
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics : PTEP

The Physical Society of Japan
Oxford University Press





Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics : PTEP 2013 (9)
目次Preparing, linking, and unlinking cluster-type polarization-entangled states by integrating modules Three-torus-causing mechanism in a third-order forced oscillator Stabilizing matter and gauge fields localized on walls Charged Higgs and neutral Higgs pair production of the weak gauge boson fusion process in electron-positron collisions Revisiting the Higgs sector of a 3-3-1 model in light of the 126 GeV signal at the LHC Probability distribution over some phenomenological models in the matrix model compactified on a torus Searching for the origin of CP violation in Cabibbo-suppressed D-meson decays Numerical solutions of open string field theory in marginally deformed backgrounds Gauge invariant overlaps for identity-based marginal solutions X(3872) as a hybrid state of charmonium and the hadronic molecule The form factors of τ → Kπ(η)ν and the predictions for CP violation beyond the standard model
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics : PTEP 2013 (8)
目次Terascale remnants of unification and supersymmetry at the Planck scale Entanglement of a cavity field interacting with a superconducting charge qubit Properties of the twisted Polyakov loop coupling and the infrared fixed point in the SU(3) gauge theories Investigating texture six zero lepton mass matrices Energy-momentum tensor from the Yang-Mills gradient flow Coexistence of CP eigenstates in Higgs boson decay Complex 2D matrix model and geometrical map on the complex-Nc plane Strong restriction on inflationary vacua from the local gauge invariance Ⅰ : local gauge invariance and infrared regularity Efficient acceleration of relativistic magnetohydrodynamic jets Modular theory for operator algebra in a bounded region of space-time and quantum entanglement
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics : PTEP 2013 (7)
目次Hidden Nambu mechanics : a variant formulation of Hamiltonian systems Some properties of the maximally entangled Eisert-Wilkens-Lewenstein game Momentum relation and classical limit in the future-not-included complex action theory Perturbative partition function for a squashed S5 Finite-size corrections to Fermi's golden rule : Ⅰ. decay rates Localization method for volume of domain-wall moduli spaces Four-algebraic extension of the ⅡB matrix model Performance of a remotely located muon radiography system to identify the inner structure of a nuclear plant Hadron-quark crossover and massive hybrid stars Complex-scaling calculation of three-body resonances using complex-range Gaussian basis functions : application to 3α resonances in 12C
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics : PTEP 2013 (6)
目次Testing Bell's inequality using charmonium decays Eulerian and Newtonian dynamics of quantum particles On the cancellation mechanism of radiation from the Unruh detector Minimal neutrino texture with neutrino mass ratio and Cabibbo angle Eigenvalues of the Breit equation Separate seesaw and its applications to dark matter and baryogenesis (d,3He) reaction on an odd-neutron nuclear target for the formation of deeply bound pionic atoms Extraction of anti-analog giant dipole resonance and neutron skin thickness for 208Pb Tensor force and shape evolution of Si isotopes in the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock model Evolution of the Carter constant for resonant inspirals into a Kerr black hole : Ⅰ. the scalar case Strong restriction on inflationary vacua from the local gauge invariance II : infrared regularity and absence of secular growth in the Euclidean vacuum Nonlinear superhorizon curvature perturbation in generic single-field inflation
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics : PTEP 2013 (5)
目次Radiation reaction in ultrarelativistic laser-spinning electron interactions Complex probability measure and Aharonov's weak value Family unification via quasi-Nambu-Goldstone fermions in string theory Neutrino mass and proton decay in a U (1)R-symmetric model The form factors of τ → Kπ(η)ν and the predictions for CP violation beyond the standard model The partition function of ABJ theory Perturbative unitarity of Higgs derivative interactions Functional renormalization group study of phonon mode effects on the chiral critical point Weak cosmic censorship in gravitational collapse with astrophysical parameter values Radiative transfer in protoplanetary disks under irradiation by the protostar Full bispectra from primordial scalar and tensor perturbations in the most general single-field inflation model Nambu-Goldstone modes and the Josephson supercurrent in the bilayer quantum Hall system
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics : PTEP 2013 (4)
目次Quantum twist to complementarity : a duality relation Search for a bound kaon and pion state A landscape in boundary string field theory : new class of solutions with massive state condensation Isospin-violating dark matter search by nuclear emulsion detector Local field theory from the expanding universe at late times in the ⅡB matrix model Solving the QCD non-perturbative flow equation as a partial differential equation and its application to dynamical chiral symmetry breaking Two-neutrino double-β decay in the interacting boson-fermion model Production of hyperon resonances induced by kaons on a deuteron target Adiabatic internuclear potentials obtained by energy variation with the internuclear-distance constraint Commutators of the four-current and sum rules in relativistic nuclear models Beyond δN formalism Construction of gauge-invariant variables of linear metric perturbations on an arbitrary background spacetime Criterion of superfluidity, elementary excitations, and heat capacity singularity in superfluid helium
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics : PTEP 2013 (3)
目次Editorial Achievements of KEKB The KEKB injector linac Upgrade of the beam transport lines and the beam-abort system and development of a tune compensator in KEKB The KEKB filling-pattern generating system Experiences at the KEK B-factory vacuum system Performance and operation results of the RF systems for the KEK B-Factory Progress in KEKB beam instrumentation systems Accelerator control system at KEKB and the linac Lattice of the KEKB colliding rings Commissioning of KEKB Accelerator design at SuperKEKB Ring potential generated from the central hyperbolic Manning-Rosen potential using the transformation method Spinning exact solutions with Sasakian structure in Gauss-Bonnet-Maxwell gravity On cosmic no-hair in bimetric gravity and the Higuchi bound
