclusive breakup observables Quenching of N = 28 shell gap and a low-lying quadrupole mode in the vicinity of neutron-rich N = 28 isotones Properties and significance of the surface dipole mode Mass and isotopic yield distribution of fission like events in 16O+175Lu system at 6 MeV/A Multiple-scattering effects in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions with Glauber theory Analysis of charge changing cross sections with the Glauber-abrasion-ablation model Beryllium beyond the neutron drip-line : 13Be Schottky mass spectrometry on 152Sm projectile fragments SCRIT electron scattering facility : present status and physics program Revisiting the level scheme of the proton emitter 151Lu Charge radii in macroscopic-microscopic mass models Nucleon density distribution of the proton drip-line nucleus 12N studied via reaction cross sections Dynamical nucleus-nucleus potential and extra-push energy for fusion reactions in heavy systems Pulse shape analysis using flash-ADC for short-lived decay of superheavy elements First α-γ spectroscopy using Si-Ge detector array installed at focal plane of GARIS Performance of new gas-filled recoil ion separator GARIS-II for asymmetric fusion reaction To investigate the dissipation in the fission of 220,222,224Th nuclei via pre-scission neutron multiplicity measurements The HIE-ISOLDE project and its scientific opportunities Performance of ion surfing rf-carpets for high-energy RI beam gas catcher Beam diagnostics for measurements of in-flight annihilation cross sections of antiprotons at 130 keV Ion preparation systems for low-energy experiments at SLOWRI Rare isotope production for precision experiments at Notre Dame Production of spin polarized 58Cu and its magnetic moment Measurement of the hyperfine splitting of alkali atoms in superfluid helium for laser spectroscopy of atoms with unstable nuclei Measurement of hyperfine structure of Au atom in superfluid helium Development of CNS active target for deuteron induced reactions with high intensity exotic beam A segmented neutron detector with a high position resolution for the (p,pn) reactions Performance of a resonant Schottky pick-up for the Rare-RI Ring project Design study for a multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrograph for very short lived nuclei Development of the RAON recoil spectrometer (KOBRA) and its applications for nuclear astrophysics Parasitic production of low-energy RI-beam at RIKEN BigRIPS The ion-optics design of KOBRA Status of beam line detectors for the BigRIPS fragment separator at RIKEN RI Beam Factory : issues on high rates and resolution Beta-decay spectroscopy of r-process nuclei with N = 126 at KEK isotope separation system Intracavity frequency doubling and difference frequency mixing for pulsed ns Ti:sapphire laser systems at on-line radioactive ion beam facilities Search for efficient laser resonance ionization schemes of refractory elements for KISS Development of laser light sources for trapping radioactive francium atoms toward tests of fundamental symmetries Development of polarized proton target for low-energy experiments at RIKEN In-beam performances of the MINOS TPC for the spectroscopy of very exotic nuclei Development of a position sensitive microstrip detector system and its readout electronics using ASICs technologies for SAMURAI CEPA4 : a LaBr/LaCl phoswich prototype array for simultaneous detection of high-energy gamma and proton radiation Radiopurity study of an encapsulated CeBr3 crystal Optimization of the time response of LaBr3(Ce) detectors, and its dependence on Ce concentration Compilation of nuclear reaction data from RIBF Study of the nuclear symmetry energy at ρ~2ρ0 with SπRIT-TPC Equation of state of proto-neutron star and failed supernova neutrino A momentum corrected density dependent mean-field parametrization Study of inter-strip gap effects and efficiency for full energy detection of Double Sided Silicon Strip Detectors Property of THGEM in low-pressure deuterium for a low-pressure gaseous active target The remote detection of alpha-radioactive nucleus decay Development of high resolution resonance ionization spectroscopy on titanium using injection-locked Ti:Sapphire laser system MCNP6 simulation of reactions of interest to FRIB, medical, and space applications First results of saturation curve measurements of heat-resistant steel using GEANT4 and MCNP5 codes Oxygen isotopes application for growing of silicon dioxide films with raised radiation hardness
JPS conference proceedings 5
目次CSW2014: preface CSW2014: organizing / publication committee CSW2014: program CSW2014: award CSW2014: list of articles Competition between energy-dependent U and nonlocal self-energy in correlated materials : application of GW+DMFT to SrVO3 Application of a van der Waals density functional to small molecular complexes and solids Improvement in empirical potential functions for increasing the utility of molecular dynamics simulations Fragment molecular orbital-based molecular dynamics study on hydrated Ln(III) ions Shape deformation of vesicles containing hard spheres Molecular dynamics simulation of γS-WT and γS-G18V Ab initio disordered local moment approach for a doped rare-earth magnet A DFT study on the dissociation property of sulfonic acids with different neighboring pendants in polymer electrolyte membranes Molecular dynamics simulation of a coarse grained model of tetra-PEG gel with monomers of 5 and 9 particles MateriApps : a portal site of materials science simulation Choline ions stabilize A-T base pairs by fitting into minor groove Momentum and velocity scaling rules in replica-exchange molecular dynamics simulations with mass manipulation Program package of photoinduced electron dynamics : GCEED (Grid-based Coupled Electron and Electromagnetic field Dynamics) Molecular interactions for modeling of oxygen system using van der Waals density functional approach First-principles study on structural and electronic properties in Fe/MgO double interface Electronic band structure of various TiN/MgO superlattices Evaluation of the transport properties of a degenerated Li(Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3)O2 positive electrode using density functional theory Nearsightedness of finite homogeneous model systems Conduction and spin transport via edge states in randomly hydrogenated graphene nano-ribbon Magnetization reversal of permalloy film by pure spin current injection : relation between reversal time and injected surface Analysis of electronic polarization of tetragonal BaTiO3 Stabilization of Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations at large time steps Molecular dynamics simulations to clarify the concentration dependency of protein aggregation First-principles study of structural and magnetic properties of R(Fe,Ti)12 and R(Fe,Ti)12N (R = Nd, Sm, Y) First-principles study of topological insulators A2B3 (A = Bi and Sb, and B = O, S, Se, and Te) Thermopower of doped quantum anomalous Hall insulators : the case of Dirac Hamiltonian Dirac point in trigonal tellurium and selenium Directed motion of particles on a surface
JPS conference proceedings 4
目次nanoPHYS'12 preface nanoPHYS'12 organization nanoPHYS'12 photo nanoPHYS'12 program nanoPHYS'12 list of articles by paper numbers nanoPHYS'12 list of articles Berry curvature and topological phases for electrons, photons, and magnons Two-stages dissociation of NaMgF3 post-perovskite : a potential low-pressure analog of MgSiO3 at multi-Mbar pressures Diagrammatic quantum Monte Carlo study of nonequilibrium transport through a quantum dot coupled to normal and superconducting leads Fabrication of parallel plates for bound state susceptibility of superfluid 3He-B Gapless interface states between two topological insulators with crystallographic rotational symmetry Stabilities of superfluid and density wave states in fermionic mass imbalanced optical lattices Dynamics of superconducting vortices driven by periodic shear in the plastic-flow and flux-flow regimes Ion substitution effect on the distorted kagome lattice of A2Cu3SnF12 Silicene : silicon-based topological materials Adsorption of molecules on nitrogen-doped graphene : a first-principles study Mechanism of the doping dependence of Raman 2D band : Dirac-cone migration Generation of new Dirac cones under a double-periodic potential Thermodynamic effects on energetic, structural, and elastic properties of titanium dioxide polymorphs Effects of dynamic screening on excitons in metallic carbon nanotubes Characteristic current levels of a double quantum dot in the spin blockade regime Orbifolded partition function Matrix-product ansatz for excited states of fractional quantum Hall systems Randomness effect on the temperature dependence of the finite field magnetization of a one-dimensional spin gapped system Non-Abelian vortices, Majorana fermions and non-Abelian statistics Noninvasive metallic state Phase probrem of orbifolded partition function Forward obstacle detection system by stereo vision Hadron physics at J-PARC : exotic hadrons and hadrons in nuclei Measurements of neutrino oscillation angle θ13 Charmonium-nucleus bound states Construction of drift chambers for Drell-Yan measurement by SeaQuest at FNAL Thermal modification of quarkonium spectral functions from QCD sum rules with the maximum entropy method Energy and width of a narrow DNN quasibound state Calibration of the Double Chooz detector An analysis of the nucleon QCD sum rules Neutron star structure with hyperons and quarks Discovery of an extraordinary luminous and soft X-ray transient MAXI J0158-744 Suzaku observation of the tidal disruption event on Swift J1644+57 Molecular gas survey via 12CO(J = 1-0) emission line from local luminous infrared galaxies An X-ray study for origin of galactic cosmic rays : discovery of an X-ray counterpart of HESS J1427-608 Object extraction from stereo vision using continuity of disparity map An attempt to make a large-scale stacked-type electrostatic actuator for artificial muscles of robots
