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Ediciones Siruelac2002.<Y8-B7454>
National Diet Library
リチャード&フローレンス・アトウォーター 著, 上田一生 訳大阪YWCA点字子ども図書室 (手製)1998
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RichardAtwater 著 ; FlorenceAtwater 著 ; RobertLawson 絵Scholastic1994.1
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Atwater, Richard 編, Atwater, Florence 編, Lawson, Robert 編Little Brown & Co2011年5月
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RichardandFlorenceAtwater ; illustratedbyRobertLawson ; editedandannotatedbyRurikoMasaki. ;Kenkyu^sha1988.10
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Little, Brown and Co.[1988], c1966.<Y8-A181>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
リチャード&フローレンス・アトウォーター 著, ロバート・ローソン 絵, 上田一生 訳文渓堂1996.8<Y9-2980>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
by Richard and Florence Atwater ; ed. & annotated by Ruriko MasakiKenkyusha1975
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by Richard and Florence Atwater ; illustrated by Robert LawsonLittle, Brown and Co.c1966
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Lawson, Robert 画,Atwater, Richard 著,Atwater, Florence 著Scholastic Book Services(Scholastic Magazines)1964
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- Author HeadingLawson, Robert Atwater, Richard Atwater, Florence
Procopius ; translated by Richard Atwater ; foreword by Arthur E.R. BoakUniversity of Michigan Press1963
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Wilde, George 画,Evans, Pauline Rush 編,Atwater, Richard 著,Atwater, Florence 著,Kipling, Rudyard 著,Nash, Ogden 著,Andersen, Hans Christian 著,Harris, Joel Chandler 著Prentice-Hall1957
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- Author Heading..., Pauline Rush Atwater, Richard Atwater, Florence Kipling, Ru...
白木茂, 渡辺茂男訳講談社1959.11
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Wilde, George 画,Evans, Pauline Rush 編,Atwater, Richard 著,Atwater, Florence 著,Kipling, Rudyard 著,Nash, Ogden 著,Andersen, Hans Christian 著,Harris, Joel Chandler 著Prentice-Hall1957
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading..., Pauline Rush Atwater, Richard Atwater, Florence Kipling, Ru...
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リチャード・アトウォーター夫妻 作, 光吉夏弥 訳, 若菜珪 画学習研究社1976.5<Y9-N04-H204>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Richard Atwater, Florence AtwaterLittle,Brown and Company1951 print./c1938
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Lawson, Robert 画,Atwater, Richard 著,Atwater, Florence 著Little, Brown, and Company1938
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingLawson, Robert Atwater, Richard Atwater, Florence
PaperDigital図書児童書障害者向け資料あり リチャード・アトウォーター, フローレンス・アトウォーター 作, 光吉夏弥 訳, 若菜珪 絵学習研究社昭和41<Y7-836>
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan