DickDudley 〔著・構成〕 ; CarolWynne 〔画〕学習研究社1987.12
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- Author HeadingDick, Dudley Carol, Wynne
concept and paper-engineering by Dick Dudley ; illustrations by Robert CreminsAurum Books for Children1990
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Dick Dudley [著・構成], Carol Wynne [画]学習研究社1987
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Peter Seymour [著], Dick Dudley [構成], Carol Wynne [画]学習研究社1987
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illustrations de Kinuko Craft ; conçu et écrit par Joan Knight ; animation, Dick Dudley et David A. Carter ; traduction, Isabelle Le ChevallierEditions G.P.c1987
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BeatrixPotter ; designedbyDickDudley ; assistantillus.byColinTwinn ; paperengineeringbyKeithMoseleyWarnec1983
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- Author HeadingBeatrix, Potter designed, by, Dick, Dudley assistant, illus., by, Colin,...
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- ContributorArnold Lobel ; [designed by Dick Dudley ; paper engineering by Dick Dudley and Roger Smith].
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- Contributor... ; designed by Dick Dudley ; paper engineering by James ...