JPS conference proceedings 3
目次SCES2013 preface SCES2013 committees SCES2013 photo SCES2013 program SCES2013 speakers SCES2013 list of articles SCES2013 summary : experiment Summary of SCES2013 : theoretical aspects Crystalline electric field splitting of 4f states in YbIr2Si2 : an ARPES view Two-particle excitations of the Kondo insulator around the critical point NMR study of filled skutterudite Pr0.9Ce0.1Ru4P12 Antiferromagnetic Kondo lattice compound Ce2Ru3Ga5 Magnetic properties of single crystalline CeMg12 p-f Mixing, competing interactions, and unconventional magnetism in SmRu4P12 The relation between the electronic field gradients at Sb-site and the lattice parameters in PrOs4Sb12 Point-contact spectroscopy of heavy fermion compound CeRu2Si2 in magnetic field Transport properties of CeT2Al10 (T = Ru and Os) in pulsed high magnetic fields Fermi surface and magnetic properties of ferromagnet EuRu2P2 Heavy fermion state in EuNi2P2 under pressure Unique Fermi surface and emergence of charge density wave in EuGa4 and EuAl4 Pressure effects on reentrant metal-nonmetal transition of (Pr1-xCex)Ru4P12 Unusual magnetic field-dependence of the electronic dispersion relations in a Hidden Ordered Phase Studies of Ga NMR in EuGa4 Magnetism and transport properties of EuNiSi3 Precise thermal expansion measurements on heavy fermion compounds YbT2Zn20 (T : Co, Rh, Ir) Single crystal growth and anisotropic magnetic properties of peanut-shaped cage compound Tm6Cr4Al43 De Haas-van Alphen effect in RTi2Al20 (R = La, Pr, and Sm) Sb NQR study in Kondo insulator CeRh1-xPdxSb system First principle DMFT band calculation for CeIn3 and CeRu2Si2 Strong quasi-particle renormalizations in heavy-electron magnets Ferromagnetic states in the periodic Anderson model Angular-dependent magnetoresistance of CeCoIn5 in the normal state Physical properties in CeAl2 at high magnetic fields Spin and valence fluctuation in Eu compounds with CaAl2Si2-structure Magnetization of Yb-based mixed-valent compounds at megagauss fields X-ray magnetic circular dichroism study of Ce0.5Gd0.5Ni Synchrotron X-ray diffraction study of CeRu2Al10 under high pressure and low temperature Effects of quantum fluctuations in the Kondo lattice 69,71Ga-NQR study of heavy fermion compound YbNi3Ga9 Magnetization plateaus in the one-dimensional Kondo lattice model Anomalous Hall effect in CeAgSb2 Anisotropic transport properties in CeAgSb2 Pressure-induced quadrupole order and Kondo effect in CeTe Effects of pressure and magnetic field on transport properties of EuCo2P2 Inelastic X-ray scattering of valence fluctuating YbPd Successive phase transitions in TbFe2Al10 La substitution effect on superconducting transition and doublet ground state in PrIr2Zn20 Thermoelectric property of SmT2Al20 (T = Ti, V, and Cr) at low temperatures La-substitution effects on the magnetic properties of tetragonal ferromagnet CeRu2Al2B Suppression of superconductivity in PrRh2Zn20 by the substitution of Co for Rh Shubnikov-de Haas effect in CeRu2Al10 Valence state in Ce-based heavy fermion compounds at high magnetic fields Thin film growth of rare-earth hexaboride 75As-NQR study of the Kondo semiconductor CeFe4As12 High quality single-crystal growth and de Haas-van Alphen measurements of YbAl2 Tuning of Kondo temperature in YbNi3Ga9 by Co-substitution Synthesis and characterization of rare-earth boride thin films of CeB6 fabricated by MBE method Substitution effect of non-magnetic rare-earth ion R (R = Lu, Sc, Y and Zr) of Kondo semiconductor YbB12 Magnetic properties of new dilute rare earth compounds R2Ru3Al15 High-sensitive measurements of magnetization in PrPb3 with SQUID magnetometer Chemical substitution effect on CDW state in LaAgSb2 Evolution of Fermi liquids in YbZn1-xSnxCu4 Magnetic and electronic properties of NdT2Al20 (T: Ti, V, Cr) Transport properties of UT2Zn20 (T : Co, Ir) Elastic softening of transverse modulus in YbIrGe An NQR study of A'Cu3Ru4O12 : effect of the A'-ion substitution Structural and magnetic properties of α-Yb(Al1-xFex)B4 under hydrostatic pressure Anharmonic Pr guest modes in Pr(Os1-xRux)4Sb12 investigated by inelastic X-ray scattering Field-induced order in heavy-fermion compound YbCo2Zn20 Polarized light microscopic study of the hidden order phase in URu2Si2 Elastic property of ternary carbide SmNiC2 proved by ultrasound measurements NMR/NQR study of filled skutterudite La0.5Co4Sb12 Low-temperature intermediate valence state in YbCo2Zn20 Superconducting properties of the ferroquadrupolar cubic Γ3 compound PrTi2Al20 Josephson effect between UPt3 and conventional superconductors under pressure Atomic dynamics and structural transitions in caged compounds RRu2Zn20 (R = La and Pr) Valence fluctuation in YbIn1-xCdxCu4 compounds studied by XANES Measurement of crystal field excitations in NdT2Al10 (T = Ru and Os) by Raman scattering Pressure effect on crystalline electric field of PrOs4P12 Angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy study of heavy fermion superconductor UPd2Al3 Anisotropic c-f hybridization in Kondo semiconductor CeT2Al10 (T = Ru, Os, and Fe) Sample dependence of the quadrupolar transition in the nonmagnetic cubic Γ3 compound PrV2Al20 Neutron scattering study on f-electron states in PrCu4Au Suppression of the heavy fermion state in magnetic fields in the mixed valent α-YbAIB4 Heavy fermion superconductivity under pressure in the quadrupole system PrTi2Al20 Fermi surfaces of Eu compounds Mixed valence states in SmTr2Al20 (Tr = Ti, V, Cr, and Ta) Angle-resolved photoemission study on insulator-to-metal transition of Sm1-xYxS Metamagnetic transition of itinerant ferromagnet U3P4 under high pressure Antiferromagnetic order of EuGa4 probed by Mossbauer spectroscopy Magnetic phase diagram of Ce1-xErxAl2 intermetallic compounds Fe substitution effect on filled skutterudite superconductor LaRu4P12 NMR investigation of pressure effect on intermediate valence compound SmB6 Drastic change in ferromagnetic ground state associated with pressure-induced metal-insulator transition in β-US2 Co-NQR study for complex magnetic order in non-centrosymmetric CeCoSe3 Effects of Co substitution on the magnetic excitation in heavy fermion compound PrFe4P12 Anomalous metallic phase in the one-dimensional Kondo lattice model Thermoelectric power of CeRh2Si2 under pressure Anomalous enhancement of Seebeck coefficient in PrIr2Zn20 Behaviors of RKKY interaction in Ce-based (RE-Gd)Ni compounds (RE = Ce, Y) Magnetization and specific heat of the cage compound PrV2Al20 Superconducting characters under pressure in heavy fermion compounds CeIr(In1-xCdx)5 studied by In-NQR Analysis of magnetization behavior in magnetic semiconductor β-US2 Single-crystal growth and de Haas-van Alphen effect study of ThRu2Si2 Electronic states in antiferromagnetic compound URhIn5 investigated by de Haas-van Alphen effect and high pressure resistivity measurements From graphene to silicene, germanene and stanene : topology and interaction effects Three dimensional XY spin ferromagnet CeRuPO revealed by 31P-NMR Magnetic field dependence of Néel temperature in Ce0.75La0.25In3 Dynamics of valence fluctuations in the extended periodic Anderson model Dimensional crossover in quasi-one-dimensional spin-1 Heisenberg antiferromagnets High-pressure electrical transport and specific heat of the heavy fermion compound Ce3Pd20Si6 Magnetic excitation in lightly-doped Bi2.4Sr1.6CuO6+y Electrical resistivity of single crystalline Ce3Pd20Si6 across the temperature-magnetic field phase diagram Effect of magnetic field on resistivity of CePtSi2 single crystal Two ferromagnetic QCP in UCo1-xRuxAl compounds Evolution of magnetism in UCo1-xRuxGe Fermi liquid breakdown and evidence for superconductivity in YFe2Ge2 Two magnetic phases in α-YbAl1-xFexB4 The search for the spontaneous ferromagnetic transition in UCoAl under the c-axis uniaxial pressure studied by nuclear-quadrupole-resonance measurement Magnetization study of the quantum critical behavior of the one dimensional spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet CuPzN Anomalous microwave surface resistance of CeCu6 Effects of Ga and Si substitutions for Al in CeRu2Al10 on the unusual antiferromagnetic order in the Kondo semiconducting state Nonequilibrium transport through a quantum dot coupled to normal and superconducting leads Magnetic anisotropy of the antiferromagnetic Kondo semiconductor Ce(Ru1-xFex)2Al10 in the vicinity of critical Fe concentration Triangular triple quantum dot : a multiferroic Kondo system Investigation of the energy gap in Sm1-xB6 and Sm1-xLaxB6 Kondo insulators Conductance and thermopower of Dirac fermions under the Kondo effect Transition from a Kondo semiconducting antiferromagnet to a heavy-fermion antiferromagnet in Ce(Os1-xIrx)2Al10 Pressure induced insulator-to-metal transition at 170 GPa of Kondo semiconductor YbB12 Density matrix renormalization group study on a magnetic impurity in the honeycomb lattice