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孔 徳懋/口述, 柯 蘭/筆記, 相川 勝衛/訳大修館書店1994
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- Author Heading孔‖徳懋 柯‖蘭 相川‖勝衛
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孔徳懋 口述, 柯蘭 筆記, 相川勝衛 訳大修館書店1989.9<GK17-E5>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
孔徳懋 口述, 和田武司 訳筑摩書房1986.11<GK326-30>
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
孔徳懋著 ; 杉山市平訳外文出版社1988
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Kong Demao and Ke Lan ; translated by Rosemary Roberts ; edited and with an introduction by Frances WoodCorgi1989, c1988
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by Kong Demao and Ke Lan ; [translated by Rosemary Roberts]New World Press1984
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- Note (General)"孔徳懋口述 柯兰整理"--Colophon