TetsuoMiura 著 ; AndrewDriver 訳Shinchosha2007
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingTetsuo, Miura Andrew, Driver
by Yasutaka Tsutsui, translated by Andrew DriverKurodahan Pressc2017<KH944-B17>
National Diet Library
YosinosukeMatsumoto 著 ; AndrewDriver 訳Japan Translation Center1999
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingYoshinosuke, Matsumoto Andrew, Driver
Yasutaka Tsutsui ; translated by Andrew DriverVintage Contemporaries2013
Other Libraries in Japan
Yasutaka Tsutsui ; translated from the Japanese by Andrew DriverVintage2010
Other Libraries in Japan
Yasutaka Tsutsui ; translated by Andrew DriverAlma Booksc2009
Other Libraries in Japan
by Mitsuru Ikeda, translated by Andrew DriverJapan Translation Centre1996<GB161-A5>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Yasutaka Tsutsui ; translated by Andrew DriverAlma2008
Other Libraries in Japan
by Tetsuo Miura ; translated by Andrew DriverShoemaker & Hoardc2007
Other Libraries in Japan
Yasutaka Tsutsui ; translated by Andrew DriverAlma Books2006
Other Libraries in Japan
Yasutaka Tsutsui ; translated from the Japanese by Andrew DriverPantheon Booksc2006
Other Libraries in Japan
Yoshinosuke Matsumoto, Andrew Driver/edThe Japan Translation Center,Ltd.1999
Other Libraries in Japan
by Yoshinosuke Matsumoto ; adapted and translated by Andrew DriverJapan Translation Centre1999
Other Libraries in Japan
Kan'ichi Kuroda ; [translated by Society for the Study of Marx's Thought ; suggestions on the English text by Andrew Driver]Kaihoh-sha2001
Other Libraries in Japan
[Kan'ichi Kuroda ; translated by Society for the Study of Marx's Thought ; suggestions on the English text by Andrew Driver]Kaihoh-sha2000
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by Kan'ichi Kuroda ; [translated by Society for the study of Marx's thought ; suggestions on the english text by Andrew Driver]Kaihoh-sha2000
Other Libraries in Japan