Drastic change of electronic properties in Ce2MgSi2 and CeNiIn4 under high pressure Mossbauer spectroscopic studies of NdFe2Al10 Electron spin resonance of the ferromagnetic YbNi2 alloy Effect of diagonal hopping on staggered flux state in square-lattice Hubbard model Non-Fermi liquid behavior in nonlinear susceptibility in Pr0.05La0.95Pb3 27Al and 93Nb NMR/NQR studies on the Pr-based heavy fermion system PrNb2Al20 Spin-orbit-coupling-induced jeff states in perovskite iridates studied by photoemission spectroscopy Evolution of ferromagnetic clusters originating from itinerant Ru 4d electrons in Sr1-xLaxRuO3 Variational approach to localization length for two-dimensional Hubbard model Superconductivity and non-Fermi-liquid metal in carrier-doped triangular Hubbard model Quantum phase transition in the 1/5-depleted square lattice Hubbard model Charge-density-wave formation in the Edwards fermion-boson model at one-third band filling Hard x-ray photoemission studies of metal-insulator transition in Ca3(Ru1-xTix)2O7 Spectral weights of the square-lattice Hubbard model with frustration in the magnetic and Mott insulator phases Development of techniques for radio frequency conductivity experiments in ultra high magnetic fields Optical study of a novel phase transition from dimer-Mott to charge-order insulator Spin polarized neutron scattering study on metal-insulator crossover in uranium dichalcogenide β-US2 Local structural analysis by using atomic pair distribution function on mixed valence compound LiMn2O4 Study of electronic structures in hollandite-type vanadium oxide by means of soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Weak ferromagnetism in the orthorhombic perovskite SrIr0.8Sn0.2O3 Polarization-dependent ARPES study on quasi-one-dimensional BaVS3 Orbital order in quasi-one-dimensional compound BaVS3 Metal-insulator transition in pyrochlore oxide (Nd1-xPrx)2Ir2O7 (0.7 < x < 1) Optical response of a glassy electronic state in θ-(BEDT-TTF)2CsZn(SCN)4 Stability of ferromagnetism and ferromagnetic orbital selective Mott phase in three-orbital Hubbard model Relationship between single-particle excitation and spin excitation at the Mott transition Mott transition in the 2D Hubbard model with π-flux Electronic structure evolution of La0.6Sr0.4Mn1-yNbyO3 across a metal-insulator transition by Nb doping Mott versus slater-type metal-insulator transition in Sr2IrO4 and Ba2IrO4 Antiferromagnetic state in the quasi-one-dimensional BaCo2V2O8 : 51V-NMR study on a single crystal Molybdenum hollandite K2Mo8O16 as a superatomic crystal Anomalous quantum magnetization behaviors of the kagome and triangular lattice antiferromagnets Low temperature properties of Yb3Ru4Al12 with layered structure Release of the magnetic frustration in a quasi-kagome antiferromagnet YbAgGe by Au substitution 7Li NMR studies of LiCrO2 Electronic structure of quantum spin-liquid compound Ba3CuSb2O9 Multipole order and fluctuation in Ce0.7La0.3B6 studied by resonant x-ray diffraction Invariant energy levels and flat band engineering in a Kondo lattice model on geometrically frustrated lattices On the stability of quantum hall kagome-ice insulator Ground state of the spin-1/2 chain of green dioptase at high fields Ground state of the competing spin chain Cs2Cu2Mo3O12 Monte Carlo study of an effective Ising model for the spin-ice type Kondo lattice model Low temperature magnetic properties of frustrated quantum spin chain system Rb2Cu2Mo3O12 Colossal magnetoresistance and magnetic properties of NaCr2O4 Spin-spin correlation enhanced by impurities in a frustrated two-leg spin ladder Linear spin wave analysis for general magnetic orders in the double-exchange model Low-energy spin fluctuations in CuCrO2 and Cu0.85Ag0.15CrO2 studied by inelastic neutron scattering Partial Kondo screening in a geometrically frustrated heavy electron system Theoretical study of magnetism of manganese clusters Spin excitations in the square-lattice Heisenberg model with ring-exchange interactions Edge modes in the intermediate-D and large-D phases of the S = 2 quantum spin chain with XXZ and on-site anisotropies Single crystal growth and magnetic properties of EuTIn4 (T: Ni and Pd) Substitution effects in the antiferromagnetic Heusler compound Ru2CrSi Ground state of S=1 zigzag spin-orbital chain Temperature dependence of the optical conductivity in a half-filled Hubbard model : Mott-type insulator vs Slater-type insulator Magnetic and thermal properties of the single crystalline Pr2Zr2O7 in a [111] field Magnetic properties of Li2ZrCuO4 which was regarded as a quasi 1D J1-J2 magnet near a ferromagnetic QCP Low temperature magnetization of Yb2Pt2Pb along the hard magnetization axis Hysteresis and relaxation effects in the spin-ice compound Dy2Ti2O7 studied by heat transport Tensor network studies of quantum frustrated magnets Field dependence of XY-behavior in frustrated S=1/2 square lattices Theoretical study on multiferroic properties in integer spin systems with large single-ion anisotropy Weak ferromagnetic ordering disordered by Rh3+ Ions for LaCo0.8Rh0.2O3 Raman scattering in (Cu,Zn)3(Mo,W)2O9 Magnetic and dielectric properties in multiferroic Cu3Mo2O9 under high magnetic fields Weak ferromagnetism in chiral inorganic compound CrSi Magnetoelectric effects in mono-domain crystals of BiFeO3 Investigation of the multiferroic transition in CuO single crystal using dielectric and Raman spectroscopy measurements First-principles study of exchange interaction in Ising-type multiferroic Ca3CoMnO6 Raman scattering as a probe of charge nematic fluctuations in iron based superconductors Transverse thermal conductivity of CaFe2As2 Impurity effect on the local density of states around a vortex in noncentrosymmetric superconductors Superconducting properties of polycrystalline Ba2Ti2Fe2As4O Quasiparticle interference in unconventional singlet and mixed singlet-triplet heavy fermion superconductors Superconductivity under pressure in FeSe studied by magnetic and transport measurements Fermi surface of KFe2As2 from quantum oscillations in magnetostriction Fermi surface shape controlling by element substitution in Tl-based cuprates DC magnetization study on heavy-electron superconductor UBe13 Probing anisotropy in a new noncentrosymmetric superconductor BiPd Robust zero resistance under magnetic fields in non-centrosymmetric superconductor LaRhSi3 Coexistence and mutual exclusion of superconductivity and antiferromagnetism, and phase separation in Hubbard model Inhomogeneity effects in topological superconductors Vortex states for nearly B//ab in a chiral p-wave superconductor Magnetic flux structures in nano-sized multiband superconductors Quantized massive collective modes and temperature dependence of the energy distribution curves in high-Tc cuprates Search for spontaneous magnetization of superconductors with broken time-reversal symmetry In-plane pressure effects on superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 and Sr2RuO4-Ru A general model of N/S conductance spectroscopy in non-unitary superconductors applied to PrOs4Sb12 Dynamical mean-field study on the superconductivity mediated by spin and orbital fluctuations in the 5-orbital Hubbard model for iron pnictides Simultaneous measurements of elastic constant and resistivity near the Tc of Non-BCS-type superconductor PrOs4Sb12 FFLO multi-phase transition in two-band superconductor Two-dimensional superconductivity with broken inversion symmetry in one-atomic-layer metal films on cleaved GaAs surfaces Interorbital cooper pairing with s-wave symmetry in heavy-fermion systems NMR studies of quasi-one-dimensional compound Lu2Ir3Si5 Local magnetization in pair-density wave state Theory of multi-orbital superconductivity in SrTiO3/LaAlO3 interface Polarization-dependent three-dimensional angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of BaFe1.8Co0.2As2 Electron-phonon interactions and orbital fluctuations in iron-based superconductors Pressure and Cr-doping effects of CdCyNi3 Phase diagram and superconductivity of NaFeAs studied by single-crystal 75As-NMR under pressure up to 7.3GPa Multiple superconducting phases in Sr2RuO4 Doping evolution of the electron-hole asymmetric s-wave pseudogap in underdoped high-Tc cuprate superconductors Non-centrosymmetric superconductors with topological transition of Fermi surfaces In-plane resistivity anisotropy in the magneto-structurally ordered phase of Cu-substituted Fe1+xTe Variation of superconductivity in the new 122-layer system Sr(Ir1-xPdx)2 Ge2 and 11-layer system (Ir1-xPdx)Ge Magnetism in Sr2IrO4 : a weak coupling study Antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations enhancing superconducting transition temperature in LaFeAsO-based high-Tc superconductors Local crystal structure of Mott-insulating iron oxychalcogenides La2O2Fe2OSe2 Crystal electric field study in Pr(Os1-xRux)4Sb12 by Raman scattering FFLO state and anomalous flux quantization in the one-dimensional attractive Hubbard models with imbalanced spin populations Anisotropic superconductivity of the caged compound Y5Rh6Sn18 with unusual normal-state electrical resistivity Phonons and spin excitations in Fe-based superconductor Ca10Pt4As8 (Fe1-xPtxAs)10 (x~0.2) Pressure-induced magnetic transition and disappearance of superconductivity in CeNiGe3 Analysis of magnetic field-angle dependent electronic Raman scattering to probe the superconducting gap Mott transition in cuprate superconductors : role of t'd in the three-band d-p model Bose-Fermi mixture on ring threaded by magnetic flux Superfluid-insulator transition caused by binary disorder Dynamically induced topological properties in two-dimensional optical lattices Restoring long-range order in one-dimensional superconductivity by power-law hopping Cluster mean-field approach with density matrix renormalization group : application to the hard-core bosonic Hubbard model on a triangular lattice Ferromagnetism in multi-orbital Fermi gas loaded on a one-dimensional optical lattice Phase diagram of correlated bosons in a tripartite lattice with harmonic confinement Effect of strong coulomb interaction in a three-dimensional topological insulator Topological aspect and magnetic property of a chiral p-wave superconductor Topological properties of correlated insulators in one dimension Vriational-cluster-approximation study of the antiferromagnetic topological insulator states Magnetic phases and edge states of the 1/5-depleted square-lattice Hubbard model at 1/4 filling Topological properties of 1D quasicrystal Bose-Mott insulators Study of interface phenomena in a topological-insulator/Mott-insulator heterostructure Angle-resolved photoemission study on multi-band electronic structure of IrTe2 Charge order with a noncoplanar triple-Q magnetic order on a cubic lattice Superconducting state of SrPtAs with broken time-reversal symmetry Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless-type transitions in d = 2 quantum O(2) and O(2) × O(2) nonlinear sigma models Spin-orbit interaction effects in the electronic structure of B20-type CoSi : first-principles density functional study Photorefinement of the mixed ground state of a platinum-iodide nanotubular assembly Continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo study of strong coupling superconductivity in Holstein-Hubbard model Orbital dynamics coupled with Jahn-Teller phonons in strongly correlated electron systems Dynamical mean-field analysis of ordered phases in the half-filled Holstein-Hubbard model Effect of phonon-mediated attraction on the Kondo phenomenon emerging from a vibrating magnetic ion Elastic properties of iron-based superconductors FeTe1-xSex by ultrasonic measurement Structural modulation of the cage lattice system DyB6 Magnetic solitons and colossal magnetoresistance in (Sm1-yCdy)0.55Sr0.45MnO3 Core-level photoemission study for 3d systems with a dynamical mean-field approach under realistic crystal structures Electronic structure of calcium-ferrite-type Cr oxide NaCr2O4 Orbital Zeeman effect of liquid oxygen in high magnetic fields High-field magnetization processes of HoRh2Si2 single crystal Excitonic BCS-BEC crossover in double-layer systems NMR study of YbGaGe Theoretical study of electronic states and excitation spectra in Ni-substituted cuprates A proposal of the approximate kinetic energy functional of the pair density functional theory Temperature dependence of spin fluctuations in underdoped La1.90Sr0.10CuO4 A possible massless Dirac electron in molecular two-orbital model Magnetic properties of HoNi single crystal under high pressure Transport properties of Y1-xNdxCo2 in magnetic field Temperature dependence of thermopower in strongly correlated multiorbital systems Interface superconductivity in cuprate bilayers : dimensionality and vortex dynamics Study of chiral structure and magnetism in heavy-fermion Yb(Ni1-xCux)3Al9 Study on the half-Heusler compounds Co1+δTiSb with excess cobalt Magneto-transport properties in the Heusler compounds Ru2-xFexCrSi (0 < x <0.1) X-ray study with synchrotron radiation for new filled skutterudite GdFe4As12 at ambient pressure and high pressures Magnetic properties of chalcopyrite Cu1-xFeS2 at low temperatures Magnetic properties of SmCd11 Detailed study of magnetic behaviour in single crystalline Eu3Rh4Sn13 Observations on the resonant mode in superconducting KxFe2-ySe2 Another phase transition beside superconductivity in skutterudite LaOs4P12 Heat pulse measurements of specific heat under high magnetic fields at low temperatures Spin and orbital correlations in photoexcited states of multi-orbital Hubbard models Cu-O-Cr hybridization effects on the electronic structure of a hole-doped delafossite oxide CuCr1-xMgxO2 Transport and magnetic properties of Ln2-xCexPdO4 (Ln = Nd, Sm, and Eu) with the PdO2 layer Synthesis and transport properties of compounds with TMP4-unit in the crystal structures Effect of the multipole-multipole interactions for the elastic properties on SmSn3 Structural phase transition and superconductivity in LaPt2Si2 : 139La-and 195Pt-NMR studies Magnetic and conducting properties of copper oxide Cu6O8MCl (M = Y, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu) Metal-insulator transition and thermoelectric properties in hexagonal barium titanates Hybrid density functional study on plutonium dioxide Contribution of Berry curvature to thermoelectric effects Semiconducting transport properties in off-stoichiometric Fe2-xVAl1+x Correlation between site disorder and magnetic moment in full-Heusler Co2MnSi SmB6 photoemission : past and present
JPS conference proceedings 2
目次USM2013 preface USM2013 organization USM2013 list of articles Past, present and future of ultra-slow muons Ultra slow muon project at J-PARC MUSE Construction of ultra slow muon beam line at J-PARC U-line at MLF/J-PARC for ultra slow muon microscopy Development of manufacturing method of highly pure tungsten foil for thermal muonium generation All-solid-state laser amplifiers for intense Lyman-α generation Temporally resolved spectral structure of 821nm broad-area laser diode seeder for muonium Lyman-alpha generation Tunable 820.65 nm light source by injection-seeded optical parametric oscillator and amplifier for muonium Lyman-alpha generation Transport of coherent VUV radiation to muon U-line for ultra slow muon microscope Front end of linear accelerator for muon A proposed muon facility in RAON/Korea Possible development of µSR capacity at Fermilab Project X H line : a beamline for fundamental physics in J-PARC Low-energy muons at PSI : examples of investigations of superconducting properties in near-surface regions and heterostuctures Investigation of spontaneous magnetic field in spin-triplet superconductor Sr2RuO4 Rearrangement of the fast driven Abrikosov lattice in a superconducting amorphous film in tilted field Two-dimensional magnetic and superconducting phases in metal-insulator La2-xSrxCuO4 superlattices studied by low-energy muon-spin rotation Chiral magnetic soliton lattice in MnSi Muon spin spectroscopy in multiferroic (Cu,Zn)3Mo2O9 Ground state of bond-disordered quasi-one-dimensional spin system (CH3)2CHNH3Cu(ClxBr1-x)3 with x = 0, 0.25 and 0.3 Exotic magnetism of the quantum spin nanotubes Local magnetic field and positive muon diffusion in yttrium iron garnet Negatively charged muonium as a detector of electron spin polarization : a puzzle and a possible theory Magnetic anisotropy constants and anisotropic magneto-resistances in GaMnAs depending on layer thickness Li-ion dynamics in Li5+xLa3ZrxNb2-xO12 Macroscopic electrochemical properties clarified by microscopic measurements : present and future Hydrogen-related properties of metal and alloy nanoparticles New prospects for the characterization of heterogeneous catalysts by using slow muon spectroscopy Detection of oxygen vacancy in rutile TiO2 single crystal by µSR measurement µSR study on isolated hydrogen and oxygen vacancy in SrTiO3 Helical polymer switching using molecular simulations Hydration effects on electron transfer in biological systems studied by µSR Visualization of the electron transfer associated with biochemical reaction process by the ultra-slow muon Yoshimori-Kasai model phase diagram and Naniwa series for quantum dynamics First principles study of positive muon and hydrogen nucleus (H+, D+) on graphene Precision experiments with ultraslow muons Measurement of muonium emission from silica aerogel Production of slow polarized negative muons for µ+µ-atoms and cold g-2 Development of high-rate positron tracker for the muonium production experiment at J-PARC Measurement of muonium hyperfine splitting at J-PARC
JPS conference proceedings 1
