芹澤, 成弘, 柴田, 章久, 高橋, 悟The Institute of Social and Economic Research, Osaka University2023-05Institute of Social and Economic Research Discussion Papers1208p.1-8
芹澤, 成弘, 柴田, 章久, 高橋, 悟The Institute of Social and Economic Research, Osaka University2022-05Institute of Social and Economic Research Discussion Papers1173p.1-8
芹澤, 成弘, 柴田, 章久, 高橋, 悟The Institute of Social and Economic Research, Osaka University2021-04Institute of Social and Economic Research Discussion Papers1129p.1-9
二神, 孝一, 神谷, 和也, 芹澤, 成弘, 柴田, 章久, 高橋, 悟The Institute of Social and Economic Research, Osaka University2020-04Institute of Social and Economic Research Discussion Papers1086p.1-8
二神, 孝一, 神谷, 和也, 芹澤, 成弘, 柴田, 章久, 高橋, 悟The Institute of Social and Economic Research, Osaka University2019-05Institute of Social and Economic Research Discussion Papers1057p.1-9
二神, 孝一, 神谷, 和也, 芹澤, 成弘, 柴田, 章久, 高橋, 悟The Institute of Social and Economic Research, Osaka University2018-05Institute of Social and Economic Research Discussion Papers1031p.1-10
二神, 孝一, 神谷, 和也, 芹澤, 成弘, 柴田, 章久The Institute of Social and Economic Research, Osaka University2016-06Institute of Social and Economic Research Discussion Papers974p.1-9
二神, 孝一, 神谷, 和也, 芹澤, 成弘, 柴田, 章久The Institute of Social and Economic Research, Osaka University2017-04Institute of Social and Economic Research Discussion Papers998p.1-9