written by William Roper, Esquire, whiche maried Margreat, daughter of the sayed Thomas Moore ; and now edited from thirteen manuscripts, with collations, etc., by Elsie Vaughan HitchcockKraus Reprint1978
written by William Roper, Esquire ; and now edited from thirteen manuscripts, with collations, etc., by Eslie Vaughan HitchcockPublished for the Early English Text Society by the Oxford University Press1935
written by Sir Thomas More in Latin ; and translated by RalphRobynson ; to which are added the life of the author by his son-in-law William Roper, and some of his lettersScott-Thaw C.1903
written by Sir Thomas More in Latin ; and translated by Ralph Robynson ; to which are added the life of the author by his son-in-law, William Roper, and some of his lettersPrinted at the Chiswick Press for George Bell1903
the English translation thereof made by Raphe Robynson , printed from the second edition 1556 ; to which is affixed The life of Sir Thos. More, written by his son-in-law, William Roper, reprinted from Hearne's edition 1716 ; edited, with introduction, notes, glossary and index of names by J. Rawson LumbyCambridge University Press1886
Sir Thomas More ; translated by Raphe Robynson ; together with the life of Sir Thomas More, by his son-in-law, William Roper, reprinted from Hearne's edition 1716 ; edited, with introduction, notes, glossary and index of names, by J. Rawson LumbyAt the University Press1879
Sir Thomas More ; the English translation thereof made by Raphe Robynson, (sometime fellow of corpus Christi college, Oxford), printed from the second edition 1556. ; to which is prefixed the life of Sir Thos. More ; written by his son-in-law, William Roper, reprinted from Hearne's edition 1716 ; edited, with introduction, notes, glossary and index of names, by J. Rawson LumbyAt the University Press1880