目次Preface APPC12 organization APPC12 program APPC12 list of articles Physics of Alfvén waves Recent progress in cosmology and particle astrophysics Nuclear matter in neutron stars : a great challenge in nuclear physics The heterogeneous dynamics of sand Study on unconventional superconductivity after the BCS paradigm Emergence of topologically stable Dirac dispersions in a fermionic Shastry-Sutherland model Crystal structure and magnetic properties of Sr2LiOsO6 From graphene to silicene : a new 2-D topological insulator Polarity reversal of tunnel magnetoresistance observed in lateral Co-Al-Co single-electron transistor A self-emissivity-controlling radiator for spacecrafts by making use of a metal-insulator transition in magnetoresistive manganites Colossal magnetoresistance and magnetism of NaCr2O4 Simple process synthesis and magnetoresistance of BaTiO3-Fe3O4 ceramic composite Metamagnetism of DyPd2Si2 single crystal Hall effect and magnetoresistance in GdxY1-xH2 (x≒ 0.4) Facile synthesis of high magnetization air-stable Fe65Co35 nanoparticles by mechanical alloying Description of delocalized electrons in negative ions leading to peculiar ionic material properties such as antiferromagnetism using the SIWB method in a density functional theory Verification of ferromagnetism in Au nanoparticles with clean surface 1H NMR studies of MgH2 Electron states of oxygen-deficient EuO Pressure effect on transport properties of EuNiGe3 Optical assessment of carrier effective mass in GdxY1-xH2 (0≦x≦1) Angle resolved photoemission study of GeBi2Te4 Numerical analysis on the spin-motive force induced by the resonant motion of a magnetic domain wall Unusual magnetic phase transition of 2D kagome compound Cu3(CO3)(bpe)3・2ClO4 Effect of additional 3d elements M (M = Fe and Ni) on atomic ordered structure in Cu-M-Pd alloy Silicon tunneling field effect transistors with a hemicylindrical nanowire channel for ultra-low power application Power dependence of electric dipole spin resonance Effect of spin-orbit interaction on supercurrent in semiconductor nanowire Photo-excited electron and hole dynamics in semiconductor quantum dots : phonon-induced relaxation, multiple exciton generation and recombination Exotic quantum phenomena of the spin nanotubes Relations between superconducting transition temperatures and crystallographic local structures in iron-based mixed anion compounds First principles XPS calculation for the B defects in SiC Transport through quantum dot - Majorana junctions Optical phonon lasing and its detection in semiconductor double quantum dots Charge-noise-free lateral quantum dot devices with undoped Si/SiGe wafer Inversion phenomena of the anisotropies of the Hamiltonian and the wave function in quantum spin chains Induced dielectric polarization effects on valence band alignment in multi-quantum well structures in wurtzite semiconductors Activation energies of self-diffusion mediated by vacancies and interstitials in a high-purity Si determined from properties of point defects Proton conduction path in Rb3H(SeO4)2 studied by high temperature neutron single crystal diffraction Lithium nitride synthesized by in situ lithium deposition and ion implantation for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Calculation of d.c. current in a non-interacting resonant level model Inefficiency of signal amplification by post-selection Molecular dynamics simulations of one-, two-, three-dimensional hopping dynamics A practical method to estimate linear viscoelasticity of polymer melts in molecular dynamics simulations Stretching instability of intrinsically curved semiflexible biopolymers On hydration repulsive forces between various phospholipid bilayers Surface friction of double network gels and shape memory gels Recombination zone by mixed-source evaporation in organic light emitting diodes with graded mixed-layer structures Intramolecular orbital excitations and frequency modulation of molecular vibrations during photoinduced charge-order melting in Et2Me2Sb[Pd(dmit)2]2 Temperature, molecular weight, and concentration dependences of thermal diffusion for ethylene glycol oligomers and crown ethers Direct observations of surface thermal fluctuations below shot noise levels Meso-decorated switching-knot gels The applications of shape memory gel as a smart material Imaging of internal structure in gel engineering materials with visual scanning microscopic light scattering Silver nanowires (AgNWs) embedded electrodes for gel actuator Orientation of conductive polymer PEDOT:PSS films prepared under magnetic field Pump-probe spectroscopy of thermal Cis-Trans isomerization process of Methyl Red in 1-Octanol Molecular dynamics study of gramicidin A in lipid bilayer : electrostatic map and ion conduction Protein-protein interactions of azurin complex by coarse-grained simulations with a Go-like model Ⅱ-stacking interaction between heterocyclic rings in a reaction field of biological system Molecular dynamics study of Hsp90 and ADP : hydrogen bond analysis for ADP dissociation DNA strand breaks in fibroblasts exposed to a 50-Hz magnetic field Laser-induced heating for DNA replication in a microfluidics Directed motion and novel dynamics of interfacial systems Cell illuminating apparatus for photo-stimulation of neuron gates Effect of dissolution of methane in aqueous NaCl solution : a molecular dynamics study Trigonal-tetragonal crystal phase island structure of isotactic polybutene-1 Pressure-induced phase transitions of n-tridecane Carbon nanotube electromechanical devices Transport spectroscopy of epitaxial graphene on SiC using quantum capacitances Electronic structures of carbon-doped hexagonal boron nitride sheet : a density-functional study Patterns of field electron emission from carbon nanotubes : Ab initio simulations by time-dependent density functional theory Characterization of dimers in graphene flakes Sharp zero-energy Landau levels in multilayer graphene Synthesis of carbon nanostructure filled with phase-separating stainless alloy by liquid and solid interfacial arc discharge method Coherent phonons in a 1,3,5-tri-phenylbenzene crystal Optical properties of boron nitride and graphene nanoribbons : a time dependent density functional theory simulation Nanotube-confined liquids : water and methanol DFT study of I-V characteristics of graphene nanoribbons with substitutional impurities First-principles transport modeling for metal/insulator/metal structures Role of the anion ordering in the field induced SDW phase Thickness dependence of excitonic spectra in Cu2O thin films sandwiched by MgO plates Effect of sintering conditions on microwave dielectric properties of Ni0.5Ti0.5NbO4 ceramics Stress-induced effects in yellow and green excitons of Cu2O thin films sandwiched by MgO plates Optical properties and microstructure of sol-gel derived NdAlO3 thin films Microwave dielectric properties of (Ca0.2Sr0.8)3(Zr0.1Ti0.9)2O7 ceramics Formation of thermal double donors in Ge Dielectric characteristics of CaLa4(Ti0.9Sn0.1)4O15 ceramics at microwave frequencies Structural and magnetic properties in spinel oxide Fe1-xMnxV2O4 Si doping effect on the structure of multiferroic Mn2Ge1-xSixO4 Pressure effects of Nd3.5Sm0.5Ni3O8 and La3-xNdxNi2O6 Optical properties and microstructure of BaTi5O11 thin films by Sol-Gel method Fabrication and characterization of BaTiO3/Pt/C/Pt/Ti/SiO2 structures Analysis of memory effect induced by hydrogen annealing Temperature dependence of resonant peaks from quantum disk of GaN Elucidation of Cu diffusion surface and path in monoclinic HfO2 conducting-bridge memory Low temperature growth of undoped and Al-doped ZnO films by pulsed laser deposition Effect of sintering behaviors on electrical properties of ZnO ceramics with glass oxide additions Single-particle excitations and hetero-pairing effects in an ultracold Fermi gas with mass imbalance Unconventional triplet pairing and effects of Fermi surface deformation in a gas of polarized dipolar Fermi molecules Spin-gap temperature in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of an ultracold Fermi gas Thermoelectric power of multilayered massless Dirac fermion system α-(BEDT TTF)2I3 : charge ordering and zero gap-states Nonequilibrium thermo field dynamics for thermal relaxation process of confined cold atomic gas Analysis of particle transfer for periodic lattice modulation in three dimensional optical lattice Relationship between dynamical instability and zero modes for dark soliton in Bose-Einstein condensate Numerical analysis of quantum transport equation for Bose gas in one dimensional optical lattice The behavior of the staggered magnetization in weak antiferromagnetic metals Phase transition of Bi2WO6 below 300K Suppression of superconductivity around x = 0.5-0.7 in LaFeP1-xAsxO0.95F0.05 Imbalance of hole density between inner and outer planes and superconducting transition temperature in multilayered cuprates Valence fluctuations in the extended periodic Anderson model at finite temperatures Structure of Al87Y8Ni5 amorphous alloy analyzed by anomalous X-ray scattering Ligand and charge dependence for absorption edge in XANES spectra of TPP[Fe(Pc)L2]2 systems Buried well-screened state in photoemission spectra of La1-xSrxMnO3 Temperature dependence of internal field by analysis of specific heat on an organic conductor λ-BETS2FeCl4 Single crystal growth of Nd-1111 iron pnictide superconductors by high pressure synthesis Cooperation between Coulomb and electron-phonon interactions in fulleride superconductors Vortex dynamics in nano-sized superconductors Electronic structure of novel superconductor AuSb6Te Low-temperature specific heat study of hexagonal C14-type laves phase superconductors ARu2 (A = Lu, Y, Sc) Hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy of Quasi-One-Dimensional BaVS3 Photoemission studies of Kondo lattice compounds YbNi3(Ga1-xAlx)9 Carrier doping effects on the physical properties of the layered antiferromagnetic semiconductor (LaO)MnAs Edge states in molecular solid α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 : effects of electron correlations Band renormalization effect on interplay between antiferromagnetism and superconductivity in Hubbard model Gauge fields, massless modes and topology of gauge fields in multi-band superconductors X-ray photoemission and X-ray absorption spectroscopy of hexagonal Ba3CuSb2O9 C-axis I-V characteristics of Fe(Se,Te) single crystals as intrinsic Josephson junction stacks Similarity solutions of Fokker-Planck equation with time-dependent coefficients and fixed/moving boundaries Phase transitions with discrete symmetry breaking in antiferromagnetic Heisenberg models on a triangular lattice Mapping of a diffusion model on an online social network to a non-hermitian