
EPS : Earth, Planets and Space

The Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciencesほか





Published on behalf of The Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences, The Seismological Society of Japan, The Volcanological Soc...



EPS : Earth, Planets and Space 65 (11)
目次Preface The Swarm Satellite Constellation Application and Research Facility (SCARF) and Swarm data products Use of the Comprehensive Inversion method for Swarm satellite data analysis An algorithm for deriving core magnetic field models from the Swarm data set Determination of the 1-D distribution of electrical conductivity in Earth’s mantle from Swarm satellite data Determination of three-dimensional distribution of electrical conductivity in the Earth’s mantle from Swarm satellite data : time-domain approach Determination of the 3-D distribution of electrical conductivity in Earth’s mantle from Swarm satellite data : frequency domain approach based on inversion of induced coefficients Swarm SCARF Dedicated Lithospheric Field Inversion chain Swarm SCARF Dedicated Ionospheric Field Inversion chain Determining field-aligned currents with the Swarm constellation mission Rapid modelling of the large-scale magnetospheric field from Swarm satellite data Swarm SCARF equatorial electric field inversion chain Thermospheric density and wind retrieval from Swarm observations The Ionospheric Bubble Index deduced from magnetic field and plasma observations onboard Swarm Independent validation of Swarm Level 2 magnetic field products and ‘Quick Look’ for Level 1b data Observatory data and the Swarm mission A method for the near real-time production of quasi-definitive magnetic observatory data Space weather opportunities from the Swarm mission including near real time applications Magnetospheric ULF wave studies in the frame of Swarm mission : a time-frequency analysis tool for automated detection of pulsations in magnetic and electric field observations
EPS : Earth, Planets and Space 65 (10)
目次Preface On the detections of C60 and derivatives in circumstellar environments Evolution of dust grain size distribution by shattering in the interstellar medium : robustness and uncertainty Dust attenuation in galaxies up to redshift ~ 2 Dusty Universe viewed by AKARI far infrared detector Clustering of far-infrared galaxies in the AKARI All-Sky Survey North New insights into the study of magnetic field in the clumpy torus of AGN using near-infrared polarimetry Dust properties from GALEX observations of a UV halo around Spica Modeling the infrared extinction toward the galactic center Shape effects in optical properties of composite dust particles Far-infrared continuum absorption of olivine at low temperatures The Student Dust Counter : status report at 23 AU Linear and circular polarization of comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd) Organic grain coatings in primitive interplanetary dust particles : implications for grain sticking in the Solar Nebula Polarimetric technique to study (pre)biological organics in cosmic dust and planetary aerosols Optical properties of analogs of Titan’s aerosols produced by dusty plasma
EPS : Earth, Planets and Space 65 (9)
目次Reexamination of the fault slip model of the 1891 M 8.0 Nobi earthquake : the first earthquake detected by a geodetic survey in Japan Focal mechanisms of small-moderate earthquakes in Denizli Graben (SW Turkey) Peak ground motion predictions with empirical site factors using Taiwan Strong Motion Network recordings Three-dimensional gravity modeling of Chicxulub Crater structure, constrained with marine seismic data and land boreholes Paleointensity estimates from oceanic gabbros : effects of hydrothermal alteration and cooling rate Deriving the geomagnetically induced electric field at the Earth’s surface from the time derivative of the vertical magnetic field Effect of SC on frequency content of geomagnetic data using DWT application : SC automatic detection Towards quantitative assessment of the hazard from space weather. : global 3-D modellings of the electric field induced by a realistic geomagnetic storm Unique examples of solar flare effects in geomagnetic H field during partial counter electrojet along CPMN longitude sector Numerical simulation of crustal deformation using a three-dimensional viscoelastic crustal structure model for the Japanese islands under east-west compression Average slip rate at the transition zone on the plate interface beneath the Kii Peninsula, Japan, estimated from deep low-frequency tremors Spatio-temporal occurrence patterns among the foreshocks preceding the 2007 Noto Hanto earthquake Shear-wave splitting in a region with newly-activated seismicity after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
