by Frances Hodgson Burnett[Independently published][2024]
Other Libraries in Japan
Gretchen Holbrook Gerzina, editor.The Library of America[2019]<KS179-B45>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
PaperDigital図書児童書障害者向け資料あり F.H.バーネット 作, 脇明子 訳教文館2024.3<Y9-N24-R57>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
F・H・バーネット 作, 谷口由美子 訳講談社2023.11<Y9-N23-M158>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
PaperDigital図書児童書障害者向け資料あり バーネット [著], 羽田詩津子 訳KADOKAWA2021.6<KS179-M1154>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Frances Hodgson Burnett ; illustrations by Margery GillPenguin Books2019
Other Libraries in Japan
Frances Hodgson Burnett ; with an introduction by Jack NeelyBlount County Friends of the Libraryc2019
Other Libraries in Japan
by Frances Hodgson Burnett ; illustrated by Charles RobinsonSeaWolf Pressc2019
Other Libraries in Japan
Frances Hodgson Burnett ; Gretchen Holbrook Gerzina, editorLibrary of Americac2019
Other Libraries in Japan
PaperDigital図書児童書障害者向け資料あり バーネット [著], 羽田詩津子 訳KADOKAWA2021.1<KS179-M1007>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
バーネット 著, 土屋京子 訳光文社2021.4<KS179-M1153>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
バーネット 著, 土屋京子 訳光文社2021.3<KS179-M1012>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Frances Hodgson Burnett ; retold by C.S. Woolley ; illustrations by Olga Anatolyevna GavrilovaFoxton Books2019.
Other Libraries in Japan
Frances Hodgson Burnett ; retold by C.S. Woolley ; interior and cover illustrations by Liubov BodnarskaFoxton Books2019.
Other Libraries in Japan
Frances Hodgson Burnett ; with an afterword by Anna SouthMacmillan Collector's Library2017
Other Libraries in Japan
Frances Hodgson BurnettOxford University Press2014
Other Libraries in Japan
Frances Hodgson Burnett ; Adaptation and activities by Gina D.B. Clemen ; Illustrated by Chiara FedeleBlack Catc2017
Other Libraries in Japan
PaperDigital図書児童書障害者向け資料あり フランシス・ホジソン・バーネット [著], 川端康成 訳新潮社2020.7<KS179-M687>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
by Frances Hodgson Burnett ; illustrations by Arianna Vairo ; retold and activities by Silvana SardiELI2016.
Other Libraries in Japan
PaperRecording Media図書児童書障害者向け資料あり フランシス・ホジソン・バーネット 作, 尾﨑愛子 訳, 平澤朋子 絵徳間書店2021.10<Y9-N21-M154>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan