
Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement

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Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement 177
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT(Information) 30Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics -In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday-(Title page) 30Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday(photograph) Preface(30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics-In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday-) CONTENTS The su(2|3) Undynamic Spin Chain(30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics-In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday-) D-Branes and D-Modules(30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics-In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday-) Holonomy Old and New(30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics-In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday-) Notes on Bosonization with Boundary : Dedicated to Tohru Eguchi for His 60th Birthday(30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics-In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday-) Superstring in the pp-Wave Background with RR Flux as a Conformal Field Theory(30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics-In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday-) Warped Conifolds and Their Applications to Cosmology(30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics-In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday-) Advent of Non-Abelian Vortices and Monopoles : Further Thoughts about Duality and Confinement(30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics-In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday-) Hidden Grassmannian Structure in the XXZ Model : Dedicated to Professor Tohru Eguchi for His 60th Birthday(30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics-In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday-) Quantum Integrability and Supersymmetric Vacua(30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics-In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday-) New Anomalies in Topological String Theory(30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics-In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday-) String Theory on Thin Semiconductors : Holographic Realization of Fermi Points and Surfaces(30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics-In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday-) General Gauge Mediation(30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics-In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday-) N=4 Dyons(30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics-In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday-) Properties of Baryons from D-Branes and Instantons(30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics-In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday-) New Developments in d=4, N=2 Superconformal Field Theories(30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics-In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday-) Holographic Boundary Entropy and Janus Solutions(30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics-In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday-) Liouville Theory and Elliptic Genera(30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics-In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday-) Mean Field Theory for Non-Abelian Gauge Theories and Fluid Dynamics : A Brief Progress Report(30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics-In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday-) Microstate Geometries and Entropy Enhancement(30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics-In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday-) A Holographic QCD and Baryons from String Theory(30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics-In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday-) Summary(30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics-In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday-) Program of "30Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics" List of Participants AUTHOR INDEX Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplements (ISSN 0375-9687) INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS Notice for Photocopying 奥付 BACKCOVER
Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement 176
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT(Information) Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems(Title page) (photograph) Preface(Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems) Organizing Commitee Editorial Committee of the Proceedings Sponsors CONTENTS Exact Many-Electron Ground States on Diamond and Triangle Hubbard Chains(Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems) Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior from Critical Fermi Surface Fluctuations(Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems) Strongly Correlated Electrons in Molecular Systems : Fascinations in p-d Systems(Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems) Unusual Electron Correlations in Na_xCoO_2 Due to the Spin-State Quasidegeneracy of Cobalt Ions(Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems) Electronic Higher Multipoles in Solids(Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems) Finite-Temperature Mott Transition in Two-Dimensional Frustrated Hubbard Models(Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems) Dynamical Vertex Approximation : An Introduction(Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems) Transcorrelated Method: Another Possible Way towards Electronic Structure Calculation of Solids(Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems) Density-Matrix Renormalization Group Methods for Momentum- and Frequency-Resolved Dynamical Correlation Functions(Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems) Effect of Electron-Phonon Interaction on Optical Properties in One-Dimensional Mott Insulators(Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems) Quantum Hall Systems Studied by the Density Matrix Renormalization Group Method(Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems) Physics of Graphene : Zero-Mode Anomalies and Roles of Symmetry(Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems) Electronic Structure of Multilayer Graphene(Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems) Pseudospin and Deformation-Induced Gauge Field in Graphene(Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems) Quantum Spin Hall Phases(Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems) Magnetic Ordering of Nuclear Spins in an Interacting 2D Electron Gas as a Consequence of Non-Analyticities in the 2D Fermi Liquid(Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems) Selective Manipulation of Electron Spins with Electric Fields(Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems) Spin Current in Superconductors(Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems) Supersolid Phases of Hardcore Bosons on the Square Lattice : Correlated Hopping, Next-Nearest Neighbor Hopping and Frustration(Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems) From Multiple Integrals to Fredholm Determinants(Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems) A Short Introduction to Fibonacci Anyon Models(Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems) Quantum Properties of Elliptical Corrals(Interaction and Nanostructural Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems) Program of Yukawa International Seminar (YKIS) 2007 AUTHOR INDEX Proceedings of International Seminar oraganized by the Yukawa Insitute tor Theoretical Physics Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplements (ISSN 0375-9687) INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS Notice for Photocopying 奥付 BACKCOVER
Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement 175
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT(Information) Proceeding of the International Symposium on Non-Equilibrium Soft Matter(Title page) (photograph) Preface(Non Equilibrium Soft Matter) Invited Speakers Advisory Board Organizing Commitee CONTENTS Unusual Nonlinear Effects in the Rheology of Entangled Polymer Melts(Non Equilibrium Soft Matter) Molecular Aspects of Flow-Induced Crystallization of Polymers(Non Equilibrium Soft Matter) Dynamic Tube Dilation in Branched Polymers(Non Equilibrium Soft Matter) Amplitude Equation for the Rosensweig Instability(Non Equilibrium Soft Matter) Dynamics of Colloidal Particles in Soft Matters(Non Equilibrium Soft Matter) Ductility versus Brittleness in Self-Assembled Transient Networks(Non Equilibrium Soft Matter) Hierarchical Structures in Amphiphilic Random Copolymer Solutions(Non Equilibrium Soft Matter) Phases and Phase Transitions of Block Copolymers(Non Equilibrium Soft Matter) Shape Deformation of Vesicle Coupled with Phase Separation(Non Equilibrium Soft Matter) Adsorption Dynamics in Pickering Emulsions(Non Equilibrium Soft Matter) Interplay between Growth Mechanisms and Elasticity in Liquid Crystalline Nuclei(Non Equilibrium Soft Matter) Dynamics of Stimulus Response of Swollen Nematic Elastomers(Non Equilibrium Soft Matter) Something New Emerging : Tetrahedratic Order(Non Equilibrium Soft Matter) Structure and Dynamics of Isotropic Order(Non Equilibrium Soft Matter) One-Dimensional Microfluidic Crystals Far from Equilibrium : Acoustic Phonons, Instabilities and Confinement(Non Equilibrium Soft Matter) Onsager Principle and Electrorheological Fluid Dynamics(Non Equilibrium Soft Matter) Nucleation in a Sheared Ising Model : Effects of External Field(Non Equilibrium Soft Matter) Shear Induced Structures in Lamellar Systems : From Layers to Onions to Onions and Layers(Non Equilibrium Soft Matter) Direct Three-Dimensional Observations of Order-Order Transition from Gyroid to Cylindrical Structures in a Block Copolymer(Non Equilibrium Soft Matter) AUTHOR INDEX Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplements (ISSN 0375-9687) INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS Notice for Photocopying 奥付 BACKCOVER
Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement 174
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT(Information) New Frontiers in QCD 2008(Title page) Preface(New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) CONTENTS Hot and Dense Hadronic Matter : Selected Topics(Dense QCD Matter,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) CFL-K^0 Quark Matter and Its Bulk Viscosity(Dense QCD Matter,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Population Imbalanced Fermionic Superfluids : From Cold Atoms to QCD(Dense QCD Matter,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Rigid Crystalline Color Superconducting Quark Matter(Dense QCD Matter,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Viscous Damping of r-Modes in Hybrid and Quark Stars(Dense QCD Matter,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Chromomagnetic Instability and Gluonic Phase in Dense Neutral Quark Matter(Dense QCD Matter,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Phase Diagram and Pion Modes of the Neutral Nambu-Jona Lasinio Model with the Polyakov Loop(Dense QCD Matter,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Polyakov-Nambu-Jona Lasinio Model and Color-Flavor-Locked Phase of QCD(Dense QCD Matter,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Reconsideration of the 2-Flavor NJL Model with Dimensional Regularization at Finite Temperature and Density(Dense QCD Matter,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Stellar Collapse with Hadron-Quark Phase Transition of Hot and Dense Matter(Dense QCD Matter,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Three-Body Force as an "Extra Repulsion" Suggested from Hyperon-Mixed Neutron Stars(Dense QCD Matter,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Spectral Continuity of Vector Mesons in Dense QCD(Dense QCD Matter,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Experimental Study of Dense Matter at RHIC(RHIC Phenomenology/Theory,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Theoretical Challenges Posed by the Data from RHIC(RHIC Phenomenology/Theory,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Jet-Induced Gauge Field Instabilities in the Quark-Gluon Plasma(RHIC Phenomenology/Theory,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Heavy Quark Diffusion in AdS/CFT(RHIC Phenomenology/Theory,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Fluid Turbulence and Eddy Viscosity in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions(RHIC Phenomenology/Theory,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Phase Transitions and the Perfectness of Fluids(RHIC Phenomenology/Theory,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Gauge/Gravity Duality for an Expanding Plasma(RHIC Phenomenology/Theory,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Heavy Quark Diffusion as a Probe of sQGP(RHIC Phenomenology/Theory,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Distortion of the HBT Images by the Mean Field Potential(RHIC Phenomenology/Theory,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Nonextensive/Dissipative Correspondence in Relativistic Hydrodynamics(RHIC Phenomenology/Theory,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Vector-Axialvector Mixing in Hot Matter and Its Hadronic Effective Field Theory Description(RHIC Phenomenology/Theory,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Magnetic Susceptibility of Quark Matter(RHIC Phenomenology/Theory,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Color Glass Condensate and the Glasma(CGC/Lattice QCD/etc.,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) High Energy Factorization in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions(CGC/Lattice QCD/etc.,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Spectral Functions and Transport in High Temperature QCD(CGC/Lattice QCD/etc.,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Status of Lattice Studies of the QCD Phase Diagram(CGC/Lattice QCD/etc.,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Aspects of Disorder in QCD : Random Matrix Theory and Beyond(CGC/Lattice QCD/etc.,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Computing the Viscosity of the QGP on the Lattice(CGC/Lattice QCD/etc.,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Suppression of the Shear Viscosity as QCD Cools into a Confining Phase(CGC/Lattice QCD/etc.,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Universal