
Studies in English literature

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Studies in English literature 1995
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Table of ContentsCOVER STUDIES IN ENGLISH LITERATURE CONTENTS Errata SPECIAL LECTURE BY A. D. NUTTALL : SCHOLARSHIP AND MORALITY ORIGINS AND BURIAL IN AMERICA BLAKE, LOCKE, AND THE POETRY OF SENSIBILITY SAMUEL JOHNSON : THE ROAD TO THE DICTIONARY THE PROGRESS OF DESPAIR IN KEATS : Establishing the Order of Composition of the Great Poems of 1819 "IT WAS ALL PHANTASMAGORIC" : THE AMBASSADORS AND THE IMPRESSIONISTIC STYLE OF CONSUMPTION SAESWIFE OR SAE SWIFE? : A CASE FOR A BIRD'S-EYE VIEW OF AN OE POETIC TEXT Christopher Ricks, Beckett's Dying Words, The Clarendon Lectures, 1990, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1993., 218pp. Ljiljana Progovac, Negative and Positive Polariry, A Binding Approach, (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 68), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994., xii+168pp. David Denison, English Historical Syntax, Verbal Constructions, London and New York, Longman, 1993., xiv+530pp. Review of Fiengo and May's Indices and Identity Barker, Francis, et al., eds., Postmodernism and the Re-reading of Modernity, Manchester, Manchester UP, 1992. / Ermarth, Elizabeth Deeds., Sequel to History, Postmodernism and the Crisis of Representational Time, Princeton, Princeton UP, 1992. Leland Monk, Standard Deviations, Chance and the Modern British Novel, Stanford, California, Stanford University Press, 1993 SYNOPSES OF THE ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN THE JAPANESE NUMBERS, 1994 Index: 1994-1995 THE ENGLISH LITERARY SOCIETY OF JAPAN 奥付
Studies in English literature 1994
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Table of ContentsCOVER STUDIES IN ENGLISH LITERATURE CONTENTS 'MY BOSOM'S SHOP' : FINANCIAL IMAGERY IN SHAKESPEARE'S SONNETS WORDSWORTH'S O'ERWATCHING STONES "ARGUFYING" IN EMPSON'S "AUBADE" SELF-DESTRUCTIVE COMMUNITY AND THE IMPROBABILITY OF WAR IN LORD OF THE FLIES "EXISTENCE WITH A WALL" : EMILY DICKINSON'S PRISON IMAGERY John D. Bernard, Ceremonies of Innocence, Pastoralism in the Poetry of Edmund Spenser, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989 / Theresa M. Krier, Gazing on Secret Sights, Spenser, Classical Imitation, and the Decorums of Vision, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1990 Janet Adelman, Suffocating Mothers, Fantasies of Material Origin in Shakespeare's Plays, Hamlet to The Tempest, New York and London, Routledge, 1992 Conor Cruise O'Brien, The Great Melody, A Thematic Biography and Commented Anthology of Edmund Burke, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1992., Ixxv+692pp. James King, William Blake, His Life, London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1991., 263pp. Susan Morgan, Sisters in Time, Imaging Gender in 19th Century British Fiction, New York, Oxford University Press, 1989., 259pp. / Marianne Hirsch, The Mother/Daughter Plot, Narrative, Psychoanalysis, Feminism, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1989., xi+244pp. Sir Hugh Cortazzi and Gordon Daniels (eds.), Britain and Japan, 1859-1991, Themes and Personalities, London, Routledge, 1991., xxi+319pp. Mark Seltzer, Bodies and Machines, Routledge, 1992, x+236pp. Akiko Miyake, Ezra Pound and the Mysteries of Love, A Plan for the Cantos, Durham, North Carolina, Duke Univ. Press, 1991., 287pp. Robert, Freidin (ed.), Principles and Parameters in Comparative Grammar, (Current Studies in Linguistics Series 20), Cambridge, Mass., The MIT Press, 1991., xii+463pp. Maria Rita Manzini, Locality, A Theory and Some of Its Empirical Consequences, (Linguistic Inquiry Monographs 19), Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press, 1992., xiv+171pp. Luigi Rizzi, Relativized Minimality, Cambridge, Massachusetts, The MIT Press, 1990., x+147pp. Iggy Roca (ed.), Themantic Structure, Its Role in Grammar, New York, Foris Publications, 1992., xiii+325pp. SYNOPSES OF THE ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN THE JAPANESE NUMBERS, 1993 INDEX: 1993-1994 THE ENGLISH LITERARY SOCIETY OF JAPAN 奥付
Studies in English literature 1993
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Table of ContentsCOVER STUDIES IN ENGLISH LITERATURE CONTENTS SHAKESPEARE'S USE OF THE NEW WORLD IN THE TEMPEST MONARCHY AND PATRIARCHY IN PARADISE : MILTON'S PARADISE LOST TOWARD LOCKE'S TWO TREATIES OF GOVERNMENT HAUNTED PORTRAITS : YEATS'S EPITAPHIC RHETORIC Did Milly Die of Tuberculosis? : "The Physical" and "the Spiritual" in The Wings of the Dove Geoffrey Hill, The Enemy's Country, Words, Contexture, and Other Circumstances of Language, Oxford, 1991, 153pp. Stephen Greenblatt, Marvelous Possessions, The Wonder of the New World, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1991., 202pp. Emrys Jones (ed.), The New Oxford Book of Sixteenth Century Verse, Oxford and New York, Oxford University Press, 1991. H. W. Fawkner, Deconstructing Macbeth, The Hyperontological View, Associated UP, 1990 Annabel Patterson, Shakespeare and the Popular Voice Peter Seary, Lewis Theobald and the Editing of Shakespeare, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1990., xvi+248pp. Vincent Arthur De Luca, Words of Eternity, Blake and the Poetics of the Sublime, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1990., xiv+238pp. Peter Raby, Samuel Butler, A Biography, Hogarth Press, 1991., xi+334pp. Donald Davie, Studies in Ezra Pound, Carcanet, 1991, 388pp. David Lightfoot, How to Set Parameters, Arguments from Language Change, Cambridge, Mass., The MIT Press, 1991., ix+214pp. Howard Lasnik and Mamoru Saito, Move α, Conditions on Its Application and Output (Current Studies in Linguistics 22), Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press, 1992., ix+222 SYNOPSES OF THE ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN THE JAPANESE NUMBERS, 1992 INDEX: 1992-1993 THE ENGLISH LITERARY SOCIETY OF JAPAN 奥付
Studies in English literature 1992
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER STUDIES IN ENGLISH LITERATURE CONTENTS THE RENAISSANCE CONCEPT OF OPPORTUNITY AND RICHARD II THE ROLE ROBERT FELLOWES PLAYS IN SHELLEY'S ALASTOR FOOD IN FORSTER : HOWARDS END IN THE CONTEXT OF THE EARLY WORK READING READING : VLADIMIR NABOKOV'S PALE FIRE (1962) A NOTE ON GRAMMATICAL GENDER IN VICES AND VIRTUES Paula R. Backscheider, Danial Defoe, His Life, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989., xv+671pp. Laurence S. Lockridge, John Maynard & Donald D. Stone (eds.), Nineteenth-Century Lives, Essays Presented to Jerome Hamilton Buckley, Cambridge University Press, 1989., xx+216pp. Jack Stillinger (ed.), John Keats, Poetry Manuscripts at Harvard, A Facsimile Edition, With an Essay on the Manuscripts by Helen Vendler, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1990., xxii+266pp. Michael Squires and Keith Cushman (eds.), The Challenge of D. H. Lawrence, University of Wisconsin Press, 1990., 217pp. / Jeffrey Meyers, D. H. Lawrence, A Biography, Macmillan, 1990., ix+446pp. Jewel Spears Brooker and Joseph Bentley, Reading "The Waste Land", Modernism and the Limits of Interpretation, Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 1990., xii+239pp. Lucy McDiarmid, Auden's Apologies for Poetry, Princeton U. P., 1990., xiii+176pp. Eleanor Cook, Poetry, Word-Play, and World-War in Wallace Stevens, Princeton U. P., 1989., xvi+325pp. Kazumi Manabe, The Syntactic and Stylistic Development of the Infinitive in Middle English, Fukuoka, Kyushu UP, 1989., 206pp. Jane Grimshaw, Argument Structure, (Linguistic Inquiry Monograph 18), Cambridge, Mass., The MIT Press, 1990., x+202pp. Ray Jackendoff, Semantic Structures, The MIT Press, 1990., xiv+322pp. Margaret J. Speas, Phrase Structure in Natural Language, (Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 21), Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990., xi+308pp. SYNOPSES OF THE ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN THE JAPANESE NUMBERS, 1991 INDEX: 1991-1992 THE ENGLISH LITERARY SOCIETY OF JAPAN 奥付
