by Ernest L. Thayer, illustrated by C.F. PayneSimon & Schuster Books for Young Readers2003
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Headingby Ernest L. Thayer illustrated by C.F. Payne Thayer Ernest Lawrence Payne C.F.
KCP Poetryc2006.<Y17-B8980>
National Diet Library
reportedbyErnestL.Thayer ; illustratedbyChristopherBing.Handprint Books2000
Other Libraries in Japan
copiously and faithfully illustrated by Christopher BingHandprint Books[2000]
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byErnestLawrenceThayer ; copiouslyandfaithfullyillustratedbyChristopherBingChronicle Books2000
Other Libraries in Japan
copiously and faithfully illustrated by Christopher Bing.Handprint Books[2000]<Y17-B15439>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Hull, Jim 画,Thayer, Ernest Lawrence 著,Gardner, Martin 著Dover Publication1977
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingHull, Jim Thayer, Ernest Lawrence Gardner, Martin
by Ernest Lawrence Thayer ; illustrated by Wallace TrippCoward, McCann & Geogheganc1978
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Miller, Olive Beaupr? 編,La Fontaine, Mowat, Farley 著,Poe, Edgar Allan 著,Thayer, Ernest Lawrence 著,Wilson, James 著,Southey, Robert 著,Shelley, Percy Bysshe 著The Book House for Children1971
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- Author Heading...e, Edgar Allan Thayer, Ernest Lawrence Wilson, James Southey, Robert...