Katharine HepburnPenguin1992
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KatharineHepburn byAlfred A.Knopf1991
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- Subject HeadingKatharine Hepburn
- Author HeadingKatharine, Hepburn
Katharine HepburnArrow Books1987
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by Katharine HepburnBallantine Books1996, c1991
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by Katharine HepburnBallantine Books1992
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by Katharine HepburnRandom House Large Print1992
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by Katharine HepburnKnopf : Distributed by Random House1991
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by Katharine HepburnNew American Library1988
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by Katharine HepburnKnopf : Distributed by Random House1987
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by Stephen M. Silverman ; introduction by Katharine HepburnA. Deutsch1989
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by Stephen M. Silverman ; introduction by Katharine HepburnHarry N. Abrams1989
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text Terence Pepper and John Kobal ; foreword by Katharine HepburnSimon and Schusterc1989
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Terence Pepper & John Kobal ; foreword by Katharine HepburnNational Portrait Gallery[1989]
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Hal Wallis and Charles Higham ; with a foreword by Katharine HepburnMacmillanc1980
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