edited by Susan Chitty and Anne Parry ; illustrated by John Verney and Michael CharltonPenguin[1975]
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Verney, John 画,Webb, Kaye 編,Avery, Gillian 著Penguin Books1970
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- Author HeadingVerney, John Webb, Kaye Avery, Gillian
by John Verney ; illustrated by the authorMayflower1970
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by Gillian Avery ; with drawings by John VerneyPenguin1970
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Verney, John 画,Buckeridge, Anthony 著Penguin Books1967
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- Author HeadingVerney, John Buckeridge, Anthony
Verney, John 画,Verney, John 著Puffin Books (Penguin Books)1962
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- Author HeadingVerney, John
edited and with an introduction by Gillian Avery ; with illustrations by John VerneyF. Wattsc1965
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John VerneyCollinsc1963
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John Verney ; illustrated by the authorPenguin Books1962
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John VerneyCollins1961
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John VerneyCollins1959
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John VerneyPenguin Books1958
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John VerneyCollins1955
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