Short-Range Repulsion in the Baryon System Originating from the Confinement : Approach in String-Junction Model(CGC/Lattice QCD/etc.,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Survival of Charmonia above T_c in Anisotropic Lattice QCD(CGC/Lattice QCD/etc.,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Thermalization of Color Gauge Fields in Heavy Ion Collisions and Nielsen-Olesen Instability(CGC/Lattice QCD/etc.,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Magnetic and Electric Screening Mass in Two-Flavors of Lattice QCD Simulations(CGC/Lattice QCD/etc.,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Hadron Mass Spectrum in Strong Coupling Limit of Lattice QCD at Finite Temperature and Density for Color SU (3)(CGC/Lattice QCD/etc.,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Non-Abelian Strings in Hot or Dense QCD(CGC/Lattice QCD/etc.,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) QCD Sum Rules and 1/N_c Expansion(CGC/Lattice QCD/etc.,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) A Novel Quasi-Particle Picture of Massless and Massive Quarks Coupled with a Massive Boson at Finite Temperature and Its Effect on the Dilepton Production Rate(CGC/Lattice QCD/etc.,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Electromagnetic Mean Squared Radii of Λ (1405) in Meson-Baryon Dynamics with Chiral Symmetry(CGC/Lattice QCD/etc.,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Heavy-Heavy-Light Quark Potential in Two Approaches(CGC/Lattice QCD/etc.,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) AdS-CFT and the RHIC Fireball(Gauge/Gravity Duality,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) String Theory Implications on Causal Hydrodynamics(Gauge/Gravity Duality,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Small-x Physics in QCD and in Gauge/String Duality(Gauge/Gravity Duality,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Partons and Jets at Strong Coupling from AdS/CFT(Gauge/Gravity Duality,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Mesons and the Quark-Gluon Plasma in Gauge-Gravity Duality(Gauge/Gravity Duality,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Baryons and Vector Dominance in Holographic Dual QCD(Gauge/Gravity Duality,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Toward a More Realistic Holographic QCD Model(Gauge/Gravity Duality,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Hydrodynamic Constants from Cosmic Censorship(Gauge/Gravity Duality,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Baryonic Matter in Holographic QCD(Gauge/Gravity Duality,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-) Program of "New Frontiers in QCD 2008" List of Participants AUTHOR INDEX Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplements (ISSN 0375-9687) INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS Notice for Photocopying 奥付 BACKCOVER
Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement 173
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT(Information) What is Life? The Next 100 Years of Yukawa's Dream(Title page) (photograph) Preface(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) CONTENTS Endo-Exo Circulation as a Paradigm of Life : Towards a New Synthesis of Eastern Philosophy and Western Science(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) What Is Life? What Was Life? What Will Life Be?(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) Expansion and Polarity Sorting in Microtubule-Dynein Bundles(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) Life Driven by Damaged Damage(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) The Foundations of Mathematics as a Study of Life : An Effective but Non-Recursive Function(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) Neural Plasticity : For Good and Bad(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) Brain and Creativity(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) The Central Neural Foundations of Awareness and Self-Awareness(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) A Mathematical Model for the Hippocampus : Towards the Understanding of Episodic Memory and Imagination(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) How to Cope with DNA Damage Induced by Ionizing Radiation and Anti-Cancer Drugs?(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) The Modification of Biocellular Chemical Reactions by Environmental Physicochemicals(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) Chronomics and "Glocal" (Combined Global and Local) Assessment of Human Life(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) Cycles Tipping the Scale between Death and Survival (="Life")(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) Vertebrate Growth and Form : A Whole-Body Approach(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) Environmental Stress and Atopic Dermatitis : Cure with Steroid-Free Treatment and Mutual Trust in a Good Life Style(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) Comparison and Characterization of Proteomes in the Three Domains of Life Using 2D Correlation Analysis(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) Perspective in the Evolution of Human MicroRNAs : Copy Number Expansion and Acquisition of Target Gene Specialization(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) Spontaneous Conformational Fluctuations in Cell Signaling Proteins of Ras(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) Reciprocal Relations in Evolutionary Processes(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) Latent Instability in the Nonchaotic Stagnant Motion in Marginal Quasiperiodic Gradient System(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) Synchronization of Neuronal Oscillator Network with Time-Delayed Connections(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) Getting the Measure of Consciousness(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) Neural Correlates of Auditory Processing, Learning and Memory Formation in Songbirds(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) The Mammalian Brain in the Electromagnetic Fields Designed by Man with Special Reference to Blood-Brain Barrier Function, Neuronal Damage and Possible Physical Mechanisms(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) Why and How We Age, and Is That Process Modifiable?(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) Detection of Neural Activity Associated with Thinking in Frontal Lobe by Magnetoencephalograpy(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) Attractor States of Boolean Dynamics in Complex Networks(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) Constructing an Interdisciplinary Context for Definition of Life(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) Everything Is Alive(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM) Program AUTHOR INDEX Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplements (ISSN 0375-9687) INSTRUCTION FOR CONTRIBUTORS Notice for Photocopying 奥付 BACKCOVER
Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement 172
