IanCastello-Cortes edal ; Castello-Cortes,Ian ; Castello-Cortes,IanDorling Kindersley1996
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingIan, Castello-Cortes Castello-Cortes,Ian
IanCastello-Cortes edHenry Holt1992,c1991
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingIan, Castello-Cortes
Ian Castello-Cortes [ほか]編, オフィス宮崎 [ほか]訳同朋舎出版1995.4<DT21-E11>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
[managing editor: Ian Castello-Cortes]Dorling Kindersley1996
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[managing editor: Ian Castello-Cortes]Dorling Kindersley1994
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editor, Ian Castello-Cortes ; world comparisons and world encyclopedia maps and graphics by Lovell JohnsHenry Holt1992, c1991
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[managing editor, Ian Castello-Cortes] ; オフィス宮崎, 山川さら, 三逵真智子翻訳同朋舎出版1995.4
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