OSBOURNE McCONATHYSilver Burdett Company1951
Available onlineOther Libraries in Japan
OsbourneMcConathy edal ; McConathy,OsbourneSilver Burdett1944
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingOsbourne, McConathy McConathy,, Osbourne
by Osbourne McConathy ... [et al.]Silver Burdettc1951
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by Osbourne McConathy ... [et al.]Silver Burdettc1951
Other Libraries in Japan
OsbourneMcConathy edby ; RussellV.Morgan edby ; GeorgeL.Lindsay edby ; AlfredHowell. edby ; GeorgeL.Lindsay edby ; AlfredHowell. edby ; McConathy,Osbourne, ; Morgan,RussellVanDyke, ; Lindsay,GeorgeLeRoy, ; Howell,Alfred.Silver Burdett company1941
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingOsbourne, McConathy Russell, V., Morgan George, L...
by Osbourne McConathy ... [et al.]Silver Burdett1944
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OsbourneMcConathy edby ; JohnW.Beattie edby ; RussellV.Morgan. edby ; RussellV.Morgan. edby ; McConathy,Osbourne, ; Beattie,JohnWalter, ; Morgan,RussellVanDyke,Silver, Burdett and Company1932
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingOsbourne, McConathy John, W., Beattie Russell, V....
edited by Osbourne McConathy, Russell V. Morgan, George L. Lindsay ; Alfred Howell, art editorSilver Burdettc1941
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[by] John W. Beattie ... Osbourne McConathy ... [and] Russell V. MorganSilver, Burdett[c1938]
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by Osbourne McConathyG.P.O.1931
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ed. by Osbourne McConathy, John W. Beattie, Russell V. MorganSilver Burdettc1936
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by Osbourne McConathy, John W. Beattie, Russell V. MorganSilver Burdettc1932
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by Osbourne McConathy ... [et al.] ; illustrated by Shirley KiteCalifornia State Dept. of Education1931
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edited by Osbourne McConathy, John W. Beattie, Russell V. MorganSilver Burdettc1932
Other Libraries in Japan
by Osbourne McConathy ... [et al.]Silver, Burdettc1927
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edited by Osbourne McConathyC.C. Birchard1925, c1909
Other Libraries in Japan
Osbourne McConathyby, Shirley KiteIlluss. bySilver, Burdett1928.0
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingOsbourne McConathy/by Shirley Kite/Illuss. by
[by] John W. Beattie, Osbourne McConathy, Russell V. MorganSilver Burdett[c1930]
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by Osbourne McConathy ... [et al.] ; illustrated by Shirley KiteSilver, Burdett and Co.c1927-
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by Osbourne McConathy, W. Otto Miessner, Edward Bailey Birge, Mabel E. Bray ; in collaboration with these authorities on rural education Fannie W. Dunn, Frank A. Beach, Josephine MurraySilver Burdett Companyc1937
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