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT(Information) VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)(Title page) International Organizing Committee Local Organizing Committee (photograph) Preface(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) CONTENTS Testing String Theory by CMB(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) Superradiance and Instability of Black Holes(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) Wormhole Perturbation and Its Quasi Normal Modes(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) A Manifestly Covariant Hamiltonian Formalism for Dynamical Geometry(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) Voids in the Distribution of Galaxies and the Cosmological Constant(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) Observational Constraints on Galaxy Evolution from Multi-Wavelength Surveys(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) From Equivalence Principles to Cosmology : Cosmic Polarization Rotation, CMB Observation, Neutrino Number Asymmetry, Lorentz Invariance and CPT(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) Testing Gravitational Physics with Superconducting Gravimeters(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) The Three Burials of Melquiades DGP(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) From Inflation to Dark Energy in the Non-Minimal Modified Gravity(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) Collision of Domain Walls and Creation of Matter in Brane World(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) Thermodynamics of Apparent Horizon in Brane World Scenarios(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) Reconstructing the Properties of Dark Energy(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) Generating Solutions via Sigma-Models(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) Topology of Classical Vacuum Space-Time(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) Core-Collapse Supernovae : Magnetorotational Explosions and Jet Formation(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) Early Universe with CMB Anisotropy(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) Extremal Dilatonic Black Holes in 4D Gauss-Bonnet Gravity(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) Observation of Luni-Solar Tides by the Long Base Laser Interferometer(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) Yang-Mills Gravity and Gravitational Radiation(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) Horizons, Thermofield Dynamics and Quantum Information(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) Cosmological Perturbations in Quantum Backgrounds and Confrontation with Inflationary Predictions(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) FPC and Theoretical Models for Time Variations of G(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) Null Test of Newtonian Inverse-Square-Law at Short Range : Current Status and Developments(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) Symmetry Properties of Black Holes in Higher Dimensional General Relativity(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) Hidden Symmetries of Higher-Dimensional Black Hole Spacetimes(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) Cosmological Constraints for the Cold Dark Matter and Model Building Based on the Flavor Symmetric Radiative Seesaw Model(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) On the Riemann Curvature Tensor in General Relativity(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8)) (photograph) IGGA8 Program List of Participants AUTHOR INDEX Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplements (ISSN 0375-9687) INSTRUCTION FOR CONTRIBUTORS Notice for Photocopying 奥付 BACKCOVER
Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement 171
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS(Information) Noncommutative Geometry and Quantum Spacetime in Physics(Title page) (photograph) Preface(NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) In memorandum CONTENTS Symmetry, Twist and Gravity(divisional title) Deformed Gravity(Symmetry, Twist and Gravity,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Symmetries, Covariant Derivatives and Gravity on Noncommutative Spacetime(Symmetry, Twist and Gravity,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Quantum Fields on the Moyal Plane(Symmetry, Twist and Gravity,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Twisted Poincare Symmetry and Some Implications on Noncommutative Quantum Field Theory(Symmetry, Twist and Gravity,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) From Starproducts to Drinfeld-Twists : Present and Future Applications(Symmetry, Twist and Gravity,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Can QFT on Moyal-Weyl Spaces Look as on Commutative Ones?(Symmetry, Twist and Gravity,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Noncommutative Quantization for Noncommutative Field Theory(Symmetry, Twist and Gravity,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) First Results of the Noether Theorem for Hopf-Algebra Spacetime Symmetries(Symmetry, Twist and Gravity,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Symmetries, Conservation Laws and Gauge Invariant Operators in Non-Commutative Gauge Theory(Symmetry, Twist and Gravity,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Spacetime and Matrix model(divisional title) Space-Time Uncertainty and Approaches to D-Brane Field Theory(Spacetime and Matrix model,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Curved Space-Times in Matrix Models(Spacetime and Matrix model,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Relations between the SU(2|4) Symmetric Theories and the Gauge Gravity Correspondence(Spacetime and Matrix model,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Dynamical Generation of Non-Abelian Gauge Group via the Improved Perturbation Theory(Spacetime and Matrix model,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Universe, Phenomenology and Condensed matter(divisional title) String Theory, Space-Time Non-Commutativity and Structure Formation(Universe, Phenomenology and Condensed matter,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Spacetime Singularity and AdS/CFT for Time Dependent Background(Universe, Phenomenology and Condensed matter,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Non-BPS D9-Branes in the Early Universe(Universe, Phenomenology and Condensed matter,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Unified Theories : From Finiteness to Fuzzy Extra Dimensions(Universe, Phenomenology and Condensed matter,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Quantum Hall Effect Based on SUSY Non-Commutative Geometry(Universe, Phenomenology and Condensed matter,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Field theory, Lattice and Noncommutative space(divisional title) Renormalization and Induced Gauge Action on a Noncommutative Space(Field theory, Lattice and Noncommutative space,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Nonperturbative Study of Non-Commutative U(1) Gauge Theory(Field theory, Lattice and Noncommutative space,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Noncommutative Minkowski Space and Transcendental Calculus(Field theory, Lattice and Noncommutative space,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Fuzzy S^4 and Its Construction(Field theory, Lattice and Noncommutative space,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Instanton, Soliton