editor, Jack Lahui ; consultant editor, Jim Robins ; chief editor, Jacob SimetNational Research Institute1989-
Other Libraries in Japan
[writer, Sue Hurley and Pauline Doonar ; design and illustration, Kuldip Singh ; project editor, Jim Robins]Dept. of Education, Papua New Guinea1987
Other Libraries in Japan
[writer, Sue Hurley ; design and illustration, Rod Lewis and Jon Kombeng ; project editor, Jim Robins]Dept. of Education, Papua New Guinea1987
Other Libraries in Japan
Robins, Jim 画,Findlay, Michael 著Macdonald1980
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingRobins, Jim Findlay, Michael
Robins, Jim 画,Sauvain, Philip 著Franklin Watts1976
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingRobins, Jim Sauvain, Philip