Sol Chaneles, Cathleen Burnett, editorsHaworth Pressc1989
Other Libraries in Japan
Sol ChanelesArco Pub. Co.c1977
Other Libraries in Japan
bySolChanelesAlbertWolskyOctopus Booksc1974
Other Libraries in Japan
[edited] by Sol Chaneles and Albert WolskyDerbibooksc1974
Other Libraries in Japan
by Sol Chaneles and Albert WolskyOctopus Books1974
Other Libraries in Japan
by Sol Chaneles & Jerome SnyderGrossman Publishers1972
Other Libraries in Japan
Snyder, Jerome 画,Chaneles, Sol 著Parents’ Magazine Press1970
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSnyder, Jerome Chaneles, Sol
written by Sol Chaneles ; illustrated by Jerome SnyderParents' Magazine Pressc1970
Other Libraries in Japan