若島健司, 東京工業大学 [著][若島健司]2001-2003<Y151-H13450285>
National Diet Library
- Author Heading若島, 健司 東京工業大学
若島, 健司, 東京工業大学1998-1999<Y151-H10450256>
National Diet Library
若島, 健司, 東京工業大学1996-1997<Y151-H08555161>
National Diet Library
若島, 健司, 東京工業大学1994-1995<Y151-H06452318>
National Diet Library
若島, 健司, 東京工業大学1988-1989<Y151-S63460200>
National Diet Library
若島, 健司, Wakashima, Kenji日本学術振興会先端材料技術第156委員会編,共立出版1997日本学術振興会先端材料技術第156委員会編,共立出版
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading若島, 健司 Wakashima, Kenji
若島, 健司, Wakashima, KenjiFunctionally Graded Materials 1996, Elsevier Science1997Functionally Graded Materials 1996, Elsevier Sciencep.131-136
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading若島, 健司 Wakashima, Kenji
若島, 健司, Wakashima, KenjiPolymeric Composites - Expanding the Limits (Proc. 18th Riso Int. Symp. on Mater. Sci.), Riso National Laboratory, Denmark1997Polymeric Composites - Expanding the Limits (Proc. 18th Riso Int. Symp. on Mater. Sci.), Riso National Laboratory, Denmarkp.367-372
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading若島, 健司 Wakashima, Kenji
若島, 健司, Wakashima, KenjiFunctionally Graded Materials 1996, Elsevier Science1997Functionally Graded Materials 1996, Elsevier Sciencep.123-130
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading若島, 健司 Wakashima, Kenji
若島, 健司, Wakashima, KenjiPolymeric Composites Expanding the Limits (Proc. 18th Riso Int. Symp. on Mater. Sci.), Riso National Laboratory, Denmark1997Polymeric Composites Expanding the Limits (Proc. 18th Riso Int. Symp. on Mater. Sci.), Riso National Laboratory, Denmarkp.359-366
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- Author Heading若島, 健司 Wakashima, Kenji
若島, 健司, Wakashima, KenjiProc. of International Sessiions of the 73rd JSME Spring Annual Meeting, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers1996Proc. of International Sessiions of the 73rd JSME Spring Annual Meeting, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineersp.132-135
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- Author Heading若島, 健司 Wakashima, Kenji
若島, 健司, Wakashima, KenjiProc. of the Johannes Weertman Symposium, TMS-AIME1996Proc. of the Johannes Weertman Symposium, TMS-AIMEp.401-407
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- Author Heading若島, 健司 Wakashima, Kenji
若島, 健司, Wakashima, KenjiComposites '95 - Recent Advances in Japan and the United States, Japan Society for Composite Materials1995Composites '95 - Recent Advances in Japan and the United States, Japan Society for Composite Materialsp.375-382
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- Author Heading若島, 健司 Wakashima, Kenji
若島, 健司, Wakashima, KenjiProc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Structural and Functional Gradient Materials (FGM '94), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland1994Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Structural and Functional Gradient Materials (FGM '94), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerlandp.453-458
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading若島, 健司 Wakashima, Kenji
若島, 健司, Wakashima, KenjiProc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Structural and Functional Gradient Materials (FGM '94), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland1994Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Structural and Functional Gradient Materials (FGM '94), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerlandp.279-284
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading若島, 健司 Wakashima, Kenji
若島, 健司, Wakashima, Kenji未踏科学技術協会傾斜機能材料研究会編, 工業査会1993未踏科学技術協会傾斜機能材料研究会編, 工業査会
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- Author Heading若島, 健司 Wakashima, Kenji
若島, 健司, Wakashima, KenjiCeramic Transactions, Vol. 34: Functionally Gradient Materials, The American Ceramic Society1993Ceramic Transactions, Vol. 34: Functionally Gradient Materials, The American Ceramic Societyp.67-74
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- Author Heading若島, 健司 Wakashima, Kenji
若島, 健司, Wakashima, KenjiProc. 7th Int. Symp. on Aspects of High Temperature Deformation and Fracture in Crystalline Materials (JIMIS-7), Japan Institute of Metals1993Proc. 7th Int. Symp. on Aspects of High Temperature Deformation and Fracture in Crystalline Materials (JIMIS-7), Japan Institute of Metalsp.675-682
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- Author Heading若島, 健司 Wakashima, Kenji
若島, 健司, Wakashima, KenjiProc. Int. Workshop on Functionally Gradient Materials, San Francisco, JISTEC1992Proc. Int. Workshop on Functionally Gradient Materials, San Francisco, JISTECp.25-38
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading若島, 健司 Wakashima, Kenji
若島, 健司, Wakashima, KenjiModelling of Plastic Deformation and Its Engineering Applications (Proc. 13th Riso Int. Symp. on Met. Mater. Sci.), Riso National Laboratory, Denmark1992Modelling of Plastic Deformation and Its Engineering Applications (Proc. 13th Riso Int. Symp. on Met. Mater. Sci.), Riso National Laboratory, Denmarkp.503-510
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading若島, 健司 Wakashima, Kenji