and Index(divisional title) Families of Noncommutative Instantons(Instanton, Soliton and Index,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Abelian Solitons in the Noncommutative Ward Model(Instanton, Soliton and Index,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Index Theorem in Finite Noncommutative Geometry(Instanton, Soliton and Index,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Ginsparg-Wilson Relation and Admissibility Condition in Noncommutative Geometry(Instanton, Soliton and Index,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) String, Duality and D-brane(divisional title) T-Duality in Type II String Theory via Noncommutative Geometry and Beyond(String, Duality and D-brane,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Quiver Gauge Theory and Noncommutative Vortices(String, Duality and D-brane,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Noncommutativity and Tachyon(String, Duality and D-brane,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) A Covariant Approach to Noncommutative M5-Branes(String, Duality and D-brane,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) N=2 Instanton Calculus in Closed String Background(String, Duality and D-brane,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) Non(anti)commutative N=2 Supersymmetric Gauge Theory from Superstrings in the R-R Background(String, Duality and D-brane,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) List of Participants AUTHOR INDEX Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplements (ISSN 0375-9687) INSTRUCTION FOR CONTRIBUTORS Notice for Photocopying 奥付 BACKCOVER
Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement 170
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT(Information) Yukawa-Tomonaga Centennial Symposium Progress in Modern Physics(Title page) Symposium Organization Preface(YUKAWA-TOMONAGA CENTENNIAL SYMPOSIUM Progress in Modern Physics) CONTENTS Opening Address(YUKAWA-TOMONAGA CENTENNIAL SYMPOSIUM Progress in Modern Physics) Quantum Field Theory and Beyond(YUKAWA-TOMONAGA CENTENNIAL SYMPOSIUM Progress in Modern Physics) Professor Tomonaga as I Saw Him(YUKAWA-TOMONAGA CENTENNIAL SYMPOSIUM Progress in Modern Physics) Muon (g-2) : Renormalization at Work, All the Way Down to the Weak Scale(YUKAWA-TOMONAGA CENTENNIAL SYMPOSIUM Progress in Modern Physics) Renormalization and Gauge Invariance(YUKAWA-TOMONAGA CENTENNIAL SYMPOSIUM Progress in Modern Physics) Particle Physics : Hints from Cosmology(YUKAWA-TOMONAGA CENTENNIAL SYMPOSIUM Progress in Modern Physics) Black Holes : Quantum, Gravity and Information(YUKAWA-TOMONAGA CENTENNIAL SYMPOSIUM Progress in Modern Physics) Probing Quantum Mechanics towards the Everyday World : How Far Have We Come?(YUKAWA-TOMONAGA CENTENNIAL SYMPOSIUM Progress in Modern Physics) The Future of Grand Unification(YUKAWA-TOMONAGA CENTENNIAL SYMPOSIUM Progress in Modern Physics) The Quest for Pionic and Kaonic Nuclear Bound Systems Following Yukawa and Tomonaga(YUKAWA-TOMONAGA CENTENNIAL SYMPOSIUM Progress in Modern Physics) Yukawa's Pion, Low-Energy QCD and Nuclear Chiral Dynamics(YUKAWA-TOMONAGA CENTENNIAL SYMPOSIUM Progress in Modern Physics) Tomonaga's Theory for Collective Motion of Fermions : Basic Concept of One-Dimensional Correlated Electrons(YUKAWA-TOMONAGA CENTENNIAL SYMPOSIUM Progress in Modern Physics) Physics and Biology of Protein(YUKAWA-TOMONAGA CENTENNIAL SYMPOSIUM Progress in Modern Physics) String Theory : Progress and Problems(YUKAWA-TOMONAGA CENTENNIAL SYMPOSIUM Progress in Modern Physics) The Legacies of Yukawa and Tomonaga(YUKAWA-TOMONAGA CENTENNIAL SYMPOSIUM Progress in Modern Physics) YUKAWA-TOMONAGA CENTENNIAL SYMPOSIUM Progress in Modern Physics PROGRAM List of Participants Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplements (ISSN 0375-9687) INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS Notice for Photocopying 奥付 BACKCOVER
Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement 169
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT(Information) The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era(Title page) Preface(The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) CONTENTS Rapid Evaluation of Swift GRBs as Targets of Opportunity(Chapter 1. Gamma Ray Bursts, Cosmic Rays and Neutrino, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) The Suzaku-Swift Joint Observation of the Early X-Ray Afterglow of GRB060105(Chapter 1. Gamma Ray Bursts, Cosmic Rays and Neutrino, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Diversity of the GRB-Supernova Connection : X-Ray-Flash SNe and Non-SN GRBs(Chapter 1. Gamma Ray Bursts, Cosmic Rays and Neutrino, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) RXTE Observations of Soft Gamma Repeater Bursts(Chapter 1. Gamma Ray Bursts, Cosmic Rays and Neutrino, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) AGN Feedback and Gas Enrichment in Clusters of Galaxies(Chapter 2. Thermal Structure/Dynamics of Groups and Clusters of Galaxies, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Suzaku Observations of Abell 1795 : Cluster Emission to r_<200>(Chapter 2. Thermal Structure/Dynamics of Groups and Clusters of Galaxies, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Absence of Bulk Motions of the Intracluster Medium in the Centaurus Cluster(Chapter 2. Thermal Structure/Dynamics of Groups and Clusters of Galaxies, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) The Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium in Cluster Vicinities(Chapter 2. Thermal Structure/Dynamics of Groups and Clusters of Galaxies, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Suzaku Observation of Abell 2204 : Galaxy Cluster Gas Temperature Measurement Up to the Virial Radius(Chapter 2. Thermal Structure/Dynamics of Groups and Clusters of Galaxies, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) The Cluster Gas Mass Fraction as a Cosmological Probe : a Revised Study(Chapter 2. Thermal Structure/Dynamics of Groups and Clusters of Galaxies, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Suprathermal Electrons in Hot Interstellar/Intracluster Media(Chapter 2. Thermal Structure/Dynamics of Groups and Clusters of Galaxies, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Suzaku Survey for Non-Thermal Hard X-Ray Emission from Clusters of Galaxies(Chapter 2. Thermal Structure/Dynamics of Groups and Clusters of Galaxies, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Evolution in the Iron Abundance of the ICM(Chapter 3. Chemical Structure and Evolution Clusters of Galaxy, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Suzaku Observation of the Metallicity Distribution in the Intracluster Medium of the Fornax Cluster(Chapter 3. Chemical Structure and Evolution Clusters of Galaxy, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) X-Ray Spectrum of 'the Cap' of M82(Chapter 3. Chemical Structure and Evolution Clusters of Galaxy, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) The Nuclear Outflow of the Starburst Galaxy NGC 253 with XMM-Newton(Chapter 3. Chemical Structure and Evolution Clusters of Galaxy, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Summary of the Conference Papers on Clusters of Galaxies(Chapter 3. Chemical Structure and Evolution Clusters of Galaxy, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Evidence