by Tôichi Yoshioka, photographed by Shôkei Hirota, translated by Hakuyu Maezumi, Peter Gregory, Don KennyHoikusha Publishing1997<HM171-B116>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
byToichiYoshioka ; TranslatedbyDonKenny ; PhotographedbyShokeiHirota ; TranslatedbyHakuyuMaezumi ; PeterGregoryHoikusha publishing1982
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author, Don, Kenny Photographed, by, Shokei, Hirota Translated, by, Hakuyu, Maezu...
by Tôichi Yoshioka ; photographed by Shôkei Hirota ; translated by Hakuyu Maezumi, Peter Gregory and Don KennyHoikusha1992
Other Libraries in Japan
by Tôichi Yoshioka ; translated by Hakuyu Maezumi, Peter Gregory, and Don Kenny ; photographed by Shôkei HirotaHoikusha1978
Other Libraries in Japan