Studies in English literature 1991
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Table of ContentsCOVER STUDIES IN ENGLISH LITERATURE CONTENTS D. H. LAWRENCE'S FORGOTTEN DREAM : THE SIGNIFICANCE OF "A DREAM OF LIFE" IN HIS LATE WORKS OPERATOR-BINDING, IF PIED-PIPING AND THE SYNTAX OF WH-IN-SITU M. B. Rose (ed.), Renaissance Drama as Cultural History, Essays from Renaissance Drama 1977-1987, Northwestern U. P., 1990., viii+514pp. Margaret Anne Doody and Peter Sabor (eds.), Samuel Richardson, Tercentenary Essays, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989., xviii+306pp. Richard Holmes, Coleridge, Early Visions, London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1989., xvi+409pp. / Bradford Keyes Mudge, Sara Coleridge, A Victorian Daughter, Her Life and Essays, Hew Heaven, Yale University Press, 1989., xvii+287pp. Jerrold E. Hogle, Shelly's Process, Radical Transference and the Development of His Major Works, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1988., x+416pp. Valerie Eliot (ed.), The Letters of T. S. Eliot, Volume I, London, Faber and Faber, 1988., xxxi+639pp. / Lyndall Gordon, Eliot's New Life, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1988. x+356pp. John Paul Russo, I. A. Richards, His Life and Work, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1989., 864pp. Terry Eagleton, The Ideology of the Aesthetic, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1990., 432pp. Michiko Ogura, Verbs with the Reflexive Pronoun and Constructions with Self in Old and Early Middle English, Cambridge, Brewer, 1989., xiv+113pp. Julian N. Wasserman and Lois Roney (eds.), Sign, Sentence, and Discourse, Language in Medieval Thought and Literature, Syracuse University Press, 1989., xxi+318pp. / Laurie A. Finke and Martin B. Shichtman (eds.), Medieval Texts and Contemporary Readers, Cornell University Press, 1987., ix+264pp. Renaat Declerck, Studies on Copular Sentences, Clefts and Pseudo-clefts, Leuven, Leuven University Press, Dordrecht, Foris, 1988, vii+263pp. SYNOPSES OF THE ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN THE JAPANESE NUMBERS, 1990 INDEX: 1990-1991 THE ENGLISH LITERARY SOCIETY OF JAPAN 奥付
Studies in English literature 1990
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Table of ContentsCOVER STUDIES IN ENGLISH LITERATURE CONTENTS WRECKED IN UNKNOWN FATE : Othello's Loss and Recovery of Self THE STAPLE OF NEWS, KINGS AND KINGDOMS MANSFIELD PARK AND ENGLISH SOCIETY IN THE EARLY NINETEENTH CENTURY MAURICE AND THE LONGEST JOURNEY : A STUDY OF E. M. FORSTER'S DEVIATION FROM THE REPRESENTATION OF MALE HOMOSEXUALITY IN LITERATURE VIRGINIA WOOLF'S LETTERS CATHARINE MARIA SEDGWICK AND JAMES FENIMORE COOPER : INDIANS, LANDSCAPES, AND HISTORY THOREAU AS THE FIRST AMERICAN DHARMA BUM The Plays of George Chapman: The Tragedies with 'Sir Gyles Goosecappe': A Critical Edition, General Editor: Allan Holaday, Assisted by G. Blakemore Evans and Thomas L. Berger, Cambridge, D. S. Brewer, 1987, vi+802 pp. Thomas McFarland, Romantic Cruxes: The English Essayists and the Spirit of the Age, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1987, xiii+128 pp. Michael Holroyd, Bernard Shaw Volume I. 1856-1898 The Search for Love, London, Chatto & Windus, 1988, viii+486 pp. Kipling's Japan: Collected Writings, Edited by Hugh Cortazzi and George Webb, The Athlone Press Michael Edwards, Poetry and Possibility, Macmillan Press, 1988, pp. 192 / Helen Vendler, The Music of What Happens: Poems, Poets, Critics, Harvard University Press, 1988, pp. 473 B. J. Leggett, Wallace Stevens and Poetic Theory: Conceiving the Supreme Fiction, Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1987 