for Solar-Wind Charge-Exchange X-Ray Emission from the Earth's Magnetosheath(Chapter 4. Warm and Hot IntraGalactic Medium, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Thermal and Non-Thermal Components of the X-Ray Emission from Jupiter(Chapter 4. Warm and Hot IntraGalactic Medium, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Suzaku/Chandra Emission/Absorption Line Observations of Hot Gas in and around Our Galaxy(Chapter 4. Warm and Hot IntraGalactic Medium, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) A Suzaku Observation of the Low-Ionization Fe-Line Emission from RCW 86(Chapter 4. Warm and Hot IntraGalactic Medium, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) X-Ray Spectral Imaging of Puppis A with Suzaku(Chapter 4. Warm and Hot IntraGalactic Medium, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Suzaku Observation of the CNO Emission Lines from the Cygnus Loop(Chapter 4. Warm and Hot IntraGalactic Medium, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Suzaku Observation of the Galactic Diffuse(Chapter 4. Warm and Hot IntraGalactic Medium, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) X-Ray Observations of the Galactic Center with Suzaku(Chapter 5. The Galactic Center and Ridge Emissions, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Hard X-Ray Investigation of the Galactic Center Region with Suzaku(Chapter 5. The Galactic Center and Ridge Emissions, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) The INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton View of the Galactic Center(Chapter 5. The Galactic Center and Ridge Emissions, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) The Galactic Center : A Consistent Explanation of 511keV Line, Hot Plasma, and Past High Activity by RIAF(Chapter 5. The Galactic Center and Ridge Emissions, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Suzaku Spectral Study of the Galactic Ridge X-Ray Emission(Chapter 5. The Galactic Center and Ridge Emissions, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Origin of the Galactic Ridge X-Ray Emission(Chapter 5. The Galactic Center and Ridge Emissions, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Continuum and Line Emissions from the Galactic Ridge and Clusters : Problems of Interpretation and Ways of Solution(Chapter 5. The Galactic Center and Ridge Emissions, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Cosmic-Ray Acceleration in SN 1006 and Other Shell Supernova Remnants(Chapter 6. SN1006 Milenium Special Session, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Millenium Study of SN 1006 with Suzaku(Chapter 6. SN1006 Milenium Special Session, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Shock Modification by Cosmic-Ray-Excited Turbulences(Chapter 6. SN1006 Milenium Special Session, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) SN 1006 at Age 1000 Years : Dazzling Star to Puzzling Remnant(Chapter 6. SN1006 Milenium Special Session, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Suzaku Observation of TeV SNR RX J1713.7-3946(Chapter 6. SN1006 Milenium Special Session, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) X-Ray Observations of the HESS Unidentified Sources from the Galactic Plane(Chapter 6. SN1006 Milenium Special Session, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) On the Origin of Galactic TeV Unidentified Sources(Chapter 6. SN1006 Milenium Special Session, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) A Joint Suzaku and Chandra Spectroscopy Study of Hard X-Ray Emission from the Arches Cluster(Chapter 7. Stars and Clusters, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Diffuse X-Ray Emission from the Carina Nebula Observed with Suzaku(Chapter 7. Stars and Clusters, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Suzaku Observations of the Dwarf Nova SS Cyg in Quiescence and Outburst(Chapter 8. White Dwarf and Neutron Star Isolated and/or Binaries, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) The X-Ray Properties of the Dwarf Nova V893 Scorpii(Chapter 8. White Dwarf and Neutron Star Isolated and/or Binaries, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) The Phases of X-Ray Emission of RS Oph(Chapter 8. White Dwarf and Neutron Star Isolated and/or Binaries, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Cyclotron Observations of Binary X-Ray Pulsars(Chapter 8. White Dwarf and Neutron Star Isolated and/or Binaries, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Hydrodynamic and Spectral Simulations of HMXB Winds(Chapter 8. White Dwarf and Neutron Star Isolated and/or Binaries, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Periodicities in X-Ray Binaries from Swift/BAT Observations(Chapter 8. White Dwarf and Neutron Star Isolated and/or Binaries, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) RGS X-Ray Spectroscopy of the Crab Nebula(Chapter 8. White Dwarf and Neutron Star Isolated and/or Binaries, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Summary of the "White Dwarf and Neutron Star Isolated and/or Binaries" Session : Particle Acceleration around the Magnetized Compact Objects(Chapter 8. White Dwarf and Neutron Star Isolated and/or Binaries, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) X-Ray Study on Stellar/Intermediate Mass Black Holes(Chapter 9. Stellar/Intermediate Mass Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) The High Energy Emission of Compact Objects with SPI/INTEGRAL(Chapter 9. Stellar/Intermediate Mass Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Suzaku Discovery of Absorption Lines from the Black Hole Transient 4U1630-472(Chapter 9. Stellar/Intermediate Mass Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Suzaku Observation of Two Ultraluminous X-Ray Sources in NGC1313(Chapter 9. Stellar/Intermediate Mass Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) An Overview of Suzaku Results on AGN(Chapter 10. Super Massive Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Broad-Band Spectra of Seyfert 2 Galaxies Observed with Suzaku(Chapter 10. Super Massive Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Time Lags in Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies and the Origin of Their Soft Excess Emission(Chapter 10. Super Massive Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) The Origin of the Soft Excess in High L/L_<Edd> AGN(Chapter 10. Super Massive Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Precision Fe Kalpha and Fe Kbeta Line Spectroscopy of the Seyfert 1.9 Galaxy NGC 2992 with Suzaku(Chapter 10. Super Massive Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Beyond the CXO Deep Surveys : Stacks of Galaxies(Chapter 10. Super Massive Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) The Long Suzaku Observation of MCG-6-30-15(Chapter 10. Super Massive Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) AGN Science Learned from Previous Missions : Issues for the Coming Decade(Chapter 10. Super Massive Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Suzaku Observation of 1H0707-495 : Puzzling Spectral Drop around 7keV(Chapter 10. Super Massive Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Compton Thick AGN in the Suzaku Era(Chapter 10. Super Massive Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) The Suzaku Observation of the Nucleus of the Radio