Deborah Hughes-Hallett [and 21 others], with the assistance of Otto K. Bretscher, Adrian Iovita, David E. Sloane, coordinated by Elliot J. Marks.Wiley[2019]<MA112-S1>
National Diet Library
- Author Heading (ID)01189594 01189595 01189596
Deborah Hughes-Hallett [and 19 others], with the assistance of Otto K. Bretscher, coordinated by Elliot J. Marks.John Wiley & Sons, Inc.[2019]<MA112-S2>
National Diet Library
- Author Heading (ID)01189594
デボラ・ヒューズ=ハレット, アンドリュー・M.グレアソン, ウィリアム・G.マッカラム ほか著, 永橋英郎 訳日本評論社2010.2<MA112-J67>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading (ID)01189594 01189595 01189596 01189607