Bruce Mitchell, On Old English, Selected Papers, Basil Blackwell, 1989, x+363 pp. Kinshiro Oshitari et al. (eds.), Philologia Anglica: Essays Presented to Professor Yoshio Terasawa on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, Tokyo, Kenkyusha, 1988, ix+508 pp. Robert Burchfield (ed.), Studies in Lexicography, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1987, xxi+200 pp. Barbara Lust (ed.), Studies in the Acquisition of Anaphora Volume I: Defining the Constraints (Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics), Dordrecht, D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1986, x+373 pp. Nina M. Hyams, Language Acquisition and the Theory of Parameters, D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1986, xiii+186 pp. Earl R. MacCormac, A Cognitive Theory of Metaphor, Cambridge, Massachusetts, The MIT Press, 1985, 254 pp. SYNOPSES OF THE ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN THE JAPANESE NUMBERS, 1989 INDEX:1989-90 THE ENGLISH LITERARY SOCIETY OF JAPAN 奥付
Studies in English literature 1989
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Table of ContentsCOVER STUDIES IN ENGLISH LITERATURE CONTENTS THE LABYRINTHIAN PATH : KEATS'S MELANCHOLY AND HIS 1820 VOLUME HALLUCINATION AND PLOTMAKING PRINCIPLE IN PINCHER MARTIN BY WILLIAM GOLDING LITERARY DIALECT IN CHAUCER, HARDY, AND ALAN GARNER Martin Dodsworth, Hamlet Closely Observed, London, The Athlone Press, 1985, x+316 pp. J. Hillis Miller, The Linguistic Moment: From Wordsworth to Stevens, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1985, xxii+445 pp. / Ashton Nichols, The Poetics of Epiphany: Nineteenth-Century Origins of the Modern Literary Moment, Tuscaloosa and London, University of Alabama Press, 1987, xiv+256 pp. Agnes McNeill Donohue, Hawthorne: Calvin's Ironic Stepchild, The Kent State University Press, 1985, 359 pp. A Linguistic Atlas of Late Mediaeval English, Edited by Angus McIntosh, M. L. Samuels, Michael Benskin and with the assistance of Margaret Laing and Keith Williamson, 4 vols., Aberdeen University Press, Aberdeen, 1986 David Caplan, Neurolinguistics and Linguistic Aphasiology: An Introduction (Cambridge Studies in Speech Science and Communication), Cambridge University Press, 1987, xii+498 pp. SYNOPSES OF THE ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN THE JAPANESE NUMBERS, 1988 ERRATA INDEX:1988-89 THE ENGLISH LITERARY SOCIETY OF JAPAN 奥付
Studies in English literature 1988
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER STUDIES IN ENGLISH LITERATURE CONTENTS TRADITIONAL STORIES CHANGING ATTITUDES TOWARD WOMEN OF ACTION IN ELIZABETHAN AND JACOBEAN DRAMA HARD TIMES:FORMS AND CONTENT : DICKENS, LEAVIS, AND ANOTHER TRADITION? A STUDY OF THE UNDER-PLOT IN E. M. FORSTER'S WHERE ANGELS FEAR TO TREAD BEYOND THE DIVISION OF EAST AND WEST : KAZUO ISHIGURO'S A PALE VIEW OF HILLS NE ONDR〓D PU AND NELLE PU ONDR〓DAN FOR NOLI TIMERE William Shakespeare, The Complete Works, General Editors: Stanley Wells and Gary Taylor, Editors: Stanley Wells, Gary Taylor, John Jowett, and William Montgomery; with Introductions by Stanley Wells, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1986, xlvii+1432 pp. Barbara Hardy, Forms of Feeling in Victorian Fiction, London, Methuen, 1986 (Originally published in 1985 by Peter Owen Ltd) Pauline Nestor, Female Friendships and Communities: Charlotte Bronte, George Eliot, Elizabeth Gaskell, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1985, 220 pp. Sharon O'Brien, Willa Cather: The Emerging Voice, New York, Oxford University Press, 1987, xvi+464 pp. Michiko Ogura, Old English 'Impersonal' Verbs and Expressions (Anglistica vol. XXIV), Copenhagen, Rosenkilde and Bagger, 1986, 310 pp. N. F. Blake, The Textual Tradition of the Canterbury Tales, London, Edward Arnold, 1985, xiii+222 pp. Carey McIntosh, Common and Courtly Language: The Stylistics of Social Class in 18th-Century English