Loud Active Galaxy Centaurus A(Chapter 10. Super Massive Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Hard X-Ray Variability of AGN Observed with Suzaku(Chapter 10. Super Massive Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Compton-Thick AGN and the Synthesis of the Cosmic X-Ray Background : The Suzaku Perspective(Chapter 10. Super Massive Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) High-Energy Properties of TeV-BLLacs and Design Issues for Future X-Ray Missions(Chapter 10. Super Massive Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Suzaku Observations of Active Galactic Nuclei Detected in the Swift/BAT Survey(Chapter 11. Synergy with Suzaku and Other Missions, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) INTEGRAL Science Results and Connections to Suzaku(Chapter 11. Synergy with Suzaku and Other Missions, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) GLAST and Suzaku : Study on Cosmic-Ray Acceleration and Interaction in the Cosmos(Chapter 11. Synergy with Suzaku and Other Missions, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) The 7-Steps of the Data Analysis(Chapter 12. Instructions of Suzaku Data Analysis, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) Orbital Calibration of the XIS(Chapter 12. Instructions of Suzaku Data Analysis, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) On-Orbit Performance of the X-Ray Telescopes and Thermal Wobbling of the Suzaku Satellite(Chapter 12. Instructions of Suzaku Data Analysis, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era December 4-8, 2006, Kyoto, Japan Session Program AUTHOR INDEX Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplements (ISSN 0375-9687) INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS Notice for Photocopying 奥付 BACKCOVER
Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement 168
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT(Information) New Frontiers in QCD(Title page) YKIS2006 NEW FRONTIERS IN QCD(photo) Preface(New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) CONTENTS Opening Address(New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) First week:Exotic hadrons(Divisional title) Inevitable Pentaquark(Pentaquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Recent Results and Prospects on the Θ^+ Study at LEPS(Pentaquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Exotic Hadrons in the Constituent Quark Model(Pentaquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Self Consistency in Hadron Physics(Pentaquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Study of Exotic Hadrons in s-Wave Chiral Dynamics(Pentaquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Exotic Hadrons on the Lattice(Pentaquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Theoretical Status of Pentaquarks(Pentaquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Positive and Negative-Parity Baryons in Coupled QCD Sum Rules(Pentaquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Pentaquarks in QCD Sum Rules(Pentaquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Exotic Hadron in Pole-Dominated QCD Sum Rules(Pentaquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Magnetic and Axial-Vector Transitions of the Baryon Antidecuplet(Pentaquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Remarks on N_c Dependence of Decays of Exotic Baryons(Pentaquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) On the Width of Collective Excitations in Chiral Soliton Models(Pentaquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Favorable Conditions of Θ^+ Formation in γ D Reaction(Pentaquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Narrow Resonance at E_γ=1020 MeV in the D(γ, η) pn Reaction(Pentaquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) A New Candidate for Non-Strangeness Pentaquarks : N^*(1675)(Pentaquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Four- and Five-Body Scattering Calculations of Exotic Hadron Systems(Pentaquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) X(3872) and Λ(1405) as Multiquark Hadrons(Pentaquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) A Faddeev Calculation for Pentaquark Θ^+ in Diquark Picture with Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Type Interaction(Pentaquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Stochastic Variational Method Applied to Pentaquarks(Pentaquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) A Pentaquark Model of the Negative Parity Λ(1405)(Pentaquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Λ^*(1405) Photo-Production at SPring-8/LEPS(Pentaquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Ordinary and Extraordinary Hadrons(Tetraquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Can Experiment Distinguish Tetraquark Scalars, Molecules and q^^-q Mesons?(Tetraquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Low Mass Scalar Mesons and Related Topics(Tetraquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Pattern of Light Scalar Mesons(Tetraquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Tetra-Quark Resonances in Lattice QCD(Tetraquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Two or Four : A Hint from Scalar Mesons in Radiative φ Decays?(Tetraquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) The Light Scalar Mesons, Z(3) and Chiral Symmetry(Tetraquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Light Scalar Mesons in the QCD Sum Rule(Tetraquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Light Scalar Mesons as Tetraquarks within QCD Sum Rules(Tetraquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Axial Vector Tetraquark with Two s-Quarks(Tetraquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Light Four-Quark States and New Observations by BES(Tetraquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Puzzles in Charm Spectroscopy(Tetraquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) D^+_<s0>(2317) as an Iso-Triplet Four-Quark Meson and Production of Its Neutral and Doubly Charged Partners(Tetraquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Mass Spectra of Charmed and Bottomed Mesons in 1/m_Q Expansion(Tetraquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) An Exotic Approach to Hadron Physics(Superstring approaches for hadrons, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Brane-Induced Skyrmions : Baryons in Holographic QCD(Superstring approaches for hadrons, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) 1st Week(photo) Second week:Dense hadronic and quark matter(divisional title) Hot QCD on the Lattice(Theoretical methods, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Lattice QCD Thermodynamics with Wilson Quarks(Theoretical methods, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Simulating Dense Matter(Theoretical methods, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Strong Coupling Limit/Region of Lattice QCD(Theoretical methods, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Random Matrix Theory at Nonzero μ and T(Theoretical methods, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Fuzzy Bags and Wilson Lines(Theoretical methods, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Thermodynamics and Large N_c QCD(Theoretical methods, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Effective Chiral Model with Polyakov Loops and Its Application to Hot/Dense Medium(Theoretical methods, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Can the Color Glass Condensate Describe Early Thermalization?