quantum chain Numerical analysis of quantum phase transitions with dynamic control of anisotropy Variational principles on nonlinear responses and path-integral quantization of dissipative dynamics A new second law of information thermodynamics using entanglement measure Path-integral Monte Carlo for the gauge-fixed berry connection and the local Z2 Berry phase Entanglement classification of arbitrary-dimensional multipartite pure states under stochastic local operations and classical communication via the ranks of the coefficient matrices Velocity-field theory, Boltzmann's transport equation and geometry Decoherence and the intersection of classical trajectory Quantum dissipation in rotating wave approximation Analysis of a single-photon generator implemented by a microtoroidal cavity QED system Representation of quantum entanglement using thermo field dynamics Design and experiment of a microwave cavity resonator for the imaging of microwave properties Recent results from the ATLAS experiment The recent results from CMS Sine square deformation and string theory Quantum fluctuations of particles and fields in smooth path integrals Higgs branching ratio measurements at the ILC Status of the COMET experiment at J-PARC T2K experiment Latest results from Super-Kamiokande The legacy of Hideki Yukawa, Sin-itiro Tomonaga, and Shoichi Sakata : some aspects from their archives Finite-size corrections to Fermi's golden rule Aspect of fermion mass hierarchy within flavor democracy for Yukawa couplings Coupling measurements of the Higgs boson in the WW(*) → lvlv decay channel with the ATLAS detector Higgs boson decays to tau pairs at the ILC with the ILD detector Molecular dynamics simulation of the three-dimensional ordered state in laser-cooled heavy-ion beams Study of the charge density control method including the space charge effect in the proton synchrotron Performance of the upgraded LHCf calorimeter with Gd2SiO5 (GSO) scintillators tested by accelerator beams A search for non-Newtonian force in a precision measurement of the scattering of slow neutrons in Xenon gas Representation of conformal Galilei algebra and invariant equations Higgs boson, magnetic monopoles and exotic smoothness in 4D Electromagnetic properties of the nucleon in nuclear matter Noether current from surface term, virasoro algebra and black hole entropy in bigravity CANDLES project for the neutrinoless double beta decay of 48Ca The DCBA/MTD experiments for neutrinoless double beta decay search The ground state structure of 8He probed by the knockout reaction Nuclear β-decay half-lives in the r-process nuclei by deformed quasiparticle random-phase approximation Experimental research on two-proton emissions from the excited states of proton-rich nuclei close to the drip line Plan for nuclear physics experiments using rare isotope beams at RAON Updated analysis of the mass of the H dibaryon from lattice QCD Effects of density-dependent weak form factors and final state interaction for neutrino-nucleus scattering in the quasi-elastic region Formation of η′(958) bound states in nuclei Structural evolution of the Pd isotopes towards N = 82 Exotic molecular structure in light neutron-excess system, 12Be Dineutron correlation in 8He Measurement of the 8He(p,n)8Li reaction at intermediate energy in inverse kinematics Systematic study of β-decay half-lives in the vicinity of 78Ni Anti-analog giant dipole resonance and the neutron skin in 208Pb Complete set of deuteron analyzing powers for dp elastic scattering at intermediate energies and three nucleon forces Pairing effects in nuclear fusion reaction Flavor structure of the nucleon electromagnetic form factors Azimuthal angle dependence of HBT radii in Au+Au collisions at RHIC-PHENIX Generic conditions for stable hybrid stars Asymmetric neutrino emission process in rapid spin-deceleration of magnetized proto-neutron stars Studies of exotic hadrons by high-energy exclusive reactions Study of baryon resonances in the photoproduction γp→k*Σ(1190) Recent studies of the strangeness physics at MAMI-C Status of the EURICA project after one year at RIKEN Crossover from skin-mode to proton-neutron-mode in E1 excitations of neutron-rich nuclei Superdeformed bands and α-cluster states in A~40 nuclei Exotic electromagnetic transitions of neutron-rich carbon isotopes studied with extended antisymmetrized molecular dynamics Effect of expansion of the core to the nuclear radius in oxygen isotopes Research and development of a new gas-filled recoil separator GARIS-II Size of the monopole excitation of 12C via proton inelastic scattering Measurement of the energy, multiplicity and angular correlation of γ-rays from the thermal neutron capture reaction Gd(n, γ) Study of nucleosynthesis by means of 45Sc + p reaction Study for Big Bang nucleosynthesis concerning lithium isotopes Time-dependent approach to two-proton radioactivity Effective atomic numbers of lanthanides with gamma radiation for photon energy absorption Storage-ring mass spectrometry in Japan Developments of time-of-flight detectors for Rare-RI Ring Formation of deeply bound pionic atoms in the (d,3He) reaction Resonance and continuum contributions for the scattering phase shift Development of hyperon Time-Projection-Chamber (HypTPC) for the H-dibaryon search experiment at J-PARC MTV/MTV-G experiment at TRIUMF search of T-Violation and gravity signal at nuclear scale Internal structure of the nucleon in a π-ρ-ω meson model Laser cooled francium factory for the electron electric dipole moment search The deeply bound pionic states in 121Sn produced by (d,3He) reaction Effects due to the structure and materials of a charge stripping foil on activation of the RCS injection segment of J-PARC Measurement of azimuthal anisotropy of hadron in Au+Au collision at √ =SNN=39, 62 and 200 GeV Report of the next generation TRIUMF-MTV experiment Run-IV using cylindrical drift chamber New methods and technologies for double-lambda hypernucleus search in nuclear emulsion in J-PARC E07 Investigation of strangeness photoproduction near the threshold at ELPH, Tohoku University Study of double Delta photoproduction on the deuteron in the energy region of Eγ = 0.65-1.1 GeV Exotic dibaryons with an anti heavy quark Experimental investigation for mass modification of vector mesons at J-PARC Measurement of charged pion photoproduction at ELPH High precision γ-ray spectroscopy of 4λHe and 19λ F at J-PARC Spectroscopic research of lambda hypdernuclei at JLab Hall C Study of double-Λ hypernuclei at J-PARC Hypernuclear decay pion spectroscopy at Mainz Microtron Equation of state for neutron stars : hyperon mixing in SU(3) flavor symmetry Coexistence of antikaons and hyperons in nuclei and in neutron stars Second order born effects in the perpendicular plane ionization of Xe (5p) atoms Photon-in, photon-out gas-phase experiments at the SPring-8 compact SASE source SCSS Observation of spontaneous quantum fluctuations in photon absorption by atoms Stark effect in two-electron atoms by high-resolution diode-laser spectroscopy Properties of a hydrated excess proton near the cholesterol-containing phospholipid bilayer Molecular orbital analysis of high harmonic generation Development of high resolution molecular spectroscopic system with an optical frequency comb Relaxation of plasma created from irradiation of a heavy ion Forced synchronization of quantum system Suppression of multiphoton ionization of Rydberg atoms by bichromatic microwave fields Calculation of absorbed dose in target tissue and equivalent dose in sensitive tissues of patients treated by BNCT using MCNP4C Theoretical study on isotope-selective dissociation of the lithium chloride molecule using a designed terahertz-wave field Primordial spectrum and cosmological parameters Ashra NTA : towards survey of astronomical ντ sources Anisotropic clustering of the SDSS LRG as a dual probe of growth of structure and cosmic expansion A new concept of transonic galactic outflows in a cold dark matter halo with a central super-massive black hole Luminosity evolution of rotation-powered, high-energy pulsars SMILE-II : balloon-borne telescope for background-suppressed soft gamma-ray imaging Transmission probability for charged dilatonic black holes in various dimensions Observation of the gravitationally bound quantum states of ultracold neutrons with submicron spatial resolution Synthetic observation of turbulent supernova remnants New approach to cosmological fluctuation using the background field method and CMB power spectrum Power spectrum density of long-term MAXI data Application of a MT method to cosmic-ray particle identification The possibility for the detection of the sub-TeV gamma-ray emission from Fermi blazars POLARBEAR CMB polarization experiment Cosmic microwave background B-mode polarization experiment POLARBEAR-2 The analysis of 12C on the 11B elastic scattering processes at different energies near the coulomb barrier Particle production from geometric transition in expanding universe Trigger and readout system for the Ashra-1 detector Entropic cosmology from a thermodynamics viewpoint A solution to the graceful exit problem in Higgs G-inflation Fine feature in the primordial power spectrum from wrapped brane inflation Numerical simulation of Primordial Black Hole formation Quantum mechanics of a rotating billiard Detectability and parameter estimation of gravitational waves from cosmic string with ground-based detectors Development of the superconducting