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JACET journal 50
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER 紀要 JACET JOURNAL No.50(Title page) THE JAPAN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE ENGLISH TEACHERS(Editorial Board) Foreword CONTENTS Issues in L2 Reading Research and Instruction Doing Good Quality Research English Writing in Japan : Toward Integration Teaching Free Indirect Discourse to Literature/Linguistics Majors Motivational Orientation of College Students Who Self-select to Study English The Effect of English Learning in Elementary Schools on Students' English Language Skills and Their Affective Variables in Junior High Schools 英語の授業で内発的動機づけを高める研究 An Exploration of Measures to Detect Changes in Speaking Performance : A Case Study Based on Picture Description JACET JOURNAL51 SUBMISSION GUIDELINES 日本語論文執筆要項 JACET JOURNAL52 SUBMISSION GUIDELINES 日本語論文執筆要項 奥付 BACKCOVER
JACET journal 49
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER 紀要 JACET JOURNAL No.49(Title page) THE JAPAN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE ENGLISH TEACHERS(Editorial Board) CONTENTS The Effects of Positive Evidence and Metalinguistic Information on L2 Lexico-Semantic Development Latent Growth Curve Analysis of a Trend in IRT English Scores : An Introduction of LGM to Language Assessment Research The Learning Outcomes of an Academic Writing Course : A Study of Japanese University Students Japanese EFL Learners' Vocabulary Learning Strategies from the Perspective of Word Frequency 海外研修による英語情意要因の変化 : 国際ボランティア活動の場合 JACET JOURNAL SUBMISSION GUIDELINES 日本語論文執筆要項 奥付 BACKCOVER
JACET journal 48
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER 紀要 JACET JOURNAL No.48(Title page) THE JAPAN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE ENGLISH TEACHERS(Editorial Board) CONTENTS Roles of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Learning English in Japan : Insights from Different Clusters of Japanese High School Students Cognitive Processes in Phrase Shadowing : Focusing on Articulation Rate and Shadowing Latency Effects of Stress and Position on the Phonetic Realization of English /s/ Produced by English and Japanese Speakers Effects of Encoding Processes on L2 Lexical Network Activation 英語でのスピーキングに対する抵抗感の軽減 再生言語とテキストの長さがL2リスニング方略に与える影響 : ディクテーションと自由筆記再生法に焦点をあてて メタファーで学ぶ詩学 : 認知言語学の観点から JACET JOURNAL SUBMISSION GUIDELINES 日本語論文執筆要項 奥付 COVER
JACET journal 47
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER 紀要 JACET JOURNAL No.47(Title page) THE JAPAN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE ENGLISH TEACHERS(Editorial Board) CONTENTS Who Is to Blame? : University Students' Perception of Lack of Improvement in Their English Ability The Effect of Different Latencies on Utterances of Japanese EFL Learners : A Psycholinguistic Study Based on Repeating and Open Question Tasks The Effects of Trained Self-feedback on Revision Applying Rasch Measurement to Judged Ratings From a Speech Contest at a Japanese University The Effects of a 24-Session EFL Pronunciation Course as Reflected in Learners' Self-Reports On the Motivational Influences That Cause Positive EFL Learning Outside the Classroom A Comparative Study on University English Education in Japan and China Construction of a Macroproposition From Supporting Details : Investigation From Japanese EFL Reader's Summary and Importance Rating ヨーロッパ言語共通参照枠(CEFR)による日本人大学生英語力診断の試み : 英語教育達成目標へのCEFR適用可能性の一検討 JACET JOURNAL SUBMISSION GUIDELINES 日本語論文執筆要項 奥付 BACKCOVER
JACET journal 46
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER 紀要 JACET JOURNAL No.46(Title page) THE JAPAN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE ENGLISH TEACHERS(Editorial Board) CONTENTS A Collaborative, Autonomous, and Reflective Teaching Approach to Student Teaching in Pre-Service EFL Teacher Education : A Case Study Exploring the Driving Forces Behind TOEIC Scores : Focusing on Vocabulary Learning Strategies, Motivation, and Study Time The Effect of Simultaneous Presentation of Auditory and Visual Stimuli on Parsing for Japanese EFL Learners The Acquisition of Sequence of Tense by L1 Japanese Learners of English Estimating Vocabulary Size : Does Test Format Make a Difference? JACET JOURNAL SUBMISSION GUIDELINES 日本語論文執筆要項 奥付 BACKCOVER
JACET journal 45
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER 紀要 JACET JOURNAL No.45(Title page) THE JAPAN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE ENGLISH TEACHERS(Editorial Board) CONTENTS Comparing Closed Tasks and Open Tasks : Their Effects on the Levels of Awareness and the Acquisition of the Dative Alternation How Do Japanese EFL Learners Comprehend Derivatives? : A Qualitative Analysis from the Perspective of Vocabulary Expansion Effects of Learning English in Elementary School Days on the Proficiency of, and the Attitude towards, the Language in High School Years (II) The Effect of Simultaneous Display of Information by a Graphic Organizer in EFL Reading Investigating Asymmetry in EFL Learners' Mental Lexicon : Connections between Lexical and Conceptual Representations in L1 and L2 日本人英語学習者の文理解における関係節付与の選好性 メタファーで学ぶ発想の違い : 認知言語学の観点から Developing a Writing Rubric for Classroom Use in Japanese Higher Education JACET JOURNAL SUBMISSION GUIDELINES 日本語論文執筆要項 奥付 BACKCOVER
JACET journal 44
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER 紀要 JACET JOURNAL No.44(Title page) THE JAPAN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE ENGLISH TEACHERS(Editorial Board) CONTENTS / 目次 A Corpus-Based Investigation of Errors Across Proficiency Levels in L2 Spoken Production Characterization of Japanese EFL Learners' Knowledge on Morphologically-Conditioned Word Stress Grammatical Class and Rhythmic Context : English Stress Assignment by Japanese Students The Effect of Assertion Training on the Speech Behavior of Japanese EFL Learners Promoting "Noticing the Gap" in the Post Task Phase : Comparing the Effects of Two Types of Activities Lexical Attrition in Japanese University Students : A Case Study Examining the Characteristics of Scoring Methods for Written Recall Tests : Focusing on Propositional and Idea Unit Analyses JACET JOURNAL SUBMISSION GUIDELINES 日本語論文執筆要項 奥付 BACKCOVER

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国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション > 電子書籍・電子雑誌 > 学術機関 > 学協会
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