(Theoretical methods, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) What Atomic Liquids Can Teach Us about Quark Liquids(Theoretical methods, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Gauge/Gravity Correspondence and QCD(Theoretical methods, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Toward the Theory of Strongly Coupled Quark-Gluon Plasma(Hot QCD and QGP, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Weak Coupling Approaches to the Quark-Gluon Plasma Thermodynamics(Hot QCD and QGP, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Thermal Hadron Production by QCD Hawking Radiation(Hot QCD and QGP, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Relativistic Hydrodynamics at RHIC and LHC(Hot QCD and QGP, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Hard QCD Probes to Quark-Gluon Plasma(Hot QCD and QGP, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Heavy Flavor Production from the Color Glass Condensate in pA Collisions(Hot QCD and QGP, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) String Theory for Heavy-Ion Physicists(Hot QCD and QGP, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Color-Singlet Instantaneous Potential in the Coulomb Gauge QCD(Hot QCD and QGP, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Fermionic Collective Modes in QGP near Critical Temperatures(Hot QCD and QGP, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Bose-Einstein Condensation of Diquark Molecules in Three-Flavor Quark Matter(Dense QCD, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Effective Theory of Color Superconductivity(Dense QCD, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Dynamics with Vector Condensates at Finite Density in QCD and Beyond(Dense QCD, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Ginzburg-Landau Approach to Color Superconductivity(Dense QCD, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Chiral-Super Interplay in QCD(Dense QCD, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) The Physics of Dense Hadronic Matter(Dense QCD, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) 2nd Week(photo) Third week:Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium(divisional title) Phases of QCD, Polyakov Loop and Quasiparticles(Hadron properties and chiral symmetry in medium, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Chiral Restoration in a Nuclear Medium : Probed by S-Wave Pion Dynamics(Hadron properties and chiral symmetry in medium, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Chiral Physics in Mesic Atoms and Mesic Nuclei(Hadron properties and chiral symmetry in medium, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Two Pion Production from Nuclei (Hadron properties and chiral symmetry in medium, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Threshold πN Isospin Violation (Hadron properties and chiral symmetry in medium, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) In-Medium Pions and Partial Restoration of Chiral Symmetry : A Model-Independent Analysis(Hadron properties and chiral symmetry in medium, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Role of Chiral Symmetries for Baryons(Hadron properties and chiral symmetry in medium, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) From QCD to Nuclear Matter Saturation(Hadron properties and chiral symmetry in medium, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Hadrons in Medium : Theory Confronts Experiment(Change of hadron properties in medium, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Recent Experimental Results and Perspectives on Hadron Properties in Nuclei(Change of hadron properties in medium, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Medium Modifications of Light Vector Mesons in Nuclei(Change of hadron properties in medium, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Hidden Local Symmetry and the Vector Manifestation of Chiral Symmetry in Hot and/or Dense Matter(Change of hadron properties in medium, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Implications of Vector Manifestation in Hot and Dense Medium(Change of hadron properties in medium, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Vector Meson in Nuclear Medium(Change of hadron properties in medium, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Recent Developments in Chiral Dynamics of Hadrons and Hadrons in Nuclei(Baryon resonances and chiral symmetry, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) S_<11> Resonance Observed in the C, Cu(γ, η) Reactions(Baryon resonances and chiral symmetry, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Overview of K^^--Nuclear Theory and Phenomenology : Search for Narrow Quasibound States(Kaons in nuclei, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Precision Spectroscopy of Exotic Atoms as a Tool to Test Chiral Dynamics in Nuclei(Kaons in nuclei, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) K^^--Nucleus Interaction Probed by the In-Flight (K^-, N) Reactions(Kaons in nuclei, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) The Fundamental Kaonic Nuclear Cluster K^-pp : Its Structure and Formation(Kaons in nuclei, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Kaon Two-Nucleon Absorption at Rest with FINUDA(Kaons in nuclei, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Study of Light Kaonic Nuclei with a Chiral SU(3)-Based K^^-N Interaction(Kaons in nuclei, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Five-Quark Picture of Λ(1405) in Anisotropic Lattice QCD(Kaons in nuclei, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Relativistic Chiral Mean Field Approximation with Projection and the Role of Tensor Correlations in ^5He and ^<11>Li(Hadronic matter and equation of state, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Influence of Equation of State in Supernova Simulations : Neutrinos from Proto-Neutron Star and Black Hole Formation(Hadronic matter and equation of state, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) The Pion Cloud : Insights into Hadron Structure(Hadronic matter and equation of state, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Kaon-Condensed Hypernuclei(Hadronic matter and equation of state, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Compatibility of Exotic States with Neutron Star Observation(Hadronic matter and equation of state, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Skyrmion and Dense Matter(Hadronic matter and equation of state, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) The In-Medium K^^-N Interaction within a Chiral Unitary Approach(Hadronic matter and equation of state, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) Neutron Matter from Low-Momentum Interactions(Hadronic matter and equation of state, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-) 3rd week(photo) Program of YKIS2006 photo List of YKIS2006 Participants AUTHOR INDEX Proceedings of International Seminar organized by the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplements (ISSN 0375-9687) INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS Notice for Photocopying 奥付 BACKCOVER

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