detectors for applications to particle physics and astrophysics Calibration and reconstruction in time-series of strain signal of gravitational wave detector Asymptotic properties of energy spectra for high-energy cascade electron and photon in strong magnetic fields An exact analytical derivation of energy spectra for high-energy cascade electron and photon in strong magnetic fields Electromagnetic showers in strong magnetic fields derived analytically assuming simplified cross-sections Large-scale magnetic fields from inflation in teleparallel gravity Progress report on the TIBET AS+MD project Matter density perturbations in teleparallel cosmology Cosmic acceleration in the early and present universe Search for cosmic background neutrino decay The status and recent results of the Telescope Array experiment Smart crystallography in materials science at SPring-8 : in the case of endohedral metallofullerene Effect of K doping on rubrene : C60 heterojunctions Conducting foams for high synchrotron radiation accelerators Synchrotron-radiation photoemission study of electronic structures of a Cs-doped rubrene surface Control of a storage ring free-electron laser by modulating an electron bunch Design study of linear accelerator-based positron re-emission microscopy On the superconducting symmetry of Fe-based systems : impurity effects and microscopic magnetic behavior Development of energy-selective neutron imaging Single crystal neutron diffraction study of high neutron absorbing compound EuGa4 Event recording data acquisition system and experiment data management system for neutron experiments at MLF, J-PARC 2D neutron diffraction imaging on an ammonite Study on the pulse shape of thermal and cold neutrons provided by the decoupled moderator of JSNS Instrument design and performance evaluation of a new single crystal neutron diffractometer SENJU at J-PARC SANS study of static structure of the double network polymers Performance of optical devices for energy-selective neutron imaging in NOBORU at J-PARC Energy- and Q-resolution investigations of a chopper spectrometer 4SEASONS at J-PARC Deformation behavior of an austenitic steel by neutron diffraction General formulae for the optimized design of Fermi chopper spectrometer Measurement of differences and relativity between speeds of light from various stars Observation of the birefringence in the friction interface with polarizing microscope Micro-lensed single-mode fiber tip as a high-NA objective Controlling chirping of narrowband THz pulses generated by non-linearly chirped pulse beating The development of a superconducting RF electron microscope Basic properties of Eu2+ 5d-4f luminescence in SiO2 glass matrix Phonon dynamics of phase relaxation process in CdSSe microcrystallites Microbeams of visible light by tapered glass capillaries Suppressing chirp of THz pulses by using an optical fiber as a pulse stretcher for chirped pulse beating Highly efficient photon coupling devices utilizing a nanofiber tip Fabrication and characterization of high-Q monolithic microresonators Determination of an unknown volume in the material based on gamma ray scattering using GEANT4 simulation Optical and scintillation properties of pure ZnS crystal Fusion device as an open system : a new concept Immediate influence of external sources on turbulent plasma transport Plasma physics researches in Asia Pacific region Enhanced understanding of MHD dynamics & ELM control physics via 2D/3D ECE imaging in KSTAR Turbulence in toroidal plasma Cooperative micro-motion and structural rearrangement of dusty plasma liquids with micro-heterogeneity Nonlinear dynamics of toroidal Alfven eigenmodes via nonlinear mode coupling Current-free plasma thruster controlling cross-field diffusion under a magnetic nozzle Shearing the cold dusty plasma liquid at discrete level Effect of energetic ion on spatial distribution of recombining plasma Dynamical response of turbulent structures in cylindrical magnetized plasmas Differential dust disk rotation in a complex plasma with magnetic field Nonlinear interaction dynamics between the double tearing mode and the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability Negative triangularity as a possible tokamak scenario Liquid-crystal-based tunable Lyot filter spectra camera system combined with color CCD detector Discussion on collisional radiative model from the viewpoint of linear ordinary differential equations Low perturbative observation of moderately coupled plasma using probe laser induced fluorescence Generation of wide range THz waves near to 1THz using a laser chaos and a high bias voltage Measurement of a near-infrared atomic helium line for the evaluation of radiation trapping in a MAP-II divertor simulator Spatial profile of flux of dust particles generated due to interaction between hydrogen plasmas and graphite target Numerical investigation on atmospheric-pressure dielectric barrier discharges driven by combined rf and short-pulse sources in co-axial electrodes Characteristics of rf-produced, high-density plasma with very small diameter Response of hydrogen balmer series spectra in recombining plasma with pulse plasma flow Neon induced MHD activity in FTU Characteristics of low-n instability observed in ideal unstable regime of helical plasmas Behavior of MHD instabilities of the Large Helical Device near the effective plasma boundary in the magnetic stochastic region Measurement and evaluation of 3-D structure in low-aspect-ratio RFP RELAX with dual SXR imaging system 2D microwave imaging reflectometry (MIR) in KSTAR A percolation model of the streamer discharges Probability density functions of floating potential fluctuations due to local electron flux intermittency in a linear ECR plasma Characteristics of high poloidal beta (βp) plasma formed by electron cyclotron waves in spherical tokamak QUEST Control of the helicity content of a gun-generated spheromak by incorporating a conducting shell into a magnetized coaxial plasma gun Behavior of a field-reversed configuration translated into a large-bore confinement chamber ECH absorbed power evaluation method compensated for temporal response of diamagnetic flux measurements on LHD Snowflake divertor simulation for EAST experiment Scrape off layer flow characteristics in the spherical tokamak QUEST Stochastic transport of runaway electrons due to low-order perturbations in tokamak disruption Measurement of radio frequency wave induced electron density fluctuations by a microwave reflectometer on LHD Formation process of non-neutral plasmas by multiple electron beams on BX-U Effects of rotating electric field on simultaneous confinement of lithium and electron plasmas Analysis of orbital E×B rotation of non-neutral plasmas formed in BX-U Measurement of hydrogen negative ions in sheet plasma Ion flow measurement using a directional langmuir probe in the radio frequency plasma source DT-ALPHA Electron and ion heating during magnetic reconnection in weakly collisional plasmas Integrated transport simulation of time-evolving LHD plasma using GNET-TD and TASK3D Effect of a magnetic nozzle in an MPD thruster Study on electrodeless electric propulsion in high-density helicon plasma with permanent magnets Momentum exchange of a plasma with its surroundings Dynamics of charged dust near liquid helium surface Numerical analysis of weakly nonlinear propagation of ultrasound in bubbly liquids Effects of liquid compressibility on mathematical well-posedness of two-fluid model equation for bubbly flows X-ray emission characteristics of vacuum spark plasmas operated with aluminium, copper and tin as anode materials A new approach to gas discharge theory with sheath boundaries Plasma structure control and new-concept plasma process for novel nano-bio materials Generation of free radicals in liquid by atmospheric-pressure plasmas and its application to biology and medicine Effects of RF power and working pressure on the properties of nc-Si:H thin films deposited by an ICP-CVD system Synthesis and characterization of the plasma sprayed Si-Ni composite powders as negative electrode of lithium-ion batteries Numerical simulation of electric double layer in contact with dielectric barrier discharge Optimising ion production in pulsed refractory and non-refractory cathodic arcs Sheet plasma configurations suitable for materials processing Extreme ultraviolet source based on microwave discharge produced plasma using cavity resonator Effects of negative Ag ions on the surface of (200) single-crystalline MgO substrates Energy flux to a substrate in ICP assisted magnetron sputtering Study on the crystal growth mechanism of ZnO films fabricated via nitrogen mediated crystallization Langmuir probe measurement for sputtering deposition using several size of metal powder target Substrate temperature dependence of photoresponse and crystal phases of TiO2 deposited via dual plane magnetron Feasibility of growth of ZnO cluster in penning trap Enhanced deposition efficiency of epitaxial Si film from SiHCl3 by mesoplasma chemical vapor deposition Effects of grid DC bias on incorporation of Si clusters into amorphous silicon thin films in multi-hollow discharge plasma CVD Influence of Si substrate temperature and bias voltage on surface reaction of Br radical in HBr inductively coupled plasma Etching profile control of alignment spring for combining MEMS micro-channel device and optical fibers Deposition of carbon films on PMMA using H-assisted plasma CVD Plasma