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics : PTEP 2013 (2)
目次Radion inflation in higher-dimensional gravity theory A search for muon-to-electron conversion at J-PARC : the COMET experiment Many-variable identities for the dilogarithm and the dual resonance model Exact expressions for the sums of the non-Fourier trigonometric series arising from time-dependent eigenvalue problems The incompressible Rindler fluid versus the Schwarzschild-AdS fluid Tachyon vacuum of bosonic open string field theory in marginally deformed backgrounds New mixing structures of chiral generations in a model with noncompact horizontal symmetry Theory including future not excluded : formulation of complex action theory Ⅱ Minimal doubling fermions and hermiticity Principles for a unified picture of fermions Quark mass hierarchy and mixing via geometry of extra dimension with point interactions TeV-scale B - L model with a flat Higgs potential at the Planck scale : in view of the hierarchy problem Folding model analysis of the elastic and inelastic scattering of K+ from 12C Virial theorem and generalization of the Fermi-liquid theory for the homogeneous degenerate electron system Realizing an n-target-qubit controlled-phase gate in cavity QED : an approach without classical pulses
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics : PTEP 2013 (1)
目次Mode-coupling theory and beyond : a diagrammatic approach Dynamics of a deformable self-propelled particle with internal rotational force Viscoelastic-electromagnetism and Hall viscosity Aspects of universally valid Heisenberg uncertainty relation 4d partition function on S1×S3 and 2d Yang-Mills with nonzero area The Higgs boson mass in a natural minimal supersymmetric standard model with nonuniversal gaugino masses at the grand unification theory scale On 6d N = (2, 0) theory compactified on a Riemann surface with finite area Supersymmetric theories on a squashed five-sphere Matter fields and non-Abelian gauge fields localized on walls Θ+ baryon, N* (1685) resonance, and πN sigma term reexamined within the framework of a chiral soliton model Quark-hadron phase transition in an extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with scalar-vector interaction : finite temperature and baryon chemical potential case Femto-lensing due to a cosmic string Instability of charged Lovelock black holes : vector perturbations and scalar perturbations Fourth-order perturbative equations in Lagrangian perturbation theory for a cosmological dust fluid High frequency limit for gravitational perturbations of cosmological models in modified gravity theories Kapitza resistance between electron and phonon gases in the 1D case
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics : PTEP 2012 (1)
目次Editorial Editorial Editorial The origin of space-time as seen from matrix model simulations Lattice quantum chromodynamics at the physical point and beyond Towards extremely dense matter on the lattice Ab initio study of the thermodynamics of quantum chromodynamics on the lattice at zero and finite densities Lattice quantum chromodynamical approach to nuclear physics Simulation of quantum chromodynamics on the lattice with exactly chiral lattice fermions Quantum electrodynamics calculation of lepton anomalous magnetic moments : numerical approach to the perturbation theory of QED Selected results in lattice quantum chromodynamics Molecular dynamics for dense matter Antisymmetrized molecular dynamics and its applications to cluster phenomena Dynamical modeling of high energy heavy ion collisions Gaussian expansion method for few-body systems and its applications to atomic and nuclear physics New-generation Monte Carlo shell model for the K computer era The continuum discretized coupled-channels method and its applications Density functional approaches to collective phenomena in nuclei : time-dependent density functional theory for perturbative and non-perturbative nuclear dynamics Modeling a realistic dynamical model for high energy heavy ion collisions Quantum Monte Carlo approaches to nuclear and atomic physics Core-collapse supernovae as supercomputing science : a status report toward six-dimensional simulations with exact Boltzmann neutrino transport in full general relativity Massive star evolution and nucleosynthesis : lower end of Fe-core-collapse supernova progenitors and remnant neutron star mass distribution Astrophysics with GRAPE Current status of numerical-relativity simulations in Kyoto Formation of the first stars in the universe Formation and radiative feedback of first objects and first galaxies Present-day star formation : from molecular cloud cores to protostars and protoplanetary disks Dynamics and accretion of planetesimals Core-collapse supernovae : reflections and directions Editorial Introduction to J-PARC Beam commissioning and operation of the J-PARC linac Beam commissioning and operation of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex 3-GeV rapid cycling synchrotron Beam commissioning and operation of the J-PARC main ring synchrotron Neutrino facility and neutrino physics in J-PARC The J-PARC KOTO experiment Present status of neutron fundamental physics at J-PARC Primary proton beam line at the J-PARC hadron experimental facility Secondary charged beam lines at the J-PARC hadron experimental hall Beam and SKS spectrometers at the K1.8 beam line The K1.8BR spectrometer system at J-PARC Strangeness nuclear physics experiments at J-PARC Hadron physics at J-PARC Editorial Research with fast radioactive isotope beams at RIKEN Progress of RIBF accelerators BigRIPS separator and ZeroDegree spectrometer at RIKEN RI Beam Factory In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy at the RIBF Energy-degraded RI beam for low-energy nuclear reactions Beta-gamma spectroscopy at RIBF The SHARAQ spectrometer Nuclear physics at the SCRIT electron scattering facility The rare-RI ring Editorial Physics achievements from the Belle experiment Neutrino spectroscopy with atoms and molecules Precise measurement of positronium Sensitivity to dark energy candidates by searching for four-wave mixing of high-intensity lasers in the vacuum




The Physical Society of Japan
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