GeorgeEarlFreeland by ; JamesTruslowAdams edby ; Freeland,GeorgeEarl ; Adams,JamesTruslowScribner1949
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- Author HeadingGeorge, Earl, Freeland James, Truslow, Adams Freelan...
George Earl Freeland, Edward Everett Walker and Helen Esther WilliamsCharles Scribner's Sonsc1947
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George Earl Freeland ; and contributing editor, James Truslow AdamsC. Schribnerc1946
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George Earl Freeland and contributing editor James Truslow AdamsC. Schribnerc1945
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George Earl Freeland ; and contributing editor, James Truslow AdamsC. Schribnerc1940
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George Earl Freeland, Alma Leta Moore, Elmer H. StaffelbachC. Scribner's sonsc1939
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George Earl Freeland ; contributing editor, James Truslow AdamsCalifornia State Department of Education1936
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George Earl Freeland ; and contributing editor, James Truslow AdamsC. Schribnerc1938
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George Earl Freeland, Edward Everett Walker and Helen Esther WilliamsCharles Scribner's Sonsc1937
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[by] George Earl Freeland ; contributing editor, James Truslow AdamsScribnerc1936
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George Earl Freeland ; and contributing editor, James Truslow AdamsC. Schribner1936
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George Earl Freeland ; and contributing editor, James Truslow AdamsCalifornia Sate Printing Office1936
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George Earl Freeland ; and contributing editor, James Truslow AdamsCalifornia State Department of Education1936
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by George Earl Freeland, Roxana Morton Adams, and Katharine Hedges HallHoughton Mifflinc1927
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