Literature, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1986, viii+167 pp. Peter Bosch, Agreement and Anaphora: A Study of the Role of Pronouns in Syntax and Discourse, New York, Academic Press, 1983, xiii+260 pp. / Marit Westergaard, Definite NP Anaphora: A Pragmatic Approach, Norway, Norwegian University Press, 1986, 118 pp. Timothy Shopen (ed.), Language Typology and Syntactic Description (Three volumes.), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1985, Volume I: pp. x, 399; Volume 2: pp. x, 317; Volume 3: pp. xii, 427 SYNOPSES OF THE ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN THE JAPANESE NUMBERS, 1987 ERRATA INDEX:1987-88 THE ENGLISH LITERARY SOCIETY OF JAPAN 奥付
Studies in English literature 1987
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER STUDIES IN ENGLISH LITERATURE CONTENTS POPE AS AUGUSTAN LETTER WRITER TWO POLITICAL IMPLICATIONS OF SHAW'S MAJOR BARBARA THE USE OF THE MILLENARIAN MYTH IN E. M. FORSTER'S HOWARDS END THE SUBMERGED SELF : THE DISPLACEMENT AND RETURN OF THE LYRIC SUBJECT IN T. S. ELIOT'S EARLY POEMS ON A DERIVATIVE CONSTRUCTION : THAT IS FOR YOU TO DECIDE Elizabeth Salter, Fourteenth-Century English Poetry: Contexts and Readings, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1983, viii+224 pp. Koji Oi, Furontia no Yukue: Seikimatsu Amerika no Kiki to Sozo (The Fate of the Frontier: Crisis and Imagination at the End of the Nineteenth Century), Tokyo, Kaibunsha, 1985, 244 pp. Jeffrey Meyers, Hemingway: A Biography, New York, Harper & Row, Publishers, 1985, 644 pp. Jacek Fisiak (ed.), Historical Syntax (Trends in linguistics. Studies and monographs 23.), Mouton, 1984, xii+636 pp. Gabriele Stein, The English Dictionary before Cawdrey (Lexicographica Series Maior 9.), Tubingen, Max Niemeyer, 1985, Pp. vii+444. Matsuji Tajima, The Syntactic Development of the Gerund in Middle English, Tokyo, Nan'un-do, 1985, xii+154 pp. Jennifer Coates, The Semantics of the Modal Auxiliaries, London, Croom Helm, Ltd, 1983, 259 pp. / Michael R. Perkins, Modal Expressions in English, Norwood, ABLEX Publishing Corporation, 1983, x+186 pp. Gerald Gazdar, Ewan Klein, Geoffrey K. Pullum, and Ivan A. Sag, Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1985, xii+276 pp. Ellen M. Kaisse, Connected Speech: The Interaction of Syntax and Phonology, Academic Press, 1985, viii+206 pp. SYNOPSES OF THE ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN THE JAPANESE NUMBERS, 1986 INDEX 1986-87 THE ENGLISH LITERARY SOCIETY OF JAPAN 奥付
Studies in English literature 1986
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCOVER STUDIES IN ENGLISH LITERATURE CONTENTS KATE CHOPIN'S THE AWAKENING : THE NARCISSISM OF EDNA PONTELLIER REPETITION IN THE OWL AND THE NIGHTINGALE ON WH-EVER CONCESSIVE CLAUSES Morton D. Paley, The Continuing City: William Blake's Jerusalem, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1983 Steve Ellis, Dante and English Poetry, Cambridge University Press, 1983, viii+280 pp. Thomas L. McHaney, ed., Faulkner Studies in Japan, Compiled by Kenzaburo Ohashi and Kiyoyuki Ono, Athens, Georgia, The University of Georgia Press, 1985, vii+214 pp. Richard Beadle, ed., The York Plays (York Medieval Texts, second series), London, Edward Arnold, 1982, 537 pp. Caxton's Malory, edited with an Introduction and Critical Apparatus by James W. Spisak, Based on Work Begun by the Late William Matthews, with a Dictionary of Names and Places by Bert Dillon, Berkeley and Los Angeles, California, University of California Press, 1983, 2 vols., viii+920 pp. Bruce Mitchell, Old English Syntax, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1985, 2 vols. cix+1900 pp. SYNOPSES OF THE ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN THE JAPANESE NUMBERS, 1985 ERRATUM INDEX:1985-86 THE ENGLISH LITERARY SOCIETY OF JAPAN 奥付

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Stud. Engl. lit
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