吉澤, 善男, YOSHIZAWA, YOSHIOProc of 5th Intl. Symposium on CO2 Fixation and Efficient Utilization of Energy(C&E200)2002Proc of 5th Intl. Symposium on CO2 Fixation and Efficient Utilization of Energy(C&E200)p.65-
吉澤, 善男, YOSHIZAWA, YOSHIOProceedings of the International Conference on Energy Conversion and Application(ICECA2001)2001Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy Conversion and Application(ICECA2001)p.955-
吉澤, 善男, YOSHIZAWA, YOSHIOProc. of the 2nd International Heat Powered Cycle(HPC'01)2001Proc. of the 2nd International Heat Powered Cycle(HPC'01)IIp.373-
吉澤, 善男, YOSHIZAWA, YOSHIOProceedings of Symposium on Energy Engineering in the 21st Century(SEE2000), Hong Kong, Paper No. X82000Proceedings of Symposium on Energy Engineering in the 21st Century(SEE2000), Hong Kong, Paper No. X84p.1546-
吉澤, 善男, YOSHIZAWA, YOSHIOProceedings of the 4th Japan-Korea Seminar on Advanced Reactors2000Proceedings of the 4th Japan-Korea Seminar on Advanced Reactorsp.20-