
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics : PTEP

The Physical Society of Japan
Oxford University Press





Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics : PTEP 2021 (3)
目次Gravitational waves from breaking of an extra U(1) in SO(10) grand unification The volume of the quiver vortex moduli space Non-SUSY heterotic string vacua of Gepner models with vanishing cosmological constant The magnetic effect on a strongly correlated system with two currents near the quantum critical point from holography Classification of three-generation models by orbifolding magnetized T2 × T2 Localization of the gauged linear sigma model for KK5-branes First measurement using a nuclear emulsion detector of the νμ charged-current cross section on iron around the 1 GeV energy region The first-order symmetry operator on gravitational perturbations in the 5D Myers–Perry spacetime with equal angular momenta Simulation study on the effects of diffractive collisions on the prediction of the observables in ultra-high-energy cosmic-ray experiments Gamow–Teller transitions of neutron-rich N = 82,81 nuclei by shell-model calculations Structure of double pionic atoms Renormalization group theory of the generalized multi-vertex sine-Gordon model Accelerator design for 1.3-MW beam power operation of the J-PARC Main Ring
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics : PTEP 2021 (2)
目次Formation of mass gap compact object and black hole binary from Population III stars A dynamical study of fusion hindrance with the Nakajima–Zwanzig projection method Renormalizable SO (10) grand unified theory with suppressed dimension-5 proton decays The renormalization group and the diffusion equation D5-brane on topological black holes Building bulk from Wilson loops Gradient flow exact renormalization group A hybrid seesaw model and hierarchical neutrino flavor structures based on A4 symmetry Confining potential under the gauge field condensation in the SU(2) Yang–Mills theory Worldvolume approach to the tempered Lefschetz thimble method Replica evolution of classical fields in 4+1D spacetime toward real-time dynamics of quantum fields Investigation of the status of Unit 2 nuclear reactor of the Fukushima Daiichi by Cosmic Muon Radiography Developing an end-to-end simulation framework of supernova neutrino detection Classifying topological charge in SU(3) Yang–Mills theory with machine learning Electric quadrupole form factors of singly heavy baryons with spin 3/2 Proximity effect of pair correlation in the inner crust of neutron stars Successive variational approach with the tensor-optimized antisymmetrized molecular dynamics for the 5He nucleus Proton density polarization of the doubly magic 40Ca core in 48Ca and EoS parameters
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics : PTEP 2021 (1)
目次1/ϵ problem in resurgence Comments on contact terms and conformal manifolds in the AdS/CFT correspondence Revisiting the renormalization of Einstein–Maxwell theory at one-loop IIB matrix model : emergent spacetime from the master field Relative scale setting for two-color QCD with Nf=2 Wilson fermions Real-time simulation of (2+1)-dimensional lattice gauge theory on qubits Graviton loop contribution to Higgs potential in gauge–Higgs unification Latent heat and pressure gap at the first-order deconfining phase transition of SU(3) Yang–Mills theory using the small flow-time expansion method The effect of temperature gradient on the heavy quark–antiquark potential using a gravity dual model Detection capability of the Migdal effect for argon and xenon nuclei with position-sensitive gaseous detectors Analytic solutions for neutrino-light curves of core-collapse supernovae Abundance of primordial black holes in peak theory for an arbitrary power spectrum Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov theory for odd-mass nuclei with a time-odd constraint and application to deformed halo nuclei The mean square radius of the neutron distribution and the skin thickness derived from electron scattering Quantization of the charge in Coulomb plus harmonic potential A remark on renormalization group theoretical perturbation in a class of ordinary differential equations Microscopic derivation of density functional theory for superfluid systems based on effective action formalism Erratum : spin–isospin response of deformed neutron-rich nuclei in a self-consistent Skyrme energy-density-functional approach
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics : PTEP 2020 (12)
目次Editorial : non-Hermitian quantum mechanics Complex scaling : physics of unbound light nuclei and perspective Non-Bloch band theory and bulk-edge correspondence in non-Hermitian systems Generalized Bloch band theory for non-Hermitian bulk-boundary correspondence Non-Hermiticity and topological invariants of magnon Bogoliubov-de Gennes systems Bulk-edge correspondence and stability of multiple edge states of a PT-symmetric non-Hermitian system by using non-unitary quantum walks Connecting active and passive PT-symmetric Floquet modulation models Dissipative dynamical Casimir effect in terms of complex spectral analysis in the symplectic Floquet space Quantum Ising chain with boundary dephasing Exceptional band touching for strongly correlated systems in equilibrium PT-symmetric non-Hermitian quantum many-body system using ultracold atoms in an optical lattice with controlled dissipation Scalar clockwork and flavor neutrino mass matrix CP odd weak basis invariants in minimal see-saw model and leptogenesis Products of current operators in the exact renormalization group formalism Interior of the horizon of the Bañados-Teitelboim-Zanelli black hole Study of muonium emission from laser-ablated silica aerogel Neutron lifetime measurement with pulsed cold neutrons Gravitational wave echoes induced by a point mass plunging into a black hole An event excess observed in the deeply bound region of the 12C(K-,p) missing-mass spectrum Anti-PT symmetry for a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian Universality in COVID-19 spread in view of the Gompertz function Polarized proton spin filter for epithermal neutrons based on dynamic nuclear polarization using photo-excited triplet electron spins Retraction of the paper entitled "Lepton number violation in a unified framework"
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics : PTEP 2020 (11)