EPS : Earth, Planets and Space 65 (8)
目次Simulation of distant tsunami propagation with a radial loading deformation effect Rapid magnitude determination from peak amplitudes at local stations Constraints on the three-dimensional thermal structure of the lower crust in the Japanese Islands Spatial distribution of seismicity parameters in the Persian Plateau High resolution seismic velocity structure around the Yamasaki fault zone of southwest Japan as revealed from travel-time tomography A continuously towed vertical bipole source for marine magnetometric resistivity surveying Caldera structure of submarine Volcano #1 on the Tonga Arc at 21°09’S, southwestern Pacific : analysis of multichannel seismic profiling Barometric and magnetic observations of vertical acoustic resonance and resultant generation of field-aligned current associated with earthquakes An error analysis on nature and radar system noises in deriving the phase and group velocities of vertical propagation waves Rupture process of the largest aftershock of the M 9 Tohoku-oki earthquake obtained from a back-projection approach using the MeSO-net data ‘Negative repeating doublets’ in an aftershock sequence Remarks on the Iapetus’ bulge and ridge
EPS : Earth, Planets and Space 65 (7)
目次Regularized estimation of Euler pole parameters Comparison of GPS receiver DCB estimation methods using a GPS network Surface deformations from moderate-sized earthquakes in Mongolia observed by InSAR Sn velocity tomography beneath the Himalayan collision zone and surrounding regions Modeling of the post-seismic slip of the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake M 8 off Hokkaido : constraints from volumetric strain Fault orientations in the upper crust beneath an intraplate active zone in northern Egypt Delineation of the subsurface structures and basement surface of the Abu-Rodaym area, Southwestern Sinai, using ground magnetic data Two-dimensional resistivity structure of Unzen Volcano revealed by AMT and MT surveys Toward a better representation of the secular variation. : case study : the European network of geomagnetic observatories First observational study during a solar eclipse event on variations in the horizontal winds simultaneously in the troposphere-stratosphere-mesosphere-lower-thermosphere region over the equatorial station Thumba (8.5°N, 77°E) Automatic detection of sudden commencements using neural networks Toward generalized planetary stereo analysis scheme : prototype implementation with multi-resolution Martian stereo imagery Oxidation of carbon compounds by silica-derived oxygen within impact-induced vapor plumes Thermal and hydrostatic structure of the protoplanetary disks : influences of wind strengths, mass distributions, and stellar wind velocity laws
EPS : Earth, Planets and Space 65 (6)
目次Preface The outline of the 2011 eruption at Shinmoe-dake (Kirishima), Japan The 2011 eruptive activity of Shinmoedake volcano, Kirishimayama, Kyushu, Japan : overview of activity and volcanic alert level of the Japan meteorological agency Volume change of the magma reservoir relating to the 2011 Kirishima Shinmoe-dake eruption : charging, discharging and recharging process inferred from GPS measurements Crustal deformation associated with the 2011 Shinmoe-dake eruption as observed by tiltmeters and GPS Temporal variation of the Shinmoe-dake crater in the 2011 eruption revealed by spaceborne SAR observations Magnetotelluric and temperature monitoring after the 2011 sub-Plinian eruptions of Shinmoe-dake volcano Continuous long-term array analysis of seismic records observed during the 2011 Shinmoedake eruption activity of Kirishima volcano, southwest Japan Gravity variation around Shinmoe-dake volcano from February 2011 through March 2012 : results of continuous absolute gravity observation and repeated hybrid gravity measurements Sulfur dioxide emissions during the 2011 eruption of Shinmoedake volcano, Japan 3D numerical simulation of volcanic eruption clouds during the 2011 Shinmoe-dake eruptions Precursory activity and evolution of the 2011 eruption of Shinmoe-dake in Kirishima volcano : insights from ash samples Ballistic ejecta and eruption condition of the vulcanian explosion of Shinmoedake volcano, Kyushu, Japan on 1 February, 2011 Viscosity of andesitic lava and its implications for possible drain-back processes in the 2011 eruption of the Shinmoedake volcano, Japan Switching from seismic to seismo-acoustic harmonic tremor at a transition of eruptive activity during the Shinmoe-dake 2011 eruption Transition in eruption style during the 2011 eruption of Shinmoe-dake, in the Kirishima volcanic group : implications from a steady conduit flow model An aeromagnetic survey of Shinmoe-dake volcano, Kirishima, Japan, after the 2011 eruption using an unmanned autonomous helicopter Composition of volcanic gases emitted during repeating Vulcanian eruption stage of Shinmoedake, Kirishima volcano, Japan Observations of tephra fall impacts from the 2011 Shinmoedake eruption, Japan