sprayed Si nano composite powders for negative electrode of lithium ion batteries Effects of magnetic field and gravity on single-walled carbon nanotube production in three directions of arc discharge current Stable arc discharge modeling with flow for carbon nanohorn synthesis by assuming an isobaric environment OH radical and a drizzling water jet production from the ball-lightning discharge in water Micro-biocidal activity of yeast cells by needle plasma irradiation at atmospheric pressure Effects of atmospheric air plasma irradiation on pH of water Nitrogen arc-jet as atomic radical source : dominance of atomic N lines in comparison with molecular N2 band spectra Combinatorial plasma CVD of Si nanoparticle composite films for band gap control Infrared spectroscopic study on deposition process of the amorphous carbon film with benzene molecule as a source in plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition Effects of H2 gas addition on structure of Ge nanoparticle films deposited by high-pressure RF magnetron sputtering method Correlation between nanoparticle growth and plasma parameters in low pressure reactive VHF discharge plasmas Influence of gas flow on plasma length in atmospheric pressure plasma jet Performance of plasma cathode for a magnetized sheet plasma device Application of coaxial ion gun for film generation and ion implantation Impact of the Marangoni effect on thin film thickness profile after drying of polymer solution coated on a flat substrate Scientific researches on high intensity laser plasma in Asia-Pacific region Multi-stage ion acceleration in laser plasma interaction Spirally wobbling beam illumination nonuniformity in heavy ion inertial fusion Exponential enhancement of terahertz power from an asymmetric plasma filament pumped by two-color femtosecond laser pulses Experimental characterization of splash plasma channels for guided laser-wake field acceleration High-quality ion beam generation in laser plasma interaction Minimum condition of target gas material at an ionization-stage control scheme in a laser-plasma electron acceleration Current status and future prospects of "J-KAREN" :  high contrast, high intensity laser for studying relativistic laser-matter interactions Laboratory scale experiments for collisionless shock generated by taper-cone-shaped plasma focus device Temperature dependent emission properties of Yb3+ doped ceramics for high repetition rate high intensity lasers Relativistic jets in active galactic nuclei Magnetic cycles and hints of flux emergence in solar and stellar dynamos Direct measurement of nonlinear wave-particle interactions in the Earth's magnetosphere : Wave-Particle Interaction Analyzer (WPIA) for ERG mission Statistical flux and energy deposition of auroral electrons Field-aligned accelerations in front of plasma shocks propagating through interstellar magnetic fields Full particle-in-cell simulation of two colliding shocks Nonlinear Alfvén waves in the radially expanding solar wind plasmas Magnetohydrodynamic numerical simulation of parker instability in interstellar gas with cosmic ray pressure Search for a correlation between giant radio pulses and hard X-ray emissions in the Crab pulsar Numerical study on the formation of solar active regions Obtaining correct and physically meaningful results for simulations of the Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability (RMI) driven by shock wave Numerical approach to quark-gluon world from statistical QCD Finite-difference approach for a 6th-order nonlinear phase equation with self-excitation Novel linear algebraic theory and one-hundred-million-atom electronic structure calculation on the K computer Multi-objective optimizations for selections of protein-ligand docking poses using Pareto optima as a consensus score Network of water molecules around guanine nucleotide in the Hras-GTP and -GDP complexes by MD simulations Can molecular dynamics simulations trace the long-time relaxations in network-glass-forming liquids? Delbruck scattering calculation using the LoopTools package Entropy and heat capacity calculations by thermodynamic approach Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation of IPMDH proteins Application of matrix product states to the Hubbard model in one spatial dimension First-principles study on dynamic electron-transport property through low dimensional system Development of simulation code connecting particle-in-cell and magnetohydrodynamics on hierarchical mesh Description of photon field in dynamics simulation of bound states based on quantum field theory A spin density version of linear response function : toward guidelines of QM/MM boundaries for reliable computations Conformation analysis of peptides derived from Laminin alpha 1-2 chain using molecular dynamics simulation Polarizable dissipative particle dynamics simulation of electrolyte solutions Molecular dynamics simulation of telomere and TRF1 Numerical simulation of the twitching motility of bacterium crawling on a solid surface Computer simulation analysis of the protein binding interfaces that form a 4-helix bundle motif Science laboratory classes for freshmen in Tohoku University : introductory science experiments Comparison of U.S. and Chinese high-school physics teaching and the need for active learning at the college level Tutorial at a Japanese University as an interactive physics class Courses on computational physics in Chinese universities and colleges Twenty years of raising next generation for researchers and teachers of natural sciences through science festival for youngsters in Osaka The use of Active Learning methods in introductory electronics deliver positive learning outcomes, yet some academics still resist change Building a program of university physics and mathematics education A two-tier multiple choice questions to diagnose thermodynamic misconception of Thai and Laos students "Physics knowledge to be taught" described by information flow? : applying channel theory to physics education? Trial of "Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation" tests in Japanese high schools Progress of systematic hands on devices for active learning methods by visualizing ICT tools in physics with milliseconds resolution The systematic demonstrations of physical phenomena in a weightless environment : examples of active learning Fabrication and measurement of high-temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O7-δ : activity report of science club The history and aim of LADY CATS : simple and beautiful experiments Developing cloud chambers with high school students Physics and science education through project activities of university students and regional collaboration Laminated specimens of polystyrene foams for microscopic observation of two-dimensional structure Managing the learning quality in physics by e-learning improvement with collaborative education Desktop experiment with a cloud chamber for deep-inelastic scattering of cosmic muons off nuclei Development of an active-learning program about mechanical wave A trial of physics education for liberal arts students using the Advancing Physics Graphical approach to endoreversible thermodynamics Rika-Shoshi, the first physics experiment textbook published in Japanese and its editor, Jun'ichi Udagawa Science Origami, an effective teaching aid on science Developing Physics Education Research-based curriculum for Japanese university students Teaching the rotational angle of the pendulum of Foucault through handicraft work Physics education launched from space exploration Problem-solving learning of physics through the creation of quiz Structure of “Ventilation and Warming” in notes on nursing written by Florence Nightingale in 19th century : introduction of basic physics to nursing students A Peer-Instruction-based physics lecture at high school in Japan Physics Laboratory in UEC Educational system for enhancing the creative interest of elementary school students : a case study of a science class Investigation of student reasoning about harmonic motions Education and practice of the physics research for high school students FPGA material for the undergraduate school Simple and intuitive mathematics for learning elementary physics Concurrent use of demonstrations and simulations for teaching of basic physics Outdoor science experiment classes : raising the next generation for researchers and teachers of natural sciences Positive actions for promoting women physicists in Korea Positive action using quotas for women in Kyushu University, Japan WIP and WIT : women in physics and technology Analysis of office/laboratory staying hour and home working hour of Japanese scientists and engineers A comparative study of the effects of lecturer's gender in "Science Seminar" A study on the randomness of stock prices by using the RMT-test 210Po and 210Pb activity concentrations in cigarettes produced in Vietnam and their estimated dose contribution due to smoking Development of nondestructive measuring technique of environmental radioactive strontium History of nuclear fusion research in Japan Memorial archival libraries of Yukawa, Tomonaga, and Sakata Multi-scale stochastic modeling of dynamics of a time-averaged variable Realized volatility analysis in a spin model of financial markets Dynamics of a skew tent map in the nonlinear Frobenius-Perron equation Simulated annealing in the variable landscape




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