目次Editorial On duality in N=2 supersymmetric Liouville theory M2-branes and AdS/CFT : a review Non-compact superconformal field theory and mock modular forms Quiver matrix model of ADHM type and BPS state counting in diverse dimensions Looking at shadows of entanglement wedges Physics of parameter correlations around the solar-scale enhancement in neutrino theory with unitarity violation Localization of three-dimensional N=2 supersymmetric theories on S1×D2 Scalar cosmological perturbations in M-theory with higher-derivative corrections Local observer effect on the cosmological soft theorem First limits from a 3D-vector directional dark matter search with the NEWAGE-0.3b' detector Exact solution of a cluster model with next-nearest-neighbor interaction Evaluation of radon adsorption efficiency values in xenon with activated carbon fibers Development of a dual-phase xenon TPC with a quartz chamber for direct dark matter searches
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics : PTEP 2020 (10)
目次Non-SUSY Gepner models with vanishing cosmological constant Relativistic effects in the search for new intra-atomic force with isotope shifts On the emergence of an expanding universe from a Lorentzian matrix model Scalar scattering amplitude in the Gaussian wave-packet formalism Holographic de Sitter spacetime and quantum corrections to the cosmological constant Quantum-corrected thermodynamics and P-V criticality of self-gravitating Skyrmion black holes Analytic properties of the electromagnetic field of binary compact stars and electromagnetic precursors to gravitational waves Simultaneous determination of the cosmic birefringence and miscalibrated polarization angles Ⅱ : including cross-frequency spectra Loosely trapped surface and dynamically transversely trapping surface in Einstein-Maxwell systems Searching optimum equations of state of neutron star matter in strong magnetic fields with rotation Thundercloud project : exploring high-energy phenomena in thundercloud and lightning Optical shape analysis based on discrete Fourier transform and second-order moment analysis of the brightness distribution for the detection of sub-micron range tracks in nuclear emulsion
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics : PTEP 2020 (9)
目次Enhanced Γ(p→K0μ+)/Γ(p→K+ν¯μ) as a signature of minimal renormalizable SUSY SO (10) GUT More on the infrared renormalon in SU (N) QCD(adj.) on R3×S1 S-wave kaon-nucleon potentials with all-to-all propagators in the HAL QCD method Implications of CP invariants for the flavored hybrid neutrino mass matrix Muon and electron g - 2 and the origin of the fermion mass hierarchy Electroweak fermion triangle loop contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment revisited Retracted : lepton number violation in a unified framework Current algebra formulation of quantum gravity and its application to cosmology Proper effective temperature of nonequilibrium steady state Going beyond the minimal texture of quark mass matrices in the era of precision measurements Parametrized test of parity-violating gravity using GWTC-1 events An independent search for annual modulation and its significance in ANAIS-112 data Coulomb screening correction to the Q value of the triple-alpha process in thermal plasmas Experimental study of (p, 2p) reactions at 392 MeV on 12C, 16O, 40Ca and 208Pb nuclei leading to low-lying states of residual nuclei Bose-Einstein condensation of dilute alpha clusters above the four-α threshold in 16O in the field theoretical superfluid cluster model Geometrical interpretation of the pilot wave theory and manifestation of spinor fields Performance evaluation of the aerogel RICH counter for the Belle Ⅱ spectrometer using early beam collision data Improved method for measuring low-concentration radium and its application to the Super-Kamiokande Gadolinium project
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics : PTEP 2020 (8)
目次Review of particle physics
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics : PTEP 2020 (7)
目次Classification of 6D Leibniz algebras Non-Abelian U -duality for membranes Dynamics of logarithmic negativity and mutual information in smooth quenches Duality rules for more mixed-symmetry potentials On the rotator Hamiltonian for the SU(N) × SU(N) sigma model in the delta regime Born sigma model for branes in exceptional geometry Phases of a matrix model with non-pairwise index contractions The HAL QCD potential in the I = 1ππ system with the ρ meson bound state Charged lepton flavor violating processes in neutrinophilic Higgs + seesaw model Theory of generalized Josephson effects Expansions of tree amplitudes for Einstein-Maxwell and other theories Extended search for sub-eV axion-like resonances via four-wave mixing with a quasi-parallel laser collider in a high-quality vacuum system New estimation of the curvature effect for the X-ray vacuum diffraction induced by an intense laser field Metamaterials mimic the black holes : the effects of charge and rotation on the optical properties Variation after K-projection in antisymmetrized molecular dynamics for low-energy dipole excitations in 10Be and 16O Coherent quantum transport through ferromagnetic graphene structures : effects of Rashba spin-orbit coupling A classical density functional theory model for fragility in the hard-sphere limit Erratum : a study of stress-tensor distribution around the flux tube in the Abelian-Higgs model
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics : PTEP 2020 (6)
目次Analysis for Lorentzian conformal field theories through sine-square deformation Standard versus non-standard CP phases in neutrino oscillation in matter with non-unitarity Vacuum energy of the supersymmetric CPN-1 model on R×S1 in the 1/N expansion Neutrino oscillations at low energy long baseline experiments in the presence of nonstandard interactions and parameter degeneracy Determination of miscalibrated polarization angles from observed cosmic microwave background and foreground EB power spectra : application to partial-sky observation Statistical double Λ hypernuclear formation from Ξ- absorption at rest in light nuclei Signature-dependent triaxiality for shape evolution from superdeformation in rapidly rotating 40Ca and 41Ca Feasibility study of the K+d → K0pp reaction for the Θ+ pentaquark Darboux transformation and multi-soliton solutions of the discrete sine-Gordon equation Measurement theory in classical mechanics Toward experimental observations of induced Compton scattering by high-power laser facilities Solitons in the Peyrard-Bishop model of DNA and the Renormalization Group method Vortex motion of a continuous medium depending on the pressure change




The Physical Society of Japan
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