堀田敬介, 久保田幸子 著創成社2013.10<Y94-L7119>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
久保田幸子 編ドメス出版2009.10<GK77-J50>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading久保田, 幸子, 1930-
レイモンド・F・ジョーンズ 著, 久保田幸子 訳角川書店1977.7<KS161-26>
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingJones, Raymond F, 1915- 久保田, 幸子
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牛島 国枝・久保田 幸子・細川 章・樋口 栄子昭和55年新郷土372p.20~29
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Volumes of this title角川文化振興財団1954-<Z13-655>
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Volumes of this title婦人労働研究会1975-1991<Z6-1051>
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Volumes of this title水甕社1914-<Z13-1033>
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Volumes of this title市川房枝記念会出版部1963-1999<Z6-97>
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Volumes of this title医学書院1946-2010<Z19-124>
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Volumes of this title立教大学学校・社会教育講座<Z21-67>
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Volumes of this title婦人少年協会 [編]婦人少年協会1953-1997<Z6-98>
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Volumes of this titleぎょうせい 編ぎょうせい1948-<Z2-29>
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Volumes of this title鉄道身障者福祉協会[1953]-2024<Z6-14>
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Volumes of this title医学書院[1967]-1988<Z19-508>
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Volumes of this title日本子どもを守る会 編福音館書店[1956]-<Z7-122>
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Volumes of this title博友社[1906]-1968<Z18-398>
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Volumes of this title満鐵社員會[1927]-[194-]<Z24-414>
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