by the Brothers Grimm, illustrated by POP, adapted by Michiyo Hayano, English translation by Camellia Nieh.Dark Horse2009.<Y18-B785>
National Diet Library
bytheBrothersGrimm ; illustratedbyLisbethZwerger ; translatedbyAntheaBella minedition book,2007.
Other Libraries in Japan
[fromthestorybytheBrothersGrimm] ; [fromthestorybytheBrothersGrimm] ; retoldbyLauraCowan ; illustratedbySaraGianassi ; Englishlanguageconsultant,PeterVineyUsborne Pub.2019
Other Libraries in Japan
[by the Brothers Grimm]TBSブリタニカ[1996.6]
Other Libraries in Japan
[fromthestorybytheBrothersGrimm] ; [fromthestorybytheBrothersGrimm] ; retoldbyMairiMackinnon ; illustratedbyDavideOrtu ; Englishlanguageconsultant,PeterVineyUsborne Pub.2017
Other Libraries in Japan
a classic tale by the Brothers Grimm ; adapted by Gill MuntonMacmillan Education2010
Other Libraries in Japan
by the Brothers Grimm, retold and illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman.Oxford University Press[1983]<Y17-D975>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Retold by Susanna Davidson, Based on a story by The Brothers Grimm, Illustrated by Mike GordonUSBORNE PUBLISHING2012.1
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingRetold by Susanna Davidson Based on a story by The Brothers Grimm Illustrated by Mike Gordon
written by the Brothers Grimm ; retold and illustrated by Rachel IsadoraPutnamc2008
Other Libraries in Japan
written by the Brothers Grimm ; retold and illustrated by Rachel IsadoraPutnamc2008
Other Libraries in Japan
written by the Brothers Grimm ; [retold and] illustrated by Rachel IsadoraPutnamc2007
Other Libraries in Japan
by the Brothers Grimm ; illustrations by Denise Marshall ; book design by Howard Kirk BessermanBell Pond Booksc2008
Other Libraries in Japan
by the Brothers Grimm ; adaptation by Francesc Bofill ; illustrated by JomaChronicle Books2006
Other Libraries in Japan
retold by Susanna Davidson, illustrated by Mike Gordon ; based on a story by the Brothers GrimmUsborne2007
Other Libraries in Japan
retold by Katie Daynes, from the story by the Brothers GrimmUsborne2004
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Headingretold by Katie Daynes from the story by the Brothers Grimm
Emma Helbrough ; from the story by The Brothers Grimm ; illustrated by Anna LuraschiUsborne2009
Other Libraries in Japan
[from the story by The Brothers Grimm] ; retold by Katie Daynes ; illustrated by Jan MacCaffertyUsborne2005
Other Libraries in Japan
retold by Lesley Sims [from the story by the Brothers Grimm] ; illustrated by Desideria GuicciardiniUsborne2005
Other Libraries in Japan
retold by Susanna Davidson ; illustrated by Mike and Carl Gordon ; based on the fairytale by the Brothers Grimm ; designed by Samantha Meredith[EDC Pub.]2008
Other Libraries in Japan
by the Brothers Grimm, translated by Charles Scribner, Jr., illustrated by Adrienne Adams.Charles Scribner's Sons[1975]<Y17-D1008>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan