ブリジット・ギブス 著, 田淵義雄 訳佑学社1979.7<Y12-723>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
David Watkins and Meike Dalal ; illustrated by Jonathan Langley and Malcolm English ; designed by Sally Burrough ; edited by Bridget GibbsUsborne1987
Other Libraries in Japan
written by Su Swallow ; edited by Bridget Gibbs and Helen Gilks ; designed by Sally Burrough and Niki Overy ; llustrated by John Barber ... [et al.]Usbornec1985
Other Libraries in Japan
Gibbs, Bridget 編,Mansfield, Felicity 編Usborne Pocketbooks(Usborne Publishing)1980
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingGibbs, Bridget Mansfield, Felicity
Hersey, Bob 画,Thomson, Ruth 編,Gibbs, Bridget 編,Norman, David 著Usborne Publishing1980
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingHersey, Bob Thomson, Ruth Gibbs, Bridget Norman, David