
EPS : Earth, Planets and Space

The Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciencesほか





Published on behalf of The Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences, The Seismological Society of Japan, The Volcanological Soc...



EPS : Earth, Planets and Space 50 (9)
目次Automated geodetic Very Long Baseline Interferometry observation and data analysis system On the characteristics of successive geomagnetic jerks Remanent magnetization of oolitic ironstone beds, Hazara area, Lesser Himalayan thrust zone, Northern Pakistan : its acquisition, timing, and paleoenvironmental implications Polar thermosphere-stratosphere photochemical coupling experiment : two rocket measurements in polar winter at 69N Characteristics of geomagnetic sudden commencement observed in middle and low latitudes Automated detection of Pi2 pulsations using wavelet analysis : 1. Method and an application for substorm monitoring The Planet-B neutral gas mass spectrometer Nonlinear MHD waves and discontinuities in the Martian magnetosheath. : Observations and 2D bi-ion MHD simulations
EPS : Earth, Planets and Space 50 (8)
目次A plate motion study using Ajisai SLR data Evaluation of the accuracy of the new Primary Precise Geodetic Network in Korea Improving geomagnetic field models for the period 1980-1999 using Orsted data Magnetic Rossby waves in the stratified ocean of the core, and topographic core-mantle coupling Electromagnetic response of the mantle to long-period geomagnetic variations over the globe Temporal and spatial variability of auroral forms in the 10-14 MLT sector : relationship to plasma convection and solar wind-magnetosphere coupling Evidence of the coupling of a fast magnetospheric cavity mode to field line resonances Wavelet application to the magnetic field turbulence in the upstream region of the Martian bow shock
EPS : Earth, Planets and Space 50 (6-7)
目次Preface Zodiacal cloud complexes Disentangling the main populations of the zodiacal cloud from zodiacal light observations The isophote maps of the Gegenschein obtained by CCD observations Spectrophotometry of the zodiacal light Transfer of diffuse astronomical light and airglow in scattering Earth atmosphere Brightness of the solar F-corona Three-dimensional infrared models of the interplanetary dust distribution IRTS observation of the mid-infrared spectrum of the zodiacal emission Polarimetric properties of aerosol particles Collisional evolution and the resulting mass distribution of interplanetary dust Thermal radiation from dust grains in Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt Structure of the zodiacal cloud : new analytical and numerical solutions Drag forces in the near and distant solar system The circumsolar dust complex and solar magnetic field On the dynamics of meteoroid streams Meteoroid orbital element distributions at 1 AU deduced from the Harvard Radio Meteor Project observations Light scattering by irregular interplanetary dust particles Optical properties of dust aggregates in the disk of Beta Pictoris Removal of scattered light in the Earth atmosphere Dust around Herbig Ae/Be stars : modelling of observational data Zodiacal light, certitudes and questions
EPS : Earth, Planets and Space 50 (5)
目次Effects of geometry on the convection with core-cooling Reference field for the airborne magnetic data The electrical structure across the Median Tectonic Line in east Shikoku, southwest Japan An imaging of buried anomalies, using multi-sheet inversion A shallow volatile layer at Chryse Planitia, Mars A numerical study of the Martian atmospheric convection with a two-dimensional anelastic model Wave observations at the foreshock boundary in the near-Mars space Model calculations of the planetary ion distribution in the Martian tail "Phobos events" : Signatures of solar wind interaction with a gas torus?
EPS : Earth, Planets and Space 50 (4)
目次Spatial variation of coda wave amplitude in media with a localized heterogeneous region Deformation of the 1995 North Sakhalin earthquake detected by JERS-1/SAR interferometry Results from a magnetic survey and geomagnetic depth sounding in the post-eruption phase of the Barren Island volcano A resistivity cross-section of Usu volcano, Hokkaido, Japan, by audiomagnetotelluric soundings Quiet-day ionospheric currents and their application to upper mantle conductivity in Australia MU radar observations of tropopause variations by using clear air echo characteristics Coulomb lifetime of the ring current ions with time varying plasmasphere Characteristics of atmospheric density spectra in the mesopause region at Wuhan, China during March 1996
EPS : Earth, Planets and Space 50 (3)
目次Preface In memory of Professor Tatsundo Yamamoto The Planet-B mission Observations of Mars and its satellites by the Mars Imaging Camera (MIC) on Planet-B Planet-B magnetic fields investigation Planned observations of thermal plasma drifts and solar wind interactions in the Martian ionosphere The Ion Mass Imager on the Planet-B spacecraft Instrumental characteristics of the Electron Spectrum Analyzer (ESA) onboard the Planet-B mission and observational perspectives of the electron measurements Plasma Waves and Sounder (PWS) experiment onboard the Planet-B Mars orbiter Low Frequency plasma wave Analyzer (LFA) onboard the Planet-B spacecraft A new altimeter for Mars land shape observations utilizing the ionospheric sounder system onboard the Planet-B spacecraft Application of altimeter experiments of Planet-B orbiter to the exploration of Martian surface and subsurface layers Mars Dust Counter The Mars thermosphere-ionosphere : predictions for the arrival of Planet-B Effects of decreasing ionospheric pressure on the solar wind interaction with non-magnetized planets Low-frequency electromagnetic waves and instabilities within the Martian bi-ion plasma Multiple shocks near Mars Ion and electron heating at the Martian bow shock. : Common for bow shocks or not? The IMF bending upstream of the Martian bow shock
EPS : Earth, Planets and Space 50 (2)
目次Sunspot variability and an attempt to predict solar cycle 23 by adaptive filtering The strong Pc5 geomagnetic pulsations in the initial phase of the great magnetic storm of March 24, 1991 Daytime ionospheric absorption features in the polar cap associated with poleward drifting F-region plasma patches First results of all-sky imaging from India Rock magnetic properties of the late Pleistocene Loess-Paleosol deposits in Haro River area, Attock basin, Pakistan : Is magnetic susceptibility a proxy measure of paleoclimate? A method for the interpretation of three-dimensional equatorial GDV fields Magnetic constraints on the subsurface structure of Akita-Yakeyama volcano, northeast Japan Numerically modelling the ratio of cross-strait voltage to water transport for the Bering Strait
EPS : Earth, Planets and Space 50 (1)
目次Editorial Incessant excitation of the Earth’s free oscillations Variable shape of magnetic hysteresis loops in the Chinese loess-paleosol sequence An improvement in ABIC-minimizing deconvolution for continuously measured magnetic remanence data Early Miocene paleomagnetic results from the Ninohe area, NE Japan : implications for arc rotation and intra-arc differential rotations Studies on the lithosphere and the water transport by using the Japan Sea submarine cable (JASC) : 1. theoretical considerations Space current around the earth obtained with Ampere’s law applied to the MAGSAT orbit and data Universal variation of the F2-layer critical frequency and solar activity ULF pulsations observed by the ETS-VI satellite : substorm associated azimuthal Pc 4 pulsations on the nightside First results of auroral tomography from ALIS-Japan multi-station observations in March, 1995 Fractal properties of the IMF and the Earth’s magnetotail field




The Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences
The Seismological Society of Japan
The Volcanological Society of Japan
The Geodetic Society of Japan
The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences
Published on behalf of The Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences, The Seismological Society of Japan, The Volcanological Society of Japan, The Geodetic Society of Japan, and The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences.
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