小島, 政和, KOJIMA, MASAKAZUMathematical Software, Arjeh M Cohen, Xiao-Shan Gao and Nobuki Takakayama, Editors, World Scientific, Singapore2002Mathematical Software, Arjeh M Cohen, Xiao-Shan Gao and Nobuki Takakayama, Editors, World Scientific, Singaporep.285-295
小島, 政和, KOJIMA, MASAKAZUMathematical Software, Arjeh M Cohen, Xiao-Shan Gao and Nobuki Takakayama, Editors, World Scientific, Singapore2002Mathematical Software, Arjeh M Cohen, Xiao-Shan Gao and Nobuki Takakayama, Editors, World Scientific, Singaporep.283-284
小島, 政和, KOJIMA, MASAKAZUApproximation and Complexity in Numerical Optimization: Continuous and Discrete Problems, P. M. Pardalos, Editor, Kluwer Academic Press2000Approximation and Complexity in Numerical Optimization: Continuous and Discrete Problems, P. M. Pardalos, Editor, Kluwer Academic Pressp.489-510
小島, 政和, KOJIMA, MASAKAZUApplications and Algorithms of Complementarity (M. C. Ferris, O. L. Mangasarian and J.-S. Pang, Editors), Kluwer Academic Publishers2000Applications and Algorithms of Complementarity (M. C. Ferris, O. L. Mangasarian and J.-S. Pang, Editors), Kluwer Academic Publishersp.317-340