EPS : Earth, Planets and Space 65 (5)
目次Preface Magnetosonic resonances in the magnetospheric plasma On the coupling of fast and shear Alfven wave modes by the ionospheric Hall conductance Giant pulsations as modes of a transverse Alfvenic resonator on the plasmapause ULF waves in the outer magnetosphere : geotail observation 1 transverse waves Hodograph method to estimate the latitudinal profile of the field-line resonance frequency using the data from two ground magnetometers Field-line resonance structures in Mercury’s multi-ion magnetosphere Possible generation mechanisms of the Pi2 pulsations estimated from a global MHD simulation Ballooning modes and their stability in a near-Earth plasma
EPS : Earth, Planets and Space 65 (4)
目次Explicitly computing geodetic coordinates from Cartesian coordinates Imaging of subsurface lineaments in the southwestern part of the Thrace Basin from gravity data Biased geodetic inference on asperity distribution on a subducted plate interface : a quantitative study Short-term spatial change in a volcanic tremor source during the 2011 Kirishima eruption Paleomagnetic investigation of rhyolite lava : Is rhyolite with clearly marked flow structure a high-fidelity geomagnetic field recorder? Relevance of magnetic properties of soil in the magnetic observatories to geomagnetic observation Ionospheric response to a geomagnetic storm during November 8-10, 2004 Long period astronomical cycles from the Triassic to Jurassic bedded chert sequence (Inuyama, Japan) : geologic evidences for the chaotic behavior of solar planets Towards an improvement of the geoid model in Japan by GOCE data : a case study of the Shikoku area
EPS : Earth, Planets and Space 65 (3)
目次Preface Revisiting astronomical crystalline forsterite in the UV to near-IR Light scattering by cometary dust : large-particle contribution Dust and spacecraft charging in Saturn’s E ring A novel particle source based on electrospray charging for dust accelerators and its significance for cosmic dust studies Dust detector using piezoelectric lead zirconate titanate with current-to-voltage converting amplifier for functional advancement Interstellar dust close to the Sun Synthesized grain size distribution in the interstellar medium Attempt to detect diamagnetic anisotropy of dust-sized crystal orientated to investigate the origin of interstellar dust alignment Magnetic ejection of diamagnetic sub-millimeter grains observed by a chamber-type μG generator orientated to identify material of a single particle Star formation and dust extinction properties of local galaxies as seen from AKARI and GALEX Dust formation history of galaxies : a critical role of metallicity for the dust mass growth by accreting materials in the interstellar medium Stellar dust production and composition in the Magellanic Clouds Infrared composition of the Large Magellanic Cloud Clustering of far-infrared galaxies in the AKARI All-Sky Survey Far-ultraviolet and far-infrared bivariate luminosity function of galaxies : complex relation between stellar and dust emission
EPS : Earth, Planets and Space 65 (2)
目次Hydrological gravity response detection using a gPhone below- and aboveground Spatial and temporal evolution of the long-term slow slip in the Bungo Channel, Japan Along-trench structural variation and seismic coupling in the northern Japan subduction zone Effects of water domains on seismic wavefields : a simulation case study at Taal volcano, Philippines Morphology of tropical mesospheric echoes observed by VHF radar Near real-time monitoring of flow velocity and direction in the floating ice tongue of the Shirase Glacier using low-cost GPS buoys Infrasound associated with the deep M 7.3 northeastern China earthquake of June 28, 2002 Spatial variation in coda Q and stressing rate around the Atotsugawa fault zone in a high strain rate zone, central Japan Variation of proton radiation belt deduced from solar cell degradation of Akebono satellite




The Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences
The Seismological Society of Japan
The Volcanological Society of Japan
The Geodetic Society of Japan
The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences
Published on behalf of The Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences, The Seismological Society of Japan, The Volcanological Society of Japan, The Geodetic Society of Japan, and The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences.
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